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2018-02-14 11:15 | Report Abuse

this supermax got potential, but the only problem is the family is holding too many shares. this is unhealthy in general, short term profit is perfectly ok,,,long term,,,think twice.


2018-02-07 10:04 | Report Abuse

Just some sharing,,,The Dow Jones come back too fast too soon.
I scare will have another round correction. If yesterday Dow movement is +/- 1%,,,i am very happy,,,but now I am a little worry (for my other stocks)

But for Huaan, I will still hold.


2018-02-05 09:41 | Report Abuse

Those bought...hold. Those plan to buy wait how US react tonight 1st. No need so hurry.


2018-02-05 09:17 | Report Abuse

don't buy 1st...wait and see, wait and see. It never too late to buy you only earn less (but alot of time, you can earn more)


2018-02-05 09:14 | Report Abuse

good to see MBSB got some support. This make me feel better....restructure my portfolio I will buy more mother share


2018-02-02 17:21 | Report Abuse

@RedEagle....not normal if you look at the volume and the time buying. It seldon happen when a big buy at last min, and all done in 30 seconds. Other goreng stocks,,,yes it's very normal, MBSB,,,nope.

Hopefully not 1 day show. .


2018-02-02 16:45 | Report Abuse

Last mins rally....good...


2018-02-02 16:41 | Report Abuse

1.24 too much.,,,,retail investor cannot break the Great Wall.
May be next week...break it slowly.


2018-02-02 15:50 | Report Abuse

1.25 need to break this ya...if break...then all got Money to spent during CNY ( for those doesn;t celebrate, at least got spare $$$ to spend during the long weekend.)


2018-02-02 14:45 | Report Abuse

123 big road block...need time


2018-02-02 12:11 | Report Abuse

Buy mother share and hold. Don't touch CW if no holding power.



2018-02-02 11:50 | Report Abuse

If the current push can sustain,,,,afternoon session can break. Already testing the resistant line, for many times, hoepfully will break then everyone here happy and get some ang pow money ya.


2018-02-02 10:15 | Report Abuse

S/H are keeping the stock at a level and let it explode when the time is right. Just be patient.


2018-02-02 09:29 | Report Abuse

@YouBuyIBuy,,,possible, but the chance is very very very very slim loh. Dividend 5 cents, it also increase 5 cents only.


2018-02-02 09:13 | Report Abuse

this stock is like that one lah, no need to complain. Hold mother stock for long-term, other can touch provided you have holding power.


2018-02-01 20:09 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow got 10 cents should very happy joh....mosty back to 1.25


2018-02-01 12:01 | Report Abuse

Last time is because the management doesn't want to do it and they pretend they did it.


2018-02-01 11:31 | Report Abuse


The answer is easy because the issuing bank has a very sophisticated way to calculate all the risk involve and what is the expected price range during the strike date. Of- course no 1 is 100% sure on that.

All the information about the CW is available on Bursa Website (this is what SC is doing, make sure all information is transparent).

In this case, CW9, do you think the mother share price will more than 1.645 before 31 Oct 2018? Apparently, the issuing bank is not thinking so. So the information is publicly available for everyone.
Investors invest with their own risk.

No institution will be so stupid to push down a share price just to cover their lost in issuing CW, because there is a cheaper way: Hedging.

Give you an example:
Top Glove C19: https://klse.i3investor.com/servlets/stk/711319.jsp

Will you complain SC when you purchase this sometime back in the earlier day? When is the stock price around RM5? Will you complain institution push up Top Glove? Will you complain SC is sleeping?

Do you think Kenaga (Issuing bank) lost money on this listing? They already hedge against their portfolio.

If you purchased at 0.08 or 20 cents and now is 0.665 cents, the return is 300 - 830%. High-risk high return. So as an investor we need to choose carefully. the issuing bank lost money on this issue ( but I am very sure, professional has already hedge against their position at a lower cost).

I am very sure this warrant won't expire 0. -0.005 cents unless Market crisis.


2018-02-01 10:31 | Report Abuse


As I mention I feel your pain, and I am suggesting "Don't be harsh to other when other share information", so if you do not attack other and you are just sharing information, do the above statement point finger towards you? If yes I am sorry.

Is good that you help the poor, and I think no 1 here will have objection to that.


2018-02-01 10:19 | Report Abuse


SC is here to make sure companies follow compliance and not here to protect investors from losing money because their investment decision. Investors without enough knowledge and research, they should never touch on C warrant because is very high-risk financial instrument.


2018-02-01 09:59 | Report Abuse


I partially agree what you try to say, but this post is not about politics, this community is all about investment. I agree politics is surrounding us, but not Malaysia is not alone this happens every way. Only other countries their politicians do the thing in an elegant way.

If you have time please read the joker comments before you comment anything. He is complaining because he bought in C warrant and this cause him losses. Don't blame on other things when you made a wrong investment decision.

So when you earn money because the stock is push up, will you blame them is politic? Why don't you complain EPF, is buying and selling on the same trading day? This is politic as well?

When the joker earned from FGV C warrant he goes and thanks to our PM, but when he made losses on MBSB C warrant (He gain some profit earlier, but because of his greed, he buy in more because QR will be released in a week time), he goes and blames Malaysia is full of corruption, pressing the price down is helping the cronies, SC is not doing their job.

He further suggests C - Warrant exercise price should be listed based on the average of last 3 days trading price and SC shouldn't allow a new CW listed with a price higher than the average of the last 3 days price.

MBSB and is full of potential, long-term investor like me, I am very very happy when they push down the price.


Did I offended you? Why you paranoid?

I just advise you guys stop attacking each other and back to the initial starting point, share information, and make your own investment decision.

I feel sorry if this offended you.


2018-02-01 00:31 | Report Abuse

@Buffett888 I understand how you feel. I have a debate with another guy who claims himself a trader with great experience and love to invest in C-Warrant (My guess : Contra Player)

He keeps on saying is Bursa and SC fault because some 1 keeps pressing the stock price down ( and both agencies should do something. I guess he lost a lot this time. He is the busiest person who blames here and blames there because he invested in heavily C warrant and the share price went south. (My guess: He doubles up the C warrant when share rise 9 cents last week because he keeps promoting that time and very happy with the profit and this round he may incurred a great loss if Tuesday was T3 and he got no cash to pick up).

Other also telling him that this is because of his greed and ask him to grow up. Frankly, I am very happy that the price is being pushed down because I can collect more according to my holding power.

The moral of this story:

Please invest base on your own judgment. Everyone has their own risk preference, pls invest according to yours. Users just share information across, but you yourself made the final decision and most of the information is based on personal experience, knowledge, and news. He / She may be wrong because experience and knowledge can be very subjective, but you yourself made the final decision.

If you make a wrong decision don't blame here and blame there. Everyone in the community is trying to earn extra money, and the initial objective of this site is also information sharing. So don't be harsh to other when other share information that differs from your investment strategy.


2018-01-31 23:56 | Report Abuse

I really speechless and this will be my last comment and I will not debate anymore with you.

Go find out what is CG first, understand how it works and most importantly what is the role of SC, then only you complain this and that.

Look at Bursa website about the additional listing, learn how a company do additional listing, what is the purpose of the additional listing, understand the rule and regulation, how they determine the price.

The financial institution listed CW 9 at 1.45 also offended you?
If you think the price is too high don't buy lah. Same for other investors, if they think the excercise price is too high, they won;t buy.
Why you worry so much.

If you don't understand, you can ask, just be humble.

1 last advice,

Please do not invest in Bursa since you feel is full of trap, is not transparent, is doesn't have high return, is all manipulated.


2018-01-31 20:14 | Report Abuse

You want the truth? They is only 1 winner, which is the trading house. Sharks also get burnt sometime and when they lost they lost huge


2018-01-31 19:28 | Report Abuse

Got any long term investor blaming they press the price down?

Frankly I am very happy because I can collect more according to my holding power.


2018-01-31 19:23 | Report Abuse

I just advice you don't blame others when the stock you invested go different ways.

The stock now not moving does not mean it would not in future. A lot people complaint about huaan few years back. Same like you...not a good company la..got trap lah...What is their stock price now?

Grow up do not 哭爸哭母, and learn from mistake.


2018-01-31 18:03 | Report Abuse


You don't know doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Every country has penny stocks.


Spend some of your time and check on CG ranking (BY OVERSEA Institution)...Opps, do you know what is CG?

Go read something about Enron, penny stock manipulation in SG few years ago, Hang Seng Stock Manipulation...etc and the list go on.

So from your point of view, this happens because their SC is having corruption? When someone has been charged with insider trading, then a lot of people said is because he supports opposition.

This is forum is not for politic, and I am sorry for your bad experience. I hope you delete your earlier comment because it will divide our country further. Not every civil servant like what you say.

I am not a public servant, I also need to work hard (employee in MNC) to earn my salary, just don't be so childish.


2018-01-31 16:55 | Report Abuse


Yes loh, you need to make a report? Do you? IF not then why bark here?


2018-01-31 16:52 | Report Abuse


Ok, I can accept that SC doens't have a full and complete system, but can you also enlighten me which countries have?

What irritated me is, when he made $$$ from last round (Last time also undervalue and the price is kept at bay by institutions investors as well) from the C warrant, why he does not complain at all? He becomes greedy and doubles up because, after the approval, the QR result will out in 1 weeks time, which I believe 30th is T3 and on Friday will force sell unless bank in the fund immediately.

Now if Friday the share price goes up and he made money will he complain this and that?

He is so childish.


2018-01-31 16:26 | Report Abuse

@ Orange88

When made money from FGV C warrant, you thank you PM (from your post).
Why do not complaint other goreng Hibiscus and you earn alot from it?

Admit it, you have been trapped, you are planning to contra the c-warrants. If you have the cash to pick up the c-warrant that you have why bark here.

Opps, it's not you don't have the money. It's because your initial plan is hit and run...


2018-01-31 16:04 | Report Abuse


So if you not play contra, then you angry for what?

When goreng other stock and you earn, why don't complaint that SC is doing nothing? The stock price is way overpriced.

If you have proof that they are manipulating the share price, become a whistleblower and made a complaint.

Why act like a castrated coward just bark here.


2018-01-31 15:20 | Report Abuse


I understand you bought C-warrant and planning to contra it. You earned from C4 earlier, and now the total return is negative.

Don't blame on others when you make a wrong decision.

Stock investment is for long-term and Call-warrants is riskier than going to casino. Nothing less than gamble.


2018-01-31 14:34 | Report Abuse

Look out what you claim. They are many methods to beg a stock price range legally and it has been practiced by many companies in many countries. As long as the board can justified the reason to beg.

Frankly, SC in Malaysia is doing good job, but there is always room of improvement. IF SC is not doing their job, I think you will have no confidence at all to invest in KLSE.


2018-01-31 12:22 | Report Abuse

Sorry, selling chicken is a very good business, especially you have HALAL license. Only the previous management don't know how to manage.
This share price will increase a little because property market is not that good currently. In future, No 1 knows, but I am confident with new investor, they may do their very best to get back their return. This in turn, the share performance will be better.


2018-01-30 17:57 | Report Abuse

I just hope big market correction come after CNY. Hope Mr Xi will preventing this happen before and on CNY.


2018-01-30 17:56 | Report Abuse

@moonhead, if you have a chance to know some baby shark, you will know. Mutual consent may be a little harsh, I shall put it "Green Light"


2018-01-30 17:51 | Report Abuse

I would say cents 5 - 10 cents increase on Friday is considered good already. More than that is superb. This is semi bluechip..increase and drops also little.


2018-01-30 17:44 | Report Abuse

Do not give so much hope first. It may not fly. But I really wish it fly because I picked up some today.

Lesson 101: without mutual consent from substantial shareholder, is very hard to push up / down of a stock, especially those with alot outstanding share.


2018-01-30 17:10 | Report Abuse

@Alex Chong, Nope. Why do you ask this question?


2018-01-30 16:47 | Report Abuse

Refer back to my earlier comment, until now no announcement on the quarter result. For those who attended already know the result, so it very very unfair to the public investors who don't attend the meeting.

NO news at all. Common SC, please do something. Implementing Live Broadcast is good for the public.


2018-01-30 16:16 | Report Abuse

Already warn you guys, once break 0.095 see you all at 0.08 - 0.085.
If those who doesn't want to cut lost, pray to your GOD (BUDDHA, TUHAN, Christ, Shiva etc and etc) better don't go below 0.08 if not the price will go back to 0.055.

Pray the next 2 days nothing bad happen to US market, otherwise all die.


2018-01-30 11:56 | Report Abuse

titanic...you jump I jump...why directors/shareholder sell, you buy leh?


2018-01-30 11:40 | Report Abuse

@haron89,,,,for this matter, I actually wrote an email to SC. I suggest them that use livebroadcast on companies meeting. because SC has been promoting information symmetry for long time. It's just unfair to shareholders who can't attain the meeting. Shareholders attended the meeting can use H/P to trade their share when the report announce inside the meeting and for other shareholders still "Ong Ong" wait for the announcement. Last time is because technical diifculties,,,now even a FB user can use live broadcast already.


2018-01-30 11:30 | Report Abuse

@nagachan...I agree,,,as long as the price matched your target go and buy. Or unless you buy millions shares at a time, otherwise 0.05 mean nothing .


2018-01-30 10:57 | Report Abuse

Last QR 3 cents,,,this QR may be good result but need money to do merger,,,so dividend may be low. Again, as per other mention, it depends on KWSP, whether they want it up or stagnant at this level


2018-01-30 10:31 | Report Abuse

@Buffett888, I not sure how much you earn, better check with officer in LHDN, don't simply listen to other. Alot big bosses also pay accountant and consultant helps them to do tax, but some still got investigated and need to pay penalty.


2018-01-29 18:17 | Report Abuse

I also hope the share price increase so for those invested can get early ang pow


2018-01-29 17:31 | Report Abuse

@ wannabeinvestor, nope, fund manager will evaluate and study the risk and return. Although this stock has very low risk and great potential of return but the return takes too long, and they cannot goreng together...so they don't enter loh. Fund Manager got KPI and their earning is base on the profit they made.


2018-01-29 16:41 | Report Abuse

Malaysia government alone cannot push the market so much lah...is foreign fund flowing in. SOP will purchase the 30 Index Stocks, then looks for other potential mid-market stocks. Exchange rate alone already earned few percent joh.


2018-01-29 16:32 | Report Abuse

0.095 is very critical...psychological support,,,if break...see you all at 0.080 - 0.085