Fam Jenny

Jennyfam | Joined since 2013-11-19

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2016-12-29 13:08 | Report Abuse

Meanwhile,tune on 'Amazing proof that God exists,' which is the best documented film I have ever watched,all the evidences through great researches by scientists about the formation of the planets in the various milky ways in the Universe and the detailed functions of a simple cell and its dna.Its evidences refute and defeat the assumptions of aethists and evolution.


2016-12-29 11:10 | Report Abuse

Ayamtuaa,why delete your fifthy comments,want to pretend you are good,a wolf in sheep's covering.


2016-12-28 20:24 | Report Abuse

You can tune in at,'Geo Engineering Document 2016' for viewing.This film is one of the best documentary firms I ever watch.Its research works are so indepth,knowledgeable and scientific.
Pls don't ever miss it,it is worth every second of your time.


2016-12-28 19:51 | Report Abuse

Ayamtuaa,you stop ordering me,let us know your old I/d,transforming from one I/d to another,I have the same one from day one till now.


2016-12-28 17:39 | Report Abuse

Another interesting documented film on climate engineering being used as a weather warfare to win a quiet war.
entitled 'Geo EngineeringDocument 2016'(This is a must watch)
Rev 11:18,'But the nations became wrathful,and your own wrath came and the appointed time came for the dead to be judged and to reward your slaves,the prophets and the holy ones and those fearing your name,the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth.'


2016-12-28 17:24 | Report Abuse

Ayamtuaa,a shameless impostor is the one should fly kite,you have no creditability.


2016-12-28 14:18 | Report Abuse

An interesting documented film about,'Miracles in the skies'.


2016-12-28 12:50 | Report Abuse

You are the greatest idiot if you can't discern what is the truth and falsehood,you are a social ill,go and eat shit and vanished from this earth so not to infect the purity of truth and let the meek and righteous live in peace and security.The bad must not live on this earth just they are lawless and evil.


2016-12-27 22:38 | Report Abuse

Young people must learn to respect the elders for this is the basic culture of the Chinese people and also in the teaching of Christianity.But someone who is claiming to be young speaks abusively of an elder person who is a total stranger tells us she is mentally sick and lowly bred.


2016-12-27 16:24 | Report Abuse

We pity people also got scolding,it proves one factor,she is really something wrong.


2016-12-27 15:16 | Report Abuse

We must pity the sick people they do not know they are sick up in the mind.

News & Blogs

2016-12-27 13:33 | Report Abuse

It has large aceage of oil palm estate near the town in Tangkak,Johore.


2016-12-27 13:15 | Report Abuse

Just smile to a mentally sick before he is confined in Tanjung Rambutan


2016-12-27 09:42 | Report Abuse

Good morning everyone,just smile you will make others feel good and comfortable with you.


2016-12-27 00:20 | Report Abuse

The earth is so beautiful to live but its systems are chaostic economically,politically,socially and even climatically but it is consoling that this is only temporary and all will be rectified to perfection with God's kingdom and His power.Cheers!


2016-12-26 21:53 | Report Abuse

Shuaenn,let's ignore these idoits once for all bcos their food is shit and their mouths are filthy and smelly.


2016-12-26 15:30 | Report Abuse

Shuenn,thanks,these idiots want to make this forum into the rubbish bin for suppressing the price.


2016-12-26 12:44 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,old woman,you better eat more shit together with your gang.


2016-12-25 22:42 | Report Abuse

Ayamtuaa,another impostor,want quick recognition,who bothered with shameless impostor.Go and eat shit.


2016-12-25 20:00 | Report Abuse

All are sex crazy,without my history of mankind,this forum is turning yellow.


2016-12-25 09:16 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you utter only rubbish,nobody is bothered with you.


2016-12-24 15:28 | Report Abuse

Musangkingfox,Skng Keong,I send some old blouses for you but too small for you two.


2016-12-24 11:43 | Report Abuse

Correction: .....commemorate Jesus's death yearly bcos he died......


2016-12-24 10:48 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,you are a spiteful pondan,love to see me in financial touble.
When Jesus was born many shepherds were out in the fields attending to their flocks.On 25the December it was having winter in Bethehem and too cold for the sheep and shepherds to be out in the fields so Jesus couldn't be born on 25th December.That day,25th December was a celebration of a sun god by the Roman pagan before they became Christians so I don't celebrate Christmas but would commemorate Jesus's death daily bcos he died for mankind as a ransom sacrifice.


2016-12-24 09:06 | Report Abuse

Correction:an empty vessel has nothing constructive to contribute except.......with her filthy mouth.


2016-12-24 08:58 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,am empty vessel has nothing to constructive to contribute except rubbish with her filthy mouth.


2016-12-23 12:29 | Report Abuse

Further proofs of the Ark which was found on Ar'arat in Turkey as recorded in Genesis8:4,'In the seventh monthon the 17th day of the month,the arkcame to rest on the mountains of Ar'arat'.
Published on Nov 25 2014:
The Chinese explorers stand by the claim of Noah's Ark on Turkey.
Noah's Ark Ministries International(NAM) held a press conference April 2014 in Hong Kong to presentthat the findings and said they were '99.9 percent sure'that a wooden structure found at a 12,000ft elevation and dated as 4800 years old was Noah's Ark.
Members of the Chinese-Turkish team stood by their finding.


2016-12-23 12:05 | Report Abuse

When the Isrealites entered the promised land,did they fight the wars or it was God whon fought it.Let me research first,ok.


2016-12-23 12:00 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,are you sick mentally?wishing I am broke.


2016-12-23 00:17 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,a empty vessel,still talking crap.


2016-12-22 16:49 | Report Abuse

DreamConqueror,it was not proven fake only deferred in usage of technologies.The instructment could give the shape of the Ark.
Anyway I perceive the existence from the mere creations of the universe,its prefect rotation of the planets and accurate recording of the scriptures by reputable writers and the fulfilments of the prophecies of all the events that happened from the beginning until now.
The first book talked about enemy between God's organisation and Satan's organisation and the last book,Revelation revealed God's success in crushing Satan's organisation,finally ruled over the earth
Other prophesies about Jesus 's place of birth,his death,his resurrection and conditions of the last days,etc.The rise and fall of world powers.


2016-12-22 16:27 | Report Abuse

Scientific evidence of Noah's Ark found in Turkey in this documentary film:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7icpe16V0 or 'The real Noah's Ark found in Turkey.'


2016-12-22 12:55 | Report Abuse

The archaelogists use scientific testing to detect the whereabout of the Ark.


2016-12-22 12:51 | Report Abuse

Scientific evidence of Noah's Ark found in Turkey in this documentary film:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7icpe16V0
or 'The real Noah's Ark found in Turkey.'


2016-12-22 11:37 | Report Abuse

DreamKaiser,did you watch the documentary films I recommended,a lot of archeologists from their digging of the ground supported the records of the bible like the ark,the huge gaints,the floods,etc.You should rely their information from their scientific testings.
The bible mentioned the earth was suspensing on nothing and the surface was curvy long before man discovered it,do you know?
Of course you have your rights to deny it but it doesn't mean it is not true.Even God will not be bothered with disobedient ones but destroy them to protect the righteous ones.
The choice is yours of course whether to buy it or not bcos you have a free will to choose.You won't want it,it doesn't mean others will not buy it.
The facts show that there are still many meek ones seek for the truth and God if not why there are millions of worshippers of God on earth.


2016-12-22 10:58 | Report Abuse

This forum has nothing to talk about so we just chat about historical events related to the whole earth,what's wrong with your brain,it is loose.


2016-12-22 09:42 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,Skng Keong,both are thick-skinned thinking the forum belong to them,everyday talk rot,go and eat shit if you talk shit.


2016-12-22 08:23 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you eat too much shit,your mouth smells like shit.


2016-12-22 00:19 | Report Abuse

How did the nephilims exist after the flood,well since eight of them survived namely,Noah,his wife,3 sons and his 3 daughters-in-law.So could one of the daughters-in-law's female ancestors were Nephilims and she had the gene of nephilims.Later she produced giants whom the spies spotted in the land of canaanites and made the Isrealites so fearful to fight against them.
The scriptures in Numbers 14:18......bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation.Here it talks the wrong doing can have a defective gene{gene of cross breed)that will pass on to the descendants in many generation.
If we examine further in another scripture in Genesis 6:12,'Yes ,God looked upon the earth,and it was ruined all fresh had ruined its way on the earth.'This scripture seemed to refer to the corruption of the flesh due to cross breeding of all kinds of flesh including the animals.Daughters with disobedient angels,producing gaints who bullied the human race,and the animals cross bred.So God eventually destroyed the remnant of the gaint families through the Isrealites in the wars of destruction.


2016-12-21 23:26 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,repeating the same thing all over again again will make a person mental,that time you really will eat shit.Chanting the same words will make the brain crazy,don't you realise it,then listen to a mad guy,he will repeat the same thing over hundreds times or million times.


2016-12-21 21:25 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,you are the one should see psychiratist bcos all the evidences in front us you still want to deny the truth.One are the odd bcos billion can perceive the presence of suprernatural powers,demons,creation of the universe the air combination of gases,the sunrise,sunset,the photosynthesis of plants,the breathing of oxgen and the emittance of carbon dioxide by humans for plants,our excrete for plants as fertilisers.The similarities of inner organs of animals and humans like the heart,liver,lungs except the content in them differ.So can all these be coincidences.You are foolish to take all these for granted.
A lot of scientists do strongly believe in God who is the greatest
scientist Himself.From his creation His knowledge in science supercede ours by trillions trillions or countless times.
So your knowledge is almost nil by measurement with His so of what standard you have to comment about Him.
To me you are a real clown in my eyes.


2016-12-21 17:51 | Report Abuse

Billions believe in God but the difference whether they have the prefect,true set of teaching and whether they are doers or just sayers.Which group will be blessed,of course the first group?


2016-12-21 17:46 | Report Abuse

History is written by non creditable men and can be changed but bible is written by 40+ creditable righteous people who are inspired by God The writers were of different generations and it took more than 2000 years to complete but from the 1st book to the last one it supports one another and didn't contradict.
If prefect humans can sin so will the angels bcos they were given free will to choose what is right and wrong but the consequence is death.


2016-12-21 17:23 | Report Abuse

If he is humans,there must be God and his angels,the word of God i.e the bible for our recording and instructions.So simple as that.


2016-12-21 16:57 | Report Abuse

In Numbers 13:33 mentioned that the Isrealites spies came back with news during Moses's time that promised land that God was going to give them was inhabitated by gaints/nephilims and they were like grasshoppers when compared with the gaints.So these nephilims could be 30 ft tall or more.
The sinful angels came down from heaven many years before the Great Flood and might have many generations of nephilims living then.But all were destroyed during the flood except Noah's family.So the question here is how the gaints came about after the floods?


2016-12-21 16:02 | Report Abuse

I still believe the daughters of men in ancient time were very beautiful bcos they were near perfection,the most beautiful woman may be Eve and most handsome man would be Adam.


2016-12-21 16:00 | Report Abuse

Continued:3)But he was so insistent with them that they went with him to his house.Then he made a feast for them ,and he baked unleavened bread and they ate.
So from these scriptures once they materialised they could ate and humans even hold hands when they led Lot and his family members out of the city before the destruction.
So during the floods all humans and the Nephilims except Noah and his family survived.As for the rebellious angels they dematerialised to escape the floods but they were barred from heavens,powers were removed and waiting for their judgement.These fallen sinful angels are called demons or evil spirits who come into contact with humans through mediums and possessed humans.They had lost their powers of materialising into humans and even they tried it would be a very short moments.
If not nephilims/gaints will be borne agains which will cause great violence.


2016-12-21 15:44 | Report Abuse

DreamMaster,let me use Genesis 6:4,to explain the difference between sons of God and Nephilims.It reads,'The Nephilims were on the earth in those days and afterward.During that time the sons of true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and these sons to them.They were the mighty ones of the old times,the men of fame.It is further explained in Jude 1:6,'And the angels who did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place,he has reserved with eternal bonds in dense darkness for the judgement of the great day.'
Sons of God referred to the angels from heaven,they have spirit bodies and can materialised in the form of humans.
Wheras Nephilims were the hybrid(cross breed)children of the materialised angels and the daughters of men before the flood.They have physical bodies of huge sizes like the gaints.
Lot received into his home the good materialised angels who came to
save them before the destruction of Sodom and Gomoroh.(Genesis 19:1-4)
which read,'The two angels arrived at Sodom and Lot was........3)But


2016-12-20 23:45 | Report Abuse

If the forum belongs to you I will need to listen to you,so don't be thick-skinned,just shut up,go and eat shit again if you talk shit here.