Fam Jenny

Jennyfam | Joined since 2013-11-19

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2015-11-16 12:19 | Report Abuse

Richkid,you gave wrong guidance in some counters,what is your motive asking people to sell when it is so low.Glotec has NTA=5.8c whereas Hubline nta is 1c so surely it can be 1c for hubline which is asking for money through rights issues.Then after rights their paid up has 15bln shares.


2015-11-14 07:45 | Report Abuse

Correction:....and treat him as an outsider.


2015-11-14 07:41 | Report Abuse

There are clear cut laws for christains to conduct themselves and not sinning against Almightly God.The bible clearly states to disfellowship
any unrepented ones from the congregation,to remove bad influence and him as an outsider.


2015-11-14 06:49 | Report Abuse

Correctin:..bcos he died unfaithfully by ......


2015-11-14 06:46 | Report Abuse

DreamMaurader,you are 851815,mentally retarded by relating my flu to divine punishment for saying no resurrection for King Solomon.I said this bcos he was died unfaithfully by serving other false gods not Almighty God and his abusive indulgement in women which is adultery.


2015-11-13 23:46 | Report Abuse

The gain of yours will be the great loss of others so God will not be involved in this market when there is a turnaround.when it is a downtrend a loss for everyone unless you buy when it is cheaper.If there is an upward trend then everyone will gain but it will never last forever.


2015-11-13 19:19 | Report Abuse

It will be in the court to establish grounds of guilt and will be interesting.


2015-11-13 17:25 | Report Abuse

I am get caught with flu and not well enough to research into occasions where Almighty God exterminated the wicked who broke his principles wilfully.In other words to establish the grounds of guilt committed by these sinful ones and support the conclusion of no resurrection for King Solomon.
So just wait for me to recover from flu first.


2015-11-12 17:06 | Report Abuse

Dead fish comes back to life finally,hope it can move forward.


2015-11-12 16:43 | Report Abuse

Hubline,a dead fish comes back to life,maybe third liners are coming and so will glotec.


2015-11-12 16:40 | Report Abuse

King Solomon was at first a faithful king and built a temple with many parts made of gold.But he didn't obey the instructions of Prophets not to take many wives and bcos of his gluton (greed) in women about 1000 and under the bad influence of foreign women he fell off from true worship,indulged in idol worship and lost out God's favour at the end.I won't expect to see him in resurrection for sure according to bible standard.


2015-11-12 13:55 | Report Abuse

The bible revealed the truth about good and shameful doings of the kings like the adultery of King David,King Solomon's excessive possession of wives and concubines which was amounting to 1000 and many sins of other prominent kings.


2015-11-12 13:32 | Report Abuse

The original bible was made up of old testation and new testament and were written in Hebrew and Greek on scrolls before the invention of printing.Any alteration of any word in the scriptures is strictly forbidden and is considered a great sin and cannot be forgiven.Hence we believe it was inspired by God's holy spirit through holy and honest-hearted persons who would speak the truth.
Regarding the earth was round and suspensed on nothing,it was not with their own abilities to know as they were not scientists or astronauts but through the holy spirit of God who uses men to compile the holy book to reveal Him and his purposes.
As regarding human histories written by patriotic authors,they always write good things about their nations and left the shameful events like the Japanese and many others as they fear liabilities and claims of damages from others so the truth is changed to suit the reputation and prestige.


2015-11-11 17:04 | Report Abuse

Icon8,he didn't buy at 16c,he bought cheaper by averaging out through selling and buying process,little at high price a lot at low price,that's his game.


2015-11-11 15:48 | Report Abuse

There is nothing to talk about glotec it is flat like airport runway.Only my research can stir interest now.


2015-11-11 15:04 | Report Abuse

Aiman2010,I am here not discuss which religion is more superior bcos it is disputable,subjective and sensitive.But to talk about salvation in taking knowledge of God's plans and hope for mankind.What are the future events lie ahead of us soon i.e God's judgement day.


2015-11-11 10:27 | Report Abuse

851815,Pls ignore my postings and I will ignore yours,who will bother with your rubbish postings.


2015-11-11 09:09 | Report Abuse

Correction:...didn't know the facts well enough.


2015-11-11 09:06 | Report Abuse

DreamPredator,Job and Isaiah existed long before Galileo and Copernicus,He wrote in Job 26:7'He stretches out the northern sky over empty space,suspending the earth on nothing'.
In Isaiah 40:22,'There is the One who dwells above the circle of the earth'.
These people didn't search the bible hence didn't the facts well enough.


2015-11-10 12:41 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua,I am fine and thanks for the greeting.


2015-11-10 12:15 | Report Abuse

851815,an old sex maniac,you better stay in the prostitutes'den
and scream for sex there,an useless fellow,formerly known as beruang emas.


2015-11-09 23:29 | Report Abuse

851815,what I talk is about salvation,you utter rubbish and shut your filthy mouth.


2015-11-09 21:55 | Report Abuse

Long,long ago the bible mentioned the earth was round and suspense on nothing.It recorded the ancestry of Jesus Christ right from Abraham to his Joseph,Mary's husband in the book of Matthew.


2015-11-09 16:26 | Report Abuse

DreamPredator,you are not facts searching kind of person,your knowledge centred around Abrabic dancing yet like to jump to your conclusion without any research.Google can translate only 75 languages but our jw.org can translate about 780 languages and nearly 15mln people are studying deeply into the bible and the it is most saleable book in China.So all people are childish like me and you alone are very mature and knowledgeable,you are only the intellect amongst 1.7bln.Your postings are mere rubbish,you are dreamconqueror.


2015-11-08 23:15 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua,to be qualified for everlasting life,pls learn to have moral mind if not you will be disqualified to enter the paradise just like the Isrealites who couldn't enter the promised land and you cannot date me there.


2015-11-08 23:01 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua,Jesus talks about two kinds of flock of sheep,one kind made of a great multitute will enjoy earthly life together with animals,sea living creatures and plants including flowers.
The other flock made of 144,000 of faithful tested disciples of Jesus of whom will be joint rulers with Jesus to rule over the earth which will be occupied by the meek.
Isaiah 65:25'The wolf and the lamb will feed together.The lion will eat straw just like the bull....They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in my holy mountains'says Jehovah.
Also Isaiah 65:21'They will build houses and live in them.And they will plant vineguards and eat their fruitage.'
Also read psalms37:9 to 11....the wicked will be no more.11)But the meek will possess the earth.... And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace'.So we will stay here and may need cbm gas for cooking and other purposes.


2015-11-08 22:31 | Report Abuse

851815,your speech is crude like you,fortunately in paradise earth we don't have people like you.Thank God for that provision of polite and good neighbours so that we can have exquisite delight in the abundance of peace.


2015-11-08 22:05 | Report Abuse

As for me I love to stay on this beautiful earth bcos it has many things for me to enjoy here.My eyes can see the beautiful skies like sunset,sunrise,mountainous landscapes like swisszerland,New Zea..land and my noise for fragant smell of flowers,and tongue for tasting all kind of food,ears for beautiful melodies,etc,etc....


2015-11-08 21:54 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua,do you think we will go to heavens even we survive the great judgement day of God.No,heaven is a spiritual realm and anyone staying there must have a spirit body.But we being made in flesh and blood are not able to dwell or survive there unless God gives us a spiritual body like the angels.Our bodies need oxygen,water, and food from plants to survive so we have to stay on earth forever.
Of course there are a group of specially chosen ones will be awarded spiritual bodies to rule the earth as stated in Rev 5:10''and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God and they are to rule as kings over the earth'
Further in Rev 7:4'And I heard the number of those who were sealed,144000.....
So these specially selected ones who are tested and faithful will be joint heirs with Jesus to rule over the earth for a 1000years and at the end when mankind reaches perfection the rulership will be returned
to Almighty God as King of kings of the Universe.
Today many seek the truth,desert the false religions and daily about 575 persons are baptised as Jehovah's witnesses and indeed the bible says the truth set you free from falsehood.Praise the Lord for the blessing.


2015-11-08 20:54 | Report Abuse

Are you all hinting three parties are fighting for glotec shares,like that it has hope for a turnaround,lol.
Pls don't involve almighty God in share market as it is too treacherous in its game and he will not have a hand in it.
If we have financial or health problems we can approach him for heip or seek his blessing bcos the scriptures assure us that if we obey and listen,we will be blessed.


2015-11-07 01:07 | Report Abuse

Some very old men are acting young here but actually they need to use stick to walk and keep talking hap sap.


2015-11-07 01:03 | Report Abuse

A lot of rascals are here to talk rubbish bcos they are interested to buy glotec cheap.


2015-11-07 00:25 | Report Abuse

hopeful the cyberpolice can catch you soon for hacking.


2015-11-07 00:24 | Report Abuse

Testing how bad you are using your virus,make sure you are not caught by the cyber police.


2015-11-07 00:20 | Report Abuse

Trying to see how good in are in sending virus into people website.


2015-11-07 00:16 | Report Abuse

Trying to test out your virus effective or not


2015-11-07 00:16 | Report Abuse

Trying to test out your virus effective or not


2015-11-06 23:50 | Report Abuse

Can't stop me from posting.


2015-11-06 23:28 | Report Abuse

so talk ham sap again.


2015-11-06 23:27 | Report Abuse

So talk ham sap again.


2015-11-06 17:22 | Report Abuse

Give me an empty page,why so frighten of me


2015-11-06 17:20 | Report Abuse

erase the previous comments


2015-11-05 21:45 | Report Abuse

some come here to talk nonsense every day,mere rubbish so that glotec will become rubbish like them,picking up cheap as the management hopes like them.


2015-11-03 18:16 | Report Abuse

False heat means 'ka four' in Cantonese,there is no such thing as hantu heat.


2015-11-03 17:47 | Report Abuse

I was having phlegm whenever I have flu and recently worst my wisdom tooth was shaky as the gum underneath was swollen and inflamed.I was very worried it would drop off anytime.So I went round consulting old aunties for the right medication.
Fortunately,one old aunty advised me to steam Cultured American Ginseng to remove the "false heat' in the body and I did what she told me.
To my surprise,I didn't only cure my toothache but my phlegm too.How fortunate I am to preserve the tooth and rid off my phlegm.


2015-11-02 22:34 | Report Abuse

DreamPredator,your question is senseless and stupid,Do plant and animals cause the world to be wicked.The main purpose of existence for plants and fruits tree is food for mankind to survive and remain healthy.As for the animals they are mankind to take care and play with.So there is no reason to stop the plants to reproduce as we need them for food.
Regarding the animals we have the full rights to deal with them bcos God will not judge them in their doing.But for humans it is definitely in the plans of God to stop wicked people from harming the good people.So either by stopping the reproduction of Tom,dick,harry or instant judgement of death will be methods adopted to prevent the growth of wicked in the paradise.
Regarding the authencity of the recording of biblical history,I can quote an example of 'Passover' which was a yearly celebration of the Isrealites.
The first 'Passover' was recorded in Exodus 12:17 to 20 when the angels of death killed all the first born of the Egyptians during Moses'time as the 10th plague and the angels by passed the homes of the Isrealites without harming them.Jehovah God instructed the Isrealites to celebrate yearly to remember this event and it even recorded that Jesus observed this Passover just before he was arrested.
When the earth is restored to paradise,do you think God will allow mosquitoes to bite you and cause dengue fevers,pls use your common sense and if God can destroy the wicked humans,will God spare the lives of these nuisance?Of course not,so don't play play with God,He means business when the time comes.


2015-11-01 23:30 | Report Abuse

There are foolish people who cut a tree trunk,half of the wood is for fire usuage and other half they carve into images of their gods and worship them.Where is their logic and wisdom?The bible says they are foolish and do not know what they are doing.


2015-11-01 23:22 | Report Abuse

Correction:you can believe what you want to believe......


2015-11-01 23:17 | Report Abuse

DreamPredator,you can what you want to believe but I will believe what the bible says about orign,made up of our body and good future awaiting for me.Throughout the earth the good news has been preached,currently we have more than 7million baptised Jehovah's witnesses and about 8mln are regular bible students.
Our publications are printed in more than 800 languages to reach the most remote areas for the meek ones so whoever wishes to drink the water of life,Jesus says and invites him 'Come and drink the water of life free, you people'.For those who ridiculed the message Jesus instructed us to'Shake off the very dust from them if they reject the message'.So we do not need to argue about it at all and beg you to believe.
King Pharoah of Egypt was so haughty and stubborn even after witnessing ten plagues he still didn't His power and authority until he and his armies were tricked by God who made them drown in the Red seas.(Read Exodus chapters 14 to 15).
The day will come when Jehovah probably will put an end to reproduction and Jehovah God will only allow tested,faithful ones to live forever here not simply continue to reproduce tom dick harry to live here forever on earth and let the unfaithful ones to turn the paradise earth into wicked world again like today.
God is a great planner and no one can sucessfully fight against Him for He is a reader of mind and heart.
So I believe every thing He does will fall into his plans and no one is cleverer or smarter than Him.


2015-11-01 00:05 | Report Abuse

Correction:...sorry I couldn't reply earlier.....