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2022-06-29 17:01 | Report Abuse

lss3, lss4, solar power purchase agreement with tnb is too low, .....18cent kwh,......the company got this project will go broke,.......no point doing it,.....not profitable


2022-06-28 11:15 | Report Abuse

daud & razali sell all their shares to you,.........let cypark go bankrupt,......returning back, buy all the cypark bankrupt asset at very low price,.......they become king again


2022-06-28 10:52 | Report Abuse

cypark didn`t do enough research before they go in big in solar power project in malaysia,.....they are in real problems now,.......that is why daud & razali abandon cypark ,........do you want to hold their sick baby?


2022-06-28 10:41 | Report Abuse

solar power project not profitable in malaysia ,.......power producer sell the power too cheap to tnb,....only tnb making money but not the power producer,........simply because malaysia sky is too cloudy,........efficient solar power project need blue sky all the time,


2022-06-26 17:53 | Report Abuse

solar power project only can make money if you install it on your own roof & for your own consumption,.......reduce buying electricity from tnb,......like most of the local japanese factories


2022-06-26 12:38 | Report Abuse

malaysia is more suitable for hyro power project,........most of the solar power project in malaysia will end up not making money, or losing money


2022-06-26 11:33 | Report Abuse

malaysia weather too cloudy & wet,.......not very suitable for solar power project,.......not efficient enough,.......not very profitable,.......solar power more suitable for semi desert country like australia,......sky are clear , not cloudy,.....10hours per day expose to sun


2022-06-25 17:52 |

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2022-06-25 13:50 | Report Abuse

bursa`s listed companies are crab,.......the big boss like to do this kind of hanky panky things,.......EPF , KWAP , PNB are eye wide shut,......by the time you see the problems,......you are 7 feet under, too late to escape,........what to do, this is malaysian stock market


2022-06-25 13:29 | Report Abuse

why tan sri give such a big dividend in the past,........left top glove with so little cash in the company,........something very fishy he has plan for this company,........hartalega, supermax , kosson leave a lot of cash in their company but not in top glove


2022-06-25 13:02 | Report Abuse

think about it,.....tan sri have rm2.5bil. cash in hand,....... he own 3bil. shares in top glove,.......5bil. shares he doesn`t own,......if he want to take top glove private,........at what price he will offer to you ?,......i think he won`t spend more than rm2.5bil........


2022-06-25 12:17 | Report Abuse

top glove fair value is 50cent,.......big room to fall from rm1,.......net tangible asset 70cent before deducting top glove goodwill & write down on share purchased amount to rm2bil.,.......in 6 months time, top glove will reach 50cent level,.......just be patient & wait,.....


2022-06-23 22:57 | Report Abuse

PNB invested in grab before listing,......they pay US12.9 per share,........today PNB have lost few hundred million on paper already ,......last 1 year,.....PNB allocated 30% of their fund to invest in oversea market,......i believe today they suffer big loses,......they just keep quiet,..... not very wise move, invested during the peak time


2022-06-23 11:12 | Report Abuse

EPF keep selling & buying top glove shares until it fall to rm1,......make some profits but loss big in their 5% stake in top glove,.......it is wise penny , fool the pound


2022-06-23 09:57 | Report Abuse

drop like falling rock,......so fast, so much,........up like snail,.......bit by bit, what a boring stock


2022-06-22 17:37 | Report Abuse

khatulistiwa going ku-ku already,.....very sad


2022-06-21 18:14 | Report Abuse

top glove worth less than few year old carsome,......carsome worth more than US1.7bil,.........tan sri need to work very hard,.........otherwise top glove will drop to 10cent per share,......really shameful


2022-06-21 09:14 | Report Abuse

the two directors so call the captain of cypark have reduce their stake from 15% to 5% each,.........the captains have run away,.......ship is about to sink into blue ocean,.......they say bye-bye first,........


2022-06-20 21:18 | Report Abuse

loh kok wai,.........top glove may return by share consolidation,.......just fold the river few times


2022-06-20 17:42 | Report Abuse

loh kok wai,......i like the river no return show,.........you are pretty old man,........long enough in stock stock market,.......


2022-06-20 09:59 |

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2022-06-20 09:46 |

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2022-06-20 08:17 | Report Abuse

top glove will end up like fintech groups,.......if tan sri not doing anything to fix the top glove falling share price problems,.......he is satisfied with few billions cash in hand,......why should he care for you,......


2022-06-20 08:03 | Report Abuse

the new comer,....... businessmen like dato` ong of hextar group& dato` chiau of chin-hin group,.........very agresif in expanding company businesses,.......good to follow them,......tan sri is a bit slow,........`sudah cukup makan`,.......no point follow him


2022-06-19 19:13 | Report Abuse

if all the bursa businessmen like hong leong`s qek leng chan could be better,.......he is really focus at keeping his business doing well,...... always making good decision & good profit for the company,......tan sri lim should learn from him,........


2022-06-19 12:59 | Report Abuse

cypark share price keep falling,......two major shareholders reduce their holding from 15% each to 5%, may be lesser,.......it is the sign of company in big troubles,......not many people knowing it yet,.......by the time you & me knowing the problems,.......the share price already reach 5cent,......


2022-06-18 21:52 | Report Abuse

tan sri may do something like MMC did,........top glove make buyout offer to it shareholder at very cheap price , cancel the share & delisting, tan sri owning the whole top glove


2022-06-18 21:35 | Report Abuse

if tan sri have planed to take top glove private in 1 or 2 years time,.......it is doomed for top glove,........no way share price will go up,........no point investing in top glove,........wasting time & money,.......better go for rubberex,.........


2022-06-18 12:44 | Report Abuse

good example like cypark


2022-06-18 12:12 |

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2022-06-17 14:34 | Report Abuse

don`t know this dry season will last for how long,.......dragging for too long will harm the capital market,...........a lot of people are waiting for pouring rain,..........hopefully all fishers can swim again


2022-06-17 14:28 |

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2022-06-17 09:18 | Report Abuse

tan sri with few billion cash in hand,.........what to worry,........he can sit there relax for many century,.......top glove share price going down not his problems,.......it is your problems


2022-06-17 09:13 | Report Abuse

tan sri is relaxing in switzerland,.......seeping coffee & tasting cheese cake,........why should he bother about top glove share price going down,........he have few billions ringgit in his pocket,........you all are slaves,........he is the king,........


2022-06-16 23:16 | Report Abuse

how to stop top glove share keep falling,........first share consolidation 2 to 1,.......if top glove continue to fall,......give another shot,........share consolidation 2 to 1 again,........ & still falling,.......tan sri can buy out the whole top glove,.........take it private


2022-06-16 21:11 | Report Abuse

penny stock,........what top glove can do now,........share consolidation 2 to 1 coming,......8bil. shares become 4bil. shares,.........tan sri is doing a great job,..........


2022-06-16 21:06 |

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2022-06-16 14:18 | Report Abuse

tan sri will come to big buyout when he see the light at the end of tunnel,.......otherwise he will wait & see,.......let you you all carry the baby top glove,........non stop crying baby,........


2022-06-16 14:10 | Report Abuse

tan sri is long enough in glove business,..........already told you on the tv interview,........glove up & down cycle every five to six years,........you know what it mean ,.......today is not bottom yet,.......worst to come


2022-06-16 13:45 | Report Abuse

tan sri in honey moon now,.......his stomach in full,.........sleep well,.......why should he bother about top glove & you,........wait until he wake up, start feeding again,........so cheap to swallow up,.......big appertite


2022-06-16 13:12 | Report Abuse

holding rm1 top glove share,.......you are on your own,...........floating on deep ocean,.........under cold water & hot sun,.........day by day, nobody bother,........waiting for
a long time,........until it touch 30cent,.........gentlemen tan sri will come to save you,........


2022-06-14 14:34 | Report Abuse

when top glove fall to 30cent,........AT, JOE, PERMAJU, AE-MULTI, ANZO, MNC, MLAB, LKL, can geng up together to take over top glove,......they are cash rich now.


2022-06-14 14:26 | Report Abuse

top glove at current price at rm1 is too high,.........can wait to enter when it touch 30cent,....... no hurry, be patient,........wait for it to fall to that level,.......tan sri will come in big buy,.......just site on bench, watching the falling rain, no playing.


2022-06-12 12:41 | Report Abuse

tan sri spoil the children very much,..........growing in no worry environment,........a lot of cash to spend,............now the they takeover the company,.......do you think he will fight hard for top glove?.........or going to be like lion group,........good father bad son


2022-06-12 12:32 | Report Abuse

shoplot company,........what can you expect from their business?,........like vitrox?........i don`t think so, big boss education level not high,.......


2022-06-11 14:06 | Report Abuse

clement hii should inject profitable student hostels into minda as well,.......why not included in this deal,.......he will ultimately take control of minda,........he is good in running education business, like segi doing very well,.......


2022-06-11 11:55 | Report Abuse

during good time,......so much of cash,......top glove so reluctant to invest in minda global,........now clement hii have grabbed the opportunities ,.....it is good to invest in medical education business,........look at imu recently sold to hong leong boss for rm900mil,......minda is cheap compare to imu,.......


2022-06-11 07:56 | Report Abuse

top glove will kill you SLOW & SOFTLY,...........you will never realise what happened,........until you wake up,...........you are six feet under,.........tan sri may come to save you at 30cent,........by then, it is too late,........


2022-06-10 21:41 | Report Abuse

market have money,.......but all holding tight ,......... EPF, KWAP, PNB not buying yet,........need to hold for sometimes,........


2022-06-10 11:08 | Report Abuse

one thing funny about top glove in the past,........company made profit of rm8bil.,........at the same time they want to raise money in hong-kong ,..........rm7bil paid as dividend,.......very weird