Fam Jenny

Jennyfam | Joined since 2013-11-19

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2016-12-20 23:01 | Report Abuse

Lot's time,the angels spent time with Lot's family before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorah.


2016-12-20 22:57 | Report Abuse

Read Exodus 20:4,5,6
Deuteronomy 7:1,2.9
Numbers 14:18.numbers 13:33
Joshua 11:22
Matt 28:6,'Heis not here for he was raised up,......
Matt28:8,9......9)And look!Jesus met them and said 'Good day!They approached and took hold of his feet and did obeisance to him.Jesus materialised himself to his disciple as human.Luke 24:51,he ascended to heavens.


2016-12-20 21:23 | Report Abuse

Humans have physical bodies made up of flesh and blood but the angels have spirit bodies which are different from us.We and the angels are different in madeup of bodies that's why we cannot cross breed and if we do we will produce abnormal offsprings like the nephilims.


2016-12-20 21:18 | Report Abuse

Correction:They took many women as wives....


2016-12-20 21:17 | Report Abuse

DreamEmperor,when the angels came down from heaven the materialised as male humans with physical bodies.We took many women as wives as recorded in Genesis 6:4.The bible recorded the angels with powers can materialise like Lot's time,the angels led Lot and his family member out of the cities.Jesus after resurrection had a spirit body before he ascended to heavens and materialised many times as humans to let his disciples recognise him.Likewise angels with power can materialise as humans with physical powers unless God strips them of their powers like the rebellious angels.


2016-12-20 18:43 | Report Abuse

You are very fortunate to hear me explain the mysteries as many now can understaind more about these super natural powers you can see now.


2016-12-20 18:38 | Report Abuse

Many corpes of huge sizes of these nephilims were found in the graves in many parts of the world.The biblical records mentioned these gaints were destroyed by the Isrealites through God's powers when they captured the land of Canaanites(promised land).
Cheers!God is great and gracious.


2016-12-20 18:30 | Report Abuse

So the sinful angels who fathered the nephilims dematerialised as spirits again during the flood but their powers were taken away by Almighty God and were barred from heavens,waiting for the judgement of the great day.Jude 1:6,'And the angels who did not keep their original position but forsook their own proper dwelling place he has reserved with eternal bonds in the dense darkness for the judgement of the great day.'
So today whatever you hear about unclean spirits or demons were the rebellious angels who disobeyed God.


2016-12-20 17:59 | Report Abuse

It says,'And there we saw the Nephilim,the sons of Anak who are from the Nephilim and in comparison we seemed like grasshoppers,both to us and to them.


2016-12-20 17:55 | Report Abuse

The film mentioned that the genetic dna of the nephilims might be in the wives of Noah's sons as gaints existed after the great floods even though they were destroyed during Noah's flood.This genetic dna of nephilims may passed on to the next generation as mention in Numbers 14:28 ,'..........but he willby no means leave the guilty unpunished bringing punishment for errors of the fathers upon sons upon the third generation and the fourth generation.'The Isrealite spies sighted the gaints in land of canaanites as mentioned in Numbers 13:33.


2016-12-20 13:56 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you lost your pants in this counter and so are many others pity them.
Keep it for mid term and long term after it is very cheap and the Australiancounterpart has moved a lot so have some confidence in it.So don't talk shit and you don't eat shit.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8dUQ0aSmSE: the origin of the Nephilim


2016-12-20 10:22 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,if still talk shit,go and eat for shit.


2016-12-20 10:20 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you are a real empty vessel,last night I was watching the Ark of Noah found in Turkey and the documented films of the discoveries of corpses of gaints/nephilim found in many parts of the world.These agreements are scientifically proven by the archaeologists who fully supported that the bible had accurate records of human history as in Genesis 6:4.


2016-12-19 21:45 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you eat shit and talk shit.


2016-12-19 20:52 | Report Abuse

Ethien323 and Skng Keong,go and eat shit.


2016-12-19 18:44 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,talk shit eat shit bcos nobody will buy smelly pantee,up there in your brain is loose,eat more shit.


2016-12-19 09:20 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you only got plantation and not estates so little you dare to brag in front me.Go and eat more shit.


2016-12-19 08:21 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you are a great idiot,I don't stay in Kajang,this proves that you know nothing of me,talk shit,donate one lorry of shit for you as you like to consume,old wrinkled,crazy woman.


2016-12-18 23:11 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,why delete the rubbish you wrote,want to let others think I am bad and you are good,if you want to quarrel I will continue with you.Don't change your I/d like the devil transforming from one light to the other.


2016-12-18 21:00 | Report Abuse

Old woman,why you bother what I do,remember the forum is not yours,shut up.


2016-12-18 19:05 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,old woman eat more shit if you meddle with my affaiars.You are new doesn't mean you are young,your behaviour tell me you are obstinate old hack.


2016-12-18 07:50 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you don't talk shithere or you will need more shit.You are new here so know your own position,go and eat more shit.


2016-12-17 22:04 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,go eat more shit talk more shit,eat shit...............shit!


2016-12-17 20:46 | Report Abuse

Klee,just stay away from here,don't mind,let me deal with these shits.


2016-12-17 20:45 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you eat not enough shit still want me to import from overseas,ok you more for you to eat more.


2016-12-17 19:10 | Report Abuse

I am not worry,like shamlamite girl I have the scent of perfume in personality that is why you all continue to be attracted to me.Go and eat more shit.


2016-12-17 11:56 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,shit is the right food for you.


2016-12-17 10:50 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,talk shit so eat shit,now you are eating shit again.


2016-12-17 10:34 | Report Abuse

Greatwall,you better join Skng Keong,Musangfoxking to eat more shit since you love to talk shit too.


2016-12-17 00:12 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you eat more shit,then go and see the doctor.


2016-12-16 17:26 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong you didn't have enough shit,go with Musanfoxking to eat more.Then your mouth will be more smelly.


2016-12-16 17:21 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,eat more shit and mind your own business,frustrated old woman shut up.


2016-12-15 21:31 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,you are mentally sick,my life has nothing to do with you or the others,don't you feel shameful meddling in other people's affairs,you more eat more shit.


2016-12-15 15:01 | Report Abuse

Ayamtuaa,you want to create a loophole in bible teaching to attack me.For righteous anger,I have my rights,fyi,Jesus overturned the whole tables of the merchants at the temple bcos these people abused God's place of worship by turning into a business centre for trading.
You abuse God's teaching for your own purpose.The bible asks us to rebuke any person who misuse its teaching for righteousness.


2016-12-15 13:50 | Report Abuse

Tomanhead,I watched a video clips boardcast in national tv of China,'Sons of Noah in China'and others which the researcher mentioned certain chinese characters like,'boat,sacrifice,peace,righteousness
,beauty,God,create,restrain,covet,tower,migrate were made of characters
related to the history of mankind from the beginning as recorded in the bible.
It is really interesting to know our roots and it mentioned actually the ancient Chinese were from somewhere near Africa after God confused mankind's only language into many languages which cause them to migrate towards west after the great divisions.
No wonder some Chinese women in central and northern parts of China have such,pinkish skins, strong and sweet,lovely,beautiful features and look jewish.


2016-12-15 13:08 | Report Abuse

This Skng Keong infringed/dainted my reputation as a Christian by abusing me verbally through immoral suggestions.This old woman should eat shit bcos she behaves like an animal in her unclean speech of free sex,she sounded like a public toilet.


2016-12-15 09:02 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you better eat more shit,you don't utter enough shit,leh.


2016-12-15 09:00 | Report Abuse

Tomanhead,what is'The epic of Gilgamesh'


2016-12-14 23:07 | Report Abuse

A friend of mine went to Yunan for holidays,there a tourist brought them to a cave which was 3000ft above the sea level.Inside the caves,they found some fish fossils struck in the walls of the rocks.A strange question flashed in his mind,'how can fish be found in the rock walls of the cave so high?'The only answer he could get was there must be a great flood that covered the earth up to the the mountains.According to biblical records this great flood happened during Noah's time where he and his wife,3 sons and daughter-in-laws and animals survived in the great Ark.
Also the word 'boat in chinese'is made up of Chinese characters of ark,eight, people'which indicated the early Chinese knew there were eight survivors during the great flood.
Historical facts support the accurate records of the bible.


2016-12-14 22:30 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you eat shit to cure your sick mind,old woman.


2016-12-14 18:46 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you are so frustrated keep running over your brain about the unclean thing to satisfy your lust,eat shit or consult a mental doctor is the right thing to cure your mental sickness.


2016-12-14 15:27 | Report Abuse

Billions believe in the bible is the word of God with information of the past, present and future,it is really interesting and exciting to read it.
Skng Keong your food is shit go and eat it if you don't see the mental doctor.


2016-12-14 15:21 | Report Abuse

They think investors will come,hear them,then support glotec.
This Greatwall must be the new ayamtuaa to impersonate the real ayamtua to scold DreamPredator for calling her pondan.


2016-12-14 13:54 | Report Abuse

For the ungodly people,there is no chance of survival, in Jude 1:14...'look!Jehovah came with his holy myraids(legions of angels).15) to excecute judgement against all,and to convict all the ungodly concerning all their ungodly deeds that they did in an ungodly way and concerning shocking things that ungodly sinners spoke against him.
As for the godly ones,in jude 1:21,'in order to keep yourselves in God's love,while you await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ with everlasting life in view.


2016-12-14 13:09 | Report Abuse

Greatwall,musangfoxking,Skng Keong same kind flock together so you choose among yourselves as partners afterall you don't believe in moral standards you can live animals.Meanwhile eat shit as your food bcos you behave like shit and talk shit.


2016-12-14 10:26 | Report Abuse

Musangfoxking,I guess you all are old,longing for attention and love,admit lah if you so hardup.Both you and he can enjoy eating shit if you still continue uttering shits or consult mental doctors.


2016-12-14 08:52 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you talk shit so your food is shit until you see the doctor.


2016-12-14 00:20 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you better eat shit if you don't want to see a doctor.


2016-12-13 16:00 | Report Abuse

Skng Keong,you better let the doctor test your brain whether how loose it is.


2016-12-12 16:58 | Report Abuse

what happens to me is none of your business,you better mind your own business.