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2022-07-06 11:33 | Report Abuse

pak karim is a great corporate magician,........you see pak karim is there. cover up by curtain,.......first you see pak karim shadow,........latter shadow slowly disappear,.......pulling down the curtain,.......pak karim gone, empty,..........just hoping it does not happen to serbadk,.......hate to see pak karim gone missing,....


2022-07-06 11:18 | Report Abuse

palm oil drop to rm3800 metric ton,........all plantation farmer scream to hell already,......plantation stock not looking good,........more down side,......


2022-07-06 10:41 | Report Abuse

if all these director can`t manage the sime darby business & keep it growing,......i suggest to them better quit,......you are not suitable for the post,......


2022-07-06 10:31 | Report Abuse

what PNB should do now is to fire all these lazy directors,.......bad leaderships,......replace them will someone who are hardworking, willing to struggle, keep the company growing globally,.......


2022-07-06 10:20 | Report Abuse

sime darby selling oversea port business again,........so call to focus on main core business,.......what a rubbish,.......PNB hire all these directors to run business,.......now they become lazy,............ want to make quick little profit instead running the business to make long term profit,.......after that, what they are going to do,.......sitting in the office praying?........look at samsung, they are doing handphone, chips, ship building, construction,........still not enough, they want to venture into electric car,......


2022-07-06 09:43 | Report Abuse

palm oil drop to rm4000 level,.......cepat will register big loses in the coming quarters,......better go to IT & technology stocks,......


2022-07-05 11:08 | Report Abuse

ularsawa,......you say top have rm1 bil cash,.......but you forget to deduct perpetual sukuk bond rm1.2bil


2022-07-05 10:39 | Report Abuse

ularsawa,......top glove have so little cash in hand,........ no way top glove can venture into others profitable new businesses,.........i don`t see any growth in it,.......top glove too depend on glove businesses,...........the future is on another pandemic hitting this world,.......you can just wait & wait, pray & pray,........nothing might happen.


2022-07-05 08:43 | Report Abuse

like to see our ` corporate magician` pak karim show,.......serbadk being tied up with multiple chains & locks,......submerged under water,.......how serbadk going break the locks & free itself,......it is a real life show,........chill & stunning ,.....don`t forget to give support & clap your hand


2022-07-04 21:29 |

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2022-07-04 18:07 | Report Abuse

today palm oil crash, drop almost rm400 per metric ton, fall below rm4300 level,.....it is a sign that ukraine war about to end,.....better buy stocks now,......it is about the time to shoot up,.......but for for top glove, unlikely to rise,.......because glove sector is on the down trend,.......go for IT & technology stocks,......


2022-07-04 11:37 | Report Abuse

TAN SRI say,....LAI...LAI.... YAMSEE


2022-07-04 11:35 | Report Abuse

top glove,....more room to go down,......up side very limited,......better sell on every rebound,......it may bottom up at 20cent,.......still long way to go,......Tan Sri is sipping red wine,.......waiting for the day to come,.......


2022-07-04 11:27 | Report Abuse

MTD did a failure business in REACH,......failed investment,........blame themselves no knowledge in oil & gas business,........


2022-07-04 08:48 | Report Abuse

EPF , PNB, KWAP, ASB, have very big capitals........, usually own more than 5% shares , i believe they invest in company businesses but not the share market,........they have say or management control in company,.......they must lead the company,.....if company facing problems,.......they must help & solving problem ,.........drive the company to do business globally,.....make the company earn few dollar per share,......earn good dividend.

what EPF, PNB, KWAP do now is to runaway first when any problems surface,......they behave like speculative investor,........no responsible, no leadership, only money they want,........EPF, KWAP, PNB, are not dare to take any legal action against management doing fraud in the company


2022-07-03 12:11 |

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2022-07-03 09:37 |

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2022-07-03 09:11 | Report Abuse

daud & razali,...... if cypark got any problems must speak out,.......many big tycoons out there may come to help,.......if you keep hiding the problems ,.......nobody dare to help you,.......small shareholders can`t do much, but they can contribute some ideas how to solve problems


2022-07-03 08:57 |

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2022-07-02 20:22 |

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2022-07-02 18:23 | Report Abuse

top glove enter the autumn season now,......very dry, leaves are dropping,..........the next one is the winter ,......freezing cold weather,......better be prepare for this,.......store more wood, keep more food.


2022-07-02 13:41 | Report Abuse

star 168,....why worry about the rich getting richer,......their stomach are not bigger than yours,......they can`t swallow everything,....... everything just on paper value,........they are rich because they know how to create wealth,.......good at doing business,...... beside being frugal in their spending,....... star, you are gifted with big pieces of brain as well,.....if you know how to use it ,.........you are like them as well


2022-07-02 11:37 |

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2022-07-02 10:59 |

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2022-07-02 09:53 | Report Abuse

tan sri razali is a diplomat,........he should be able to handle the matter with TNB


2022-07-02 09:14 | Report Abuse

for cypark to survive,......they need to sell LSS3 project to TNB,......they can make money selling the project to TNB, BUT NOT the electricity,......because the electricity selling rate only 18 cent kwh to TNB,........if TNB owning the project, for sure they can`t lose money because they selling the electricity to consumer above 40cent kwh,......it is a win- win solution,......it depend on TNB want to buy the LSS3 project or not


2022-07-02 08:56 | Report Abuse

small hyro project selling electricity to tnb at price around 24 cent kwh,.......tnb selling it to consumers above 40cent kwh,.......solar power electricity selling price can`t below mini hyro,


2022-07-02 08:31 | Report Abuse

solar power efficiency rate is low malaysia,......5-6 hours per day expose to sunlight,.......semi desert country,.......10 hours per day expose to sunlight,........malaysia is too cloudy, solar panel need blue sky to generate electricity,......min. selling price for solar electricity in malaysia should be above 30cent kwh,......


2022-07-01 17:34 |

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2022-07-01 11:36 |

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2022-06-30 22:15 | Report Abuse

stock market will keep falling as long as ukraine war not end,......ukrainian, russian , US ,NATO, all are too cocky,......... they haven`t suffered enough,........all want war,........let them burn their soul & money there,......until one day , they get tired,.........they may wake up & talk peace


2022-06-30 21:44 | Report Abuse

look at wte plant at tanah merah , negeri sembilan ,......the waste management system not very advance compare to singapore,........using a lot of manual labours


2022-06-30 21:31 | Report Abuse

moving forward,......cypark need someone with engineering background & solar power knowledge to lead this company,...... power business is very competitive industry,..... any error can cause company losing million


2022-06-30 20:23 | Report Abuse

softbank`s mr.son is very smart man ,........investing in his companies in the long run will give you a lot of benefit,.......top glove`s tan sri should learn from him


2022-06-30 19:51 | Report Abuse

ularsawa,.......if didi & uber can`t takeover uber,.......this time the big one ALIBABA come to save you,.......are you happy,.......pay US15 per share for grab


2022-06-30 19:28 | Report Abuse

ularsawa,....if uber can`t take over grab,.....didi will take over grab,........didi have a lot of cash in the company,......uber & didi are control by softbank` mr. son,.......this is how he make money


2022-06-30 18:38 | Report Abuse

ularsawa,.....don`t worry,.......uber will takeover grab,.....it is just matter of time,......be patient


2022-06-30 18:34 | Report Abuse

the main two key persons in cypark,.......daud is an accountant,......razali is diplomat,......both of them run engineering company,........can they solve engineering problems in cypark,........make good decision for cypark


2022-06-30 18:04 | Report Abuse

non of the directors in cypark have qualification & experience in engineering, power sectors,.......but they run engineering company,.........they are the decision maker for cypark business,........this is the real danger,.......


2022-06-30 14:05 | Report Abuse

write up the intangible asset by another rm60mil,........you call the company is making profit,.......


2022-06-30 09:19 | Report Abuse

daud & razali,.......if you want to prove that company did nothing wrong,..........on the right track,........go & support the cypark share price,..........why so coward,.......show your leadership, or you have no leadership at all,........


2022-06-29 22:42 | Report Abuse

serbadk very quiet recently,.......must be,......pak karim buat persiapan buat kerja haji,.......dapat haji marlboro boleh kongsi bersama,.......


2022-06-29 20:13 | Report Abuse

a good , responsible captain won`t run away if their ship is sinking,.......he will do what ever he can to save the ship & crews,......the captain won`t run away,......will be the last man leaving the ship or sacrifice together with the crews


2022-06-29 19:51 | Report Abuse

if the two big boses really want to help,.......tomorrow they will come to buy cypark up,......they have sold down from 15% each to 6% & less than 4%,.......they can afford to buy if the company on the right track,......if they don`t, you know what to do,......


2022-06-29 19:40 | Report Abuse

khazanah can ask tnb to buy cypark`s lss2 &lss3 projects


2022-06-29 19:38 | Report Abuse

cypark this time really need khazanah help,......khazanah own banks & tnb,........khazanah can affords cypark to loss money , tnb making money,.....


2022-06-29 19:12 |

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2022-06-29 18:49 | Report Abuse

toyota,......cypark`s rm900mil. are fake,.......will be written off,......not much left in the company


2022-06-29 18:30 | Report Abuse

the two rubbish bosses,....razali & daud really know to run away first before cypark collapse,......this kind of leadership better going to hell,......making bad decision for the company,.....draw big salary,........what else can they do,.......


2022-06-29 17:15 | Report Abuse

lss2 price was 34cent kwh,........lss3,lss4 drop to 18 cent,........how to make money