
Alkwong | Joined since 2017-10-23

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2018-09-07 10:52 | Report Abuse

JAKSasses losing big money today. Probably will lose more next week.


2018-09-07 10:01 | Report Abuse

Long extended weekend (next Monday and Tuesday are public holidays). Dispose, sell all holdings of SenDIE and save yourself from more heartache next week when trading resumes Wednesday.


2018-09-04 11:26 | Report Abuse

JAKS is likely to experience a technical rebound in the short term future but will again be headed south after that. Sell into the technical rebound, dispose everything, don't be a JAKass (should be spelt jackass) but JAKass will be reserved for those holding on in hope that this counter will rise up in a big way.


2018-07-20 11:07 | Report Abuse

Lesson for Jaks and Sendai. Never buy a stock which don't have a historical profit record and don't pay dividends. Buying Jaks was buying on hope and fear is what's making punters cash out.


2018-05-22 10:13 | Report Abuse

Vietnam powerplant project sounds a rent-seeking business for Jaks. Jaks don't have the technical expertise or financial resources to undertake the project on its own, therefore ropes in a Chinese company which has the technical expertise or financial resources to undertake the project on its own. Why Vietnam would want to award the contract to Jaks is a wonder because, as CalvinTan said, Vietnam has no lack of companies with expertise and Vietnam can directly engage a Chinese company to the job. Cronyism? Under the table deals? There's more to it than meets the eye and I, for one, would not be comfortable as a huge investor in Jaks.


2018-04-05 09:40 | Report Abuse

Market overall is up but Insas can't even muster a dead-cat bounce. Looks like next stop is likely 70 sen.


2018-04-04 14:14 | Report Abuse

linges, cheap can still get cheaper


2018-04-04 10:03 | Report Abuse

it's a shakeout of weak holders by syndicates looking to collect Sendai cheap. Uptrend still intact. Not to worry.


2018-04-03 19:10 | Report Abuse

Sendai's uptrend is still intact. Not time for panicking and dumping the stock - yet


2018-04-03 19:05 | Report Abuse

Inshit has further downside room. 1st stop for pause is 75 sen.


2018-04-02 13:39 | Report Abuse

pc FA, please email to me Thanks.


2018-04-02 13:30 | Report Abuse

pc FA, how can I find the Homily chart?


2017-12-04 10:26 | Report Abuse

Tortise99, 说得好。关于Insas 我觉得有些人强调用 NAV play 为产生需求而能够售卖他们的 Insas 股份。如果Insas 有意售卖它的 Inari 股份而当股息排给股东,那才可以说Insas 是个NAV play。但情况不是这样。


2017-11-24 10:06 | Report Abuse

leno doesn't predict, she talks cok, when things don't turn out as she says, she's off to the gym or go for a hairdo, not that that will do her looks any good if she looks like she sounds when she writes.


2017-11-23 16:51 | Report Abuse

OK guys, the mini-party is over. No concessions or additional dividends from ah thong. Insas rode up to 0.96 on the coat-tails of Inari and looks ready for a relapse to 0.91. The trend is still bearish. Too bad. Insas is like a pretty girl you can just look at but can't be more than friends with.


2017-11-22 10:45 | Report Abuse

Kevin 5059 said," I curious why ppl said this quarter result is not better than 2016. "

He was talking about this quarter result. Maybe didn't express himself well. But he doesn't talk cok like the k-hole leno.


2017-11-22 10:36 | Report Abuse

Kevin 5059, the link you gave refers to the comparison of cash flow made between financial years 2017 and 2016. But the cash flow of qtr ended 30 Sep 2017 cannot be available yet - or is it?


2017-11-22 10:04 | Report Abuse

Halite, ignore her (believe it or not, leno's a female). People her know her as a foul mouth cok- talking kunt. who, when she gets an orgasmic fit shrieks CANTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKK !!


2017-11-21 11:18 | Report Abuse

No amount of logic and educated guesswork as to how undervalued a share is will lift the counter when the trend is down. Trade with the trend because the trend is your friend.


2017-11-21 11:13 | Report Abuse

Hahaha! Insas now 0.90, market looking to crack below this psychological level. The trend is down, trade with the trend because the trend is your trend.


2017-11-20 15:11 | Report Abuse

The trend is your friend and the trend is..............need I say more>


2017-11-20 15:10 | Report Abuse

The trend if your friend and the trend is ............need I say more?


2017-11-20 15:08 | Report Abuse

Hahaha! Insas now 0.915 and still dropping. Either ah thong's wife pulled a CANTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK fast one on leno or leno was just dropping names. The trend is down, don't fight your friend your friend.


2017-11-16 16:18 | Report Abuse

What do you think he will do, crash the stock's price? I will look forward to that to pick Insas up cheap.


2017-11-16 16:08 | Report Abuse

uptrending, whether Insas has management control is debatable. Inari is a technology company and none of Thong & cronies on Inari board are high-tech trained people. Inari can be taken over and the Thongs won't be needed; certainly they are not indispensible to Inari.


2017-11-16 15:50 | Report Abuse

uptrending, to classify Inari as an associate when Insas' holding is below 20% is contrary to accounting principles and practice. The auditors would need to put a qualitication in the audit report.


2017-11-16 15:25 | Report Abuse

Hahaha! Insas now 0.915, broke down decisively below yesterday's support level of 0.93. Look on the bright side; we might be able to buy Insas at a much cheaper price when the market decides it's time to go back on the uptrack again.


2017-11-16 10:29 | Report Abuse

Inari up, Insas down. Imagine when Inari relapses (which is likely) what will happen to Insas. Hahaha! RM0.90, here we come.


2017-11-15 09:37 | Report Abuse

Insas now 0.92. This is what happens when a public listed company is run like a private limited company. You can fool some of the people with the hype of an undervalued counter some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time. People as beginning to realize that constantly talking up Insas as undervalued is like beating a dead horse - it just won't gallop. Management is to blame for this.


2017-11-14 11:14 | Report Abuse

Eukansoft, minority shareholders should recommended that the car-rental business be closed down. I get the feeling the car-rental business was started by thong to give his son a unit to run. He's (the son) obviously a failure..


2017-11-14 10:55 | Report Abuse

Sorry, meant to say a squeeze is on.


2017-11-14 10:54 | Report Abuse

Contrarian, if you are right, looks like a squeeze in on. A lot of sellers of WB at 0.335 than buyers at 0.33, which could depressed Insas down to test the 0.955 support level.


2017-11-14 10:45 | Report Abuse

Contrarian, how do you know some of the 30 top warrant holders bought millions of warrants on margin? Did they tell you?


2017-11-08 11:24 | Report Abuse

Maybe sslee should ask ah thong for a bonus issue of inari shares - that will make insas jump.


2017-11-08 11:08 | Report Abuse

Contrarian, that one day will only come when ah thong decides to be more generous in the way of higher dividends or treasury bonus of shares. Until then, it's like holding on to a metal like copper which yields nothing, tying up capital which could be better used to invest in a share like Hengyuan or VS.


2017-11-08 08:55 | Report Abuse

Contrarian, have you ever considered whether Inari is overpriced? I think it's overpriced, and many commenters constant harping on Inari's value to Insas could be misleading.


2017-11-07 15:48 | Report Abuse

sslee, ask and you may get, don't ask don't get at all. Ah thong selling warrants because he got them for free through rights issue of PA. Only fools would buy the warrants and make a loss converting them into ordinary shares and ah thong knows that. So what ah thong is doing is taking minority shareholder for fools and taking them for a ride. Minority shareholders are only useful for ah thong to keep Insas's listing status.


2017-11-01 15:30 | Report Abuse

leno, what is your buy price? I will wait for Insas to drop to below your buy price.


2017-11-01 11:28 | Report Abuse

Today is the day the foul-mouth talk cok specialist leno said insas would shoot up the price chart. But Insas is very quiet and so is leno. Maybe leno, confused and angry that Insas is not acting like she said, wore her panties over her head which explains why she is so quiet today.


2017-10-31 14:55 | Report Abuse

leno, I don't own any Inshit shares. I am here to see what people think of it. Some appear to love it (blind love?) to the point of having daily orgasmic fits.


2017-10-31 14:29 | Report Abuse

AR2017 - Insas group registered record profits and the directors said the company does not recommend any final dividend for the financial year ended 310 June 2017. How cynical can they get. Their remuneration and bik was also at record level and minority shareholders only got a miserable interim dividend of 1.0 sen dps. Company should rename itself Inshit.


2017-10-31 11:47 | Report Abuse

leno the talk kok specialist, now selling and depressing price further down to 0.99.


2017-10-31 10:47 | Report Abuse

leno the talk kok specialist, now selling and depressing price to 0.995.


2017-10-31 10:06 | Report Abuse

leno could be ah thong's agent. leno tells people to buy so ah thong could sell to them. CANTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKK !!!


2017-10-27 11:32 | Report Abuse

Ask for at least 5 sen dps. That should help lift the Insas price to RM1.20.


2017-10-26 21:57 | Report Abuse

I didn't say that, you did. Hahaha!


2017-10-26 20:41 | Report Abuse

Contrarian, what you are referring to is a proposal. Whether it really implemented may be sourced from AR2017. It was the position as at 30 June 2016 we should be concerned about. Just because everyone on this forum has known about this since late last year and just because you have pointed it out so many times already doesn't mean it's correct. I deal with actual situations, not proposals which may or may not have happened.


2017-10-26 20:22 | Report Abuse

Contrarian, this is what I copied from Page 179
After (I) and the Proposed
Share Buy-Back(3)
Direct Indirect
No. ofShares Shares %
Substantial shareholders
Dato’ Sri Thong Kok Khee (4) 8,089,278 0.94 244,295,254 28.32
Dato’ Thong Kok Yoon (5) 60,702,337 7.04 42,859,541 4.97
Total 33.29%
If Insas did go ahead with the proposed buy-back proposal, that should have triggered a GO.


2017-10-26 18:56 | Report Abuse

Contrarian, what I wrote above about Thong's Insas shareholdings I got from AR2016. Go read.