Fam Jenny

Jennyfam | Joined since 2013-11-19

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2016-12-12 15:37 | Report Abuse

Greatwall,you another ka poh,meddle in people's affairs,too free eh,got nothing to do.

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2016-12-12 06:51 | Report Abuse

Paul 247,don't you think it is dangerous to provide you with so much information?If it is genuine give your address and contact no instead.


2016-12-11 23:53 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong, a slanderer cannot enter paradise earth,must repent if not another hopeless fellow.


2016-12-11 23:50 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,old grumpy woman,still want to talk shit here.


2016-12-11 23:09 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,are you so free?got nothing better to do,meddle into people's business,so ga poh.Still not ashame of yourself?


2016-12-11 21:23 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,Pussycats,who care what you think bcos you are a crooked type,love to twist and turn,to me,what God thinks of me is the most important.


2016-12-11 17:53 | Report Abuse

Abanglong..,I can't comprehend your laguage.


2016-12-11 17:51 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua,I live by the word of God'thou shall not commit fornication'.Since I am not married I have no right to make love in bed'
I choose what is good for me bcos I love everlasting life and God.From the day Adam and Eve sinned against God,He told the serpent,devil "There is enemity between your seed and my seed,your seed will strike my seed at the heel but my seed will crush yours at the head."Gen 3:15.So God will give unrependant sinners a final blow of death.
Titus 1:15,'All things are clean to clean people,but to those who are defiled and faithless,nothing is clean for both their minds and consciences are defiled.'


2016-12-11 17:25 | Report Abuse

Abanglong.....,your English is too good,I comprehend your language.


2016-12-11 17:09 | Report Abuse

Why do you worry for me whether there is man to love or not?I will pick my man not they pick me,do you get it?


2016-12-11 16:33 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,also you can have the freedom to imagine how ugly I am if you feel good but a vicious heart you are cultivating which make you more ulgy than now,face already ulgy plus your heart turning ulgy.Now really no man will look at you,kesian lah.


2016-12-11 16:22 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,I believe you are a woman,never being loved,love to talk rubbish.I believe you are from very lowly background of education and breeding.
Keep on insisting me of being penniless when I already humbly reveal a bit of family background.Okay lah,since you love to lie about others,then you better think I am penniless bcos you will feel better if I am poor like you.You can have the freedom to imagine how poor I am.


2016-12-11 15:25 | Report Abuse

Love of money is the root of all evils but not money itself,so beware of its pitfalls.


2016-12-11 15:09 | Report Abuse

Pussycats,even God will war against Satan and the wicked ones so have to face the fact of life when defending the truth about God.


2016-12-11 15:05 | Report Abuse

AbanglongPekida3line,when you write any comments,pls write clearly so that I can understand what you are talking about.Can't imagine your English is so poor,what is your std of education,std 2,kah!


2016-12-11 14:12 | Report Abuse

Also best wishes for all your future undertakings.


2016-12-11 14:10 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua,Listen carefully I never said the stock is unspiritual but humans.
Pls remember at your last breath at Ammaggeddon that I have shared with you about the news of salvation but you have rejected it yourself.
Thank you for your comments,'buang sohai'.


2016-12-11 08:51 | Report Abuse

Correction....repeat the same thing again and again......


2016-12-11 08:50 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,another clown in this forum,reoaet the same thing again and again like a grumpy old hack.


2016-12-10 21:32 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,do you know me?sour grape,I don't have to talk to you at all,I just try to be humble and polite but you are wasting my time.


2016-12-10 20:44 | Report Abuse

Regarding wealth and beauty,I do possess them.I must thank my ancestors and give all the credits to the almighty God for His blessings endowed upon them.


2016-12-10 20:15 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,I think you are very poor in good virtues and materially.Did I ever meet you and tell you I was penniless,we had donated a big piece of land to build a school and my grandfather's big name was inscribed in the tall pillar.
So if we are so poor,can we give away our land freely.So don't talk shit with me about wealth as you don't have the standard yet to despise others.


2016-12-10 20:04 | Report Abuse

Correction:need to wait very long.


2016-12-10 20:02 | Report Abuse

Pussycats,Eve lived up to 900+ years,there is still a long way to go for me if I have everlasting life.I kesian you all instead for choosing short life around 60 years if Armaggeddon doesn't come yet but I doubt I need very long.


2016-12-10 19:37 | Report Abuse

So you are very happy when nobody loves,laugh until die.


2016-12-10 17:30 | Report Abuse

I won't love unspiritual human,I will have many opportunities to pick the right one in the paradise earth.


2016-12-10 11:25 | Report Abuse

The love of money is the root of all evils,beware of your pitfalls in life.


2016-12-10 08:01 | Report Abuse

Tomanhead,I never research on kangaroo bcos it won't give me any wisdom except general knowledge which I am short of time to acquire it.I have to ration my time for more important things and set my priorities in life.


2016-12-09 23:46 | Report Abuse

Tomanhead,I started to learn the bible since 7 years old and took it as a subject until Form 3.But continued to read the scriptures as I was a church goer then.When I was in S'pore for holidays I met the Jehovah's witnesses and while in the college until now I continue to read the bible.I have read the whole bible from Genesis to Relevation once and attend meetings regularly to enrich my biblical knowledge.
If I don't understand any deep prophesies,I will research it from materials/books supplied by jw.library for further clarification and explanation.
So I will let you assess my biblical knowledge from the articles I write here whether I am well versed or not.


2016-12-09 18:12 | Report Abuse

So far less than 0.1% of the world population cares or observes the principles of God,so it is not surprising a very handful of people will care about God's warning.The bible mentions it will be like Noah days most of them will be busy with merry making until the destruction comes.


2016-12-09 13:25 | Report Abuse

Tomanhead,there are many other investors are still spiritual bcos they have the wisdom of what is real life.Not gambling for a living


2016-12-08 19:43 | Report Abuse

Greatwall,another clown.


2016-12-08 19:24 | Report Abuse

After the rebellion in the garden of Eden,God allow mankind to rule by themselves,and with bad consequences.Life span from nearly 1000 years to 70 years,good moral conduct deteriorates to deplorable levels of shamesuch cohabitation without a decent marriage,good health to bad health with all kind of sicknesses,big climatic changes which will cause flooding earthquakes,tsunami,poisoning of air,radiation of food,fighting and bullying small nations,seizure/robbing of people's property by allegations of corruption when they are more guilty of bigger crimes such as war crimes which cause rampant poverty,great sorrow to innocent decendants of the dead.
So it is time to return the earth to God for the happiness of mankind to enjoy the life in paradise earth because men fail miserably to rule over their fellowmen


2016-12-08 17:51 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you better stay away,lack the ability of interaction,jumble up into senseless conversation.


2016-12-08 17:30 | Report Abuse

Alvinchiam,if humans are Gods themselves then we don't need God to direct our lives we can take care of ourselves.
We can create animate objects without life and the ability of reproduction except woman can reproduce babies only and so are the animals.We cannot control nature such as winds,storm,earthquake,tsunami as we do not have the super powers.
Acheh's and Japanese's earthquake recently just destroyed many properties and lives.Do you know the last tsunami killed about 190k lives in Acheh,can you do anything to help but no right,just helplessly watching the tradegies without any ability to do anything to reverse the tradegies.So how can you talk big here,empty talk only.


2016-12-08 16:47 | Report Abuse

I need to perform my duty as a Christian to bring the good news of salvation of God for the meek ones and warning of destruction of God for those wicked ones as commanded by Jesus Christ.


2016-12-08 16:22 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you are mentally unsound,repeating the same thing all over again and again.


2016-12-08 16:20 | Report Abuse

Tomanhead,don't treat God's lightly,it won't bring blessing to those mockers.


2016-12-08 15:03 | Report Abuse

That is why God must remove the misfits from the earth to give way to the good and righteous ones as they are pleasing to His eyes and He has the absolute rights to decide what kind of residents he wants his earth to be occupied.Too bad for the wicked ones,your days are numbered.


2016-12-08 11:51 | Report Abuse

read website:jw library for more information.


2016-12-08 11:36 | Report Abuse

With everlasting life and prefect health,100% utility of our brains we can make wonderful,lasting plans for ourselves.I can't imagine our great achievements we can accomplish in the paradise earth and our satisfaction derived from them but it will take 1000 years to reach prefection.
I wonder what type of composer or musician or singer shall I be in the paradise if I were qualified to enter there?
Cheers to those who choose to serve God wholeheartedly and be blesses


2016-12-08 11:23 | Report Abuse

Worst still there is another group who sin purposely without bothering about god's principles by simply doing things according to their own bad desires and have no respect for God's principles and righteousness.
The main issue here is why do we need to obey and respect God's laws and his sovereignty.It is because He wants to prepare and reform us to live in the coming paradise with true peace and security.Without rules and order the earth will be like today not habitable eventually,nation having wars,hunger,sorrow,revelries,bullying,inequality of wealth,poor health,death.
Hence for the ungodly people their eventuality is death as they are not suitable to live on earth,eg people are destroyed in Sodom and Gomorah,armies of Pharoah,the wicked ones during Noah's floods.But the extermination is brought about by God and his angels as mentioned in Revelation and not human beings.


2016-12-08 10:57 | Report Abuse

Everyone is imperfect and will sin against God every now and then but if it is due to our weaknesses and not done deliberately we can ask for forgiveness of our sins by the ransom sacrifice of God.For the righteous ones they will train their conscience to act and do things that are pleasing to God so that they sin as little as possible,press on to Christian maturity like the apostles of Jesus.
There is another group who claims to serve god by lips without making any attempts to change their bad ways and yet expect God to forgive them all the times.this group is simply naïve and take God for granted.


2016-12-07 14:51 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,Skng Keong,are you aware you have committed a crime for trespass my privacy verbally and can be jailed for your verbal assault and trespass.Since both love to smell people's panties,I suggest both of you smell each other's.


2016-12-07 11:04 | Report Abuse

Of course glotec will move up but minus the empty vessels and big mouth,Skg Keong and his gang.


2016-12-06 11:14 | Report Abuse

To be humble one must admit and recognise the existence of the Most high God as he is the creator of all living things in the universe.Nothing can come into existence without a creator and nothing can be complex if there is no intelligent,proper planning and designs.Let's take a simple cell of a human or its beast,its dna make-up,each has its own set of dna which will determine its own kind design of life,whether a human,a lion,a snake or a tiger,each its own kind.
Further we have the breathing cycle of taking in oxygen.breathing out carbon dioxide,the exact combination of gases in the atmosphere for our survival,etc.
Are we going to be so simple minded to take all these for granted,denying its origin of creation?,just bcos we dislike being told what is right and what is wrong by our Creator in the scriptures for instruction.Of course the choice is yours as God never forces you to obey but give you free will to choose whether to obey or disobey and the difference given by Him is life and death.The whole earth is going to be a paradise and he spells out the qualities He wants his subjects to cultivate ie,kindness,mildness,obedience,humility,chaseness,generousity,truthfuln


2016-12-06 09:51 | Report Abuse

correction:....you all are qualified to enter....
If there is no chance of living for you all your plans...


2016-12-06 09:46 | Report Abuse

Are you all sex crazy if so go and get married,then you have your rights to practise it every time you want.Jesus says if you constantly look at a woman with lustful thoughts you already commit fornication in the heart.If you continue to harp on it with your brains you stimulate your heart to develop bad desires which eventually blossom to sins.So no way,you are all are qualified to enter the paradise earth if you are not repentant.
To gain God's approval,one must remain holy,'You should be holy,because I am Jehovah your God,am holy.'Leviticus 19:2.
From the signs of world events we are very near the end of the wicked system and at the brim of paradise earth which will be very exciting and interesting to venture into.
There will great invention of scientific things with our prefect brain and health besides peace and security.
If there is chance of living for you all your plans will be futile bcos your plans will depend on your very survival on earth.
So repent for your sins and learn to have wisdom esp ayamtua.


2016-12-05 09:46 | Report Abuse

It is time to buy it


2016-12-03 21:53 | Report Abuse

I can do the best and don't need anybody to help me.