
AngTayKor | Joined since 2020-11-24

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2023-07-16 22:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Happy to sell if got panic buy tomorrow - better exit b4 PRN

Aiyo professional last week non-stop urging MM to quickly BUY BUY BUY!!! but MM dropped her tickets liow. OMG!!!



2023-07-16 21:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by ElGato > 16 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Very good news, Taurx results very well received. Perfect score.

Hello ElGato my Taurx kaki very long time no see you here hahaha.... How... after seeing this HMTM's NfL data you sooong or not? ATK Siii Beeeiii Sooonnnggg Aaahhhh....... hahaha.... :p

I think ElGato is wiser than ATK. Long time ago he already warned me online trolls are ungrateful people. ATK said BUY BUY BUY tried to make them huat. Price really big chiong then they turn around and start making all sorts of BS false accusations. Aiyo I shd have listened to you long ago. Really very ungrateful online troll you get to meet here.

Better to ownself see Taurx hosay, ownself trade stocks, ownself huat.


2023-07-16 20:40 | Report Abuse

Of course good news la. HMTM's FDA AA almost a certainty (see my posted link on Tofersen's FDA AA based on their much weaker NfL data). HMTM's NfL data just released today afternoon still fresh from oven.


2023-07-16 19:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 35 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Early reminder to laugh AngTKlown tonite - nonstop bark ‘sell’ at 4.02 kahkahkahkahkah
Empty tin milo can bang loud2 - ‘time’ always prove everything kikiki

You see la... Tin Kosong MM totally ungrateful of professional's help. Professional spoon fed MM until so direct liow for MM to huat but she still spewing lies and BS abt professional's trading skills. Aiyo got this type of no values bad karma people... no wonder heaven no bless MM.

MM ah? You dropped your tickets already is it? OMG!!! Aiyo professional already told you to BUY BUY BUY!!!



2023-07-16 19:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, GenB today got power leh. Buy some more to average down your cost la :P
Posted by AngTayKor > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
MM you bought today at closing? Price drop back from 4.18 to 4.13 good buy leh...
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, did you listen to professional's advice and bought some today? Tomorrow better buy more market very strong wor. Average down your cost price next time shuuure can make you more profit.
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, did you listen to professional's advice and bought some today? Tomorrow better buy more, market very strong ah. No need to see and think so much just whack tomorrow. Have some courage to buy more and average down your cost price mah. Shuuure can make you more profit. Huat ah!
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, price rallying up liow you bought already? Later shoot up higher.
Your English fail nevermind, stock trading better dont fail also.
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Tmr friday mah people scared scared.
MM ah, 4.18 liow quickly buy dont miss the chance to accumulate more. Later may crack 4.20
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Yesterday morning already kept telling MM to buy. If MM have bought, shuure make profit liow correct? MM ah, its not too late to buy now later may crack 4.20.
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
4.20 liow. MM ah, you bought already? Told you dont wait already just buy correct or not?
Better focus on the price now. Hopefully another sudden drop 5 sen in afternoon then quickly buy
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah price drop 4 sen within a few minute, good chance to buy leh. Just buy la, shuuure to make money
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Professional is spot on. Afternoon drop by 5 sen from 4.20 to 4.15. MM ah, good chance to buy leh.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, did you listen to professional's advice this week and bought some? Tomorrow better buy more, market still strong after weak CPI data. Have some courage to buy more and average down your cost price mah. Maybe tmr same pattern as past 2 days morning strong afternoon weak? Afternoon then whack some la. Just buy some to average down your cost lor. Next time eventually shuure can make you more profit. Huat ah!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Yes @Choysun. Already told MM to buy more tmr. Huat ah!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Good morning MM. Today better buy liow dont miss the good chance ok?
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Wah.... GenB morning strong performance liow. MM ah... BUY!!!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Aiyo rallied too fast this morning. MM ah, better not chase liow. Later afternoon session see if drop 5 sen then quickly buy ok?
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Ding3 morning session abt to close soon. Hope afternoon session price collapse 5 sen for slow action MM to buy.
MM ah, when the opportunity come you must act fast and buy liow. The stock price wont suddenly "slow motion" specially wait for MM to buy. See liow good just whack. Professional trading style.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, 4.20 good support level if later price drop 5 sen to 4.21 you better buy liow. Professional going for long meeting later cannot monitor price for you. Huat ah! :p
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
4.28 - 5 sen (usual afternoon price pullback) = 4.23
MM ah 4.23 better buy ok? BUY!!!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Is the afternoon pullback coming? MM ah, you ownself monitor price la. If see price hit 4.23 just buy. Professional going for long meeting liow. C U later!

Last week professional urged MM abt 20 times to buy from 4.10 onwards. You see la, MM still no action! Wasted 22 sen of potential profit. Aiyo really very difficult to make MM huat. I think MM's bad karma too heavy liow.



2023-07-16 17:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 57 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Why FF suddenly comeback leh - thought usd/rm ‘negative carry’ getting bigger
What happen to ur theory big ‘negative carry’ = FF run kikiki

Aiyo this Tin Kosong MM think that currency price move in a straight line. Go up got down right? Start of massive MYR short covering trade after many months of shorting MYR. Some FF think MYR very oversold + Bursa quite cheap hence come here and buy lor.

Tin Kosong's BIG THEORY of "FF run road because of PH Madani". Then why FF suddenly come to Bursa leh PH still federal govt right? Really a Tin Kosong. Hahaha.......


2023-07-16 15:30 | Report Abuse

Professional last week from 4.10 onwards kept telling MM to buy. Aiyo MM missed the good chance. Professional spoon fed Tin Kosong with so clear trading BUY! BUY! BUY! instructions liow she still can miss the boat n blame all the bad things on others. Very ungrateful person no wonder bad karma cannot receive this huat "gift". Hahaha...


2023-07-16 14:59 | Report Abuse

Taurx solid NfL data (going for FDA AA) + FF panic buying bursa. Tmr may see this KLCI market leading stock GenB shoot back to old house 4.50 zone or even higher.


2023-07-16 14:40 | Report Abuse


"Blood concentration of NfL showed a statistically significant 93% reduction in change over 12 months in participants receiving HMTM at a dose of 16 mg/day relative to the control group, which correlated significantly with a tau biomarker (p-tau 181) in blood."



2023-07-15 10:33 | Report Abuse

This mkt data shd be a paid subscription. That professional who shares this data on telegram groupchat is a kind person. If choysun has some time to spare, please update us this FF mkt data especially if there us any abnormal FF flow like the past 2 days. Usually everyday negative but this week strong positive.


2023-07-15 00:39 | Report Abuse

Neurofilament light chain (NfL) is a structural protein that normally helps support the shape and function of brain cells. In Alzheimer’s disease, brain cells are damaged, which causes the brain to shrink (atrophy), and symptoms such as declining cognition (ability to think, reason, and remember) to occur.

When these brain cells are damaged, they release NfL into the bloodstream, which can then be detected in the blood plasma. So an increase of NfL levels in the plasma can possibly indicate an increase in damage to brain cells. In fact, research has shown that blood plasma levels of NfL correlate directly with the severity of symptoms and pathology of Alzheimer’s disease. NfL levels have been shown to increase in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease, before symptoms appear, indicating neurodegeneration.

In people with Alzheimer’s disease, increased amounts of NfL in the blood correspond to decreased thinking ability (cognition) and function. They also correlate with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and other hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease like brain shrinkage (atrophy) and tau tangles on a PET scan. Moreover, high levels of NfL at the present can predict how much a person with Alzheimer’s disease will decline in terms of their physical and mental capacity in the future.

NfL is an established biomarker in Alzheimer’s disease, but it is not specific to Alzheimer’s disease. Since NfL is released any time that brain cells are damaged, that damage can be caused by other factors. Thus, NfL cannot be used for diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. However, in a person who has already been diagnosed, this protein may be used as a powerful tool for measuring and predicting disease progression.


2023-07-15 00:35 | Report Abuse

Choysun where did you get this 469m data? Can share the link? Bursa website market statistics still showing yesterday's 129m not professional enough


2023-07-14 17:37 | Report Abuse

Its ok to lock in some profit along the way for risk management purposes. I do that too when trading stocks. I do that too for my investment in Taurx shares.


2023-07-14 17:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by newbie2019 > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
sold last purchased 4.29-4.13
ok liao for this last purchased
happy weekend

Congrats. Looking at the very strong price action, I think price could be gunning for old house 4.50 zone next week.


2023-07-14 17:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Can only laugh see AngTKlown evolution:
4.02 nonstop bark ‘sell’ - jump 4.10 continue bark ‘sell rebound’ - suddenly panic change to ‘buy’ kahkahkah
Better bring out ur Klown makeup - need add xtra rainbow colors kahkahkahkahkah

Professional already tried his best, say until mouth dry liow to help MM using his top class trading skill "immediately buy immediately huat". From 4.10 onwards professional kept telling MM to BUY, BUY, BUY!!! Aiyo so wasted.... MM ah, you better stop doing all the bad karma things la. Direct "free gift' from professional to MM, MM also dont have the merit to receive this free gift. Must be MM very black heart with heavy bad karma. Bopian la MM's values and merit level too low



2023-07-14 16:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 20 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Walao alrdy 4.3 leh

Walau eh.... already 4.32. From 4.10 onward professional has been telling MM to buy some to average down cost. See la wasted 22 sen of profit. OMG old retiree MM action too slow la.


2023-07-14 15:53 | Report Abuse

Is the afternoon pullback coming? MM ah, you ownself monitor price la. If see price hit 4.23 just buy. Professional going for long meeting liow. C U later!


2023-07-14 15:49 | Report Abuse

4.28 - 5 sen (usual afternoon price pullback) = 4.23

MM ah 4.23 better buy ok? BUY!!! :p


2023-07-14 15:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
Walao alrdy 4.27 - collect cheap just sit back relax & enjoy the show
Dont forget laugh at AngTK - bark ‘sell’ at 4.02 kahkahkahkahkah

Aiya only got a Tin Kosong always fear monger when want to buy cheap. Then kena bad karma immediately buy immediately lose. Professional advice cutloss at 4.35, Tin Kosong 4.02 then remember cutloss advice now blaming others. Professional since a few days ago said buy, Tin Kosong still no action. MM ah you are really a lousy trader. Hahaha.


2023-07-14 15:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 7 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Cross fingers FF comeback @ excellent QR+div nxt month

PH Madani still federal govt leh. Tin Kosong says PH causing FF to run road. Aiyo blaming everyone for own mistakes and losses. Amateur always like that one la. Blame everyone except ownself. How to improve like that?


2023-07-14 14:49 | Report Abuse

MM ah, 4.20 good support level if later price drop 5 sen to 4.21 you better buy liow. Professional going for long meeting later cannot monitor price for you. Huat ah! :p


2023-07-14 12:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 15 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Dont be nuisance here..nobody want see ur nonsense
Nonstop bark ‘sell’ 4.02 - Klown makeup really thick still dare show face here

Aiya old retiree MM too slow la. Do so many bad karma things here then kena the dreaded "immediately buy, immediately lose" bad trade. Professional see MM KBKB here non-stop so advice to cutloss and even gave advance notice post to exit at 4.35 closing match but old retiree MM too slow la. Professional advising MM this week to buy some average down his cost. Too slow again. Now blaming others for his slow action.


2023-07-14 12:12 | Report Abuse

Ding3 morning session abt to close soon. Hope afternoon session price collapse 5 sen for slow action MM to buy.

MM ah, when the opportunity come you must act fast and buy liow. The stock price wont suddenly "slow motion" specially wait for MM to buy. See liow good just whack. Professional trading style.


2023-07-14 12:06 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Silly AngTKlown everyday write long essay bark ‘sell’ 4.02
Now alrdy 4.22 - perfect example empty tin milo bang loudest kikiki

Aiya old retiree reetarded MM action too slow la. Why MM didnt cutloss earlier when 4.35 leh? Only 4.02 then you suddenly remember the cutloss advice?

This week professional advice MM so many times to buy but Tin Kosong still no action. What to do... MM brain, eyes and hand action too slow la. How to stock trade like that?


2023-07-14 10:41 | Report Abuse

This morning went up too fast liow. Professional drink kopi first see later drop 5 sen then another chance for MM to buy. Wah so fast tmr is weekend liow. Professional wasting too much time trying to educate Tin Kosong MM how to trade stocks. Very difficult task.


2023-07-14 10:37 | Report Abuse

This week professional advice MM to buy when priced went above 4.10. Old retiree too slow la one whole week liow still didnt buy yet. You see la... one whole week liow. That 4.35 quadruple witching match was just a few minutes by the time MM call his broker already matched liow la. Hahaha...

To be a trader mind must be alert, eyes sharp, hand action fast. Not difficult right? But always a big challenge for old retirees... after see price at 4.02 then MM can remember professional advised MM to cutloss... Aiyo really a reeetarded Tin Kososng


2023-07-14 10:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 9 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Another strong morning..soo funny see AngTKlown evolution:
4.02 nonstop bark ‘sell’ - jump 4.10 continue bark ‘sell rebound’

Aiya there is only one Tin Kosong here la. Professional advice cutloss for past 2 months from 4.35 all the way down. Professional posted timely advice good exit chance during quadruple witching day matching close at 4.35 BEFORE price was matched. Old retiree mentally slow, eyes not sharp, hand slow.... how to trade well like professional? MM still using telephone call broker execute trades is it? Hahaha. Aiya and missed so many good exit chance it too bad la. Now come and blame others tell you to sell at 4.02 meh? Can only blame your own bad karma la.


2023-07-14 10:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Ding3 back to old 4.5 range - hopefully drop much2 lower
Here no local support (sin biz) - foreign dump GenT die

MM ah you used to fear monger here so much, why you still bought genting leh? Was hoping to buy cheaper is it? You ah... very evil black heart la. Ommediate buy immdeiately lose money. Next time dont be so evil la now kena bad karma.


2023-07-14 10:07 | Report Abuse

Aiyo rallied too fast this morning. MM ah, better not chase liow. Later afternoon session see if drop 5 sen then quickly buy ok?


2023-07-14 09:05 | Report Abuse

Wah.... GenB morning strong performance liow. MM ah... BUY!!!


2023-07-14 09:02 | Report Abuse

Good morning MM. Today better buy liow dont miss the good chance ok?


2023-07-13 23:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by choysun > 27 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Hmm, foreign fund net buy 129m today wor. Coming back liao? :)

Yes @Choysun. Already told MM to buy more tmr. Huat ah!


2023-07-13 23:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Tomorrow new day new topic
If continue up - can continue laugh AngTKlown lo kikiki

Professional already told MM to buy this week. If up again that means professional is correct + good news for MM right?


2023-07-13 23:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Dont want change topic leh
Tonite let everyone laugh joke of the day - AngTK nonstop bark ‘sell’ 4.02 kikiki

Professional has been advising MM to cutloss for the past 2 months. There were some rebounds during the these 2 months at 4.24, 4.27 and even 4.35. Then price always drop back.

31/05/2023 low was 4.11,
08/06/2023 low was 4.08,
27/06/2023 low was 4.02.

Aiyo MM ah stop false accusations la 4.02 only touched for few minutes over the entire past 2 months duration, why you so bad must "highlight" only 4.02 leh? Why not you choose 4.24, 4.27 and 4.35 ah? Those prices are very good level for you to cutloss maybe you wont see them again anytime soon.


2023-07-13 23:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 5 hours ago | Report Abuse
AngTK 4.35 was fake closing (aftermarket windowdress) - nxt morning open 4.1 leh
Fella proven wrong soo many times lose face - desperate to get something right even create fake 4.35 story kikiki

Aiyo MM ah stop telling lies here la. That closing match on 16/6 was real with over 8m volume done. You could have exited if you placed sell order during those 5 mins. The next morning 19/6, my stock chart clearly shows price opened at 4.23. According to my intraday tick chart, price traded between 4.18 to 4.20 for most of the day until before closing dropped to 4.16.

Where got fake closing? Next day where got open at 4.10? MM always spinning lies here no wonder always kena bad karma.


2023-07-13 22:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Doesnt matter how long stay 4.02
Whats silly is u think should sell 4.02 - many collect cheap that range but u everyday nonstop bark ‘sell sell sell’ kikiki
Now up to 4.20 ofcos people laugh at u lo kikiki

Aiya MM no luck and no skill la. How come professional can exit over 1m shares at 4.20 zone leh? How come my kaki can exit at 4.22 leh? Must be you do too many bad karma things la thats why luck always no good.


2023-07-13 22:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 24 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Thats what I said - ‘silly fella’ kikiki

MM ah, did you listen to professional's advice this week and bought some? Tomorrow better buy more, market still strong after weak CPI data. Have some courage to buy more and average down your cost price mah. Maybe tmr same pattern as past 2 days morning strong afternoon weak? Afternoon then whack some la. Just buy some to average down your cost lor. Next time eventually shuure can make you more profit. Huat ah!


2023-07-13 22:07 | Report Abuse

MM ah, professional has been advising you to cutloss if you scared for the past 2 months. So many chances for you to exit over the past 2 months at profit or minimal losses. Professional trading over 1m shares also can exit successfully. Already told MM that professional exited 4 weeks ago with meagre profit after low CPI report when the market was strong. Professional then use the capital to trade fast momentum stock "immediately buy immediately huat" now profit already over 6 digits liow. You old and slow and always choose to blame others for your own misfortune except yourself.

Posted by AngTayKor > 4 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Stock Symbol Stock Name Mode Qty Avg Cost Price Last Done Price Total Cost Market Value Unrealized P/L
MYR (Malaysian Ringgit)

GEN.MY GENTING CSH 1100000 4.1382 4.2100 4,552,020.00 4,631,000.00 78,980.00 TOTAL(MYR) 4,552,020.00 4,631,000.00 78,980.00

GEN.MY GENTING CSH 128000 4.1710 4.2100 533,892.00 538,880.00 4,988.00
TOTAL(MYR) 533,892.00 538,880.00 4,988.00

Total = 1,228,000 shares


2023-07-13 20:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 19 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK All those post after 4.50pm market close leh..still remember everyone surprise but cannot enter order anymore leh
Nxt morning open 4.23/4.27 1st minute (tiny order) - then whole day down (closing 4.16) leh
Just another AngTK spin+lie kikiki

You study the chronological irder n what was posted. ATK posted "shorts toasted" n "quadruple witching huge matching volume". If you saw my post from 4.45pm to 4.50pm then you quickly key in sell order hosay liow. Too bad la MM no such luck.

Next day still had plenty of chance to exit above 4.20. I was advising 2 other kakis to sell that day. Their position probably not big. One managed to sell at 4.22, the other missed my message, too late to sell liow. Aiya MM old retiree too slow action la. Everyday spinning lies here making false accusations. Bad karma la.


2023-07-13 19:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
AngTK 4.35 was fake closing (aftermarket windowdress) - nxt morning open 4.1 leh
Fella proven wrong soo many times lose face - desperate to get something right even create fake 4.35 story kikiki

Aiya MM ah you see for yourself la. All the above posts are copied and pasted in chronological timing order straight from the historical records posted on that fateful day. What fake story? MM ah when you stop this bad habit of spreading fake stories here ah? Dishonesty also very bad karma you know?


2023-07-13 19:21 | Report Abuse

Aiya that day ATK was at desaru swimming pool checking stock prices. Before closing price was matched, ATK saw super large volumes going to be matched up strong. ATK even warned "shorts toasted" n "quadruple witching day" closing match. During those short few minutes between 4.45pm to 4.50pm if you saw ATK's post n quickly placed your sell order, then good for you lor.

The next trading day price hit 4.27 also. Very good chance to exit. Where got fake story? You free can check back historical records posted here la. Aiyo MM always like to accuse others fake story. Its real.


2023-07-13 19:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
GenT 5yrs ago rm8 - now rm4 - nxt 5yrs prob rm2 (longterm downtrend)
GE15 Pas win most seat - GE16 PN likely win more (PH madani soo terrible)
Better dont commit 5yrs to GenT

Posted by AngTayKor > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Nice closing rally. Today's shorts got toasted.

Posted by AngTayKor > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Quadruple witching day closing? Massive matching volume....

Posted by newbie2019 > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
what a shock

Posted by ClaraChan94 > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Great rebound before closing. Happy Friday everyone!

Posted by AngTayKor > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
MM reverse indicator. Say rm2 immediately chiong up. Ha!

Posted by Michael_chan2022 > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
wow! 4.35 closing..


2023-07-13 17:37 | Report Abuse

Assuming MM bought at 4.30, she could have listened to professional's advice easily cutwin last month at 4.35. Even if cutloss at 4.27, 4.24 lose a few sen its small change la. Even if today MM decide to cut at 4.20, aiyo its only 10 sen. Because of 10 sen cannot see daylight ah? Where got every trade sure die die must make? Because of holding on a bad trade ended up lose out on other better new opportunites....

Lets do another real example case study now. If ATK had held on my position by an extra 1 month, by now still jialat... I will be be worse than before. Frankly after ATK exited at 4.20 zone last month, ATK used the capital and found another better uptrend momentum stock. Already huat liow. Professional cha cha dancing involve both arms and legs all moving and grooving in tandem with the trend. Immediately buy, immediately huat.


2023-07-13 17:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 8 minutes ago | Report Abuse
See AngTK morning suddenly change ‘buy’ - alrdy know evening sure drop kikiki

Yesterday closing drop 5 sen. Not difficult to anticipate today afternoon will also drop 5 sen. Maybe tmr afternoon will also same pattern?

KLCI weak la what do you expect? Hopefully after election market sentiment will improvement. Professional worried of amateur's mental well-being holding on to losses for 2 months liow everyday KBKB here. Professional can understand how holding a bad position will feel la. "Hope" tmr got some small rally lor what to do?


2023-07-13 16:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 5 hours ago | Report Abuse

Better focus on the price now. Hopefully another sudden drop 5 sen in afternoon then quickly buy :p

Professional is spot on. Afternoon drop by 5 sen from 4.20 to 4.15. MM ah, good chance to buy leh.


2023-07-13 16:34 | Report Abuse

MM ah price drop 4 sen within a few minute, good chance to buy leh. Just buy la, shuuure to make money :p


2023-07-13 15:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
AngTK favorite quote everyday bark ‘sell’ kikiki
"Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Then maybe you have a chance - Ed Seykota”

Yes of course all professional traders are all very grateful for legendary trader Ed Seykota's advice. MM ah, if you have listened to professional's advice at cutloss at 4.35, 4.27 or even at 4.24 etc during the previous rebounds, you would have been in a better position to think clearly and capitalise on new opportunities again. MM immediately buy immediately lose... very amateur la. Lose liow and holding on to hope is always not a good idea.

Aiya after election, professional will show you his trading skill immediately buy, immediately huat.


2023-07-13 15:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 13 hours ago | Report Abuse
Final hour to laugh at AngTKlown ‘empty tin milo’ stmt
Really nxt level braindead - almost spit out/spray my tea laugh this morning kahkahkah

“Do foreign countries trading exporters accept BNM's other assets like gold, SDRs, IMF Reserve Position, other assets as medium of exchange currency when Malaysia is importing goods from them? (Answer: NO)”

MM ah, then can you tell everyone here how many % of global trade is done in gold, SDRs, IMF Reserve Position, other assets as medium of exchange VS currencies? Use google la if you dont know the answer.

We are all every curious why you think gold, SDRs, IMF Reserve Position and other assets can be easily used as medium of exchange to buy imported goods from overseas before even exchanging them into currencies.

Tin Kosong MM ownself stooopid + lazy to find out the truth, still can start calling others Tin Kosong. Hahaha...


2023-07-13 15:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Everyone want collect cheap - fella nonstop bark ‘sell’ 4.02 kikiki
Empty tin milo - always bang loudest

Professional has been advising MM to cutloss for the past 2 months. There were some rebounds during the these 2 months at 4.24, 4.27 and even 4.35. Then price always drop back.

31/05/2023 low was 4.11,
08/06/2023 low was 4.08,
27/06/2023 low was 4.02.

Aiyo MM ah stop false accusations la 4.02 only touched for few minutes over the entire past 2 months duration, why you so bad must "highlight" only 4.02 leh? Why not you choose 4.24, 4.27 and 4.35 ah? Those prices are very good level for you to cutloss maybe you wont see them again anytime soon.


2023-07-13 13:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 13 hours ago | Report Abuse
Anyway AngTK thx 4 todays laughs (most ridiculous this yr) - 100% proven empty tin milo
Tomorrow change topic / focus back GenT

After professional told MM her English fail then she quickly google what is the meaning of "medium of exchange".
MM then realised she made a big boo boo ownself wrong liow still laughing at professional. No wonder quickly want to change topic la.

ATK already gave MM some little "face" this morning didnt want to bring up her English fail and comprehension fail nonsense. Today MM still want to start attacking professional Milo tin ah? Who is the real Tin Kosong ah? Hahaha....