Fam Jenny

Jennyfam | Joined since 2013-11-19

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2015-10-31 23:54 | Report Abuse

DreamPredator and Ayamtua,sorry that I could reply earlier as I was very busy with my godson,got to teach and cook for him.
When God created the earth and He made it habitable for animals,plants and humans and everything was physical with sunlight and atmosphere,etc.First He created the plants,trees then animals,followed by the first human,Adam who controlled everything on earth in a garden called paradise which was physical.Animals and plants were in subjection to Adam who named everthing there.
Later God found Adam was lonely as he had no human friend so decided to give him a female,Eve who was borne on the end of the sixth creative day.
Both the animals and humans were made of flesh and blood,everything on earth was physical and most things are touchable like gold,silver,plants animals and human.
When Adam and Eve sinned against God,he said to them,'From dust you are to dust you returned"So they didn't have a spirit body to exist after their death but simply became non existing as mentioned in Ecclesiates 9:5'For the living know that they will die but the dead know nothing at all.......
Hence if we survive the great judgement day which is coming we will not die and God will slowly restore the earth and humans to perfection and make the earth a paradise i.e a beautiful garden.
As for the righteous ones like Moses,Abraham,Noah,Daniel and many others God will resurrect them and give them back their prefect bodies with the same features and looks,characters and same memory where they would be recognised as Moses,Abraham,Noah,Daniel respectively.
In conclusion,we still can be physically beautiful with flesh and blood in perfect health and live forever on the paradise earth.
Do you look forward for these days?AS for me,I want to.


2015-10-30 23:51 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua,I don't think I want to look like those ladies bcos I am very contended with my own looks.


2015-10-30 23:44 | Report Abuse

In the paradise I will be even more attractive and so will everybody there.
God blesses all the humble and meek ones and hope we all can enter the paradise and use cbm gas for cooking,car & etc.That time we can walk down the memory lane of being in glotec forum debating about the God's rulership and how some thought I utter rubbish and was dreaming.


2015-10-30 23:13 | Report Abuse

little-snake,you can start to average out but keep long-term and throw inside the fridge as t price at 4.5c is below nta=5.8c.If there is revaluation the nta will be higher.Hope the board is generous to the shareholders by rewarding them.


2015-10-30 13:13 | Report Abuse

What is 63 years old if you are in paradise earth which is ageless and the bible says even you are 100 years old you look like a mere boy.Eternality is a norm there and in this wicked system/world it is an impossibility but look at the spirit realm in heavens it is in realty,be far sighted you will have the faith.Cheers!
Anyway oil your lips with fragnant gloss then you will not sound so crude and also check your heart condition towards others if not you emit shit smell.


2015-10-29 21:44 | Report Abuse

Bittergourd,hope you are sound mentally,repeating the same things all the time.


2015-10-29 15:00 | Report Abuse

He is the creator of the universe and still will create new things in the Universe.


2015-10-29 14:58 | Report Abuse

Right now glotec has nothing to talk except some empty promises which to be fulfilled.I am straight forward with facts and price performance.


2015-10-29 14:51 | Report Abuse

God is the greatest scientist in the Universe and we are only a spect of dust and with limited knowledge so don't be arrogant.


2015-10-29 14:47 | Report Abuse

Correction:.....creation of the Universe and the accurate recordings of....


2015-10-29 14:44 | Report Abuse

Even Adam and Eve spoke to God yet rebelled against Him and so the bad angel.My faith in God can be built from his creation of he Unvese and he accurate recordings of the history i.e the bible


2015-10-29 14:36 | Report Abuse

DreamPredator and Dericinvestor,pls read the bible first before you comment about it and come to how how factual they are in relating incidents and doing records.


2015-10-29 14:32 | Report Abuse

Jesus life can be transferred from heavens into Mary womb and just we can have test tube babies by injecting the fertilised egg into the womb to produce baby.What is beyond our knowledge is still is definitely possible with powerful angels who can materialise and behave like humans.
Now we also can give nutrients to organisms in the methane mines to produce cms gas and produce everlasting gas which we cannot do so last time.


2015-10-29 14:22 | Report Abuse

The angels held the hands of Lot and led him and others out of Sodom and Gomorah.
After the resurrection of Jesus,he appeared to his disciples like humans and let them touch him.Read Luke 24.


2015-10-29 14:15 | Report Abuse

The moms of nephilims were beautiful women of humans beings.


2015-10-29 14:13 | Report Abuse

The bible mentioned good angels appeared to humans to send messages like Lot's times and bought them out of Sodom and Gomorah to escape fire destruction.Another occasions an angel appeared before Mary's cousin,Elizabeth and told her about Mary's pregnancy which by God's spirit/power.There are many other incidents mention in the bible.


2015-10-29 13:58 | Report Abuse

Their sizes were not mentioned in bible so no evidences of the sizes at all but they were huge in sizes.
As for the angels they can look like humans in different looks by materialising themselves.


2015-10-29 13:51 | Report Abuse

The Neplilim were cross bred between rebellious angels Spirit) and human women(flesh and blood) but were destroyed during the great flood during Noah flood but the rebellious angel escaped the great flood and turned back to spirit forms but powers removed by God.So angels were fathers of Neplilims and not neplilims.Any cross bred not within its kind will not reproduce again.
The 1st book to the last book took nearly 2000 years to compile but is in harmony with each other and it does not contradict the facts and it consistent in revealing the truth about God's rulership and laws.


2015-10-29 13:33 | Report Abuse

Glotec counter is dead and what to talk and believe.This knowledge is for those who want the truth about life and future.Thank God you can get spiritual enlightment from the teachings free of charge instead of payment to spirit mediums for wrong information.


2015-10-29 13:22 | Report Abuse

You can continue to think your ways and I will choose to think God's ways and live in paradise earth which is too precious for me to let go.We will be young and beautiful again with excellent complexion and beautiful shape again.
Praise Jah for his loving kindness and provisions for the humble, obedient and the meek ones.Cheers!


2015-10-29 13:15 | Report Abuse

So after that the rebellious angels changed back to spirit forms and God removed their powers and were barred from entering heavens.Now they are the evil spirit or demons who can only materialise for seconds in different forms to deceive people that they are from the dead.According to the bible they will be imprisoned for 1000years when Armeggedon i.e God's Judgement day which the bible the 'last days'.takes place.Then mankind will take 1000 years to restore their health anf perfection and so will the earth condtions.


2015-10-29 13:01 | Report Abuse

After Jesus'death many witnessed seeing him in different occasions and when he was ascending to heavens many saw him lifting up into sky and slowing out of sight.He could do it bcos he got back his spirt body just like the angels who can materialise into human forms.This is mentioned in Genesis 6:2 to 4,'The sons of God began to notice the daughters of men were beautiful.So they began taking as wives all they chose......The Nephilim were on the earth in those days and afterward.During that time the sons of the true God continued to have relations with the daughters of men and bore them sons to them.They were mighty ones of the old times,the men of fame.
Chaper6:5-8 'Consequently,Jehovah saw that man's wickedness was great that every inclination of thoughts of his heart was only bad all the time.Jehovah regretted that he had made men on the earth and his heart was saddened.So Jehovah said"I am going to wipe men whom I have created off the surface......But Noah found favour in the eyes of Jehovah.
Then later Jehovah instructed Noah to build an ark and he preached for forty years but no one believed in him except his family.Later the flood came and rained forty days and forty nights and wiped off the wicked except Noah and his family.History will repeat again and you can choose not to believe it bcos God gave you the freedom to choose it but bear your own consequences.


2015-10-29 11:45 | Report Abuse

The wealth belongs to God so he can bless anyone he chooses to give but for the stock market pls don't get God involve bcos this is the system created by mankind esp the rich ones which have a lot of progagandas and manipulation like increasing the interest rate,reducing cash ratio of banks,change of capital outflow or inflow,etc.


2015-10-29 11:30 | Report Abuse

Derickinvestor1,Jesus Christ was from heavens and the 1st born and a co-worker with God in all creation of Universe.He has pre-existing life before he was borne as human.God transformed his life into Mary's womb and was borne as human to die for the sins of mankind who lost the right of everlasting life bcos of the sin of Adam through disobedience to God by eating the fruit of knowledge of Good and Bad,thus choosing to do what is right or wrong thereby rejected God's instruction as what is right and what is wrong.So being the descendants of Adam,we lost the right to live forever and Jesus came to bear the sins of Adam so that mankind can claim back the right of everlasting life by exercising faith in Jesus and on
the condition of obedience to God's laws of what is right and wrong.For those who want to choose their own right and wrong without obeying God's instructions will not have everlasting life bcos they create wicked and selfishness and exploiting the meek ones,disturbing
their peace,security and livihood.
So the day will come and when God's patience is stretched to the
limit,God will bring an end to the wicked and the bible says the dead will be from one end to other end.
Just a sharing from the bible but you can choose to believe it or not as God let you choose but you have to face it when it comes bcos God says"whatever put forward will come back with results bcos I am Jehovah"


2015-10-29 11:00 | Report Abuse

Correction:.....but couldn't find him bcos he didn't have the bible to inform him....


2015-10-29 09:44 | Report Abuse

Correction:....but couldn't find Him bcos he....


2015-10-29 09:41 | Report Abuse

DreamPredator,my faith in the paradise earth is not from dreams but from the biblical prophesies written by more than 40 authors over a period of 2000years right from 1st book,Genesis to the last book,Revelation with many prophesies fulfilled during our time.Website:jw.org or JW Library.
I have been reading it since 8 years old but cannot prove it wrong,I was not a Christian then until I was 16 years old.I read with an open mind searching for the truth.
Buddha himself admitted he was not God and was searching for God until he died but couldn't him bcos he did have the bible to inform him.But many innocent people insisted he was a god,what a confusion in their thinking,too bad.
Anyway the choice is yours as God never forces us to believe in Him as he gives us a free will to choose between non existence( at death) and
everlasting life.Adam and eve chose death and God said "...from dust you are to dust you return".
You have the liberty to choose and believe whatever you want but I choose to believe in God,the Creator of the Universe as I don't take the creation and life for granted as I search for the Source of creation and all its lives.


2015-10-28 18:36 | Report Abuse

Dreampredator,God will not destroy the earth but its system and the wicked,He will restore the earth and our health to perfect condition.


2015-10-28 14:06 | Report Abuse

Correction:.....find exquisite delight I the abundance of peace......


2015-10-28 14:01 | Report Abuse

When God brings an end to this wicked world whatever you have no matter how will be gone.This will affect every body whether the meek or wicked ones.For the meek their lives are preserved by God but for the wicked all will be gone including their lives.
So seek God first in thess last days and aim to enter the righteous paradise earth where you will find exquisite in the abundant of peace and security.Like recent earthquakes in Pakistan & Afganistan,a lot of them lost their belongings and properties
Recent report also mentioned that Califonia,usa is sure to have a major earthquake so avoid buying properties.
So pls learn to take losses in less serious manner so that we can go ahead in our life with better goals by having an open mind to understand the great purpose of God who loves mankind esp. the meek.


2015-10-28 13:43 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua,if investors are here to collect glotec shares for a controlling stake of course it is ok to collect all their way down.But for those who come here to invest surely are unhappy to see their investment devalues 65% from 13c to 4.5c.We must feel sorry for them including myself.
I can take it bcos I still can survive after losing so much but many have affected their finances so don't blame them for their frustration.
Pls do something to lift up the price if you can as this is also a good deed.Thks


2015-10-27 12:51 | Report Abuse

Hope they will revalue it.


2015-10-27 11:42 | Report Abuse

The par value is 10c,for every 10c,its capial has diminished to 5.8c which means it has accumulated loss of 4.2c for each share.If there is a call o rights,definitely a capital reduction unlessthe par value is reduced to 5c.


2015-10-27 11:32 | Report Abuse

Hopefully,there is a revaluation for the successful drilling of gas so that the Nta will be increased and won't have a capital reduction as nta=5.8c.


2015-10-27 11:10 | Report Abuse

Maybe I should not talk negative bcos they are many get caught In this counter.


2015-10-27 11:05 | Report Abuse

851815 is the previous bear.


2015-10-27 11:03 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua is not 851815 bcos he is much smarter than him who is not intellect at all,Ayamtua is caught in this counter like us.


2015-10-27 10:50 | Report Abuse

Ayamtua,are you in their team also?


2015-10-27 10:46 | Report Abuse

Be careful of this stock bcs it is losing money all the times,the NTA is much below he par value avoid by al means.This co has useless management.


2015-10-27 10:32 | Report Abuse

Don't buy this counter let it drop to 1c bcos there may be capital reduction.


2015-10-27 10:23 | Report Abuse

Just a hopeless counter bcos dirty people are manipulating it,it was downtrend even Bursa moves 120 points.Let t crooks lose their pants,avoid this couter.


2015-10-27 10:13 | Report Abuse

With rascals around it won't be good.


2015-10-27 10:11 | Report Abuse

Don't buy,let it drop to 1c,useless stock.


2015-10-27 09:56 | Report Abuse

Bagus,don't be another maniac,I hope.


2015-10-27 09:49 | Report Abuse

Martin555,let's defeat the crook.


2015-10-27 09:28 | Report Abuse

Bagus,as far as I am concerned,there is no wrestling except jail term being spelt out for the sex maniac,851815.Soon he will expose his batang to all bcos he has gone crazy then will reside in Tanjung Rambutan Hospital for the good of society.


2015-10-26 23:47 | Report Abuse

Let it drops to 1c,then only buy,ha,ha!


2015-10-26 23:43 | Report Abuse

851815,old frustrated pimp,you are just not intellectual to debate bcos you have a stupid brain,just not my standard to talk to.


2015-10-26 22:30 | Report Abuse

Leo218,don't play play with dangerous weapons in Malaysia,you can land yourself in police station for possessing them i.e the parangs.


2015-10-26 22:27 | Report Abuse

851815,old frustrated pimp,ayamtua will send the sweet & sour fish for you all to eat in the lock-up.
Pls don't underestimate our police integrity in carrying out their duties like red shirt and white rallies.
Police,well done in your duties to protect civilians during that times.