
1invest1 | Joined since 2020-04-16

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2021-01-19 15:28 | Report Abuse

PBB is about the best to buy and invest in.
There is no perfect stock, only the best.
For most of your life, you deal with banks -
SA, CA, FDs, Hloans, Cloans, consumer &/or commercial loans, etc.
So, there is always a repeat or new transactions, deal, and relationship with the bank/s.
How often do you hear of banks closing down/bankruptcy in a year in Malaysia ?
How often do you hear cos downsizing, rightsizing, restructuring, relocating, closing in 2021? MANY.
So, there you have the answer.
Invest in PBB to profit, but don't exp profit in 1hr, 1 day, or 1 wk but surely w/in 1 MTH - 1 YEAR.


2021-01-18 15:09 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-01-18 14:52 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-01-17 14:52 | Report Abuse

Dear Sirs/Mdm,
Please do not scold or make harsh comments.
Anyone can post and can make mistakes.
Learn from other's mistakes & their reasons and rationale for doing so.
So forgive and forget.
After all, who doesn't make mistakes.
Just look at the 1,000 odd counters, pick what you like,
read-study-analyze-discuss-get advise from experienced/seasoned investors, decide and make a small investment before going in big later.
There are informative and important insights that you can gain from reading comments and contributions of experienced investors like
Sharefisher, and
PBB is a great share to invest in and if you wait for the perfect or right timing (when vaccines in, economy recovering, no mco, etc.)
you may just miss the plane taking off.
It is now landing and going to be refuelled. It will take off afterwards.
You decide what's best for you.
Happy investing.
Thank you sirs/mdm.


2021-01-16 21:24 | Report Abuse

PBB is my preferred counter.
It has the potential to become much bigger, better, and more profitable.
It has great long-term potential.
Compared to others in same industry, it is not only better, but also offers greater growth potential.
Simply put, you can't go wrong with PBB in the long run.
Its track record and results speaks for itself.
PBB is not the 2nd biggest market cap company by luck or chance.
It is there because it is that good and managed by an excellent team.


2021-01-16 20:32 | Report Abuse

Dear Top Glove & PBB shareholders and supporters,
Both TG & PBB are good. No doubt abt it. Both offer opportunities to profit.
You love TG, good. You love PBB, good. Choose & decide what you like & want to invest/trade in.
Please do not run down Top Glove and PBB.
We can support one or both.
We support one another; there is enough $$$ to be made on either or both at the same time.
So, please do not go to Top Glove forum and condemn Top Glove,
Vice versa, do not go to PBB forum and condemn PBB.
After all, the main purpose is to make money, and if possible new friends.
And not fight, quarrel, and make enemies.
Top Glove supporters can money on Top Glove, absolutely.
PBB supporters can make money on PBB, absolutely.
If I have extra and excess money, I will invest in both.
Let us all be winners and friends in stock investment.
I wish Top Glove and glove supporters make super profits and winnings.
I wish PBB supporters make super profits and winnings.
So support each other,
Disunited we lose, UNITED WE WIN, lets all win in the market this year 2021.


2021-01-12 13:49 | Report Abuse

At this moment, Bank Stocks including PBB may see a Drop due to MCO, loans, uncertainties, etc.
If you have a super strong heart, can weather mkt volativity storm from Covid and can wait patiently for a while, keep PBB shares.
Else, stay out or sell out as it can go more lightly down than up.
When some stability is seen then come back in to PBB.
Bank sector can be a f f e c t e d.
From a PBB supporter


2021-01-11 10:04 | Report Abuse

PBB investors are confident of riding any temporary dip as surely it will rebound and rise to reflect its value of a company well managed with good potential going forward. Take advantage of current prices to collect and invest as it will rise further up in the near fututre. PBB is not a gambling stock where you punt for a few days and run.
Gain knowledge and learn to invest from reading comments of
AllYouCanBuy, Sharefisher, supersinginvestor and others.
The more times you buy & sell, the more opportunities to both profit and lose.
So, rewards and risks are greater. Normally, rises are slower and falls are faster.
Be prudent, take less risks by investing in a solid, strong, safe, sound, and secure company.
PBB. You can't go wrong.
Spoke to numerous investors,
ALL confirm PBB is a great stock to invest in and will reward you with both capital appreciation (higher prices) and good dividends.
So, invest in PBB share.
Remember, you don't want your share price to gyrate like a yoyo every other day and you can't sleep and must monitor your share like a hawk !
Worse, if you can't handle the price fluctuations like a yoyo, your doctor will demand you to choose between your shares or your stroke/hear attack.
Happy investing and CNY.


2021-01-07 21:46 | Report Abuse

Supersinginvestor is C O R R E C T ! ! !
What RUBBISH is buy low, sell high. Then Berkshire, Apple, Amazon, Tesla cannot buy ! Too High !
Then Nestle, Dutchlady etc. cannot buy ! Too High ! In fact they going higher bcos co great & growg
You get people come to PBB forum and spew CRAB here. If you don't like PBB, simple, don't buy.
But come to PBB forum & talk CRAB shows you don't care abt others. Explain properly why and how you came to such an opinion, we all listen and, maybe, follow you too. But just rip into PBB w/o good info is ridiculous.
PBB is No. 2 mkt cap co. in M'sia.
That says it all. If you are good, start yr co, list in main market in Bursa, I will be the first to invest (most of my funds) in your esteemed counter.
Else, don't run down PBB with unsubstantiated statements.
Thank you sirs/madam.


2021-01-07 15:34 | Report Abuse

Honorable PBB forum contributors, PBB is, perhaps, among the Best 5 companies & shares in M'sia Now, is the time to buy as headwinds blew away its upward momentum, but it is coming back.
Take advantage to buy before Bonus Issue to get 4 free shares for 1 existing share.
After that, it will run up again as the price will be adjusted and will become afforable to ALL.
So, you may be able to make 2 rounds of profits.
It is your call.
AllYouCanBuy, Sharefisher, Supersinginvestor, and choysun 's comments are correct.
They are confident abt PBB because they know the intrinsic value of a very good company & share. They are smart investors that know why, what, who, where, when, and how to invest.
Like AYCB said, buy now or cry/regret later.
It is now or never (song by EP).
The next bonus share is abt 8 years away, 2028/9 maybe.
Do you want to wait so long ?


2021-01-06 18:59 | Report Abuse

There are uncertainties in the local environment now.
So, m o s t counters are affected.
PBB is not spared as well.
The secret is buy on dips or drops and sell on rises or higher.
No one can time it perfect all the time.
One fact is for sure and it is PBB is a very good company and share.
Buy at a lower price now and enjoy greater profits when it rises.
It may not fall to your TP and you may miss the chance to
gain 4 for 1 Bonus Issue and Final Dividend.
This dividend may be a good one since none was given in the previous Qtr.
PBB is known to give reasonable dividends.


2021-01-05 19:15 | Report Abuse

January 4, 2021 3:25 pm
Credit Suisse sees 6% GDP growth for Malaysia in 2021
Among the recovery plays that is thriving on the economic recovery, we would suggest banks, gaming and construction due to the pump-priming activities.
Credit Suisse is one of the world’s leading financial services providers and has a strong presence in its home market Switzerland.


2021-01-05 17:56 | Report Abuse

Everyone contributes, you have your strengths, others have theirs (AllYouCanBuy, Sharefisher, etc.)
Point is, this is PBB forum.
We help one another to max profits from investing in PBB shares.
This is synergy, sum of parts is greater than whole.
PBB is the pathway to greater profits and prosperity.
What better way to celebrate 2021 and CNY than bonus issue of not 1, 2 , or 3, but 4 free shares !!!
So, support PBB to enjoy superior profits.


2021-01-05 16:28 | Report Abuse

PBB shareholders are supposed to be patient and resilient as well as tending towards mid-term to long-term investors (probably at the very least holding 1 month).
Hourly gyrations and daily fluctuations are the norm given big players-funds etc. are involved.
PBB is a very strong company with great potential, locally and internationally.
So, a limit down is impossible, given a bonus issue in about 2 weeks time.
For the naysayers, please buy other co. shares and hopefully, you reap what you sow and make money.
For many, PBB is a safe, sound, and secure share that will serve you well with good gains in price and reasonable returns in dividends.
Most importantly, PBB is a LOW RISK share with GOOD RETURNS.
You can be sure it will not go free-fall.
Read comments from
to gain greater insights to determine your pathway to a profitable investment journey by investing in PBB shares.
You can sleep, go anywhere, and not worry about your PBB share price.
And surprise, after sometime, you gain a good or excellent ROI (passive investment).


2020-12-31 15:57 | Report Abuse

All PBB shareholders, investors, potential buyers, traders, punters, and friends-fans, take note !

Circular to sharebolders in relation to proposed Bonus issue .....4 Bonus shares for every 1 existing
Key milestones Tentative timeline
EGM 12 Jan 2021
Announcement of Entitlement Date Mid Jan 2021
Entitlement Date End Jan 2021
Listing & quotation for Bonus Share on Main Mkt of Bursa End Jan 2021

This is for your information, attention, and action.
The PBB bonus issue is around the corner and fast approaching.
The key milestones and tentative timeline will provide you the necessary details for your consideration and decision in whether to participate in this PBB Bonus Issue exercise.
The purpose of this Bonus Issue of 4 Bonus Shares for every 1 existing PBB share is to

1. Reward loyal PBB shareholders
2. Facilitate greater participation in equity of the company in terms of number of PBB shares held
3. Enable more potential investors to invest in PBB shares as a result of it being more affordable
4. Fuel trading liquidity of PBB shares on Main Market of Bursa Securities

Public Bank Bhd is the 2nd largest market capitalized corporation in Bursa Malaysia.
PBB is probably the 2nd largest bank in Malaysia.
PBB will become bigger and better.

Happy New Year.


2020-12-24 15:33 | Report Abuse

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to all.
Your comments and contributions are valuable,
whether positive or negative, aye or nay, good or otherwise.
PBB is a great bank and share.
PBB will rise given time.
Patience yields great profits to PBB shareholders.
Comments and contributions from @AllYouCanBuy are, particularly, commendable.
Thank you.


2020-12-18 10:42 | Report Abuse

PBB #2 market captilization in Bursa.
PBB #2 Bank in Malaysia.
PBB 4 for 1 Bonus issue.
PBB is an excellent investment that will provide great returns over time.