Ven Pandora18

VenPandora18 | Joined since 2013-02-21

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2015-08-01 16:31 | Report Abuse

I'm ok to let go , its just consist of 10% of my portfolio.


2015-08-01 16:22 | Report Abuse

Or am I has misread or misjudged .Pls correct me, if so.


2015-08-01 16:19 | Report Abuse

Pls chk the Bottom Paragraph
***Unless otherwise defined in this announcement, all terms used herein shall have the same meaning as those defined in the earlier announcement in relation to the Proposals.

M&A Securities Sdn Bhd on behalf of the Board of Directors of EGIB (“Board”), is pleased to announce that the Board has resolved to fix the exercise price for the Warrants at RM0.50 per Warrant.

The exercise price of the Warrants has been determined by the Board after taking into consideration, amongst others, the following:

the five (5)-day volume weighted average market price (“5D-WAMP”)of EGIB Shares up to and including 30 July 2015 of RM0.71, being the market day immediately preceding the date of this announcement;
the theoretical ex-rights price of EGIB Shares of RM0.58, calculated based on the 5D-WAMP up to and including 30 July 2015 of RM0.71; and
the par value of EGIB Shares of RM0.50 each after the implementation of the Proposed Par Value Reduction.
The exercise price of the Warrants of RM0.50 represents a discount of 29.58% and 13.79% to the 5D-WAMP of EGIB Shares up to 30 July 2015 of RM0.71 and the theoretical ex-rights price of EGIB Shares of RM0.58, respectively.

In relation to the Proposed Private Placement, pursuant to Paragraph 6.13 of the MMLR, payments for the Placement Shares must be made within 5 market days from the date of shareholders’ approval (i.e. by 30 July 2015) (“Payment Condition”).

As the Payment Condition has not been fulfilled, the Proposed Private Placement has effectively lapsed.


This announcement is dated 31 July 2015


2015-08-01 16:16 | Report Abuse

First is T.T.' s defense of his default payment to his Creditor, now is the lapse of payment for Private placement. The path doesn't seen good . Not much significant catalyst to support Eg exercise. Crucially Eg are in extremely low margin market. Doubts are how they can built up their cash flow.


2015-07-31 19:42 | Report Abuse

Thx for your explanation SKYZ 兄。


2015-07-31 19:36 | Report Abuse

俊松 兄, smart money had taking into the Geshen acquired Asset Poly. That, will triple the result for Gedhen.


2015-07-31 19:29 | Report Abuse

The Private placement had been lapsed due no payment made in due course. Dont like this kind of thingy. Exit is d nxt necessary thing to do.


2015-07-31 11:23 | Report Abuse

Hi ! Guys why today Pen open $0.565 still with green color ??? Did I miss something ? Is there Bonus posted that lead to this ???


2015-07-28 20:29 | Report Abuse

Disaster year Disaster year; first MH , Sabah Earth quake & kidnapping .Siapa yg buat perkara sampaikan Malaikat ditimbul ke Bolehland kami? Why us ? Sin done by the Devil of C4 but the rakyat pay for it? Peoples are suffering and dampened, where is your love ?


2015-07-27 12:30 | Report Abuse

Apparently, u c it, u dun. If all goes as plan, I count on it to win big.My holding time frame 18months or less. If u know something fishy or exciting pls feel free to share.tq

News & Blogs

2015-07-24 19:40 | Report Abuse

Cabinet are full of the Devil helper..sometimes Jokers might be.

News & Blogs

2015-07-24 19:37 | Report Abuse

Who is more devil ? C4 or uncle M ??? No matter what we are Doomed anyway.. By seing Rm keep depreciating , people has already fak by hose bustard.


2015-07-24 01:56 | Report Abuse

New Age..


2015-07-21 13:23 | Report Abuse

T.t. claimt to be x2 existing revenue to 2.0B after 3 years, that's the overall pic I hv from a public media news. I'm more onto the cycle timing. Ok, what abt the margin ??? It will be impressed if could improve current less than 1%-3% profit margin and in 1.5yrs time. With this achievement You deserve the Esgs. I'll suggest the fair value for Eg to be more than $1.00 posted right exercise. Small fish are excited to follow good results deliver as planned. Gd luck T.t.


2015-07-20 00:37 | Report Abuse

Why the existingly margin are so thin? And how to get over it ? If there are plan for it, what are the archieable margin can be projected and on what kind of time frame ?


2015-07-20 00:29 | Report Abuse

Anybody here can shed a light, how this SYS going to benefit us after EG bought a huge load from T.t. ? And still very Blurr.. on the Merit guide line(which stated no prior TARGET or munimum requirements ) toward the granting of the proposed Esgs . Is it a normal practice to the industry ?shud it be another sub conditions for those grantedthe Sgs ? In term of their professional skill , what if they received it and turn to other competitors ? Come on, pls la,, at least set a simple but sinificantly on track with the direction adhere to be achieved lar. Otherwise, it will end up more like hit & run thingy.


2015-07-16 15:55 | Report Abuse

Yeah 3, Geshen $0.86; Lcth $0.63 not peak yet. May come back visit here only if Both of my new darling reach its climax. Then, shall c either New development from E.g. bfore add position. Reason are simple , syndicate interested in this sector.They r the whistle blower :)


2015-07-16 01:25 | Report Abuse

Well done Geshen. Come rite on time. Structural wise stringer than before, sector are diing better and better. Ciuld be leading its peer in the sector, provided structural built to generate better revenue.Overall I'm excited to see further shines from this sector. LCTH/GESHEN/EG (if T.T. wheel it rite on track, no hanky panky).


2015-07-15 18:27 | Report Abuse

I'm all in For Lcth & Geshen, whish me ong ong.


2015-07-15 18:26 | Report Abuse

Eg recently lagging doesn't feel rite, could be lack of confidence that T.t. could turn E.g. to a a healthy player in its field versus there are many greater player. Besides, T.t. 's profile doesn't seen is a genuine biz orperator. His Singapore We and Jubilee & Yangshin (forgot the name) doesn't qualify as a quality asset. T.t. recently legal suit could be a damaged to his imej as well. Hmmm,Why it happen bfore the right issue ? Anyway lucky part is we got Lcth, Geshen. Has a bight day ahead. Eg even cant par wth Jhm from the current share trending. It smell doesn't rite at all. Usually most of small fish like me love this kind of corporate development, Professional adding their Stake in particular company that can bring good to the company. This time bteak my glass indeed.


2015-07-12 22:04 | Report Abuse

Admit their effort to bring back their Sugar Daddy franchise in black. Some of thier outlet doing very well. But, 45% are fly killer only... If Hapseng want to hit this up, tell you it can be like superman bullet. Hehe , talk is cheap and easy..truly, it can generate constantly cash. Can add in some local decent food that Suit Asian appetite. ..wowHow if Sugar daddy name publish at Ali platform ?? I'm sure they can out performance the low service Oldman restaurant. U know what I'm blah blah here..


2015-07-12 21:57 | Report Abuse

Once the proxy man was Embrose lee. Go and ask Sabahan. No doubt they package it with so call new entity la or new Sugar daddy Franchise la, wodering why they juz can go bankrupt ? He he , they got a big Gold mine mah ?


2015-07-12 21:53 | Report Abuse

Bornoil , is a heavily con stock by the Sabah politician. so, its future are really depend how Hs depart it from being a tool for Sabah politician.

News & Blogs

2015-07-09 00:32 | Report Abuse

Poisonous devil live in a hollow skeleton.Desires , greediness, ignorance, shameless, hell lot of lies, misplacing , regardless the price to his peoples will pay in generations due to his so wrongful decision.

News & Blogs

2015-07-06 20:06 | Report Abuse

Mature act. True fact can't hide.Matter of time.


2015-07-02 23:34 | Report Abuse

But, this sector definitely will benefited as a sub Tecnindustry , got to be patient.


2015-07-02 23:32 | Report Abuse

This sector are a bit less sensitive to most retailer, probably with their hard to understand industry. Unless there comes an super Alpha. Who will be d one. Yet too early....


2015-06-26 12:21 | Report Abuse

Structural planning seen ok to me.


2015-06-26 12:20 | Report Abuse

Guys, shud chk on the circular to shareholder . I think T.t. will try his very best to turn around Eg. Coz d share grant scheme seen to be very genuine scheme to both operator and investors. But, I'm still eagerly to know what & how T.t. can use his ability and linking to improve the margin to what level and time frame for it likely. Coz the cycle are heading to its peak by 2018-2020.


2015-06-25 13:50 | Report Abuse

Lcth are gaining more momentum than usual, furthermore, back by its parent com. Fu yu which holding the cash cow and readily to expand further.


2015-06-25 13:46 | Report Abuse

Shall c shall c, what story from the Egm.


2015-06-24 13:22 | Report Abuse

Predictable, simple, sustainable a great way toward success.


2015-06-24 13:21 | Report Abuse

Gentleman, could anybody calculate for the Ex post equity price ? Pls share if any folks from here attend their Egm 10/7/15. My major concern is how to improve extremely low margin of Eg. How the so call vertical programs by T.t can be a magic improvement to above conditions; and like to know how this biz going to be resilience to the makro and domestic operational cost. Hopefully, T.t. have the sensitivity to their small shareholders over here. hehe!


2015-06-24 13:09 | Report Abuse

The vitally death to the recent peak markat, is suddenly U turn makro, So, criteria of the biz u r in are to be resilient. So, pick smart wth good financial strategy are equally important.


2015-06-22 20:45 | Report Abuse

Actually now a days are only medium to big cap Counter will out perform the Target price guven by the bank research target. But, u usually discounted them by 15-30 %. But, thereare sector that their counter may out perform the Target e.g. karex, Harta. The characteristics are medium cap at least, stable income , revenue and earnings predictable, plus growing prospects. ..


2015-06-22 19:08 | Report Abuse

Hopefully, T.t. will doing well in Singapore too. And solve off whatever is the issues quickly, coz some time as a biz man you lose a bit but win wth bulk. Some time, it turns out to the other way. So, dont mind to lose abit.


2015-06-22 18:48 | Report Abuse

As I said , how to turning a merely 1% margin into 5% margin profit wth Fcf improvement of course. Yeap 5% of tgeprofit nmargins . It is an excellent target.


2015-06-22 18:46 | Report Abuse

Well, Lcth is going to break its recent Resistance level. Geshen will follow through. Eg case a pause rite now. Only re enter if the turning around program come to a more solid ground . By the way T.T. 's entrepreneurship ? Is he good ?? At least for this juncture I don't see it. Come on T.t. we need more detail, we can wait hehe.


2015-06-19 19:08 | Report Abuse

This sector will be tomorrow gem, especially u cacth the Alpha.


2015-06-19 19:07 | Report Abuse

If someone familiar with this sector , pls share a bit here. Like to know who is the Alpha here, and the biz sector latest move.


2015-06-19 19:05 | Report Abuse

This injection molding sector are never easy industry, precision equipment , skill labor, very depend to the makro, once the sector booming one hv to struggling for the production capacity. Its a magic stick if the operator can tune it well adopt to demand globally. Again talk easy , how to tume it smoothly ? Juz leave it to the expert
. Cash are the magic powder. No doubt this sector will benefit from the smartphone ind. Like hot cake. Will c..


2015-06-16 21:20 | Report Abuse

Aviation ? Think twice my friend. Costly capital intensive sector.


2015-06-15 10:49 | Report Abuse

Bear bear coming for a beer..


2015-06-15 10:47 | Report Abuse

T.T. are you not going to crash Easy to $0.50 ?


2015-06-11 19:36 | Report Abuse

No doubt Dolphin are cute.Proplem is at this $0.72 not attractive at all.


2015-06-11 19:27 | Report Abuse

Shameless , Ego stupidu 1Mdb. Peoples benefit or country never their concern. Wake up lah plss... fifty years ago exchange rate were Rm$0.90 : Sg $1.00 . 50 plus years, what the heck this stupid Bn reward us ? Full of manipulated figure to scracth from the people, are them creative enough ? Hidup Malaysia bangkit Malaysia.. hahaha


2015-06-11 19:14 | Report Abuse

Remarks :
The maturity date of the Warrants is as follows:

(a) 29 July 2018, being five (5) years from thegentleman ? Appreciate very much.listing if the qualifying acquisition of Sona Petroleum Berhad (formerly known as Titanium Windfall Sdn Bhd) (“Sona Petroleum”) is completed within 36 months after the date of listing, or

(b) 29 July 2016, being three (3) years from the date of listing if the qualifying acquisition of Sona Petroleum is not completed within 36 months after the date of listing.

Each Warrant shall entitle the holder to subscribe for one (1) new ordinary share of RM0.01 each in Sona Petroleum at the exercise price of RM0.35 per Warrant, at any time during the period commencing from and inclusive of the date of completion of the qualifying acquisition up to and including the maturity date.


2015-06-11 18:54 | Report Abuse

How can this kind of Confused structural game allow by Bursa.. really hungry for the brokerage commission w/out carung to the retailer benefits ? I rather play Future than this kind of stupid game. My friend juz buy it bcoz trusted the Sona nane. Haihyah , Pkfz , 1Mdb , many more con game in this Bolehland 1 malaysia. Think and cautious ,don't be theur Sheep.


2015-06-11 18:48 | Report Abuse

Had ask my friend double checking , but feedback are the same from his remisier.


2015-06-11 18:46 | Report Abuse

A remisier said this Sohai will become zero value upon nxt year , if Sohai not qualify an even Cigu asset. Any body pls advise....tq . My friend has 4000 lot on it acquired at $0.28 , scary man.