
Anthem2 | Joined since 2018-01-26

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2019-03-29 16:12 | Report Abuse

This counter can treat like FD with very high returns, maybe can double in one year or so as long as confident oil price trades at average 65 or above.


2019-03-29 16:05 | Report Abuse

My point just got proven. Operator is damn top notch, no wonder goring kings got no balls come here. Instead of having to buy upwards to cover their shorts, IDSS in the buy Q just got lots thrown at them.


2019-03-29 12:21 | Report Abuse

The IDiotSS were all parked in the sell Q at 1.08-1.09. These IDiotSS, (I'm not gonna use this term anymore cos they don't appear to be retail IDSS) seem to be some sort of price control instrument used by the operator. I have a hunch that the operator has a very good reason keeping the price at this range having an eye on the overall economic situation and the number of foreign institutional investors here. Stability brings a lot of comfort bearing in mind the volatility out there.


2019-03-29 01:40 | Report Abuse

Even with the tweet from Donald and the news of increased inventories, BRENT still around 67! Looks like cannot stop its march to 70+!


2019-03-28 01:59 | Report Abuse

Just dipped a little but is heading North now. Continuing to 70? Darn! Thought got cheap sales later!


2019-03-26 10:28 | Report Abuse

IDiotSS selling at 1.07 well absorbed. Bear trap?


2019-03-24 23:50 | Report Abuse

Trump’s economic team sees upside to high oil prices. “If the United States becomes an annual net exporter of petroleum, higher oil prices would, on average, help the U.S. economy,” the Council of Economic Advisers said in annual economic report, flagged by Bloomberg. “In this case, the net gains for producers, and to their private partners that own mineral deposits, would outweigh the higher costs for consumers.” The conclusion flies in the face of Trump’s preference for low prices.

Now you know that Trump's tweets for lower oil prices is purely for public consumption.


2019-03-24 20:36 | Report Abuse

Oil just took a dip. It will trade between 65-70 for the longest time. As I said earlier , it's in the majority interest geopolitically. The Saudis have the lowest production costs and all they need to do is let the tanks full flow, oil prices plunge to below 50 and the shale oilers will be out of business. Right now, what they're doing, they're doing this at the behest of Trump and his regime. At the present range, it's just enough to keep the big shale oilers in business and keep the small players out. A hefty price rise will bring a lot of the small players in and shale oil has pretty high Capex and opex because of all the safeguards needed In place.For the small players, lowering costs could mean thinning safety margins and a single incident could have a very severe environmental impact. This has the possibility of bringing down the whole shale industry like a pack of cards. Read about fracking (the extraction of shale oil).
A lot of people think that oil price has dropped. They need to look at the chart carefully. If I were the HIBI operator I'd set up for a gap down tomorrow, tease all the IDiotSS in, accumulate while setting a bear trap like what I did last Friday. Let's see tomorrow!


2019-03-23 13:19 | Report Abuse

Say what you want, the powers that be have already decided that oil would be traded in the 65-70 range with maybe a few spikes above and below. Geopoltically that would be in everyone's interest.
Just on the TA side alone for BRENT, cup and handle formation in the 15 and 30 min charts and a continuation of the inverse H&S in the daily charts.
On the FA side, there's been a drop in the rig count in the US.
But that's just BRENT, for HIBI you need to look at the long term trend for oil price and even if it stays within this range, it's hugely profitable.


2019-03-22 22:15 | Report Abuse

You guys don’t know very much about HIBI is it?


2019-03-22 12:28 | Report Abuse

Maybe he was the IDSS cos he upset with you fellas talking about him!


2019-03-22 12:19 | Report Abuse

IDiotSS still throwing. Value of 17.4M now. Bloodbath la! Emotions have taken over dy!


2019-03-22 12:14 | Report Abuse

Maybe not him but his level 1 followers. The agile and the smartest among the herd.Where else safer to put their profits!


2019-03-22 11:57 | Report Abuse

About time to realise it's true value but not the DAYANG way pls! Slow and steady ok!


2019-03-22 11:54 | Report Abuse

They don't realise what they're up against.


2019-03-22 11:53 | Report Abuse

IDiotSS throwing even at 1.09.


2019-03-22 11:47 | Report Abuse

This may be the trigger that attracts other punters here so maybe time to do some short term battles.


2019-03-22 11:45 | Report Abuse

IDiotSS die loh!


2019-03-22 11:40 | Report Abuse

Someone's teasing those IDiotSS in! Very interesting battle.


2019-03-22 11:00 | Report Abuse

Wow! IDiotSS threw relentlessly at 1.07 but it just got gobbled up easily. Shopping going on at 1.07! IDiotSS value now almost 6M.


2019-03-22 10:45 | Report Abuse

However, IDiotSS are relentlessly selling even up to 1.07, value now 4.4M!


2019-03-22 10:43 | Report Abuse

Or some Institutional funds after the Invest Msia2019?


2019-03-22 10:38 | Report Abuse

Someone's buying in big chunks!


2019-03-22 10:25 | Report Abuse

IDiotSS transacted 1.06 upwards! To win, they gotta buy back at 1.05 and below. So far only 849 lots transacted at 1.05. Already 3.5M IDiotSS value transacted.Might be another good day for HIBI amplified by IDiotSS loss. Hopefully more mid to long term buyers come in to protect their profits from other speculative O&G counters.


2019-03-22 07:52 | Report Abuse

Yesterday IDiotSS lost at least 70+ K excluding transaction costs. Now thumbs up from TA experts. Today?


2019-03-21 23:15 | Report Abuse

Thanks TA_trader
Well, I suppose it's prudent for the FI not to buy if spot price is near to strike price at maturity but what about selling? Is there any SC regulation in force that prevents FIs from using their vast resources utilising IDSS or even RSS to suppress prices?


2019-03-21 17:33 | Report Abuse

Ah so! Interesting revelation! This thread being monitored huh?
3 CWs expiring in June, 2 at E.P. of 1.10. Does it mean that HIBI's price pushed to above 1.10 wii push the FIs to start buying into HIBI and in a way accelerate the uptrend?


2019-03-21 17:01 | Report Abuse

Damn, almost 1.07, time passed too fast.


2019-03-21 16:19 | Report Abuse

Oops! maybe not enough time to q at 1.05 so gotta buy up now at 1.06.


2019-03-21 16:17 | Report Abuse

Now just look at what's happening! Most of the IDiotSS transactions done at 1.05. One would think now will have to buy up at 1.06 but instead massive sell at Buy Q of 1.05. Whole day mostly IDiotSS playing with themselves?


2019-03-21 15:47 | Report Abuse

Why not just go join him at DAYANG?


2019-03-21 13:49 | Report Abuse

Yes, I do not disagree with you that the IDiotSS is an avenue for IBs to suppress. But TBH they were doing this even before IDSS approved. I monitored this with Air Asia and made quite a bit swing trading with IBs play. For HIBI the next expiry is a bit too far away and there are other less expensive means not to lose too much money on their call warrants if they feel a big rise in price is inevitable.


2019-03-21 13:18 | Report Abuse

The O&G trend is a bit of a hype as the true E&P Co. like HIBI, DNEX, SUMATEC are not the beneficiaries (of course HIBI is the real deal). It got hyped up cos PETRONAS had some billions to spend and all the Goreng Kings aka Super Investors started the frenzy. These were just maintenance and service contracts very doubtful to be sustainable and furthermore these companies much easier to goreng. Many bought into that hype and fallen by the wayside.
Just do an in-depth study into the books of HIBI, browse all the screeners and ratios online and then have a look at the personalities on the board of HIBI. Next register with (USA version) search HIBI (one of the few Msian Companies listed) and look at who's who among the Institutional Funds invested. I won't furnish those details cos can be accused of being a conman but if asked I might provide a screenshot if able.


2019-03-21 12:41 | Report Abuse

The big question is why expend so much effort and energy in a futile exercise?.... Unless someone is seeing a pot of gold somewhere.The only risk is basically the price of crude but IMHO it would not go below 60 for sometime at least. It's in everyone's interest!
FYI the PE for peers in the industry is 20. HIBI is hovering around 5 for the longest time. Amazing!


2019-03-21 12:22 | Report Abuse

Look carefully, there's a trend. They sell off massively at 1.05 and park themselves in the buy Q at 1.04. Last 2 days , the price hardly moved downwards because someone was collecting. As the day comes to an end, normal IDiotSS retailers would cover their shorts by having to buy upwards but instead a deluge of sellers appear to sell to those IDiotSS previously parked in the buy Q at 1.04. Comments anyone?


2019-03-21 12:11 | Report Abuse

Don't worry if you're a long term investor, time and trend is your friend and patience is your strength. This counter is terribly undervalued and great effort taken to subdue it's rise by entities with huge resources. There's an agenda there and I'm beginning to think that it's massive accumulation pending some big announcement!


2019-03-20 23:20 | Report Abuse

Let the Goreng Kings stay where they are. In their world, there will be as many winners as there are losers and the losers are driven by not only greed but ignorance. Do not want that kind of Karma here.


2019-03-20 23:15 | Report Abuse

@RON90..... Go look again Bro!


2019-03-20 23:14 | Report Abuse

WTI almost 60, BRENT should narrow the gap to 69. Lets see tomorrow. Never know what the Duck is gonna tweet!


2019-03-20 22:41 | Report Abuse

EIA Crude Oil Inventories unexpected -9.6M barrels.Oil bull may run. Maybe tomorrow IDiotSS will disappear.


2019-03-20 22:14 | Report Abuse

The operator here is top notch! Goreng Kings dare not come here. Only way is for them to form a cartel and maybe, just maybe can survive. Just watch closely the price action and price movements each minute daily. It's art in motion.Medium and long term swing trade can cari makan. Short term and contra will lose your pants!


2019-03-20 19:37 | Report Abuse

Possibly next good announcement?:)


2019-03-20 18:31 | Report Abuse

Most Vision and Mission corporate statements will not set realistic targets eg to be the best or the biggest or the safest or achieve this amount of profit or have zero accidents! The last slide states that they aim to narrow the gap with the 2017-2021 Mission with new ventures or potential development of West Seahorse.
Hope nobody based their TP on a Mission Statement.


2019-03-20 16:36 | Report Abuse

Almost 4M IDiotSS transacted at average 1.032. Price today lowest 1.03. You would expect buying frenzy after 4 pm to clear their shorts but instead selling frenzy at buy Q of 1.03! Seems big syndicates involved with huge resourced selling their own shares to the IDiotSS parked in the buy Q.


2019-03-19 19:04 | Report Abuse

Good share. HIBI and SCOMI only energy counters not in the red today. Should spread the word in all the other threads to accelerate HIBI's momentum!


2019-03-19 18:54 | Report Abuse

Hibiscs doing ok, seems not a speculative counter. BRENT at 68+, might fly tomorrow.


2019-03-19 11:03 | Report Abuse

Goreng Kings may be exiting other O&G counters and play in Hibiscus soon. If they come in hordes, likely can move the price. Just look what's happening at other counters.


2019-03-18 15:44 | Report Abuse

If I read it right, today will see massacre of IDiotSS!


2019-03-18 15:33 | Report Abuse

Forget about CWs, next expiry only in June. Just do what smart money is doing, accumulate! It'll only fly if the GORENG KINGS come in. Don't think they have the resources for this counter. Upside will be driven by pure fundamentals alone. Patience is the key to this potential multi-bagger.