Fam Jenny

Jennyfam | Joined since 2013-11-19

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2015-10-26 20:41 | Report Abuse

I will never be so stupid to go into the room for a fight.Instead I will call the police to inform them that 851815 and leo218 are in possession of dangerous weapons and get them arrested and be charged in court.Then in lock-up they can learn how to behave as decent citizens.


2015-10-26 18:25 | Report Abuse

851815,you better go in peace in the graveyard for your rotten thoughts,frustrated old pimp.


2015-10-26 17:47 | Report Abuse

The Meek ones will possess the paradise earth,there is no physical hell except a figurative place of fire denoting a total destruction of the wicked ones.Heavens are meant for angels to stay as they are made with spirit bodies in spirit realm.We cannot stay there as the environment doesn't suit our physical bodies as we need food,air and water as we are made up of flesh and blood to survive like the animals.


2015-10-26 16:41 | Report Abuse

851815,is your own body you can do yourself bcos I won't have mercy for the unrepentant one who isa immoral,fit to perish from the earth as mentioned by God in the bible.


2015-10-26 16:20 | Report Abuse

Abanglong...,you cow don't meh,meh here.


2015-10-26 16:18 | Report Abuse

851815,you need scissors or walls.Choose first.


2015-10-26 15:51 | Report Abuse

851815,then you bang your head against the walls,cannot lose don't buy shares and cause problem here.


2015-10-26 15:16 | Report Abuse

Better down more so that can average out,best to 5c leh,then buy more.


2015-10-26 14:23 | Report Abuse

GoInvest(Cut or Hold),you have sense of fairness,pls look into the teachings of scriptures which have a lot of wisdom and prophesies about our times as God is merciful towards the meek and you can live in paradise if you are submissive to Almighty God.As the wicked they must perish from this earth so that they won't harm the weak and meek ones.
This dirty group is here to buy cheap and later push upwards like csl,they are unhappy bcos we don't sell ours.I think they are
Indonesian Chinese group and come here to play dirty.


2015-10-26 14:02 | Report Abuse

Ikanbillisbillis is bittergourd who is crazy about men,be careful,you may go Tanjung Rambutan Hostipal if you still continue to think about it.


2015-10-26 13:59 | Report Abuse

In the paradise earth we too need clean energy such cbm gas,wind and solar energy for cars,vehicles,industries,cooking,etc.


2015-10-26 13:54 | Report Abuse

Many prophesies about the 'last days' are fulfilled like lovers of money without natural affection,increase in lawlessness,food shortages,earthquakes,men not knowing the ways out,the fall of false religions,men marrying or women marrying like Sodom and Gomorah,against natural use.
Interestingly,I am looking for another sign which is the total destruction of false religions.Then the wicked will try to attack the true worshippers who will be protected by Almighty God who says'whoever touches my people is touching my eyeball' and 'I will cut short the days for the sake of my people if not no flesh will remain'.
Pls take serious outlook in these prophesies bcos it can mean SALVATION to you and have a chance to have everlasting life to live in paradise earth.God will bless the humble ones who submit to his sovereignty and laws of instruction.


2015-10-26 13:35 | Report Abuse

ikanbillisbillis,another desperto is here to talk crap.


2015-10-26 13:22 | Report Abuse

Jackma,I agree,he is an opportunist,fortunately I threw off at 11.5 to 12c but he did hint that it won't be up.


2015-10-26 11:01 | Report Abuse

I already have thrown into the fridge if drops to 1c will buy five times more,ha,ha.......


2015-10-26 10:11 | Report Abuse

851815,who cares what you call me,old shameless pimp!I will be here always.


2015-10-26 00:12 | Report Abuse

851815,you are a frustrated old pimp,doesn't know what is shame,graveyard is the right place for you to shut your dirty speech,just go in peace bcos you are an useless being in soceity.
Free sex causes a lot of tradegies to the innocent women who are caught with aids,vd and worst unwanted pregnancies.
I know of some illegitimate children who are deserted by their parents and their livihoods are under the mercies of others who may not shower love to these innocent offsprings.They grow up without proper education,food and shelters and sadly miserably with a lot of sadness in them.So don't create unnecessary toubles for the society but go to the grave for good.


2015-10-25 22:43 | Report Abuse

Correction:......I try to figure out.....


2015-10-25 21:57 | Report Abuse

To further your knowledge pls read Website:jw.org or jw library.


2015-10-25 21:55 | Report Abuse

851815,what is your occupation?I try am figure out and conclude you are a pimp,asking people to involve in prostitution byn opening their legs.Be careful one day you will be caught and jail bcos it is an illegal career.
One may wqonders why there are Chinese ladies here,working in nightclubs,message palour,selling their flesh.The main reason it is an offense to work as prostitutes,sometimes ago a group of women caught were asked to parade in Shenzhen and held placards saying they are prostitute and confess their wrong doing in public.Hope one day it will be enforced here putting in public for your propogandas in immorality.
During Noah's times,he built an ark which took him forty years to build and meanwhile warned people about God's judgement and coming destruction.But nobody took notice of the warning and sneered at him.These lawless people were busy with drinking and pleasures only and thought Noah was stupid and when the rain came down from heavens for forty days and nights until it covered the mountains,As a result all mankind were destroyed except Noah,his family and the animals,plants survived.
History will repeat again and you can have salvation by humbly acknowledge obey God's laws.God will bless the obedient and meek ones and have salvation and chance to live forever in the paradise earth which belongs to God.


2015-10-24 22:15 | Report Abuse

Bittergourd,you better don't be a busybody,go and for him as you both think and imagine alike.


2015-10-24 14:03 | Report Abuse

Bittergourd,you make a good team with 851815 and can be his lover,I think you are a sour grape thinking of Ayamtua all the time but is a pity he is not interested in you.Go and look for other target before you land yourself in Tanjung Rambutan Hospital.Take my advice pls.


2015-10-24 13:15 | Report Abuse

851815 & bittergourd are you all crazy over Ayamtua and use me to express your anger against him when you all are rejected by him in real life?


2015-10-24 10:09 | Report Abuse

The way it is transacted,it is totally a meltdown unless they seriously accumulate back.


2015-10-24 09:52 | Report Abuse

Correction: even deleting the latest postings which I read..........


2015-10-24 09:40 | Report Abuse

They are so scare of my presence even barring the latest postings which I have already read last night,too fearful for some reasons.


2015-10-23 17:59 | Report Abuse

Craptree,regarding me you are never qualified in my list so the question of winning or losing never arise in this respect,even I am 90 years old.You are not my kind,sorry for being so outspoken.


2015-10-23 17:27 | Report Abuse

Two groups are here to debate about it.At the end,the ayamtua will win and craptree and his group will disappear into thin air.


2015-10-23 17:22 | Report Abuse

This is the third time he is doing it,bursa is sleeping.


2015-10-23 17:20 | Report Abuse

Someone rollovers at 11.5c and sells at 11c then buys back at 10c and 10.5c.


2015-10-22 15:29 | Report Abuse

Both Bittergourd and 851815 are voluntary clowns in this forum.


2015-10-22 15:24 | Report Abuse

AyamTua I did mention to add gula Melaka in recipe 1.Of course I heard about gula Melaka,in fact the taste will be better if you add it in food.


2015-10-22 15:18 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua,you are most welcome,to enhance the 3rd type,you can add 2 pinches of coriander and Jintan puteh powder for more spicy aroma.Well you can open restaurants of high standard food now.


2015-10-22 12:45 | Report Abuse

Bittergourd and 851815,you two make up a good team to suck each other gas and you two can enjoy each other companion in cleaning up the pollution of haze too.Thks in advance for the good job.


2015-10-21 12:52 | Report Abuse

Today everyone is upset with the haze but there are some methods to reduce some health hazards.
Hang wet curtains at all your windows to trap the ashes and carbon from the air.
In aircon-rooms put a pot of water or water purifiers for more moist atmosphere for its circulation of air.This is especially helpful for people with ashma and sinus as well those are normal.Drink more water and eat more sweet potatoes.

News & Blogs

2015-10-20 22:45 | Report Abuse

God will exercise justice to the meek,just repent and talk to God in prayers. He will listen to your prayers and bless you in the midst of injustice.
There are Malays also are below middle class bcos of various reasons,some never given the opportunities bcos most of them are grabbed at the top and they never flow down to them.Most of them at the top enrich themselves using that priveleges.At lower level,a lot of competition for the little opportunities they have,whether is malay or non-malays,poor malaysians.
To improve our economic structures we should call for open tenders and whoever play with vested interest should be charged for corruption,then only we can multiple effect of creation of opportunities,wealth and hence millioniares,eg China.


2015-10-20 21:59 | Report Abuse

3rd type is the tomyam style which uses lemongrass,limau leaves,chilli powder,ah sam paste,water,sugar with lady fingers,long beans cauli flowers etc.


2015-10-20 21:37 | Report Abuse

Correction:2nd type:must add brown sugar.


2015-10-20 21:35 | Report Abuse

AyamTua,normal sweet & sour fish we boil 4 tomatoes until it is melt(45mins) in medium fire and smashed it during boiling.Then add chilli and tomatoes sauce,water with gula Melaka.Then pour it into the steamed fish just one minute earlier before removing it from wok.
2nd type:-Blend onions,garlic,carrot first.Then fry it with some cooking oil,then add little lemon juice,tomato & chilli sauces together with ready plum suace,When the fish is about to be cooked,pour the mixture on the fish.Both are yummy.


2015-10-20 20:59 | Report Abuse

Ya,lousy performance bcos of board of directors,look like hubline.


2015-10-20 20:56 | Report Abuse

It is broccoli/green cauliflower.


2015-10-20 20:39 | Report Abuse

It is a great joy to cook for the little child you love,I will try a few dishes tomorrow.1)Stewed Muchroom with pork 2)lemon fried chicken 3)Brochoni with muchroom,baked pork with crispy skin, steamed abalon
4)Steam fish with sweet & sour Ah Sam paste mixed with onion,garlic,carrot,chilli,sauce,5)Sambah prawns.
Bittergroud,learn to cook these instead of being a useless and empty vessel.


2015-10-20 20:09 | Report Abuse

Bittergourd,your poisonous mouth will suck all his gas,you think you are richer,is it?

News & Blogs

2015-10-20 17:27 | Report Abuse

How come special aids change to special rights?Does it sound more high class.Correct me if I am wrong pls,heard somebody saying mah!


2015-10-20 17:13 | Report Abuse

Slowly improving,eh!


2015-10-20 17:11 | Report Abuse

Playboy,you said it would be 2c by last week,it did not materialise,so don't be so confident if you are not holding the cards.In Malaysia "apa pun boleh"black can be seen as white and white can be interpreted as black bcos they are coloured blind and with money magic can be performed to change colours.


2015-10-20 16:57 | Report Abuse

Throw into the freezer and forget about it.Fortunately I still have money to pay bills and food,if not I will be squeezed by this useless management.

News & Blogs

2015-10-18 17:04 | Report Abuse

DreamConqueror,I love to belanja my godson and only the poor and not you.

News & Blogs

2015-10-17 22:37 | Report Abuse

Earlier many thought the international airport was going to build in Bukit Berundung but it went to Sepang so a failure to its development.