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investorhack | Joined since 2015-12-01

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2023-04-19 08:49 | Report Abuse

Why would a shareholder in Vitrox accumulating matters in this case? Is he on board or management of Vitrox?

How many country has Salutica has filed the pattern which it sues Apple on?


2023-04-18 13:52 | Report Abuse

Current Asset - Total liabilities > rm0.42 per share
If add back investment in JV and owing by JV from Non current asset, that's rm0.92 per share.


2023-04-09 12:36 | Report Abuse

China will moving as fast as they can to establish their EV presence globally, before Japan and Europe catch up. When work start, the valuation will be totally different. Remember how VS and SKPRES valuation after becoming Dyson assembly partner?


2023-04-06 09:57 | Report Abuse

The JV partner's business in China plays a supporting role towards EV industry, and has credible list of clients.
Malaysia is a strategic hub for SEA expansion for China EV manufacturer.

P&L of the JV partner
reflects revenue and profit is growing for past few years.


2023-04-05 10:43 | Report Abuse

FYE 2021 current inventory 448million > FY 2022 revenue 404 million, operating cash flow 155 million
FYE 2022 current inventory 493 millin > would it bring higher revenue and operating cash flow?

Sunsuria market cap is below 600million at MYR0.60. Looks like undervalue.


2023-04-04 23:42 | Report Abuse

Can minority shareholders stop them from injection?


2023-04-04 23:25 | Report Abuse

I don’t think the jv is about selling ev to consumer, but supporting the ev industry player. Which makes it not competing but servicing them. Malaysia is a strategic location to service SEA region ev manufacturers.

If they were to sell indeed, most likely to public transport sector.


2023-04-04 10:14 | Report Abuse

@curiousq does it matter if a business can make 60million in bad years, and 300million in good years (after paying for bank interest) yet value at merely 600 million?

So do you bought any during the 7000 a.k.a glory days?


2023-04-04 09:32 | Report Abuse

If the JV goes through, Sunsuria will be their SEA expansion partner. and the market its not about the piece of land in Sunsuria city anymore. And the good thing is its not going to start from scratch, Ald already process the technology know how, just duplication.


2023-04-04 09:29 | Report Abuse

阿尔特主营业务为整车研发、核心零部件研发及制造、新能源汽车研发等,累计服务客户60余家,包括小鹏汽车、蔚来、吉利汽车、威马汽车、哪吒汽车等。就在11 月,阿尔特与宁德时代新能源科技股份有限公司、深圳壁虎新能源汽车科技有限公司,签署了战略合作框架协议,拟在滑板式底盘、新能源车业务及新能源汽车换电业务领域开展合作。


2023-03-31 17:06 | Report Abuse

AGM takeout :
Company will focus on clearing completed inventory and disbursed dividends to shareholders, targeted 900 million if sales target of 1.4 b achieved.
Which upon distribution, they would still have free hundred million kept as working capital and completed inventories ~400 million for 2024 that can funds working capital.
Not considering venture into other countries.
3 yet to launch projects, GDV of eight billion ringgit which will only be launched when economy conditions stabilized and they can see good profit in it.

Just personal note, might miss some figure. I feel the management is quite responsible with shareholders funds, if you want to invest with them patience is required as they are careful and only choose to make their move when there’s certainties plus within their scope of competency.

Tracking what they said in past quarters, they deliver pretty well. Also they are in nett cash position in a high interest rate environment, which could be deployed for bargain hunting on lands.


2022-03-03 11:25 | Report Abuse

the quarter result looks good. But any new customer announced?


2022-03-02 11:50 | Report Abuse

why is there so many noise asking people to buy sell?


2022-02-25 08:44 | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng will you sell out if hit rm2.5 before next qtr release?


2022-02-24 17:04 | Report Abuse

At current price, Can CPO producer buy PUT to lock in future profit? is there such thing?


2022-02-24 14:47 | Report Abuse

Ukrain war, where would the elite and rich flee to if not US? UK perhaps?


2022-02-24 14:02 | Report Abuse

damn, ukraine are being invaded,and oil price sky rocket.


2022-02-22 20:14 | Report Abuse

Thanks for sharing, im not aware Bplant holds vast landbank, I just comment base on numbers.


2022-02-22 13:09 | Report Abuse

Bplant latest qtr FCF is 140+mm, on the back of 2.3b market cap
Jtiasa latest qtr FCF is 100+mm, on the back of 0.8b market cap (with timber division consider sleeping)

I'll go for Jtiasa if target to add more.


2022-02-22 12:59 | Report Abuse

glad to see free cash flow 150mm in 2 quarters
@calvintaneng when do you foresee Sarawak logging restriction will be lifted?


2022-02-22 12:28 | Report Abuse

@johnzhang if you want cash in pocket, just unload some share when price up, its the same with paying dividend


2022-02-21 10:48 | Report Abuse

@CCWong can share the excel via cloud? :D


2022-01-31 09:27 | Report Abuse

Happy New Year to Jtiasa investor ... >D


2022-01-06 11:40 | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng I'm surprise to hear they lock in for such long period, I thought commodity by max will lock for only 1-2 months.

Btw, can you kindly pm me Jayatiasa IR , I wrote to them few times and dont think they read email at all...


2022-01-05 15:05 | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng where can see the info of forward lock in sale?


2022-01-05 11:13 | Report Abuse

@everest when it hit 3800, we think its all time high, then it climbs further to 4300, also all time high, then 5000. I think whether its all time high or not is not important, what justify is the valuation, which takes into consideration of company financials and overall market condition.

If you are short term trading it, looking at the technical could be accurate, but so far the promoter is having a long term view analysis which requires patience. if you build a house recently for rm1million, will you sell it for 500k just becoz your neighbour do so which he built his for 300k 20 years ago.

If all time high is a problem, its unlikely you hold on to Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple, Tesla.

Personal view: Jtiasa though sitting on a giant treasure, main issue is with the management (recent AGM is disastrous). its like Malaysia, have good resources, but lousy government.


2022-01-03 21:03 | Report Abuse

flood in Pahang,Johor, Sabah, all 3 are major palm oil plantation states. Consider Good news for Oil Palm player in Sarawak?


2021-12-29 15:43 | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng what's the good news?


2021-12-29 15:40 | Report Abuse

Anyone know is there flood in Sarawak affecting Jtiasa estate? Brazil is suffering serious flood in the north east region, might affect Soy export.


2021-12-28 13:25 | Report Abuse

@warchest thanks for the info, sigh... such a huge sum written off


2021-12-28 13:22 | Report Abuse

yc88, becoz you make too much noise without anything constructive view. but its okay, keep doing it to kill your time.


2021-12-28 13:22 | Report Abuse

Sabah has lifted timber export ban starting 3 Jan with limited quota, look at focus lumber.
Let's wait and see Sarawak will follow.


2021-12-17 10:13 | Report Abuse

johnt299, the EG project issues has been raised in AGM two years ago, are you refering old reviews or latest review?


2021-12-17 10:11 | Report Abuse

what's this > Write-off of £4.6m (approx. RM26.2 million) planning costs incurred mainly due to a decision to not proceed with the acquisition of the Gurnell project under the EcoWorld London portfolio;


2021-12-15 15:44 | Report Abuse

yc88 why are you still monitoring Jayatiasa? since even CPO price goes up, the share price comes down. better sell and close eyes on it.


2021-12-13 09:18 | Report Abuse

@insiderShark I have normalised the cash flow, not against the previous quarter. if optimistic, it can reach 200mm, but that's all time high.

1.6 seems good if benchmark against historical and market force(which is unpredictable), but I rather benchmark against cash flow for more safetyness.

SKP has expand their factory cap before MCO, does their 60% capacity includes their new factory?

It would be more clear if we know how many assembly line they have, run rate etc.


2021-12-12 18:16 | Report Abuse

just be patience and wait for market to reflect EWINT true value.

they just announce getting approval for another 1600 units. estimated begin building 2023, complete 2025. :)


2021-12-12 18:08 | Report Abuse

Current marketcap is 2.4b.
estimate normalize free cash flow around 150mm, thats still more than 15X.
In view China consumer spending contraction. Looking forward for it to drop to around 1.5b market cap for more buffer before enter.


2021-12-02 16:42 | Report Abuse

keyman, do you collect anything at 1.33 ah? 30% upside in one afternoon session woh


2021-11-30 09:41 | Report Abuse

today volume in 30 minutes is >400mm shares, way more than the combines volumes of past 10 days.... so interesting. can someone analyse whats going on?


2021-11-30 09:32 | Report Abuse

anyone counted the volume traded for past 14 days against the number of holding by institution investor?


2021-11-30 09:12 | Report Abuse

ataims current asset-liability is around 337mm, per share is around 0.28 per share.
operating expenses is 50mm
Rough estimate: assume coming two qtr until dyson contracts ends will cost them 100mm, left with 2/3, hence its 0.18 per share.


2021-11-30 07:28 | Report Abuse

5. when life is difficult, sweet products will be in demand. chocolate + ice cream are among it > palm oil usage.


2021-11-30 07:25 | Report Abuse

When food price rise,

1. more wheat rice product will be consumed over vege/meats as its more stomach filling. And one of the most economical way to add taste to such is deep fried > Palm oil usage

2. More will substitute butter with magerine > Palm oil usage

3. More dairies will be consumed as they are high in calory and value for taste due to scale of manufacturing > Palm oil usage

4. Mass will need to work harder, and have less time for meal preparation or a proper meal, hence resort to take away. Deep fried Stir fried is a large category in takeaway, besides taste its also easier to consumed compare to soup based. > Palm oil usage

Is the spike in edible oil price since pandemic due to supply issue? or change of lifestyle?
should be a mix, supply issue at the beginning, and follow by change of lifestyle and spike in cost of supple chain (especially transportation) .


2021-11-29 09:28 | Report Abuse

ESG only applies to US and EU, india china dont give a shit on ESG. lol


2021-11-29 09:21 | Report Abuse

partially match at 0.585.......


2021-11-29 09:11 | Report Abuse

how come cant queue lower today? is there a monthly gap down limit?