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2020-09-24 14:04 | Report Abuse

Holy God! That moronicc Dickyhead went 2 Pharma forum and spew ....80sen coming soon.

Confirm got mental problem. Tanjung Rambutan also dont want 2 accept.


2020-09-24 14:00 | Report Abuse

Since when announced collaboration with Russian side ya.... OMG


2020-09-24 13:47 | Report Abuse

So good hearted, one of insider created a new account just 2 ask ppl 2 sell after stupidd cut loss.
Laugh die me


2020-09-23 08:16 |

Post removed.Why?


2020-09-22 20:55 | Report Abuse

Dickyme, u r right. It will b RM4 when TG give another bonus 1:1


2020-09-22 20:51 | Report Abuse

hahaliwtf, I totally able 2 accept differing view. But you hv bn spewing things (espy future event) that yourself dont know n said as if it is a gospel


2020-09-22 20:46 | Report Abuse

Sikusiku,.. a million thanks for taking the pain 2 explain in lenght.

That bastrd Jason wrote in fluffy manner tried 2 insinuate thing with ill intend.

Mark my word, he will come back with some wraped logic and twist your statement.


2020-09-22 20:41 | Report Abuse

Hahalowtf..... your stupidity see no boundary. Go and find a life, dont live this type of low life. Alternatively dont waste space in this work, pls go commit suisde!!


2020-09-22 18:13 | Report Abuse

KY, at 80+ years old, my advise 2u is to spend all your money with whatever time left that u may have.

U don't have to worry whether it is correct for TG management of Tan Sri Lim, Dato Lim and Lim CG are more than capable of handling TG. In any event who the hell are u to comment on that! Have u run a big company like TG? Your best record is on JAKS, which you loss your pant off.

And also don't forget your track record of sending retailers to Holland on HY & Dayang.

Lastly, perhaps u shd get a designer 2 design your casket wif TULIP & coated with diamond!!


2020-09-21 17:24 | Report Abuse

gnath_77 ... very adamant la. Kena delete posting still re-post.


2020-09-21 17:21 | Report Abuse

Topglove day low 7.79,. people still win money. Told you so! u r too toxic. Pls go find a life


2020-09-21 17:09 | Report Abuse

Who was the pariah who shouted .... TOLD U SO !!

Whatever happened, pls don't have to be so toxic and live a low life low


2020-09-21 17:06 | Report Abuse

Knm_bottomed ..... PE should be 10x based on which year earning? FY2021, 22, 23, 24, 25 or 26?


2020-09-21 17:05 | Report Abuse

Stockisnotfun ... I like your spirit. sikit sikit lama lama jadi bukit.

Also agreed with you that Stock Is Not Fun. I went thru it, albeit making money, it is not fun as naysayers and those IB are just too toxic !


2020-09-21 14:55 | Report Abuse

If I am management of TG, I will splash those spare cash to buy back. Lets see how much IB willing to fight just bcos they refused to accept loss on CW.

Later, as announced, list all those treasury shares in HK which accord better recognition. Money still wif the co, so can transfer back to Malaysia for dividend.


2020-09-21 14:38 | Report Abuse

hahalolwtf ...what the fk r u talking? what manipulation r u talking about. Go and ask your master in all IB who have exposure in CW why they cannot accept the loss and need to resort to manipulate the market ??


2020-09-20 18:37 | Report Abuse

Sound like they can set up uperation quickily, between 18 to 24 mths. Then import all the workers from their current factory. Just make sure that quarantine 14 days and do all the tests ya


2020-09-17 14:25 | Report Abuse

Alan_stockwatch ... u r right. Dont know what the hack investors want


2020-09-17 09:48 | Report Abuse

James89 ..... it is always good to have a dream. More so if you dream that vaccine is produced in Msia


2020-09-16 23:05 | Report Abuse

At this elder age of 80+, it will be good dont hv 2 show off so much. U aldy hv list of counters that screwed up (althou u may hv made money) , and harmed so many people.

What is the point u keep bragging what u hv bought & sold? Anyway any money u made can u still use it? Even a lunch appointment in KL also u hv difficulties 2 attend.

Old man, although u hv every right 2 write, my little advise is pls move away gracefully from the scene.

I m very such u dont want so many ppl espy younger generation to despise u ! Just quitely enjoy whatever balance time that u hv!


2020-09-16 23:03 | Report Abuse

At this elder age of 80+, it will be good dont hv 2 show off so much. U aldy hv list of counters that screwed up (althou u may hv made money) , and harmed so many people.

What is the point u keep bragging what u hv bought & sold? Anyway any money u made can u still use it? Even a lunch appointment in KL also u hv difficulties 2 attend.

Old man, although u hv every right 2 write, my little advise is pls move away gracefully from the scene.

I m very such u dont want so many ppl espy younger generation to despise u ! Just quitely enjoy whatever balance time that u hv!


2020-09-16 07:47 | Report Abuse

My take.... PAT RM1b


2020-09-15 08:10 | Report Abuse

humongainz ..... which is overvalued? ASP? Book order of 600days?

Gloves hv gone thru few crashes.... bank capped it margin value, so called new medicine available, The Edge onslaught (week in week out said day dreaming), now one foreign IB (which cannot even give own earning guidance) and 2 kucing kurap local IB depicting doom day is coming.

Interesting 2 c what else can be fabricated !!


2020-09-15 08:02 | Report Abuse

chopstick... so what is your adult brainful comment? Let everyone know lo


2020-09-13 23:56 | Report Abuse

lewishamilton...... wah create a new account, 1st time open mouth also spew s@#@


2020-09-13 21:32 | Report Abuse

Ok Dicky, tq 4 your generosity. I thought u will say RM0.4, just a decimal different


2020-09-13 16:33 | Report Abuse

The Star and TheEDGE remorse and have repented. That is why they are already systematically propagating BUY !!!!!!!!!


2020-09-13 16:32 | Report Abuse

The Star and TheEDGE remorse and have repented. That is why they are already systematically propagating BUY !!!!!!!!!


2020-09-13 14:03 | Report Abuse

DickyMe..... tq for being so generous. I thought u will say RM0.14.


2020-09-13 08:40 | Report Abuse

daisidol ...... include other form of communication. It is more effective 2 induce a response, e.g. send the report to MCQ HQ in Australia


2020-09-12 16:51 | Report Abuse

This guy really pura pura after spewing so much toxic


2020-09-12 12:11 | Report Abuse

Force labor.???.... I suppose 4 activist the Best is no need to work n pay them to enjoy. Or pay the blackmail sum


2020-09-12 10:46 | Report Abuse

Tlim11... spot on. Those human who disguise themselve as "labor activists" r no different frm thug, going around world 2 blackmail ppl, espy those white that think they r superior 2 others.

Personally I hv went thru that from some firm in US


2020-09-12 10:41 | Report Abuse

Tq 4 the infor linheng. It gives rise to question on what is the role of regulators !!


2020-09-12 09:58 | Report Abuse

UnicornP ..... my take double 1 double 8. Nice figure. Lets c on 17th


2020-09-11 22:56 | Report Abuse

Cannot understand why bank pole position is untouchable! Our banks at most with couple of regional presence, but gloves biz is globally and also world largest!!

What type of mentality is this lo


2020-09-11 19:40 | Report Abuse

GorengBilis...... initiate a class action against Prem & MAC


2020-09-11 19:38 | Report Abuse

Regarding the toilet MAC IB & so call Head of Research, one good idea is to send the moronic report the their HQ in Australia. To show how the bunch idiots in Spore & Msia (Head of Research & his superior) has disgrace the firm beyond repair demonstrating stupidity with no boundary.

Investment community will be able 2 accept a SELL call, but with solid data. Most ridiculous is the report admitted that the largest manufacturer in the world is accorded a PE of <5x for FY2021.

ONLY his fluffy delusion of possible ASP impact in FY2023 & remotely linked to an event happened 2 decades, that Prem fellow totally reverse well researched piece by Dennis and plug a figure of 5.40 from the sky, within a spam of 2 weeks. What the hell has evolved in last 2 weeks that warrant such abrupt change.

Btw, since when this firm give TP for other companies based on earning 3 years from now???!!

To me SC should investigate was there any malicious intent in the report??


2020-09-11 12:15 | Report Abuse

Supermxmx.... u dont mind sharing the link on ANTIBODIES can only last 1month?
I heard of that, but dont hv source of news


2020-09-10 21:03 | Report Abuse

I agreed wif smurfbee, MCQ analyst Prem J has 2b jailed for misleading public, plus conflict of interest on CW


2020-09-10 19:57 | Report Abuse

Chua JB..... the question now is what can SC do lol


2020-09-10 19:56 | Report Abuse

GuShen , buy back share n give u as dividend can or not??


2020-09-10 19:55 | Report Abuse

The whole problem that bldy MCQ has a lot of CW expiry soon!! Very clear they did it 2 cover their position.

Totally conflict of interest , but what can Malaysia authority n regulator do?


2020-09-10 19:52 | Report Abuse

Look like nowadays in share market order book of more than 500days is not good enough. Wonder what is sufficient!!


2020-09-10 13:42 | Report Abuse

vinspace8... totally agreed with u. The bldy firm has a lot of call warrant. So idiot Prem Jsingam wrote the report. He will then write his masterpiece in his blog.

In the whole report, he cannot write anything 2 justify, other than trying 2 link it to Unisem which happened 2 decades ago. And since when TP is based on FY2023 figures when u r still in FY2020.



2020-09-08 12:55 | Report Abuse

Teamrocket.... go to hll and get lost. U r the curse. Bldy bstd


2020-09-07 07:46 | Report Abuse

Agreed with u.... Investar2862