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Covid-19: 134 new cases, death toll now at 77

Publish date: Mon, 13 Apr 2020, 06:03 PM

PUTRAJAYA: Malaysia recorded 134 new Covid-19 cases on Monday (April 13), taking the total number of confirmed infections in the country to 4,817.

The country also reported one new death, which brings the Covid-19 death toll to 77 cases.

This translates to a fatality rate of 1.6% out of the total number of cases, Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said at the ministry’s daily Covid-19 media briefing here.

In terms of recoveries, 168 more patients were discharged as of noon Monday.

So far, 2,276 patients have recovered from Covid-19 in Malaysia since the outbreak began.

The rate of Covid-19 recovery is 47.3% out of the total number of positive cases.

Currently, 66 patients are being treated at intensive care units (ICU), with 36 of them requiring the use of ventilators.

On the latest Covid-19 death case, the 77th fatality is a 62-year-old Malaysian man with a history of high blood pressure and heart complications.

He had attended the Masjid Jamek Sri Petaling tabligh gathering. He was treated at the Melaka Hospital and passed away at 9.15am on April 13.

Malaysia has entered its 27th day of the movement control order (MCO) as people are instructed to stay at home and their movement is heavily restricted.

The MCO is scheduled to end on April 28.

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4th straight days without new case in Kedah. Perhaps if Tun M still PM 3rd phase MCO no longer required if every state can can control Covid19 like Kedah?

2020-04-13 20:49

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