Blog Posts
2021-04-30 12:35 | Report Abuse
DRwarrant, better don't talk about money making co larr... even many other heavy loses co also can make their share way up... very kesian this counter never wake up from sleep untill the bed get rotten and fall....
2021-04-30 10:15 | Report Abuse
Hahahaha, a drowning counter...., without holding share in NG really have peace of need to worry about GN3 already
2021-04-28 17:30 | Report Abuse
Just for DRwarrant info, I've unloaded all my NG share today.. good luck to those who still hold...
2021-04-28 17:18 | Report Abuse
NG says don't buy it's share at this level, wait for Ozura to dispose for cash.... hahahaha
2021-04-28 14:56 | Report Abuse
NG getting more and more risky now ....
2021-04-28 09:28 | Report Abuse
Even auditor is scared of NG account and resigned...
2021-04-28 08:37 | Report Abuse
I anticipate this share will fall further... problem within the co... better be careful than taking risk.
2021-04-27 21:15 | Report Abuse
DRwarrant, instead of buying, I'm starting to sell to prevent heavy loses as I smell something unpleasant in the co account....
2021-04-27 20:09 | Report Abuse
DRwarrant...tomorrow 3 cents
2021-04-27 16:24 | Report Abuse
Hahahaha, DRwarrant should ask NG why the co is so negative....
2021-04-27 14:15 | Report Abuse
NG can't get investors confidence meaning that what the co has done so far are just empty talks only....or something fishy going on within the co..
2021-04-27 10:15 | Report Abuse
Healthcare counters down, NG follows down... Healthcare counters up, NG falls....2.5 cents is reasonable tp
2021-04-27 10:02 | Report Abuse
Lucky that I had sold all @1.78 last month... waiting to buy at lower price.. maybe @ 1.58...
2021-04-26 14:08 | Report Abuse
Healthcare counters all up tremendously while this NG instead going against the trend... this prove that the outlook for this stock is remain negative and price is on down trend....
2021-04-26 12:07 | Report Abuse
It's ok, my avg now is 6 cents, and I'm going to avg down further to 4 cents, and can achieve that soon..... hehehe
2021-04-23 09:36 | Report Abuse
NG really not qualify to do healthcare business... Healthcare counters all flying sky high but this counter remains death... Expecting 2 cents in near term.
2021-04-22 17:50 | Report Abuse
OKU_2220, yea yea, saya masih pegang share NG 18, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7 & 2.5 sen.. itulah saya harap NG boleh turun ke paras 3 sen supaya boleh sapu banyak2 utk avg down lar....
2021-04-22 17:30 | Report Abuse
If a co has lost focus on it's core business and going too diversify without the expertise, the share definitely will fall as investors begin to lost confidence in it....
2021-04-22 17:26 | Report Abuse
DRwarrant... I'm sure give NG another year it's share still trade at 4 cents...
2021-04-22 13:13 | Report Abuse
@ Tikam_2021, tak kisah la dpt kah sik...lagipun saham ini saham tak bernyawa....sentiasa di paras 4 sen saja....macam mana nak mengaut untung.. kesian kpd pelabur yg sdh bersama NG....
2021-04-22 08:51 | Report Abuse
This is what we call cosmetic financial sheet, nothing special... Hehehe
2021-04-21 15:40 | Report Abuse
Yeah, 4.5 cents is the best level it can move... but with a higher chance of falling further which I anticipated at 3 cents... He..He
2021-04-21 12:50 | Report Abuse
DRwarrant keeps dreaming of 5,6,7 cents.... be patient..just wait for another 1 year lar...
2021-04-20 19:34 | Report Abuse
Once NG listed in GN3, price for sure will fall, it's a matter of time...
2021-04-19 19:52 | Report Abuse
Most of the projects that Kari engaged recently are difficult to achieve as far as Malaysia is concerned...
2021-04-19 17:03 | Report Abuse
Tomorrow show time... 3 - 3.5 cents .. then ready for listing in GN3
2021-04-18 21:50 | Report Abuse
MZM2511, don't forget that our government used to make u-turn, and like to change their mind at any moment they like.....
2021-04-18 20:37 | Report Abuse
That's why I said, if a co has no strong political link with those cronies, you won't be able to get the job...instead 3rd party without the expertise will undercut and get awarded.
2021-04-18 12:58 | Report Abuse
Karim ke sana ke sini, ke sini ke sana...... no focus
2021-04-17 08:33 | Report Abuse
Somebody always come up with nonesense formula but still losing money, instead you just buy any share that's on uptrend also can make tons of money....
2021-04-16 17:15 | Report Abuse
Be ready for the worse....
2021-04-16 16:28 | Report Abuse
Something very wrong with this company....Not far from 3 cents already.... and everyone is waiting...
2021-04-16 16:04 | Report Abuse
This is fasting month, Karim can't goreng this counter as it's consider illegal, so no shark for this month... it'll be a boring month and expect further fall in it's share....
2021-04-16 09:45 | Report Abuse
Sdh kompom GN3 dah..... cepat2 lari
2021-04-14 09:19 | Report Abuse
Under PN government, our economy is really doing very badly compare to our neighboring countries...
2021-04-14 08:09 | Report Abuse
O&G price will be hovering at the current level for the whole year... there'll be no surprise for the industries and counters related to O&G..
2021-04-10 12:23 | Report Abuse
MZM2511, ini bukan kutukan, tetapi adalah reality... sejarah NG telah terbukti..... Hehehe
2021-04-10 11:07 | Report Abuse
3-4 cents should be able to buy next week as bad sentiment is circulating the counter.....
2021-04-09 17:19 | Report Abuse
Berapa orang kelab 3 sen di sini.... mari ikut supaya NG dpt naik 30 sen...
2021-04-09 16:32 | Report Abuse
Topglove is more stable than kossan as the CEO is very supportive of it's own share and shareholders in general....
2021-04-09 15:53 | Report Abuse
Hahahaha, back to square one..., this counter is risky to invest,....another dataprep.
2021-04-09 11:00 | Report Abuse
You dump your money here and Karim will make use of your money and dump in kpower and scib....
2021-04-09 07:12 | Report Abuse
Everyone will be very happy if NG fall to 3 cents and below, it gives everyone a chance to buy low... another company CSR project.
2021-04-08 18:47 | Report Abuse
Kalau nak beli, disyorkan di bawah 3 sen lebih selamat sbb kos Ozura adalah 2.5 sen ....
2021-04-08 13:09 | Report Abuse
NG had announced so many projects including 1.6 billions mega project...@ 4.5 cents can't even attract retailers to buy what more to say big sharks... something should have gone wrong internally... so chance of further fall is high...
2021-04-08 12:08 | Report Abuse
Very comfortable and waiting for a falling knife: 4,.. 3.5,...& 3 cents..
2021-04-08 08:38 | Report Abuse
Que to buy @ 4; 3.5; 3 cents...
2021-04-07 16:41 | Report Abuse
Keistimewaan NG ialah lebih banyak dan besar projek akan lebih murahlah saham dia... good job...
2021-04-30 17:09 | Report Abuse
Kesian DRwarrant... keep waiting days after days, weeks after weeks, months after months just hoping for munsang king dropping from the sky...well, I can belanja him munsang king from the proceed of selling my NG ....