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Today's Change

+0.02 (4.65%)

Day's Change

0.43 - 0.465

Trading Volume



Market Cap

75 Million


166 Million

Avg Volume (4 weeks)


4 Weeks Range

0.415 - 0.515

4 Weeks Price Volatility (%)


52 Weeks Range

0.415 - 1.65

52 Weeks Price Volatility (%)


Previous Close





0.445 x 12,400


0.45 x 23,100

Day's Range

0.43 - 0.465

Trading Volume


Financial Highlight

Latest Quarter | Ann. Date

30-Sep-2024 | 28-Nov-2024

Next QR | Est. Ann. Date

31-Dec-2024 | 21-Feb-2025

T4Q P/E | EY

-3.85 | -25.95%

T4Q DY | Payout %

0.00% | 0.00%


2.91 | 0.15

T4Q NP Margin | ROE

-20.40% | -4.02%

Market Buzz
Company Profile



Subsector: CHEMICALS

Subsector: CHEMICALS


Toyo Ventures Holdings Bhd is a Malaysia based investment holding company engaged in manufacturing business, and operation of power plant business. The group's two business segments are Manufacturing segment, which contributes majorly to the revenue of the company, and Trading an investment holding segment. Manufacturing segment includes manufacturing of printing ink, colour pigment, colourants for plastic, EDM cut-wire and graphic art, CNC machining of graphite and copper EDM electrodes, files, and chemicals. The company is also into production of electrical discharge machining tools, graphite materials and 3D profile metal components, through its subsidiaries. The group operates in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam of which revenue from Malaysia serves as the key revenue driver for the company.

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BAD CNY for investors who had been influenced to buy above RM1 and 0.70. anyway good news is you will be told good news will be coming CNY, and then before Raya just like good news were expected before September , October, November and Christmas last year! haha. Still waiting for price surge not good news!

1 month ago


I have missed an announcement on 06 Jan:
TVHB has issued a Notice of Dispute ("Notice") to MOIT. Pursuant to the BOT Contract, the parties are required to engage in good faith discussions for a period of forty-five (45) days or such longer period as may be agreed in writing. We have nominated our representative to facilitate and follow up to schedule the discussions. If we fail to gain satisfactory outcome pursuant to the said Notice, we will then exercise all legal remedies available to us under the law.

I believe the revival of the Thermal plant should be soon as this is merely an avenue or excuse for the Vietnam side to save face and allowed them to reverse their decision to terminate the contract during then. Therefore we should see some positive response in 45 days. Otherwise Toyo should have raised the subject since July last year and not wait till now then to issue Notice of Dispute.

3 weeks ago


If the converted loan stocks to shares at RM1.20 are accepted by the shareholders, the current stock price at RM 0.495 is considered very cheap. Seem like the Notice of Dispute that issued to MOIT is going to yield some good results. Otherwise, no one is so unwise to agree the price at 2.5x its current share price. Get ready to hear some positive feedback from Vietnam government.

3 weeks ago


It may be also possible that an acquisition is going to happen and buy over all these shares at an even higher price from these shareholders. Otherwise, it makes no sense to accept the shares at such high price value.

3 weeks ago


It may also be possible that not a single one of your predictions has come true, and you haven’t the faintest clue about the company’s situation at all.

3 weeks ago


I strongly believed that the thermal plant will be revived. Otherwise, it does not make sense to issue the Notice of Dispute after 6 months later. There must be some kind of consensus agreed from the Vietnam side to continue with the project. Toyo is confident that the project will be alive now so therefore the NOD is meant for the Vietnam government to reverse their earlier decision for the termination of the project. Sit tight to prepare for the rocket jump soon!

3 weeks ago


Latest news dated 16 Jan 2025:
The Board of Directors of the Company wishes to inform that Song Hau 2 Power Company Limited (“SH2P”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Toyo Ink Group Berhad ("TIGB"), which in turn is a wholly-owned subsidiary of TVHB, has today received a letter from MOIT, dated 14 January 2025, to inform that the Initial Security Deposit ("ISD") amount has been received in the USD account of the Department of Electricity and Renewable Energy - Ministry of Industry and Trade. The ISD is intended to secure the BOT Company's obligation to achieve the Financial Closing Date by the Required Financial Closing Date. TIGB and SH2P have notified MOIT of a dispute between the Parties and requested MOIT to place the amount of the ISD in a segregated account held by MOIT while the resolution of the dispute between parties is pending pursuant to the BOT Contract.

The Company remains committed to engaging in good faith and without prejudice discussions regarding the Notice of Dispute with MOIT and will provide updates on any material developments in due course.

3 weeks ago


With the latest news that shared, the project is 99% chance going to revive as the ISD has been accepted. The rest is just procedural work and documentation.

3 weeks ago


stock chaser, do u know what u r writing about? when MOIT calls on the ISD, it means game over. the ISD is a security deposit to guarantee the success of the project.

2 weeks ago


assaulted peanut, u r absolutely correct. this stock chaser trying to clear his stocks. sell for goodness sake. this company is going into PN17. they delayed the accounts to avoid writing off this investments. the dispute is filed to try to show there's still some hope. unlikely the auditors will buy it. bye2. PN 17 coming

2 weeks ago


Pizzapizza, please read carefully: "Initial Security Deposit ("ISD") amount has been received in the USD account of the Department of Electricity and Renewable Energy - Ministry of Industry and Trade."
Don't you think this already assure the project is still on?

2 weeks ago


stock chaser. the department do not call on yr security deposit unless the agreement is terminated. toyo worded it ambiguously. same like a tenancy agreement, the landlord will not forfeit yr deposit unless the tenancy is terminated. Toyo management is screwed up. always issue announcements that no-one understands to hide the truth. just cut loss and sell.

2 weeks ago


Pizzapizza, the ISD was only received on 14 Jan 2025. There must be some form of arrangement agreed upon by both parties. Otherwise, who will transfer money to someone account if the project is not going to happen. Think ahead on the move. I am pretty sure the end results are heading to revival of project in coming days. Let's see who is right in a month time. Furthermore, how much could I lose if the outcome turns negative? I could likely lose another 10 cents may be. However, the potential to gain more than a dollar to two if the news is positive. Lose peanuts or gain a big fortune, You choose it yourself.

2 weeks ago


stock chaser, toyo put the ISD 2 years ago as a form of deposit with a BG. after termination MOIT is entitled to the ISD, which is why they called on the BG.USD33.5mil. now this BG is forfeited but toyo is clinging on by filing a dispute notice. the financing is also not in place.

2 weeks ago


stock chaser, read the last sentence of the announcement posted by u.

2 weeks ago


I see this series of moves were strategized carefully. After six months --> 33 millions shares converted from loan stocks --> released news of Notice of Dispute --> MOIT confirmed received of ISD --> ?? MOIT reverse the stand on the termination.
I could imagine that there must be some assurance to the Shareholders that the accepted shares with value of $1.20 may cost more in the future. Likely hood of a possible revival of the thermal project or an acquisition is likely to buy up the shares at higher than $1.20. Otherwise, it is an unwise position to take up the 33mil shares without making any fuss with such huge amount. It is very absurd and abnormal. Don't you agree?

2 weeks ago


The management has not provided any updates related to the thermal project until 6 months later and suddenly you see a series of moves triggered. My bet is on BUY call to profit on the massive gain in a month time.

2 weeks ago


the shareholder had no choice but to accept the ICULs. u have a lot of imagination . unfortunately the MD is not as smart as u.

2 weeks ago


come March this will b penny stock.

2 weeks ago


even if MOIT reverses the decision, there's no more financing, banks not financing this project anymore. the main reason is the weak management team.

2 weeks ago


My divination has predicted that the stock is going to yield great returns in near future. I trusted my instinct.

2 weeks ago


Furthermore there wasn't any confirmation that banks have withdrawn the financing.

2 weeks ago


THERE IS NO FINANCING AT ALL!!! have u seen any financing?

2 weeks ago


Believe me. You are going to gain within a short period of times.

2 weeks ago


u have been peddling this for quite some time. next week will get worse

2 weeks ago


This is the analysis from Chatgpt based on the announcement of the latest news dated 16 Jan 2025.

Potential Stock Market Reactions:
Short-Term Volatility: The acknowledgment of a dispute with MOIT may introduce uncertainty, leading to increased volatility in TVHB's stock price. Investors often react cautiously to news of legal or contractual disagreements, especially in large-scale international projects.

Investor Caution: Market participants might adopt a wait-and-see approach, potentially leading to reduced trading volumes or a temporary decline in stock price until more clarity is provided regarding the dispute's resolution.

Long-Term Outlook: The successful receipt of the ISD demonstrates progress in the project's financial commitments. If TVHB effectively resolves the dispute with MOIT, it could reinforce investor confidence, potentially leading to stock price stabilization or appreciation over the long term.

2 weeks ago


I am not worried of lower share price. I will take this opportunity to accumulate more.

2 weeks ago


We refer to Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad’s queries dated 17 January 2025 in relation to
the above matter. We are pleased to furnish the additional information as below:
1. The date that the Initial Security Deposit (“ISD”) was paid to the Ministry of Industry
and Trade of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (“MOIT”).
6 January 2025.
2. It is noted that pursuant to the BOT Contract, the parties are required to engage in
good faith discussions for a period of forty-five (45) days or such longer period as
may be agreed in writing.
Please state the effective date of the 45-days period.
The effective date is pending as we have not yet received acknowledgment of the dispute
notice from MOIT. According to the BOT Contract, the countdown should commence from
the date of receipt of the notice by either party (MOIT, the Sponsor (“TIGB”), BOT
Company (“SH2P”) or any of them).
3. Pending the resolution of the dispute between the parties on the termination of the
BOT Contract, to state whether the ISD has been forfeited pursuant to the terms
and conditions of the BOT Contract.
All parties have yet to engage in mutual discussions as required under the BOT contract.
The matter is still under negotiation and is certainly not definitively forfeited.

2 weeks ago


Pizzapizza, ISD was paid only on 06 Jan 2025. Therefore your assumption of forfeiture is definitely invalid and inappropriate. The management will not be so unwise to give away money if the project is not secured.

2 weeks ago


The news for the thermal project revival will be disclosed in a month time. Ready for share price rally from tomorrow onwards!

2 weeks ago


Another BS trap? The same old recycled news of project revival when price dropped from around 1.50 to present 0.44.

2 weeks ago


As long as its financial is not good, don't expect price to go up but down.
Revenue | NP to SH
94,979.000 | -19,375.000
57.25 Cent | 0.79
EPS | P/E | EY
-11.68 Cent | -3.85 | -25.95%
DPS | DY | Payout %
0.00 Cent | 0.00% | 0.00%
2.91 | 0.15
QoQ | YoY
-40.92% | -2226.78%
NP Margin | ROE
-20.40% | -4.02%
F.Y. | Ann. Date
30-Sep-2024 | 28-Nov-2024

2 weeks ago


Stock chaser, read between the lines. NO new ISD money was paid! The ISD was the BG given when the BOT was signed. toyo filed the Dispute to avoid the forfeit of the ISD.

2 weeks ago


the first announcement was deliberately blurred so that it confuse the investors, even SC can't understand.

2 weeks ago


If MOIT accepted the ISD, why the need to file DISPUTE? simple as that.

2 weeks ago


This is just a procedural run to reverse the previous decision by MOIT. Otherwise, how to account for the previous statement of BOT contract ended. The dispute is basically a chance for the MOIT to overturn the previous decision.

2 weeks ago


Yongyong88, no one is buying based on current business performance. People are buying on future growth and potential. Wake up!

2 weeks ago


how did you get so much inside information Stockchaser?

2 weeks ago


If I tell you I am using Chinese Metaphysics, Qi Men Dun Jia and Tarot cards to provide me an insight, do you believe me?

2 weeks ago


hahaha. the reality is the management is so bad, no banks would want to touch it now.

2 weeks ago


What I care is there shall be positive news to come by 15 Feb 2025. Get ready for the rally!

2 weeks ago


Heading to 0.40 soon. Looks like bleak future! If there is good news come february, stock price should be going up. Insiders will be buying. Look at those stocks related to data centres. Before the news were announced, price keep going up. Wake up Stocktrader! Don't be a pipepiper TO MISLEAD newbies to your trap. You have been saying good news coming since last year when price has dfropped from 1.50 till now heading to 0.40 and still you say good news coming. WAKE UP MAN!!!
Yongyong88, no one is buying based on current business performance. People are buying on future growth and potential. Wake up!

2 days ago

2 weeks ago



2 weeks ago


is Toyo a cook counter bro...?

2 weeks ago


with the present management forget about getting any financing. no banks can trust them to manage the project successfully. even with money for financial close in the bank on end June 2024, deadline day< the MD managed to screw it up.

1 week ago


What I care is there shall be positive news to come by 15 Feb 2025. Get ready for the rally!
6 days ago


1 week ago


I have consulted the tarot cards reading into the prospect of Toyoven stock with the following 3 cards:
Past: Five of Swords
Interpretation: This card suggests that there could be some level of conflict or difficulty regarding your investment. There might be market manipulation, aggressive competition, or losses involved. It warns of potential betrayal or an unfair outcome—so be cautious with your investment decisions.

Present: The World
Interpretation: This is a very positive sign that suggests long-term success and completion of a financial cycle. Despite the initial setbacks shown in the Five of Swords, The World indicates that your investment may ultimately succeed. You might need to hold the stock through difficulties to reach a rewarding phase.

Future: Ace of Cups
Interpretation: This card suggests positive news, growth, and new opportunities related to your investment. It could mean that fresh developments—such as a new market trend, company innovation, or positive investor sentiment—might boost Toyoven’s stock.

Good luck everyone!

3 days ago


I am looking for some ingredients like lemon, kampung chicken, sirih, some new RM notes and virgin's saliva for my bomoh to perform some rituals to push up toyoven price.

Good luck !

If not, wait for the coming positive news before 15 February!

2 days ago


Nothing going to happen before or after 15 February. Maybe another BS story of positive news coming in another month or two.

1 day ago


Better ask your bomoh than tarot card

1 day ago

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