Publish date: Wed, 07 Mar 2018, 04:40 PM


I have been thinking of whether to write this message for a while as I may offend a few.

I have been reading i3 for quite some time. Recently I see an explosive of new blogger that turn into using aggressive tactic and also sad to read a lot of rude comments.

I understand everyone like to make money but to use the kind of language that insult others and calling them names should be very shameful of themselves.

I see a lot of newbies that are suffered with huge lost and I hope the following will give you some guidance.

There are a lot of information that is flying around, and we always need to read it with a pinch of salt.



Generally, there are 4 camps of blogger or members.


A. The first type is those who have bought the shares and keep promoting them.

They can be small investor that only buy a few lots but making a lot of noise.

Some are more intellectual that can write very detail analysis. These can be professional analyst or simply

intelligent individual with very good investment background and experience.

A few of them are remisier that may or may not own any shares, but issue buy call for their subscriber.

The last one is some superinvestor that has a large position enough to move the market. Sometimes, the

share may not be good but with their purchasing power and followers,

this can be turned into a self-fulfilling prophesy.



B. Second type are those who keep attacking and spreading fear.

They would like to buy the shares with lower price. Once they bought the share, they will become type A promoter.

The more sophisticated one can be those hired by certain parties that issue warrant so that they don't need to pay when the warrant is expired.

For some, they may simply want a revenge when they notice certain member that have attacked their shares before and is trying to promote another share.


C. Third type are neutral

They have other means of earning a living. They can be a lecturer and running some course.

They may be observer and don't own a particular share but simply like to chip in.

There is one type that is more cunning. They actually go to the hottest stock and give very sensible comment when the share price is being hit.

You will be wondering why they are so actively doing this. For this kind of person, they will come out like a hero or saviour and they will finally promote some shares and gain some follower.


D. Fourth type is the silent one.

Don't underestimate the fourth type. They can the newbies but with cash rich. They can also be serious investor.

They can be some working for investment bank or asset management that are not allowed to post. They come to i3 to read the blog by gathering the information and the sentiment of the market.

You may be surprised that they can be computer armed with sophisticated machine learning and AI that can trigger a sell or buy.

For e.g. the famous 1987 black Monday that caused the market crash. 30 years onwards, the algorithms are much more sophisticated, and you can see the speed of recent sell off in DJIA.



Of course, people said no body point the gun to your head to buy a share and you need to judge by yourself.

However, some very experience blogger can use a lot of convincing points to lure you to buy into their shares or vice versa. This is what I call type A super investor.


For e.g.

There is a super investor that keep stating his good charity work, his experience in buying shares and how he become rich and even teach you how to use margin call.

He may pick some very good shares and if you have followed him earlier enough and leave earlier enough, you may sometimes make some gain. To be fair, many has indeed gained from his advice.

Such investor are cash rich and armoured with abundant borrowing facilities and sometimes more than 100 million of credit.

He can easily push up the price. So what are the risks, you may ask?


He is not obliged to tell you when he sell aggressively!

When his margin account is reduced, he is forced to sell.

With the money he has, he can be so aggressive to want to become one of the directors of any company. Imagine, if his proposal is refused and he will become angry - He will sell all his shares

Even worse, he may write an article to tell everyone that he has sold all his shares and boast about how clever he is. At his point, he has caused call further panic sell after the price drop of his heavy selling.

This kind of super investor will use their politic view and sometimes his religious belief to support them.

For e.g. they may say that he is 'Christian'. You will need to put a big question mark of whether their belief is true. You can easily verify them even you don't know bible.

A few reality checks will know they don't practise what they preach. For e.g.; They keep boasting their good deeds - Bible said - But when you do merciful deeds, don't let your left hand know what your right hand does.

Bible also says - When we display our righteous deeds, they are nothing but filthy rags.

Sometimes, this kind of investor may publicly name a person and ridicule them just because they don't follow his advice.

A few years ago, they was a member of i3 called optimus ( a type B member). He kept attacking different forum with multiple accounts and of course attacking this super investor. Optimus was a much-hated figure by type A members.

The super investor has used his power to hire someone to find out his identity and publish it to everyone.

He later suicide. Although the superinvestor think he has not caused the incident and optimus suicidal was due to his financial situation, I believe the reveal of his identity played a big part of his decision to go down this route.

I am sure by now you should know who I am talking about.


I don't like to bring back this sad situation, but I want to use it as a warning to all i3 members including the super investor. Life is more than all the money you gain in the world, even just one life including your own life let alone the innocent one.  To use the bible quote

"What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?"

You may try use different tactics to earn money, but please pause and think, some money go into your account may come from the hard-earned money (or sometimes we call blood money) from some other investor.

Don't go too far!!

There is no doubt that superinvestor has done a lot of good work and many has benefited from his advise and his sponsorship, however, you need to be also careful and use your own judgement wisely and don't follow him blindly. Something that may comfort you is the money you lost may go into sponsoring another student :-). 

 Make sure you invest in long term and don't do day trading if you are newbies.


1 person likes this. Showing 19 of 19 comments


super investor is heavy like an elephant...He cannot out run the nimble and light

2018-03-07 16:51



2018-03-07 17:13


only 3% of posted info can be put to good use when planning a purchase or sell

that's why i3......3 for the 3% (that newcomers always miss).....and i for the other 97% info to make market decision needs to be gotten oneself.....that's why....the i....for 'I'......oneself

2018-03-07 17:21

Day Panda

There are two type of people you must be careful! First are the holymen, they always tell you they have all the answers in the world yet they are part of the problem! Second are the super righteous investor! They always they you they are always right and you must follow what they say yet they will throw vulgar words if you question them! And there's the third group, who always fall for holymen and super righteous investors!

2018-03-07 17:25


Where does cpteh stand?

2018-03-07 17:31


so called super investor wants to create a group of followers and play the money game

money game rule is simple

don't be the last one to grab the money in the pot

2018-03-07 17:36


Self proclaimed superinvestor may meet his biggest challenge soon..his waterloo

2018-03-07 17:42


Dear all,
The seven root causes of evil, according to Mahatma Gandhi:
Wealth without work
Pleasure without consequence
Knowledge without character
Commerce without morality
Science without humanity
Worship without sacrifice
Politics without principles
I would like to add jealousy and greed are the emotion poison that poison our mind and turn us into beast that ready to devour each other. It broke my heart and saddened me beyond words what is currently happening to i3 community. The i3 forum is no more a place to share use-full investment knowledge but a place to spread hatred, lies, slander, ego, bootlicking, judgmental, self righteousness/justification and etc. Can we be human again and let kindness, compassion, empathy, selflessness prevail over cruelty, indecency, indifferent and selfishness. Let us practices give and take (Give more than you take and give thanks and take nothing for granted) and be kind and courteous to each other.

Thank you.

2018-03-07 18:03


Hehe don't forget self proclaimed seafood but in fact a holang king

2018-03-07 18:26


Thank you for your good article!

2018-03-07 19:59


Thumbs up!

2018-03-07 22:47


Good one..

2018-03-08 11:56

Jonathan Keung

a fair aticle. always knows the risks involved & do your own homework

2018-03-08 12:09




炼油股恒源(HENGYUAN 4324)股价自公布第四季业绩後,兵败如山倒,股价星期三盘间曾触及RM8.24低点,收市时回升至RM9.18,和今年初最高RM19.20相比,掉了整整RM10,跌幅非常恐怖。




2018-03-08 17:46


there is only one superinvestor in bursa. thus the use of word "they" is not so appropriate.

2018-03-09 10:10


The super investor has used his power to hire someone to find out his identity and publish it to everyone.~压死骆驼的最后一根稻草!

2018-03-09 15:27


I trust the superinvestor's original intension may be good but human can change when they are faced with greed and fear or their proudness. He may not be after wealth at all but fame. At his age and his account balance, I think he is after power and fame.
It is not unusual to see someone started with very good heart and turn into something else. This can happen between wife and husband, parents and children, brothers and sisters and best friends, I am sure you have heard a lots of real life stories when money is involved.
Everyone is deserved to be given chances to change.
I am sure he is also very brave to admit his mistakes and let's stop attacking him and let him continue to do his good work that help people (the right way), whether poor and rich will also be beneficial.

2018-03-11 04:33


the other side of the coin

super heavy weights have problems the light weights do not have.

2018-03-11 04:36

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