
jingianjua84 | Joined since 2013-10-07

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2013-11-03 17:24 | Report Abuse

CT, not really hard to learn lo and here, i seldom used this dialect already.
Hardly to meet any foochow guy here. Nth like 福州人的天下 la, just everyone wan sik wan sik. U Hakka?


2013-11-03 17:02 | Report Abuse

Foochow here. Not migrate, just studied and working in Penang SPS here. Every year dropped by Kuching to eat Kolok mee and laksa before go back Sibu for CNY.


2013-11-03 16:54 | Report Abuse

CT, Kuchingite? Lolz, glad to see Sarawakian here. My hometown Sibu...Sibu kampua!!!!


2013-11-03 16:31 | Report Abuse

Noted and thanks,inwest88. There're still tonnes of good stocks out there. Weeee....


2013-11-03 15:32 | Report Abuse

Sure, inwest88. I'm aware of that. Erm, what do you think of KNM-WA? My point of view:
- business worldwide, especially in EU
- in progress to list BORSIG on SG Stock Exchange, probably can boost the price
- the problems will be their high liabilities and FCF

By the way, one more interesting here is i'm able to get to know more english songs posted (m usually prefer chinese songs). Nice song there, CT. Enjoying, heavy rain in SPS here.


2013-11-03 15:03 | Report Abuse

thanks, chankinwah.

Actually still q-ing for this counter. :)


2013-11-03 14:59 | Report Abuse

sure, inwest88. Have seen this thread for few days already and found it fun and interesting.

Very new to this share market, therefore won't have much input like u all.

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2013-11-03 11:15 | Report Abuse

I can't get the "Oil Palm Plantation Landbank file, can send to my mail -> ericwong84@hotmail.com ? Thanks.


2013-11-03 10:59 | Report Abuse

Morning and happy Sunday. Newbie here. Kinda relax to see this thread as not only "share market talking & sharing here". :)


2013-11-01 18:58 | Report Abuse

maybank not yet introduce APPS in mobile for share trading?


2013-11-01 13:00 | Report Abuse

Anyhow, thanks to him that many ppls know about PMCORP and even earn some now. :)


2013-10-17 19:46 | Report Abuse

Can anyone explain this ICULS to me? what does that 1% meant? Five years mean it only valid for 5 years? Conversion can be done anytime or with time restraint?


2013-10-15 00:03 | Report Abuse

be patient and you will get ur returns :)


2013-10-14 23:49 | Report Abuse

Just wait this counter to drop and buy some :) worth holding for long term. :)


2013-10-14 22:11 | Report Abuse

MasInvest, support you. Have been following this counter quite sometimes due to its future prospect. Long term hold. :)


2013-10-13 21:52 | Report Abuse

JCool, where can i see the analyzes for this ACE company? :)


2013-10-13 19:40 | Report Abuse

Any details or analyzes for this counter?


2013-10-13 18:54 | Report Abuse

Just in the middle of google search, u replied. Thanks. Save me lots of time.

Of coz, i know u're not fortune teller (as KFIMA dropped to 1.9+; anyhow, thats not the point, we have to see the company overall, future will be better, just the matter that if we can hold until that time or not) but i know you analyze well enough for me to learn as i mentioned earlier, just started investment few months ago.

And just to clarify, i'm here not to get TP or advices from you all to buy or not to. I just want to get more infor, more analyzes and how to get them correctly. So, please dun misunderstand. :)

This is forum and free for all to talk, just treat those critics, accuses as "advices" to be better lolz. I know its kinda hard but just think about it, there're still a lot of ppls support u for ur willingness to provide guidance and info to amatuers like us.

Hmm, can u show me how to get the FCF for once, coz i dun really understand the financial statements :)


2013-10-13 18:22 | Report Abuse

No problem. Yes, i have surfed some threads in these 2 days and just think that maybe i can learn something from here. Anywhere, nice to meet even you dunno me. Probably if we can talk personally in order to avoid any "attacks" here.

I just want to learn, that's why i asked. Never mind, i go google search 1st. Anything i don really understand, will post here. Or if i can PM u? :)


2013-10-13 17:51 | Report Abuse

Dear KCChongNZ,

Civil engineer here, just started investment last few months. Surf through few sites and found this thread quite interesting.

Anyhow, straight to the point - is Cresbld (construction shares) still consider as hidden gem, almost 100% rose from early this year till now (1.38) but with NTA RM2+ and EPS 20~30 cents, the price should be much more higher.Maybe due to their debts which were half of their revenue? As for the FCF part, can you please guide me. From the 2012 annual report, it stated "CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT THE END OF FINANCIAL YEAR = RM15180661" or they don't have any due to huge debts that they carried?

How about SYMLIFE (property share) and AMEDIA?

For SYMLIFE, a property share and there're lots of undervalued property shares mentioned in this thread. Maybe you will questioned there's lots of undervalued shares out there, why this? Nth special, just want to learn and it just happened that i had found this and there're still a lot that i don't even know. This share condition almost same like CRESBLD, NTA and EPS quite high but also with high debts. And how bout FCF?

As for AMEDIA, i think most of us know about it and i categorized it as under recovery gem. High profit margin, slowed down growth rate and earning, debts? 10% of its revenue, is this consider high?

Please enlighten. Thanks.