
AngTayKor | Joined since 2020-11-24

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2023-06-30 10:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
Stuck boring range again - not going anywhere FF nonstop run
Tq PH madani destroy bursa/rm

Old retiree whining again. Did you do your holiday homework for yesterday? There are 2 options for you:

*Continue to hope



2023-06-29 22:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 24 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK gone crazy cannot accept wrong lose face - narcissistic egomaniac prob kikiki
Better stay in ur kiddy pool & BS other babies - dont bother grownups kikiki

Aiya MM lose money until gone crazy start spewing lies n BS here.

Professionals all saying the main reason why FF run road because of negative carry. MM insisted its due to PH Madani. Then said she "proved" professionals are BS. MM just proved she really sh*t for brain cannot be educated. What a loser. Ha!

Posted by MoneyMakers > 32 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK gone crazy cannot accept wrong lose face - narcissistic egomaniac (mental illness) prob kikiki
Better stay in ur kiddy pool & BS other babies - dont bother grownups kikiki

You really eat full no sh*t to fart. Post and delete and repost again. Losers are like one la. Hahaha...


2023-06-29 21:03 | Report Abuse

New money making ways for MM:

But difficult for MM la old n fugly... Since MM like to BS online so much, can try joining Nigerian gang try your luck target old aunties as a love scammer. Hahaha....


2023-06-29 20:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by WinSSP > 2022-06-19 08:29 | Report Abuse
As to what @MM mentioned
Posted by James_Bond > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
MM, are you nuts or dumb? Time to wake up, MM!
Posted by choysun > 6 hours ago | Report Abuse
@MM I think you misunderstood him ler.

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
i3lurker Impossible u dont remember - even call me MM (nobody else calls me that here)
Caught lying again kikiki - u addicted to lying or what


MM = S.H.A.M.E.L.E.S.S L.I.A.R.



2023-06-29 20:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 24 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK gone crazy cannot accept wrong lose face - narcissistic egomaniac prob kikiki
Better stay in ur kiddy pool & BS other babies - dont bother grownups kikiki

Aiya MM lose money until gone crazy start spewing lies n BS here.

Professionala all saying the main reason why FF run road because of negative carry. MM insisted its due to PH Madani. Then said she "proved" professionals are BS. MM just proved she really sh*t for brain cannot be educated. What a loser. Ha!


2023-06-29 15:06 | Report Abuse

Quite exciting to see loser MM panic and whine over her meagre retiree fund losses. Lose money liow blame on everyone except herself. Professional trader wondering if MM decide to cutloss or want her losses balloon bigger. Bad karma for MM's black heart chao kuan roti prata fear mongering pattern before buying (hoping to buy cheaper), then promote non-stop after buying (hoping for new buyers to push up share price), then do fear mongering again non-stop after she sold (hoping to buy back cheaper). Evil amateur trading tactics la, now suffer the bad karma. Ha!

Taylor Swift teach MM what is karma:


2023-06-29 15:02 | Report Abuse

Aiyo retiree MM too lonely no family no life too poor to find vietnam gf or even to go out for simple meals. Can understand that he can only afford to do free things falsely attacking online others on holiday. Pathetic loser. Professional give you holiday homework la... what price you want to cut loss? Think over this holiday ok? Im a simple person my meagre trading profit went for holiday spend n spend, shop n shop, drink n drink... only used up less than 10% of profit. And that was the least trading profit for all my GenB trades. Below 6 digit profit... quite pathetic liow but much better off than loser amateur MM.


2023-06-29 14:52 | Report Abuse

ATK already proved MM wrong. The professional article abt MYR that i posted also proved MM is wrong. As usual, MM no more face liow then start talking sh*t again spinning lies. MM full of lies n BS must be lose money too poor eating sh*t for meals. Accept the fact that you are a dumb amateur n learn from professionals la. Hahaha....


2023-06-28 18:16 | Report Abuse

"The first is the likely increase of the negative carry on holding the ringgit, with BNM being behind the currency market curve amid the backdrop of the US Federal Reserve's federal funds rate or FFR rising to a peak of 5.50-5.75%, with the balance of risks tilted towards 5.75-6.00%."

Aiya amateur MM go and read what professionals are talking abt la. ATK not so free everytime need to educate you on finance to correct your comedy acts here. Really a kampong brain blaming PH on anything bad incl own trading losses. MM staying at Kelantan taliban village kena brainwashed liow is it?


2023-06-28 18:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Nice 2day Raya rally back to old boring range
Stagnant week but lucky AngTKlown provide laugh/entertainment kikiki

In case you have not realised yet, MM ah you are the real clown entertaining everyone with her whining, lies and BS here.
Low MYR OPR 3% with negative carry vs USD FFR (going to be 5.5% soon) is one of the reason why emerging country currency MYR has been the prime shorting target. MM insisted it is PH Madani fault and think that MYR and KLCI will be bullish if federal govt under PN taliban gang. Really so stoopid and amateur entertaining us with her BS stories.
Aiya amateur trade liow lose money usually behave like that one la. Hahaha...


2023-06-28 16:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Dont be ridiculous shorts cannot fight BNM
BS long2 rm short blablabla - nxt day BNM announce intervention
Think BNM announce to prove ur BS kikiki

Aiya you too amateur la if shorts cannot win why MYR end up so jialat and traders who have been shorting MYR profited handsomely? It is long been in BNM's mandate to keep MYR stable but you see MYR chart for yourself la. You ask George Soros whether shorting currencies can make money or not.... MM really an amateur BS everyday here hahaha...


2023-06-28 16:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Yesterday say RM weak bcoz ‘short target/low OPR’
BNM announce intervention - got see ‘short covering’ meh (answer NO)
Another proof of ur BS kikiki
“KL: BNM will intervene forex market to stabilise RM”

Low OPR 3% and negative carry vs USD FFR (going to be 5.5% soon) is one of the reason why emerging country currency MYR has been the prime shorting target. These are real facts, not PH Madani. If PN taliban gang is the federal govt now, Im sure MYR would have crashed much lower.

MYR kena successfully gang raped so frequently in the past, if BNM only send one policeman with baton you think the rapists are scared ah? Later the poor policeman kena captured and sodomised by those gang of rapists. If want to intervene need to show some real force send out a strong message send in bus loads of well-armed policemen and stay guard there to scare the rapists away. Defend currency also need plenty of billions ready to be sacrificed la. Malaysia is famous for losing many billions defending MYR which Malaysia can ill afford now with RM1.5T national debt and yearly budget deficits. Seems like currency rapist gangs not afraid of BNM at all at the moment.


2023-06-28 15:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Looks like new BNM boss want make useless PH madani look ‘better’ - announce emergency intervention instead of free market Lets see if BNM can absorb FF run

Please la MAS frequently intervene SGD currency so MAS bosses trying to curry favour Pnky Lee? Many countries also intervene their currency markets la


2023-06-28 13:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 30 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Correction - very few want collect cheap
Ur among the many amateur easily panic think - ‘OMG drop lower soo scared put on panties better sell 1st’ kikiki

You can BS and spin all your lies here. Professional already bought and exited with meagre profit while loser MM still whining abt PH govt for weak MYR and KLCI, blaming everyone else for her own trading losses except herself. Professional has been telling MM for weeks already, if MM scared her losses balloon bigger then she better cutloss. All the professionals will tell MM the same thing. Not every trade will make $ la its ok to cutloss and manage your position better than complaining and hoping.


2023-06-28 12:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Ding3 new low unlocked - delicious discount
Hopefully nxt week can get strong rebound back to 4.5
=> Price collapsed to 4.0+ a week later

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
GenT 5yrs ago rm8 - now rm4 - nxt 5yrs prob rm2 (longterm downtrend)
=> Price rallied over 5% immediately from rm4.11 to rm4.35 in 1 hr.


Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Woww AMAZING late rally - lai lai lets get back to 4.5 pls!!
=> Price collapsed to rm4.17 by 9.30am on the next trading day.

====> Price further collapsed to 4.02 abt a week later (LATEST UPDATE!!!)



2023-06-28 12:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 10 seconds ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Monday nonstop bark ‘sellsellsell’ - now strong jump 2days straight
Many want collect cheap - fella say better sell low kikiki
Lose face soo many times but still can trashtalk kikiki

Aiya advising MM to cutloss only. Later drop back again ya... has been like that for the past 2 months liow. Who is the one losing money + losing face ah? Anyway you also no face already la. Hahaha...


2023-06-28 11:47 | Report Abuse

Both RWG and MM same kaki la. Everyday writing rubbish support PN and abusing PH. KNN.

"Last time all happy under PN/moo moo
Thought can happier under PH madani but totally disaster (every week new low FF run) kikiki"


2023-06-28 09:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by Peaches L > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse

@RWG, u hv been barking incessantly and spewing shit non-stop abt PH Madani being useless, hopeless, inadequate, killing Bursa/Ringgit and a bunch of other bull shit

@Peach ah, think you typo error liow shd be MM she is the one everyday spewing shit attacking PH Madani useless FF run road MYR crash because of them. She think PN Malaysia taliban can make KLCI bull market.


2023-06-27 23:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 59 seconds ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Fyi I not complain ur trashtalk - quite amusing big mouth no brain kikiki

Aiya got brain or no brain people here know la. Who talking the most shxt and lies here people also know la. I find you most amusing. Brainless + whining + spewing the most shxt here everyday. Plus spinning the most BS and shameless lies here. Then start accusing others as liars. Really roti prata tactics all the way. Your part time job selling roti prata is it?


2023-06-27 23:41 | Report Abuse

And stooopid MM can insist that PH is the main reason why FF run road and MYR being so weak. Can you believe it how stooopid and reetard she is? If Malaysia's Taliban party become federal govt MM thinks that MYR going to skyrocket? MM open her mouth all rubbish come out must be lose on stock market too poor liow eating sh*t at public toilet as meals.


2023-06-27 23:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 15 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Last week alrdy proven liar+spin+BS create fake story
This weekend another BS - say US bear market..when pointed wrong fast2 change subject
Yesterday I give u free spanking on how OPR/stock market/currency works
U still can trash talk meh - I alrdy throw ur trash many times down Klang river kikiki

MM the black pot calling a steel kettle black. MM is the most shameless liar here with all her daily BS. Really a very stoopid MadMonkey. ATK explained until mouth dry liow on why FF run road on MYR, why MYR is a weak and most shorted currency. Just because you are too stooopid to understand does not mean others are talking rubbish. Stop whining abt your trading losses and your rubbish trash scared loss money go and put your meagre retirement pennies into FD la.


2023-06-27 22:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Yayy AngTK advise sell again
Hopefully history repeat - evening session turn ‘green’ kikiki

ATK: Wrong again, closed red instead. Anyway, ATK only advising MM if she scared, can always choose to cutloss. Its ok to cutloss, professionals cutloss very often also. No need to blame PH, FF etc for your trading losses. Later MM's losses balloon even bigger ya... then even more blaming KBKB here.
Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Relax AngTK wait tomorrow green
Usually when u advise sell, nxt morning green kikiki

ATK: MM wrong again. Ha!

MM cutloss already? Dont waste professional's rare trading advice to you.
Good traders always watch their downside. Take care of your downside.

"Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Then maybe you have a chance." -Ed Seykota.


2023-06-27 17:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 22 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Keep bark ‘sellsellsell’ so can jump higher - always optimistic when u start bark kikiki

But MM bought at 4.30 zone cutloss lose 19 sen like very painful for her. Later drop back pain pain ah...

Early bulls got toasted, late shorts got toasted. Professionals immediately buy immediately huat.


2023-06-27 14:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
Not going anywhere FF nonstop run no comeback
Vote time over - now suffer time PH madani useless

Stop complaining, take some real action. Rebound liow better cutloss now dont miss the opportunity today.


2023-06-26 21:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by speakup > 15 minutes ago | Report Abuse

read this if u think want change govt:

Yes this another reason FF run road. Malaysia taliban is now the biggest political party n won the most seats at last GE.


2023-06-26 17:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 22 minutes ago | Report Abuse
RM new low 4.68 - GenT new low - FF nonstop run
PRN doesnt matter - still got 3yrs (GE16) PH madani disaster kikiki

Quite exciting to see loser MM panic and whine over her meagre retiree fund losses. Lose money liow blame on everyone except herself. An exciting day, wondering if MM decide to cutloss or want her losses balloon bigger. Bad karma for MM's black heart chao kuan roti prata fear mongering pattern before buying (hoping to buy cheaper), then promote non-stop after buying (hoping for new buyers to push up share price), then do fear mongering again non-stop after she sold (hoping to buy back cheaper). Evil amateur trading tactics la, now suffer the bad karma.

Taylor Swift teach MM what is karma:


2023-06-26 16:30 | Report Abuse

See how the 600,000 buy queue at 4.05 just cracked so easily? Price is just melting down. Trader see liow also scared, safer not be a hero now.


2023-06-26 16:23 | Report Abuse

Yes maybe wait for state elections to be over to clear things up hopefully PAS and gang stop winning more states from PH.


2023-06-26 15:19 | Report Abuse

GenS is struggling to stay above 0.93. If the weakness persists, next support could be 0.895.

Seems like tourism reopening theme over?


2023-06-26 15:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 9 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Why didnt US/G7 print money (QE) park in MY - since our interest rate 3% higher

There are other emerging currencies giving higher yield than 3% now why doesnt MM park her $ there? MM can ownself answer her own question right?


2023-06-26 15:08 | Report Abuse

"Malaysian ringgit, China's yuan most shorted currencies"

Please la already told MM that MYR is a favourite currency to short. These are done by professional institutional / banks/ hedge fund currency traders. Local finance students in Uni also know. Only MM still trying to act smart here but she really very dumb.


2023-06-26 14:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Let me simplify 4 dummies
Past decade (b4 covid) OPR quite stable near 3% vs US Fed rate 0%
Did MY market outperform US market?? Answer - NO
Did MY market even perform well past decade?? Answer - NO (stagnant)
Gov policy/stability affect ‘FF sentiment’ more than OPR
P/s: this is real life stuff - not kids learn theory in univ kikiki

USA n G7 did so much QE thats why their stock mkt went up. So simple also duno want to BS so much here. MM really a dummy amateur la.


2023-06-26 14:16 | Report Abuse

MM ah... the more you talk, the more people here know you are indeed very stooopid. Better watch the stock price and decide whether you want to cutloss or not. This advice given by top class trading professional. Up to you to believe what he says.

"Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Cut your losses.
Then maybe you have a chance." -Ed Seykota.



2023-06-26 14:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 21 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Aiyoyo which part u dont understand
Alrdy prove u wrong - can have low interest rate but strong currency/stock market like EU(3.5%)/UK (5%)
P/s: FF nonstop run MAINLY bcoz PH madani disaster - not OPR (only small effect)

Aiya already explained to this old retiree brain so many times until my mouth dry liow, MM still very stubborn refuses to accept the facts. World reserve currency USD FFR now 5.0% + 2 more hikes coming. Ex-world reserve currency GBP now giving 5.0% + hawkish monetary stance. Emerging market MYR OPR only 3.0%. Even primary school kids also will tell you sell MYR, move the money to USA and other G7 markets. University finance students also will know MYR is a good shorting target due to emerging market with extreme negative carry currency compared to reserve currency USD. MM so dumb and stubborn wrong already still can accuse others wrong. Very difficult to educate stubborn and ignorant amateur la.


2023-06-26 13:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK FF nonstop run nothing to do with OPR low
EU/UK interest rate both lower than US Fed rate leh - but Euro/GBP stronger than USD & stock market near highs
As usual - go play in ur kiddy pool & BS other babies..dont bother grownups kikiki

MM really got sh*t for brain. Already explained until my mouth dry liow MYR OPR only 3.0% and has very steep negative carry cost VS world reserve currency USD 5.0% (with 2 more hikes coming). BOE rates now at 5.0% and still on hawkish mode. MYR giving only 3.0% and dovish mode. Is Malaysia a G7 angmoh kaki country or world's greatest economic superpower give only 3.0% only and hope FF park their money here ah? Of course FF will run road la. MM so ignorant and amateur, thanks for entertaining the professionals here with your stoopidity ya. Hahaha.... this MM is so stooooooopid and funny...


2023-06-26 12:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 13 hours ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Say “stock mkt no good due to 5% fed rate + QT” - ofcos refer US market lo aiyoyo
Posted by MoneyMakers > 13 hours ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Write long2 totally BS - fast2 change subject kikiki
As always, just stay in ur kiddy pool & BS other babies - dont bother/interrupt grownups kikiki
Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
RM new low 4.69 - GenT new low - FF nonstop run
Congrats PH madani kikiki
Net FF outflow extended for 10th straight week. MY is 2nd worst performing market in terms of FF outflows

Aiya MM use your retiree old brain common sense la. World reserve currency USD FFR now 5.0% - 5.25% now and planning to raise 2 more hikes to 5.5% - 5.75% and still on hawkish mode. Emerging economy ringgit MYR with BNM's OPR at 3% now and still on dovish mode. There is very steep negative carry on MYR VS USD. FF will go to where it is treated better hence FF run road lor. FF run road how you expect KLCI to perform well? No need to go out of topic and talk abt USA stock indexes then start accusing others BS la. Who is the ignorant cry baby here ah? ATK buy a baby bathtub and jingle toys for MM ok?


2023-06-25 22:56 | Report Abuse

"Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Then maybe you have a chance."

-Ed Seykota.


2023-06-25 22:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Write long2 totally BS - now change subject kikiki
As always, just stay in ur kiddy pool & BS other babies - dont bother/interrupt grownups kikiki

Aiya retiree MM sore loser continue to whine like a baby while professionals immediately buy immediately huat. Hahaha


2023-06-25 22:01 | Report Abuse

 Posted by MoneyMakers > 8 minutes ago | Report Abuse

AngTK Say “stock mkt no good due to 5% fed rate + QT” - ofcos refer US market lo aiyoyo

We talking klci mkt trend you want to roti prata to usa indexes. You like usa why didn't buy usa stocks but bought klci? Now lose $ kbkb here like sore loser. Ha!


2023-06-25 21:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Where got bear market - YTD SP500 up 10% / Nsdq up 35%
As always - just stay inside kiddy pool dont bother grownups kikiki

You complaining abt KLCI, trading stock in KLCI. We are talking abt KLCI here at i3 forum. No need to bring in ang moh indexes. Its a fact, KLCI in bear market. Retiree MM still acting like a baby. Grow up la and suck it. Scared abt your trading losses just cutloss lor.


2023-06-25 21:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 31 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Last time all happy under PN/moo moo
Thought can happier under PH madani but totally disaster (every week new low FF run) kikiki

ATK foreigner, i know how foreigners think. FF everyday see PAS trying islamic nationalism n move things backwards. Nurse uniform also want to cover up like 7th month hantu. FF also know PAS won the most seats as a single political party at last GE. FF scared of PAS growing influence la, not scared of A.I or PH.

MM hate PH then move to PAS states stay there become happier lor.


2023-06-25 20:41 | Report Abuse

 Posted by MoneyMakers > 20 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Last time all happy under PN/moo moo

Thought can happier under PH madani but totally disaster (every week new low FF run) kikiki

Aiya last time under din din stocks mkt strong bull mah. ZIRP + massive trillions of QE. Malaysia though MCO + RWG shut down losing billions but GenB hit 5.50.

Now bear mkt la though GenB all casinos open n making profit but stock mkt no good due to 5% fed rate + QT.

So simple but retiree MM keep barking at the wrong tree. Very amateur la go n study what is stock market trend.


2023-06-25 18:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 day ago | Report Abuse
AngTK As always just stay in ur kiddy pool - dont bother/disturb grownups

Aiya MM retiree acting like baby whining non-stop here scared just cutloss la next week see your losses grow bigger kbkb more here. Orh bee good instant karma for roti prata dirty tactics.


2023-06-25 15:51 | Report Abuse

But shareinvestor88 usually doesn't delete her old posts. LoserSSP cha cha aunty (aka shareinvestor888) will delete her old posts.


2023-06-25 15:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by shareinvestor8 > 51 minutes ago | Report Abuse
BUY BYE 3.88

@Michael, she is the perma bear Renong aunty shareinvestor88 la. Old timers here will know her.


2023-06-24 22:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by shareinvestor8 > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Renong aunty is back! Probably dementia lost her old shareinvestor88 password hence created a new userid. Hahaha...


2023-06-24 17:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
AngTK U dont understand what ‘FAIL EXPERIMENT/CLINICALLY INEFFECTIVE’ mean meh - always need explain to u like child
In TauRx exp, patients that take/didnt take TauRx - both group show Alz improvement
Like that how can say TauRx ‘proven effective’ - take/dont take also same kikiki

HMTM proven effective. Totally halt cognitive decline + reversal up 20% improvement from baseline. The old drug even at very low dose proven effective also. Hence both patients groups cannot see statistical significance when compared.
Taurx's technology is so advanced n effective that even our discarded first generation drug is proven to be so powerful. Taurx's drug technology is so far ahead of all other competitors. We can totally halt AD progression.


2023-06-24 17:18 | Report Abuse

We have tried abt 40 blue colour drug compounds as placebo to give out a blue pee colour, safe n yet taste normal. It cannot be done. Hence going for non-placebo phase 3 trial comparing HMTM against historical placebo data for all AD trials.


2023-06-24 17:11 | Report Abuse

The drug confirm can work but trial design issues. Hence going for CA/AA first before doung a non-placebo final retrial to secure final approval. The placebo used was an old taurx drug at very low dose, later found to be active dose also but works less better. Compared HMTM to historical placebo, HMTM sure can pass trial. You cannot sell the old taurx placebo drug because it has not completed phase 3 yet even though it can work but less effective.