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2022-07-26 14:47 | Report Abuse

corporate magician pak karim is good at fooling people,.......fooling once,.......fooling twiest,......fooling third times,......look like banks have no choices but to believe in him


2022-07-26 14:08 | Report Abuse

no power ,......slide all the way down,.......business no good,.......how to jump,....


2022-07-26 11:34 | Report Abuse

investing in stock market,......choose a good businessman is very important,......businessman like dato ong choo meng, dato` chiau beng teik are good example,.......they struggle to keep their public listed company growing,.....making money,......& all will benefits


2022-07-26 11:26 |

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2022-07-25 19:32 | Report Abuse

time is ticking,......serbadk is being chained up.,......can this corporate magician pak karim set it free,.......or he make himself disappear,.........


2022-07-25 12:26 | Report Abuse

if you order economic rice, roti canai from panda food or grab,.......definitely cost you more than rm10,.......you must include delivery cost


2022-07-24 23:22 | Report Abuse

at the time, when top glove on the rise,.......all these bumiputra politicians are complaining about lack of bumiputra participation in the profitable glove business,........today top glove are so cheap,....you don`t hear from these politicians calling bumis to invest in glove companies,.......or even asking PNB to buy a big stake in top glove,.......all silence, they only want to share profit but not willing to invest,......haiyoh, correct


2022-07-24 20:56 | Report Abuse

market really bad,....all want money,.......tabung haji has money,.......but they go to invest in UK PROPERTY,..........two year ago,......when tabung haji in trouble,.......rakyat money bail them out,.......buyout all tabung haji investments at high price, government absorb their loses,.........now they use the money to help BRITISH ,.......


2022-07-24 14:17 |

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2022-07-23 21:00 | Report Abuse

don`t expect DR. PANG to run mtronic business & making money for shareholders,.........if he doesn`t swallow the company cash away,.......shareholders are consider very lucky already,........i don`t see any future in mtronic under fintech management,.........


2022-07-23 15:29 | Report Abuse

ularsawa,......next week buy SNAP,.......rebound soon,......


2022-07-21 12:04 | Report Abuse

sell it to them,......don`t expect the wolf to take care of your sheep,........slowly they will swallow up the whole things including you,.......avoid this type of corporate looters


2022-07-21 11:50 | Report Abuse

sell it to them,.....let them own 100% of mtronic,.......they can do whatever they like,......putting company money into their own pocket also halal,.......


2022-07-21 07:19 |

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2022-07-20 21:40 | Report Abuse

ularsawa , do you buy grab ?,......it is up another 4%


2022-07-20 21:28 | Report Abuse

DR. PANG,......not many retailers are interested in mtronic now,.......you can play it to sky high,........still no many people touch it,......you need to put up the show first,.......make mtronic making profit first,......people more confident to buy it,.........

what mtronic can do now is invest rm100mil. in grab, alibaba, sea( shopee),......within a year, you will see the profit of min. rm100mil.,....... you can return 5sen dividend per share to shareholders,.......& then, all investors will rush to buy mtronic,........it is a win-win games


2022-07-20 13:16 | Report Abuse

as you see what happened in xox, focus dynamic ,..........same things will happen in mtronic,.......just 1 sen companies


2022-07-20 13:07 |

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2022-07-19 20:03 | Report Abuse

if metronic too lazy to run business,......what they can do now are spend rm100 mil. to buy grab & alibaba shares,.......within a year, metronic will register min. rm100mil. profit,.........easy good job,......


2022-07-19 12:05 |

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2022-07-19 11:40 | Report Abuse

dato` ong choo meng , dato` chiau beng teik don`t use this types of dirty tactics to make money in stock market,.....they struggle to keep their business growing,.........unlike the fintech crooks, they don`t bother about company business,......their business is only cheating, fooling investors money ,.........


2022-07-19 11:17 |

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2022-07-19 10:56 |

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2022-07-19 09:40 | Report Abuse

latter you will see that mtronic using it rm160mil. cash in hand to buy XOX at 12sen per share,.......all money gone,........what to do ,......too bad!


2022-07-19 09:22 | Report Abuse

if the big shots are serious in metronic business,........they won`t play up the warrant to 25sent,.......they will buy more mother shares , keep it for future ,......the intention they play up warrant is to dispose mother shares,........they themselves are not confident in metronic future,......they may do share consolidation again like in XOX


2022-07-18 22:18 | Report Abuse

ularsawa,......today grab up 10%,........did you buy last week?


2022-07-17 17:22 | Report Abuse

the big shots want to sell metronic at price of 9sen,......15sen.......30sen.....60sen......, it is possible, investors will pay for that price,....... if the big shots can lead metronic to do profitable business,........look at frontkn, it was few sen company, today few ringgit ,.....

if the big shots continue to do foolish things like in xox,......at 1sent per share, investor won`t buy,.......you can have it all


2022-07-16 18:26 | Report Abuse

if metronic use rm100mil. invest in GRAB& ALIBABA now,.......metronic will double their return within a year ,........


2022-07-16 18:05 | Report Abuse

xox is paying rm110mil. for 98mil, shares in symfony,.......about rm1.1 per share,.......is it wise investment?


2022-07-16 14:46 | Report Abuse

fintech crooks should learn from DATO ONG CHOO MENG, DATO` CHIAU BENG TEIK,......they goreng their companies stock,.........at the same time they keep their company business growing ,........create more value for investors,........this is the leaders that small investor want,......


2022-07-16 14:38 | Report Abuse

PNB, ASB are soon be like tabung haji failed in their investment,......they appoint ustaz, ustazah to lead the their investment,......PNB will be the next fail institution fund


2022-07-16 14:19 | Report Abuse

really shameful on this fintech crooks,.........already so rich, but still want to fool small investors money,.......if you want more money,........run the company business properly,.......invest wisely for the benefit of all,.......small investors will come to support you,......


2022-07-16 14:08 | Report Abuse

ASB , the substantial shareholder,...... as usual acting very slow to solve the mess in cypark,.......if they still allow razali & daud to lead the company,.......cypark will go burst,.......they are not capable to run cypark business,.......ASB should act now,.......appoint someone with the solar power or electrical engineering knowledge to lead cypark,......


2022-07-16 11:23 | Report Abuse

xox have used up cash in hand after buying symfony,.........time for consolidation,.........better stay away


2022-07-16 10:40 | Report Abuse

metronic have more than rm160mil. cash in hand,..........don`t be so happy,.......the money will end up in the big shots pocket again,.......mtronic business unlikely to change much,......they won`t use the cash to keep mtronic growing but to enrich themself,........the rm160mil. cash will be use to buy inflated assets from them,.......same like what they did in xox,.......today xox only worth 1.5sen per share


2022-07-15 18:01 | Report Abuse

pak karim `s US listed data knight acquisition corp share price keep going up ,.......not bad,.........it may help serbadk


2022-07-15 14:30 | Report Abuse

metronic,......what business are they doing?.........only big fools running the company,......do you expect any good results ?,.......i think it will end up the same like before, close to pn17 company


2022-07-15 12:47 | Report Abuse

mtronic have a lot of cash in hand,.......this big cash will be siphon back into the big shots` pocket again by buying inflated asset at high price from them,.......at the end you only holding empty can company,.........toilet paper!


2022-07-15 11:25 | Report Abuse

bunch of crooks in fitter doesn`t bring any good to the company,.......they too lazy to run business,.......what they are good at is only buying cheap new shares, sell it at higher price to you,........siphon the company cash away,........do share consolidation again,.......


2022-07-15 10:41 | Report Abuse

these big shots bought the right issue ,.........play the share price up,.......dispose off at higher price,.......make some quick profit,..........their intention is not to do business,....... but to issue more new shares for them to make profit,..........they will call for more private placement, employee options,........sell it to you,.........& share consolidation again


2022-07-14 19:34 | Report Abuse

rubbish stocks,.......the big shot will keep issuing new share to themselves at very low price after they have disposed off their holding,.......they will siphon company cash away as well,.......just be cautious with this fintech syndicate


2022-07-14 18:16 | Report Abuse

if tomorrow cpo continue to fall to rm3000,.........what will happen to all plantation stocks?,.........scary !


2022-07-14 17:13 | Report Abuse

today cpo really touch rm3500metric ton,........palm oil farmers cry to hell,.......no more energy to work in sweating plantation


2022-07-13 18:24 |

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2022-07-13 15:03 | Report Abuse

reach,.......keep going down,.......down to grave yard,........7 feet under,......no way to escape


2022-07-13 13:04 |

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2022-07-12 19:07 | Report Abuse

razali can`t find the big shot to buy his stake in cypark,..........he has to dispose it into open market,......really sad,.....look like he try to run away first like he did in iris,.......


2022-07-09 08:25 | Report Abuse

sempena hari raya haji,..........pak karim want to perform a special magic show,.........serbadk body, hand & leg being tie-up with multiple chains & locks ,........put in gunny sack,........hang it up,.......set fire on the robe,......lifting to 100 feet high,......

you can see serbadk is struggling in the air,........within a limited time,........if serbadk can`t free itself,.........the fire robe will break,........serbadk will drop to floor & sacrifice

can serbadk free safely,.....remember to watch the pak karim show in bursa,......


2022-07-09 07:56 | Report Abuse

raya haji sudah tiba,........pak karim kena buat kerja baik -baik,........buat banyak kerja kebajikan,........kena buat banyak korban,........banyak _banyak serdekah,.........harap harap allah maafkan kamu,........duit banyak tak bawa ke kubur,........kongsilah wang sesama manusia,.......jangan makan seorang- orang,.......selamat hari raya


2022-07-08 20:53 | Report Abuse

serbadk may fall back to 6 sen again,......wait for the rebound,.......pak karim magic shows is to make money,.........`it is not for free`,.........a lot of surprises, you never know what will happen next,........don`t touch serbadk, unless you like to be fooled,.......