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In leaked clip, Dr M heard trying to delay Bersatu from leaving Pakatan, despite ‘dislike for DAP and Anwar’

Publish date: Tue, 19 May 2020, 07:06 PM

KUALA LUMPUR, May 19 — An audio clip excerpt purportedly of a Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia meeting on February 23, just one day before Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad resigned as prime minister and triggered a political crisis leading to the birth of the Perikatan Nasional (PN) administration, has been leaked online today.

It has been uploaded among others on a Facebook page called “Bersatu sokong Tun Mahathir” page, with the 1:50-minute showing a voice sounding like the Langkawi MP at the fateful meeting trying to postpone the party’s decision to leave Pakatan Harapan (PH) but ultimately failed.

“There is this proposal for us to leave Pakatan Harapan. Another proposal I made was whether we want to think this through or follow others. So, I want to know whether we leave now or give it some time.

“Because for me, support from Umno is so fickle that if we give it a little time, they will like me. So, there’s not much difference, not much difference. The only thing is I don’t like DAP, I don’t like Anwar, and the rest are the same.

“But it is only a matter of time. Whether or not we determine the time or we take action today?” Dr Mahathir allegedly said in the recording of him chairing the meeting.

He received thunderous support from those attending the meeting with shouts of: “Today! Today Tun!” being heard.

“If you say it’s today, okay, it’s today. Today we leave Pakatan Harapan,” he replied, following the boisterous pressure from the party.

Malay Mail is seeking comments from members of the party’s Supreme Council over the leak.

The clip was released today, seemingly timed with a statement from top Bersatu leaders insisting that the party had decided on leaving PH on the abovementioned meeting.

The statement also touched on how Bersatu as a party is fully behind the formation of Perikatan Nasional (PN) as a coalition aimed at achieving the goals and objectives set by PN’s memorandum of understanding.

It noted how Bersatu agreed to form an alliance with other parties to form PN for the betterment of the people and country’s political stability, while declaring its undivided support for the PN government led by Bersatu’s president Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.

Among the 27 signees of today’s statement were Bersatu vice-presidents Tan Sri Abdul Rashid Abdul Rahman and Datuk Abdul Rashid Ansari, secretary-general Datuk Seri Hamzah Zainuddin, treasurer Datuk Muhamed Salleh Bajuri and information chief Mohd Radzi Jidin, along with 21 other state and supplement council members.

Other notable names were Datuk Seri Rina Mohd Harun, Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Md Yusof, Datuk Rais Hussin Mohamed Ariff, Wan Saiful Wan Jan, Tan Sri Rais Yatim, Datuk Kamarudin Md Nor, Datuk Seri Ahmad Faizal Azumu, and Mazlan Bujang.

Besides Dr Mahathir, among those missing in the statements were his son and vice-president Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir, Youth wing chief Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman, ousted secretary-general Datuk Marzuki Yahya, Maszlee Malik and Datuk A. Kadir Jasin.

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Not fake news.

2020-05-19 19:31


Just the home amd prime minister at that time failed to act accordingly

2020-05-19 19:34


.....failed the ppl, religiosity and nation

2020-05-19 19:35


Tun M, DAP and Anwar has been enemy for decades. This is not even a news lol.

2020-05-19 19:36


Posted by stockraider > May 19, 2020 7:13 PM | Report Abuse X

Mahathir should have sacked all the bersatu jokers instead of resigning as PM mah....!!

Definitely TDM is involve loh...!!

2020-05-19 19:37


If only he got the frontdoor wisdom from young....... do what is right

2020-05-19 19:40


PH fight among themself PN sure win Ge15

2020-05-19 20:53


They failed to relish diversity in human qualities.............

................backdoor education retards cognitive flexibility

2020-05-19 21:13


Why PN not registered party like BN?

Posted by icecool > May 19, 2020 8:53 PM | Report Abuse
PH fight among themself PN sure win Ge15

2020-05-19 21:19


Not finish bargaining for personal gain......all involved parties and individials.....

.....'What is in there for me'



. bersatu/berpura only use harapan palsu to achieve their ambition. They are never want to reform. Now harapan needs to restrategize and regroup in order to regain its voters trust.

2. harapan's voters were made too frustrated, but they never gave up on hope........Only harapan palsu's policies and actions betray them

2020-05-19 21:56


when mamkthir betrayed harapan's diehard voters, he was destined to be betrayed by his men .....


2020-05-19 21:58


Two Bersatu Supreme Council Members Claim Dr M First Mooted Idea Of Joining Hands With Umno, PAS


2020-05-19 22:01


He did.....but senang lupa....

2020-05-19 22:03


Dr Mahathir Bukan Lagi Pengerusi BERSATU, Kata RoS

Mahathir is finished. He have himself to be blame.

2020-05-19 22:07


Only the fool will vote for PH

2020-05-19 22:12


Do not insult tun as a fool. One thing he did correctly in this life is rayu ppl to vote for ph in ge14....


2020-05-19 22:14


Even a spoilt clock would point to the exact time twice a day

2020-05-19 22:16


who will be the tag team champion? mujahidin/assmin,jibbie/Zahid or Anwar/mukhriz? hehe

2020-05-19 22:17


all losers....

......what is the common factor that retard cognitive, intellectual and moral development in the m

2020-05-19 22:22


Actually Tun did a right thing when he ask people to vote for PH so that people can experience how PH govern. People test PH already. They know how bed PH is and how PH lie to them until PH bring their own government down.

2020-05-19 22:24


Conduct a serious research to save the next generation

2020-05-19 22:24


Posted by izoklse > May 19, 2020 10:24 PM | Report Abuse

Actually Tun did a right thing when he ask people to vote for PH so that people can experience how PH govern. People test PH already. They know how bed PH is and how PH lie to them until PH bring their own government down.


WRONG. 50% of what ph did was good. 50% rubbish.

Alternat8ve.......90% wrong-dpings. How to compare

2020-05-19 22:26


ok lah how about ladies tag team....nurul/marina? hehe

2020-05-19 22:32


Missed the boat. Nurul Izzah was the best candidate back then

2020-05-19 22:35


politics is a game of exploitation and mutual exploitation.

2020-05-19 22:37


Obama's one was a mature one.....

......about timely responsibilities and right initiative

2020-05-19 22:38


Just like teenagers.......

.....immature ones fight.......self-centred

2020-05-19 22:39


Half-matured ones...........cooperative and peaceful

2020-05-19 22:42


Conduct a serious research to save the next generation....

......through reformed educatiom to stop producing immatured lots

2020-05-19 22:43


Let kids of this millennium learn latest revealation by science 'prophets':

At an atomic level, we’re all incredibly deeply connected. Hundreds of billions of atoms that were once inside each other human being on Earth. Throughout the generations, those same atoms continue to make up everything: the atoms of extinct prehistoric living things, and even the single-celled organisms that once dominated the planet.

Bones, muscles, skin, and the other organs only makes up 4% of the cells in your body. The other 96% are split, roughly evenly, between your blood cells and bacterial cells that live on and in our body.

An average-sized human has (percentage by weight in bracket):

4 × 1027 hydrogen atoms (9.5%),

2 × 1027 oxygen atoms (65%),

3 × 1026 carbon atoms (18.5%),

8 × 1025 nitrogen atoms (3.2%)

5 × 1312 miscellaneous atoms including calcium, phosphorous, sodium, potassium, sulfur, chlorine, and magnesium (4%)

Together, there are more atoms in your body than there are stars in the entire Universe.

With each year that goes by, in fact, more than 90% of the atoms are no longer there as they have been replaced.

In fact, right now, as we breathe, by the time a year goes by, approximately one atom from that breath will wind up in every other person on Earth’s lungs at any moment in time. In other words, we probably have approximately one atom from King Tut's last breath in our lungs right now.

So how connected are we? In particular, how many of the atoms in our bodies were in another human’s body at some point? Do we share atoms in common with everyone alive today? With everyone who’s ever lived? With Genghis Khan, Julius Caesar, Abraham Lincoln, etc.? Scientists have found the answer : not only do we each have hundreds of billions of atoms that were once in everyone else’s bodies, but we have approximately 1 atom in our body from every breath that every human has ever taken.

2020-05-19 22:46

EngineeringProfit enlightening up-to-date knowledge vs obsolete/medieval ones (before genetic testing, carbom dating, etc)

2020-05-19 22:53


Tun Mahathir can be blunt, acerbic and used words that can be hurtful (lambasted the Malays being lazy and expecting things on a platter) and at time sarcastically.

It must be a big disappointment to Tun Mahathir that he had not been able to change the Malay mindset and make them more competitive after all these years with all the help government gave to them. Tun must feel very sad now of been stabbed and betrayed by his comrades and the party he formed is taken away from him.

Now it is up to the Malays to decide whether their special rights extend to being corrupt, being extremism and being above rule of law or they value rule of law, good governance, honesty, root out institutional corruption and being competitive.

2020-05-19 23:42


and worse Malaysian is Bendia.

2020-05-19 23:54


bendia....what so good about lawless Trump and Fox News?

2020-05-19 23:58


CCP at least doing very well for 1.4 billion people.

2020-05-19 23:58


and PH at least not as corrupt as new government.

2020-05-20 00:00


The worst politician in Malaysia history is Mahathir, Anwar & The award goes to Lim Kit Siang. hAHAHAH Takde moral punya org tua. Tak tau bila mau resign. Cakap sana tipu. sini tipu. semua tipu saja. Anwar not become PM ma...bila mau resign ? itu you punya anak sulah lali ah? Mana itu LGE ? Sula takut ka itu telowong & banglo punya kes PN kasi open ? hahahah.

2020-05-20 00:00


bendia.......history according to Trump head?

2020-05-20 00:08


or history according to cash is king najib?

2020-05-20 00:09

qqq33333333 is frogs good for a democracy?

2020-05-20 00:21


or how is politics before principles good?

as for China....Xi is ok...of course outsiders like you worship Trump....that is not his problem.

2020-05-20 00:24



2020-05-20 00:30



2020-05-20 10:57

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