Stock Pick Contest Year 2023

Stock Pick Year 2023 - 28 Feb Result

Tan KW
Publish date: Tue, 28 Feb 2023, 05:20 PM
Tan KW
0 452,152
A blog to collect Stock Pick Year 2022 from i3 members


Stock Pick Year 2023 - How it works? 



1 Stock Pick 2023 - ahchan 29.16%
2 Stock Pick 2023 - moneykj 28.40%
3 Stock Pick 2023 - Genetec A baby step 22.03%
4 Stock Pick 2023 - Goinvest88 18.60%
5 Stock Pick 2023 - xskyriver 17.42%
6 Stock Pick 2023 - 5354_ 16.75%
7 Stock Pick 2023 - HawkEyes 16.48%
8 Stock Pick 2023 - StocksEye 15.77%
9 Stock Pick 2023 - GM Tham 15.54%
10 Stock Pick 2023 - FedEx 15.46%
11 Stock Pick 2023 - gladiator 15.22%
12 Stock Pick 2023 - curvinteo 14.85%
13 Stock Pick 2023 - Wy_Navi 14.07%
14 Stock Pick 2023 - gohku 13.80%
15 Stock Pick 2023 - Intelligent Investor 13.56%
16 Stock Pick 2023 - ahbi 13.14%
17 Stock Pick 2023 - LouisLim 12.42%
18 Stock Pick 2023 - Winningpost 12.23%
19 Stock Pick 2023 - John Angel 11.83%
20 Stock Pick 2023 - Tan KW 10.89%
21 Stock Pick 2023 - popo92 10.53%
22 Stock Pick 2023 - goldenluck16 10.45%
23 Stock Pick 2023 - JiaWeiP 9.65%
24 Stock Pick 2023 - vehing 9.01%
25 Stock Pick 2023 - ooihk899 8.61%
26 Stock Pick 2023 - cyeec2000 8.29%
27 Stock Pick 2023 - thesteward 8.05%
28 Stock Pick 2023 - nsa1958 8.04%
29 Stock Pick 2023 - skyjet 7.51%
30 Stock Pick 2023 - BenBlurBlur 7.48%
31 Stock Pick 2023 - xiaoeh 6.27%
32 Stock Pick 2023 - s3phiroth 6.14%
33 Stock Pick 2023 - VincentTang 5.93%
34 Stock Pick 2023 - StocksGod 5.84%
35 Stock Pick 2023 - supersaiyan3 5.78%
36 Stock Pick 2023 - DanielThng 5.46%
37 Stock Pick 2023 - tehka 5.14%
38 Stock Pick 2023 - Albukhary 5.05%
39 Stock Pick 2023 - OTB 5.01%
40 Stock Pick 2023 - godhand 4.71%
41 Stock Pick 2023 - gohkimhock 4.52%
42 Stock Pick 2023 - ValueInvestor888 4.04%
43 Stock Pick 2023 - enigmatic [hodl your shares] 4.00%
44 Stock Pick 2023 - rikki 3.96%
45 Stock Pick 2023 - stockraider 3.95%
46 Stock Pick 2023 - wwchin 3.52%
47 Stock Pick 2023 - Moratorium 3.31%
48 Stock Pick 2023 - tftey 3.06%
49 Stock Pick 2023 - Diamond7 2.87%
50 Stock Pick 2023 - Habislah 2.66%
51 Stock Pick 2023 - Kh Neoh 2.66%
52 Stock Pick 2023 - tonywong8 2.52%
53 Stock Pick 2023 - mrk2ca 2.39%
54 Stock Pick 2023 - limko 2.23%
55 Stock Pick 2023 - CoffeeCan 2.08%
56 Stock Pick 2023 - Star8888 1.31%
57 Stock Pick 2023 - XXXvalue 1.28%
58 Stock Pick 2023 - Nice149 0.86%
59 Stock Pick 2023 - smartly 0.29%
60 Stock Pick 2023 - chwanlim 0.04%
61 Stock Pick 2023 - Tom Tee 0.00%
62 Stock Pick 2023 - BursaVulture -0.08%
63 Stock Pick 2023 - BillyK -0.14%
64 Stock Pick 2023 - happy1983 -0.29%
65 Stock Pick 2023 - Effulgence -0.75%
66 Stock Pick 2023 - aaronsia -0.81%
67 Stock Pick 2023 - L2 -1.40%
68 Stock Pick 2023 - twynstar -1.60%
69 Stock Pick 2023 - HaiLiDeYu -1.83%
70 Stock Pick 2023 - warbreaker -4.23%
71 Stock Pick 2023 - Lukey_Greek -6.63%
72 Stock Pick 2023 - BursaGolfer -6.89%
73 Stock Pick 2023 - Vincent_8316 -8.82%
74 Stock Pick 2023 - SimCorporate -14.38%
75 Stock Pick 2023 - Blee -14.51%
76 Stock Pick 2023 - ragate -17.87%
77 Stock Pick 2023 - speakup -22.50%


More articles on Stock Pick Contest Year 2023
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Jan no 75 -0.77%
Feb no 70 -4.23%

2023-03-01 06:52


hope next month no 65 with -2% to -1%

2023-03-01 07:14


Yesssssss! Speakup gonna win free 1 year OTB subscription

2023-03-01 07:42


@TanKW something wrong with TomTee account. Two consecutive months also 0%

2023-03-01 12:07

Tan KW


Thanks for letting me know. I'll fix the mistake in this month's results. Unfortunately, I couldn't retrieve the portfolio return in February.

Mc_Wei @TanKW something wrong with TomTee account. Two consecutive months also 0%
01/03/2023 12:07 PM

2023-03-01 13:45


actually OTB shouldn't offer free 1 year subscription to the worst performer. otherwise ppl (like speakup) purposely put lousy company into this virtual portfolio. It's not real anyway

2023-03-02 07:51


speakup, again , we not plan to fail ya. only fail to plan.. hehe. not easy to get last one, need very big lucky also

2023-03-02 19:21


Easier to win prize for last place than win prize for top 3

2023-03-02 21:55


Just whack 5 lousy company and last place

2023-03-02 21:55


Post removed.Why?

2023-03-02 23:17


Post removed.Why?

2023-03-03 09:51


This is my comment on 30/12/22:

Blog: Stock Pick Contest Year 2023 - How it works? (please submit after 30-Dec-2022 4:50pm)

2 months ago | Report Abuse

Why I choose:
1. Mudajya- Have the criteria to be a multibaggers technically and fundamentally.
2. Slvest- Renewable energy and EV charging infrastructure. Improving results.
3. Scicom- Defensive play.
4. Smrt- consistent results. Looking for a koboom q early next year for drastic price hike. Year 2014 type.
5. Dsonic- New IC and venture into Africa. Just recorded highest revenue.
6. K1- Rebound every time after touch 0.10. Read from the chart. Pure goreng.

2023-03-03 12:50


I only bought Mudajya and Smrt out of above 6 competition stocks. Already harvested Smrt added in Mudajya and buy another 200% stock, which will start move very soon n kaboom in April, stock S. I will reveal it here next Friday.

2023-03-03 13:00


Stock S -- Smtrack

2023-03-13 04:15

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