KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 29 — Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has now claimed that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is no longer the party’s chairman.
While Dr Mahathir had resigned from his position on Monday the party had rejected his resignation and convinced him to stay on, to which he agreed.
In an official announcement Bersatu secretary-general Datuk Marzuki Yahya said Dr Mahathir would remain as Bersatu chairperson.
However, Muhyiddin in a statement today ignored this fact and has now announced himself as the acting chairman.
He attributed his new role as being in accordance with Article 1.6.9 of the party’s constitution.
“According to Article 16.9 of Bersatu’s constitution, if the chairman quits or is sacked, then the president has to assume the role until an election is held to pick a new chairman.
“Bersatu has yet to hold an election to elect a new chairman. Therefore I, as the president, will be the acting chairman of Bersatu until an election is held soon,” Muhyiddin said.
His statement now contradicts that of the party’s secretary-general who had confirmed that Dr Mahathir has been reinstated as Bersatu chairman.
“After discussing today and considered by Tun, he has agreed to return as the chairman of Bersatu effective immediately,” Datuk Marzuki Yahya had said then.
He also added that the party’s Supreme Council had rejected Dr Mahathir’s resignation.
However, a source privy to Bersatu’s party developments said that Dr Mahathir cannot be helmed back as chairman, not even by its Supreme Council, claiming that the Council does not have the power to reinstate.
“Can’t use this because Article 16.9 of the party constitution does not allow that,” he said when asked to justify Marzuki’s previous statement.
Created by savemalaysia | Dec 31, 2024
Created by savemalaysia | Dec 31, 2024
Created by savemalaysia | Dec 31, 2024
Created by savemalaysia | Dec 31, 2024
I think to be fair bersatu should be handed back to muhiddin loh..!!
This bcos mahathir has been jumping here & there everyday mah..!!
Muhiddin has been consistent loh....!!
2020-02-29 14:16
Mahathir terus telan PH. PH so desperate and they willing to use Mahathir again. But so sad to Anwar. Anwar can retire now. Mahathir can simply say to PH appoint my son as DPM. Finally Mahathir wish come true and bo boy become the next PM. Anwar PM tepi jer la. hahahahaha.
2020-02-29 14:17
Put it this way mahathir use PH or PH use mahathir or both use each other leh ??
Ans; Both use each other mah...!!
I thought this fellow izoklse very happy when muhiddin, umno & pas going to sapu n form the govt yesterday mah...!!
Today izok very sad for anwar woh ????
Posted by izoklse > Feb 29, 2020 2:17 PM | Report Abuse
Mahathir terus telan PH. PH so desperate and they willing to use Mahathir again. But so sad to Anwar. Anwar can retire now. Mahathir can simply say to PH appoint my son as DPM. Finally Mahathir wish come true and bo boy become the next PM. Anwar PM tepi jer la. hahahahaha
2020-02-29 14:20
Mahathir will never surrender one. He will do whatever he want to become PM again for his legacy and Bo Boy ma.
2020-02-29 14:21
Everybody is doing that mah....just that the east msian boss trust mahathir more mah....!!
Posted by izoklse > Feb 29, 2020 2:21 PM | Report Abuse
Mahathir will never surrender one. He will do whatever he want to become PM again for his legacy and Bo Boy ma.
2020-02-29 14:23
yesterday declare himself as pm, today declare himself as chairman...haha...
2020-02-29 14:13