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investorhack | Joined since 2015-12-01

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2021-11-26 11:02 | Report Abuse

broad panic selling is on the way, whats the rush catching now? wait till Jtiasa drops below 60 sen lah


2021-11-26 09:23 | Report Abuse

wait for market to speculate the spillover and sell out on skpres VS, then can buy at bargain price.


2021-11-25 21:52 | Report Abuse

its okay, stay low, can sapu more.


2021-11-25 14:45 | Report Abuse

revenue steadily climbing for 2 consecutive qtrs.
positive free cash flow for 2 consecutive qtrs around 70mm per qtr (after paying borrowing interest)
net debt decrease from 1b in Q1 to 853mm in Q3.
Metrod is a capital intensive business, their net debt is on par with working capital required, which points to management is pretty good in capital management.

if Metrod could keep churning out FCF of 200mm a year from now on, within 4 years they would be able to pay off their debt(althour unlikely as better to borrow and grow) and operates the largest mill of the region.

total shares issued is mere 120mm, FCF200mm means that's RM1.60 FCF per share, way more than their current share price...

If the FCF could sustain, METROD will worth ~RM10 based on 6X FCF.


2021-11-25 12:30 | Report Abuse

SKP and VS has invested a lot in automation, and have long relationship with Dyson, both margin are actually improving.

ATAIMS gross margin is only 6%, while SKP VS enjoys 10%. and ATAIMS cash flow is not as good/consistent as the other two as well


2021-11-25 11:43 | Report Abuse

wait till it drops back down to 1.80, buy back again...LOL


2021-11-25 11:37 | Report Abuse

Wow, how shocking, with such thin volume! and i key in for fun at 2.33 all matched


2021-11-25 11:10 | Report Abuse

ata loses about 2b market cap , from 2.40+ to 0.82, if skpres add 1b market cap, share price should be 2.30-2.40. would that happen?


2021-11-25 11:03 | Report Abuse

ata ims loses dyson contract, if split by skp and VS, fat tat loh


2021-11-25 09:50 | Report Abuse

anyone attending agm? Calvintaneng?


2021-11-25 09:50 | Report Abuse

Though revenue is down q2q.
But if dig down to look at the cash flow, That's a different picture

Free Cash Flow from 20Q2 > 21Q4
23,133 4,792 35,020 47,125
*FY20 q3/q4 incurred futures loses

With short of labor and record low harvest, they generate 47mm free cash flow.
finance cost of 8mm, net would be 39mm
if maintained for 4 qtrs, thats 160mm free cash flow (on the back of mere 656mm debt)

Let's see if production ramp up in coming months with labour inflow.


2021-11-24 15:10 | Report Abuse

if all CPO counters price shoot up, will you buy along the way?


2021-11-23 14:35 | Report Abuse

why ataims margin and operating cash flow so low despite higher revenue than SKPRES? skpres has even a plastic segment which drags down their margin.


2021-11-09 16:26 | Report Abuse

as long cpo price above 4k, can ignore noise
the cost to break even is 2k. 4k = 50% gross margin.
currently its still above 5k , 60% gross margin.


2021-11-07 20:38 | Report Abuse

danny123 I'm pretty amazed by your persistency in repeating similar message.

since you follow the share price movement and the operator closely, why don't you run away along with the operator too? why bother to be here if you are not vested?


2021-10-28 16:10 | Report Abuse

Jtiasa debt is reduce year after year, with consistent positive operating cash flow since 2012, avg above 158mm per year(after paying borrowing interest)

They spent heavily from 2012-2017 on capex, which drag the free cash flow to negative territory, but since 2018, they have been FCF positive. Depreciation on timber plant past few years has resulted losses on income statement. Not sure why they do such, maybe tax related.

If those plants are still there and maintained, when the timber session business recovers, that will boost the operating cash flow further

Jtiasa has close to 1billion share issue, with 160+ million free cash flow in 2020, that translate to 16 sens per share. at share price of 70-80sen, that's ~20% return on operating cash flow.

Assume they don't spend heavily on expansion, just 30-50 maintainence, each year their cash vault +100mm just on palm oil sector alone, more than sufficient to pay down the debt.


2021-10-26 16:05 | Report Abuse

abang misai, weak management blah blah blah so many issues yet you haven't give up following Jtiasa forum, why?


2021-10-22 20:21 | Report Abuse

Would there be a hostile took over until Karim has to sold warrant to load up shares?


2021-10-21 07:54 | Report Abuse

though the share price fluctuate up and down with CPO price, i think as long the price is above 3.8k for CPO, its crazy profits. Just wait for the debt to be pay off, timber back in full operation or worst management propose privatisation.

Question: if the plantation is under harvest for many qtrs, would the quality and quantity of coming quarters be much much better, like body recovery? any palm oil planting expert here?


2021-10-15 09:33 | Report Abuse

people want to fly? yes!

people want to take down their mask to eat in airplane?


2021-10-15 09:12 | Report Abuse

Great news from Indonesia for Boilermech

Indonesia, the world’s biggest producer of crude palm oil, plans to stop exporting the raw commodity eventually, shipping refined products instead


2021-10-15 09:07 | Report Abuse

(Oct 13): Indonesia, the world’s biggest producer of crude palm oil, plans to stop exporting the raw commodity eventually, shipping refined products instead


2021-10-11 10:27 | Report Abuse

Go to sleep, see what happen 3 months later. see if they buy any futures again. hahaha


2021-10-08 10:21 | Report Abuse

bang misai, why MKH is best managed?


2021-10-06 14:36 | Report Abuse

seems like someone want Jtiasa to stay cheap, and cheaper to take private. just keep buying all the way.


2021-10-05 16:19 | Report Abuse

offer only 0.65, so how come share can shoot to 1.30? the NTA is RM3, so unfair!


2021-10-05 11:51 | Report Abuse

there's a feature called "translate in browser".
and not all info is available in english or malay, and no one has time to manually translate for you.


2021-10-04 15:39 | Report Abuse

grain news: Soybean stocks in the country as of Sept. 1, 2021, came in at 256 million bushels. That was well above average trade guesses around 175 million bushels, but down from the 525 million tonnes in stocks reported at the same time the previous year.

Bloomberg : U.S. Soybean Meal Export Hub Damage May Take Months to Fix
By Kim Chipman September 25, 2021, 5:33 AM GMT+8 Updated on September 25
The disruption puts yet another kink in global supply chains with the U.S. still reeling from the export chaos caused by Hurricane Ida in the Gulf of Mexico, home of America’s busiest agricultural port. The terminal in Grays Harbor handles the bulk of America’s soy meal shipped to Asia from the West Coast.

Supply tightness in soybean oil market making ways for sunflower oil
in Dry Bulk Market,International Shipping News 04/10/2021
The sudden rise in demand for biofuels is causing supply tightness in the soybean oil market, which is likely to persist until 2022. Alternatives such as sunflower oil will benefit from this situation.
... This supply tightness is likely to continue as Brazil’s soybean oil production is expected to be lower in 2021 than 2020. The country’s blending mandate will also increase from 10% to 13% in November 2021. Argentina, the biggest exporter of soybean oil, is also expected to lower its exports until 2022 on accounts of higher biodiesel use. The domestic consumption of soybean oil is expected to increase by 1.8 million tonnes in the crop year 2021-22 to 61.4 million tonnes compared to the previous year.

with more vaccination roll out, christmas coming, follow by new year, follow by CNY. will this drive demand for seed oil?


2021-09-30 16:36 | Report Abuse

I'm more worry management find funny funny ways to make it appears to loosing minority shareholder money. The maangement is not communicative.


2021-09-30 16:22 | Report Abuse

also has to prepare for the US government running out of money which will drive market sentiment down. I just collect along as I dont think the targeted buyer for the projects are B40, but expats and wealthy people from Asia. No idea how low can it goes though.


2021-09-30 16:20 | Report Abuse

no idea, what i can find out is theres shortage is food(due to not enough driver after brexit) and gasoline in UK now, and some electricity/gas supplier out of business due to escalating raw material price


2021-09-28 20:00 | Report Abuse

guess the escalating electricity price is affecting EWINT share price.


2021-09-18 17:31 | Report Abuse

The more China tightens regulation, the better for EWINT, HNW individuals flooding to UK and AUS.


2021-09-10 16:51 | Report Abuse

why the new director Sundra Moorthi keeps buying?


2021-08-01 21:21 | Report Abuse

I support LGE to cancel those project that doesnt bring in any money to the nation, instead it just enrich the China contractors and bankers.

You are just looking at the stock market counters instead of overall economy.

We dont need to build this and that as the infra is sufficient to sustain future growth, instead of throwing money to build tracks and buildings, its btter to offer as R&D grant for local manufactures to move up value chain so that can hire more locals rather than foreign workers


2021-07-27 11:13 | Report Abuse

the management doesnt seems to reply shareholder
Calvin , I believe you hold quit significant, can ask them if they already close the futures position during last month down turn?


2021-07-17 19:07 | Report Abuse

its hard to say will be rewarded soon, depending if their management is doing the right thing and honest to share holders. I rate their management super low.


2021-07-16 09:14 | Report Abuse

its a shame on those on condemn share price drop below other's buy call.
What calvin preaches is fundamentally intact, he cant control what the management do, when MCO will be lifted, or forecasting on weather.

you guys are in the wrong forum, you should be at tokong praying to god for buying tips and TP.

If you guys are here to purely express hatred to another member, its better off spending time focus on what you want to buy.

unless you have a foresight on what's going to be fundamentally wrong with the Jtiasa. what you share will be appreciated.


2021-07-07 09:00 | Report Abuse

Timeframe for the said appointment
The Board is targeting to appoint the new auditors by end July 2021. In conjunction,
the Company will make an immediate announcement to this effect immediately upon
the finalisation of appointment of the new auditors.

Why EY appointment took so long? and the word used is 'targeting'
I think EY will want to dig through and validate first before taking up the case. If the findings is same as KPMG, will or can the board accept it?


2021-07-02 17:41 | Report Abuse

Drought is a threat to corn and soybeans in the upper Midwest. Three-fourths of Iowa, which is No. 1 in corn and No. 2 in soybeans, is in “moderate” or “severe” drought at present. Weather in July and August is key to crop yields.

“It’s becoming more likely that weather might be just good enough for corn and soybeans to produce about an average crop,” said Ray Grabowski of Progressive Ag Marketing.

July is forecast to be hotter than usual in most of the Midwest, as well as the West, New England, and the mid-Atlantic states, said the National Weather Service in a 30-day forecast issued on Wednesday. Rainfall during July was forecast to be below normal in the Pacific Northwest, the northern Plains, Minnesota, and most of Iowa and Wisconsin.

The USDA says the margin of error for its estimates of corn plantings is 1.8% and 3% for soybeans. The Acreage report tends to overstate corn plantings and underplay soybean acreage.

Also on Wednesday, the USDA’s quarterly Grain Stocks report said, as expected, that less corn, soybeans and wheat was being held in U.S. grain bins than on June 1 a year ago. The soybean stockpile fell 44%, and wheat and corn stockpiles were down 18% each.


2021-07-02 14:38 | Report Abuse

if EY is to accept, how much shares of Serba could they loaded up as of now?

News & Blogs

2021-06-30 14:18 | Report Abuse

I updated the post on Flag #1, the street numbering of the Liwa investment does tally with what its actually stated on Google Map, just the street name is misleading.

News & Blogs

2021-06-30 09:15 | Report Abuse

maybe different age, or family member .

News & Blogs

2021-06-30 08:56 | Report Abuse

ipohwhitecoffee Efire is in Marina Plaza, its a different building. FDSS address on google does mark as alulu street, which means maybe Abu Dhabi does has a different address system.

News & Blogs

2021-06-30 08:46 | Report Abuse

The findings is just personal red flags, its doesn't point to non-existance.

If anyone strip off this projects, and value rest of SD project based in Malaysia over their financials to see how much it's worth, please share.

News & Blogs

2021-06-30 08:41 | Report Abuse

Its not consider as insider trading unless the information is diclosed by the board of SD to EPF.

News & Blogs

2021-06-29 21:11 | Report Abuse

What surprise me is EPF doesn't seems to be making any announcement regarding their findings. As a major shreholder, wouldnt it be normal to investigate further?

As a GLC, they could call UAE contacts , call zonecorp or even fly someone over to verify further.

If everything is genuine, EPF would have come out to publish their findings, instead they just sell down, which is a worrying sign.


2021-06-25 17:08 | Report Abuse

Its weird Serba can raise so much debt to fund its crazy capex, compare to its low operating cash flow which seems insignificant. what's their story previously?