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2013-07-26 11:25 | Report Abuse

Folks, Swamy’s previous accusations against the government on alleged irregularities in the allotment of spectrum to telcos, and in the deal between Jet Airways (India) Ltd and Etihad Airways PJSC have blown up into controversies that continue to embarrass the ruling Congress party.

In the AA case, Swamy says the government’s clearance to AA India is in violation of a September policy that allowed foreign airlines to invest in Indian airlines.

At the time, this was interpreted to mean that the investment would be in existing Indian airlines, which later was clarified by some arms of the government to include both existing and new airlines.


2013-07-26 11:04 | Report Abuse

News dated 26/7/2013: Subramanian Swamy moves SC seeking to quash AA India clearance

New Delhi: Janata Party leader Subramanian Swamy on Thursday filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking a quashing of the clearance granted to AA India Pvt. Ltd.

In his 60-page public interest litigation (PIL), Swamy termed the clearance as illegal and said several issues related to foreign control and policy had been overlooked in granting it.


2013-07-26 10:49 | Report Abuse

News dated 25/7/2013: AirAsia, Tata JV deal fraught with illegalities: Swamy

View here: http://www.moneycontrol.com/video/business/airasia-tata-jv-deal-fraughtillegalities-swamy_925369.html

Careful now folks!! Heheheheheheh!!!!!


2013-07-26 10:44 | Report Abuse

Ealier News dated 2/7/2013: Cancel Jet deal; will move court to stop Air Asia: Swamy


So how now, folks?


2013-07-26 10:29 | Report Abuse

AA, Tata JV deal fraught with illegalities: Swamy

The joint venture between Malaysian low-cost carrier AA and Tata Group has been challenged in the Supreme Court by Subramanian Swamy.

In a public interest litigation Swamy has sought cancellation of Foreign Investment Promotional Board (FIPB) clearance to AirAsia.

In an interview with CNBC-TV18, Swamy said that much talked about AA deal is fraught with illegalities.

Swamy alleged that only because of the commerce ministries’ huge pressure the civil aviation have decided not to pressure its point relating to allowing foreign direct investment only in existing airlines and not in new joint ventures.

So how now, folks?????


2013-07-25 15:05 | Report Abuse

Air Asia X worth between 50-70 sen according to Fernandes, 25-40 sen according to Branson

Maybank's "stabilization" of Air Asia X's share price, which has not moved beyond the RM 1.25 IPO price , expires in about 2 weeks.

AAX's Bursa filings make clear that Maybank's support is what keeps the price at even RM 1.25, thus raising the inevitable :what happens in 2 weeks , or less , when the price is no longer supported?

Given recent past valuations of the company, based on transactions by company insiders (see previous posting below) , and after making some rough and ready adjustments for the IPO proceeds, but bearing in mind that share price is a function of earnings, it does appear that by Tony Fernandes's own reckoning AAX shares are worth only 5-70 sen (ie 40-50% of current price).

Based on the price Richard Branson asked for his shares, AAX is only worth 25-40 sen per share.

Read here: http://sahathevan.blogspot.com/2013/07/air-asia-x-worth-between-50-70-sen.html

New low in the making? Investors have short memories!! Careful now!!


2013-07-25 15:01 | Report Abuse

A Bull Trap?

A Multiple Top Breakout includes a Triple Top Breakout, a Quadruple Top Breakout and anything wider.

A Triple Top Breakout occurs when two successive X-Columns form equal highs and the next X-Column breaks above these highs.

A Quadruple Top Breakout occurs when three successive X-Columns form equal highs and the next X-Column breaks above these highs.

For a Bull Trap to be possible, this breakout can only be one-box. Breakouts that move two or more boxes above resistance do not qualify.

The Bull Trap occurs when prices reverse after a one-box breakout and the subsequent O-Column moves at least three boxes lower.

A one-box breakout is not that strong and the immediate reversal shows renewed selling pressure.

Folks, judge for youself! Heheheheheheh!!


2013-07-25 10:42 | Report Abuse

Folks, below Rm2.50 or above Rm4.50 in the coming months? Well folks, judge for youself! Hehehehehehehe!!

EPF Disposed 18/07/2013 4,633,800
EPF Disposed 19/07/2013 2,430,900

AA a 'Sucker Rally' stock? Folks a sucker rally is just a temporary rise in a specific stock with little fundamental information to back the movement in price.

This rally may continue just long enough for the "suckers" to get on board, after which the market or specific stock falls.

Remember folks, the longer the rally goes on, the more are sucked back into the market as the smart money is selling.

Sucker rallies are usually on low volume. Careful now!! Wakakakakakakakak!!


2013-07-25 10:25 | Report Abuse

Folks, another sign? Time will tell! Careful now! Heheheheheheheh!!

EPF Disposed 18/07/2013 4,633,800
EPF Disposed 19/07/2013 2,430,900


2013-07-24 16:03 | Report Abuse

AA may continue climbing higher after getting back above the 50-day MAV line. A purchase can be made IF the stock stays ABOVE MYR3.25 today, with a close below MYR3.15 as a stop-loss.

The price target is MYR3.60, if the MYR3.50 resistance is broken. A failure to stay above MYR3.25, however, could leave the stock trading lower, with strong support found at MYR3.00.

Careful now, folks! Below rm2.50 or above rm4.50 in the coming month? Well folks, just wait & seee! Wakakakakakakakakak!!


2013-07-24 15:44 | Report Abuse

Now why do the company need a stabilising manager at the first place? For those uninformend, AIR ASIA appointed Maybank Investment Bank as their stabilising manager whereby this bank will buy up to 118.5 million shares of AA X at its IPO price of RM1.25 within 30 days from its IPO.

It was reported that around 20 million shares were purchased by Maybank on the IPO day itself.

Back to our question, why do the company need an investment bank to back up their IPO price?

Is it overvalued?

People invest in stock where they see there’s value and opportunity for the company to go. People sell when they think the stock price is fully valued.

So when those people who have got AA X shares at a discount and sold their stake at IPO price, it seems that they don’t have the confidence in this company, thus cashing out.

Folks, the high valuation for the IPO creates an avenue for them to profit on the IPO day.

So how now, folks?


2013-07-24 14:39 | Report Abuse

Disposal of Shares by Employees Provident Fund on 18/07/2013 4,633,800 shares.

Is this an early sign with more to come? Well folks, fasten your seat belts as bad weather ahead!

Don't believe, meh? Time will tell! Wakakakakakakkakakakak


2013-07-24 11:58 | Report Abuse

Disposal of Shares by Employees Provident Fund:- Disposed 18/07/2013 4,633,800

Now folks, ask yourself why EPF is dumping slowly and surely? A bad 2QE? Hahahahahaha!! Careful now!


2013-07-23 15:55 | Report Abuse

Air Asia X worth between 50-70 sen according to Fernandes, 25-40 sen according to Branson

Maybank's "stabilization" of Air Asia X's share price, which has not moved beyond the RM 1.25 IPO price , expires in about 2 weeks.

AAX's Bursa filings make clear that Maybank's support is what keeps the price at even RM 1.25, thus raising the inevitable :what happens in 2 weeks , or less , when the price is no longer supported?

Given recent past valuations of the company, based on transactions by company insiders (see previous posting below) , and after making some rough and ready adjustments for the IPO proceeds, but bearing in mind that share price is a function of earnings, it does appear that by Tony Fernandes's own reckoning AAX shares are worth only 5-70 sen (ie 40-50% of current price).

Based on the price Richard Branson asked for his shares, AAX is only worth 25-40 sen per share.

Read here: http://sahathevan.blogspot.com/2013/07/air-asia-x-worth-between-50-70-sen.html

Airasia below Rm2.80 in the coming month? Only time will tell!! Wakakakakakakakakaka!!


2013-07-23 09:41 | Report Abuse

Masalah berkaitan perkhidmatan syarikat penerbangan tambang murah, AirAsia Berhad (AirAsia) mendapat perhatian Ahli Dewan Negara yang membangkitkan perkara itu dalam sesi soal jawab di Dewan Negara hari ini.

Senator Datuk Muhamad Yusof Husin mendakwa, syarikat penerbangan itu sengaja membuatkan sekumpulan penumpang terkandas di lapangan terbang Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.

Menurut beliau, perkara itu disaksikan beliau sendiri ketika sedang menunggu penerbangan AirAsia untuk pulang ke Malaysia baru-baru ini.

"Sekumpulan pelajar, kira-kira empat hingga lima orang datang ke kaunter untuk mendaftar masuk sejam, tetapi kaunter itu telah ditutup. Bila kaunter itu ditutup mereka rujuk ke merata tempat, kaunter AirAsia di Lapangan Terbang Ho Chi Minh, tiada siapa yang datang menolong.

"Akhirnya mereka terpaksa membeli tiket penerbangan yang ke hadapan dengan harga begitu mahal dan ini tidak sepatutnya berlaku," katanya ketika mengemukakan soalan tambahan tentang tindakan kerajaan untuk memastikan masalah itu tidak berulang.

Muhamad Yusof turut memberitahu, bagasi yang dibawanya dalam penerbangan tersebut hilang dan tidak diterima sehingga kini manakala petugas kaunter AirAsia didakwa gagal memberi penjelasan memuaskan.

Timbalan Menteri Pengangkutan, Datuk Ab. Aziz Kaprawi ketika menjawab soalan berkenaan menyifatkan perkara itu amat memeranjatkan dan meminta pihak berkenaan membuat laporan kepada kerajaan supaya tindakan sewajarnya boleh diambil ke atas syarikat penerbangan terbabit.

Terdahulu, bagi menjawab soalan asal Senator Datuk Chiw Ting Chai berhubung insiden membabitkan syarikat penerbangan tempatan yang tidak memberi keutamaan kepada pelaksanaan tanggungjawab sosial korporat (CSR) kepada penumpang di luar negara, Ab. Aziz berkata, Kementerian Pengangkutan memandang serius terhadap isu itu.

Jelas beliau, kementerian akan mengadakan perbincangan dengan syarikat-syarikat penerbangan tempatan yang dijadualkan pada hujung bulan ini bagi membincangkan tentang prosedur operasi standard (SOP) CSR untuk mengelakkan insiden penumpang yang terkandas di luar negara tidak diberi layanan sewajarnya seperti bantuan pengangkutan, penginapan dan makanan.

"Kementerian Pengangkutan sentiasa mengingatkan syarikat-syarikat penerbangan tempatan untuk mementingkan CSR kepada para penumpang terutama kepada penumpang yang terkandas di luar negara atas faktor-faktor kesihatan yang boleh membahayakan penumpang lain," ujarnya.

AirAsia sebelum ini dikecam pelbagai pihak berikutan tragedi malang yang menimpa seorang ibu, Izan Suhaila Mohd. Ali, 36, dan anaknya, Maryam Sofea Mohd. Reza, 14 bulan, yang didakwa tidak sihat telah dihalang menaiki pesawat AirAsia, AK 1455 untuk pulang ke negara ini dari Lapangan Terbang Ho Chi Minh, Mei lalu.

There you go, folks! Hahahahahahah!!


2013-07-19 16:54 | Report Abuse

Mangkir, Penumpang Akan Sita Aset AirAsia
Kamis, 18/07/2013 | 16:56 WIB

JAKARTA - Maskapai penerbangan murah asal Malaysia, AirAsia, mangkir dari panggilan ketua Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Tangerang untuk melaksanakan putusan Mahkamah Agung yang menghukum AirAsia membayar ganti rugi senilai Rp50.860.000 juta kepada seorang penumpang, Hastjarjo Boedi Wibowo.

Kuasa hukum Hastjarjo, David L. Tobing, dalam keterangan tertulis, Kamis (18/7), menyatakan AirAsia sebagai perusahaan asing yang berdomisili di Indonesia harus patuh dan tunduk pada ketentuan hukum di Indonesia dan lembaga peradilan tertinggi. "AirAsia harus menjalankan putusan Mahkamah Agung Indonesia Nomor 1391 K/PDT/2011 yang telah berkekuatan hukum tetap," katanya.

Selanjutnya tim Kuasa hukum penggugat akan mengajukan sita eksekusi atas aset AirAsia senilai ganti rugi tersebut untuk disita pengadilan dan dilelang untuk pembayaran ganti rugi kepada penumpang.

"Kami juga akan melaporkan Airasia kepada Regulator dalam hal ini Kementerian Perhubungan karena Airasia telah melanggar UU Penerbangan dan tidak melaksanakan Putusan Mahkamah Agung dan meminta agar Kementrian Perhubungan memberikan sanksi yang tegas kepada Airasia jika diperlukan dilakukan pembekuan izin."

Kasus ini bermula saat maskapai AirAsia membatalkan secara sepihak penerbangan Hastjarjo Boedi Wibowo dengan jadwal 12 Desember 2008 pada pukul 06.00 WIB dan menggantinya dengan penerbangan baru yang baru berangkat pada pukul 15.05 WIB.

Ia lalu melakukan gugatan. Majelis hakim PN Tanggerang dan Pengadilan Tinggi Jakarta mengabulkan gugatan Hastjarjo Boedi Wibowo. AirAsia divonis harus membayar ganti rugi immateriil sebesar Rp 50 juta dan materiil sebesar Rp 806 ribu. Putusan tersebut diperkuat oleh putusan Mahkamah Agung.
Hingga berita ini diturunkan, Communication Manager AirAsia, Audrey Petriny tidak menjawab telepon dan membalas pesan singkat VIVAnews.ins

Careful now. folks!!!!!!!! The coming weeks even cheaper? Time will tell!!


2013-07-16 16:32 | Report Abuse

Hybrid airline, Malindo Air, has received permission to fly to Mumbai as well as a few South Indian destinations like Kolkata, Trivandrum, Chennai and Bangalore soon.

It was earlier reported that the airline would commence flying the Kuala Lumpur-New Delhi route soon with a 15kg baggage allowance, meals and in-flight entertainment.

So it look like Malindo is slowly & surely biting into AA profit margin. How now, folks?


2013-07-16 16:20 | Report Abuse

Tata Steel Europe has net borrowings of 3.4 billion pounds dating back to the 6.7 billion deal and the company spent 352 million pounds in interest charges last year to service the huge loans.

Most of Tata Steel's manufacturing facilities are in Europe, which is a high-cost area and where demand for steel products is much lower than in developing parts of the world.

In May, Tata Steel revealed a write-down of 1 billion pounds in the value of its European arm, underlining the chronic difficulties faced by the company.

Tata Steel Europe employs 32,500 workers, including about 19,000 in Britain.

Now the big question! How will Ratan Tata help cut costs at budget carrier AirAsia? Time will tell!!


2013-07-16 16:14 | Report Abuse

Indian steel giant Tata Steel's European arm has reported a record loss of 1.2 billion pounds for the year. They mark a massive rise from 846 million pounds the previous year.

The company, previously Corus before being bought over by the Indian conglomerate back in 2007, has been battered by falling steel prices, a slump in demand and competition from cheap imports.

So how now, folks?


2013-07-16 11:57 | Report Abuse

Even before launching its domestic operations in the country, low-cost carrier AA seems to have kicked up a fresh storm.

This time, it's over the appointment of Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Vice-Chairman S Ramadorai, also the chairman of the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), on the board of the company's India venture as non-executive chairman.

Amid questions being raised on the issue of conflict of interest, Planning Commission Member Arun Maira has sought the intervention of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to clear the air on the rules governing appointment of people from the private sector to public positions.

Among other eminent people from similar backgrounds to have joined public services are Natgrid chief Raghu Raman and Unique Identification Authority of India Chairman Nandan Nilekani.

Both are believed to have relinquished their earlier positions before joining the government.

Ramadorai's appointment on the board of AA has raised many an eyebrow because he continues to hold his government post.

So how now, folks?


2013-07-16 11:37 | Report Abuse

Can it succeed in India? After all, India is not Malaysia, Thailand or Indonesia. What secret to success did Tony Fernandes learn while studying the aviation market there over the last three years?

View more here: http://video.xin.msn.com/watch/video/airasia-can-it-succeed-in-india/pf1dcv2t?cpkey=27cf746f-3f1c-970a-85d0-a1ce9c7095e8%257c%257c%257c%257c

Judge for yourself, folks!


2013-07-16 11:32 | Report Abuse

AA X broke through loan covenants from its banks before it hit the market. How serious was the situation? Would it have run out of cash if it didn't list?

View more here: http://video.xin.msn.com/watch/video/would-it-have-run-out-of-cash-if-it-didnt-list/pfge718a

Judge for yourself, folks!


2013-07-16 11:26 | Report Abuse

Would AAX have run out of cash if it didn't list?

View more here, folks: http://video.xin.msn.com/watch/video/would-it-have-run-out-of-cash-if-it-didnt-list/pfge718a


2013-07-12 11:08 | Report Abuse

Folks, Kuala Lumpur emerged as the world’s fifth-largest destinations for share sales last year, surpassing Asian financial hubs including Singapore.

Slowing economic growth and political protests from Brazil to Turkey have since spurred capital flight from emerging markets.

Speculation of reduced Federal Reserve stimulus has also deterred overseas investors from holding riskier securities.


2013-07-12 11:01 | Report Abuse

AA X’s shares were stabilized by Malayan Banking Bhd yesterday, preventing the budget airline from becoming only the second Malaysian stock in a year to close below its offer price on its Kuala Lumpur debut.

Maybank, bought 19.5 million shares at 1.25 ringgit yesterday, matching the initial offer price, according to an exchange filing by AA X.


2013-07-11 14:02 | Report Abuse

You want to know the truth?

Folks, if you think that it is quite safe to buy into IPOs that have price stabilizing managers, you may be wrong as:

1. the stock’s price is not freely determined by market forces and may imply a certain form of “price manipulation”

2. the post IPO price may not reflect the true value of a company

3. you will not know how long the manager will continue to support the share price and what will happen to the stock’s price once the manager stops supporting the price of the stock

The truth hurts, folks!! Investores have short memories!! Careful now!!


2013-07-11 13:12 | Report Abuse

Folks, Maybank Investment has been appointed as the stabilising manager for AA X Bhd’s ipo and the bank may buy up to about 118.56 million shares or 15% of share capital over a 30 day period post listing.

An IPO issuer may appoint a stabilizing manager, who may undertake stabilizing action in an attempt to prevent or minimize the reduction in the stock’s price.

The stabilizing manager will normally, buy back the shares at the offer price if the market price of the share drops below the offering price to support the IPO’s stock price from the first 30 days of the trading debut.

Important point folks, the shares will then, return back to the issuer. Investors have short memories!

Careful now!!


2013-07-10 21:51 | Report Abuse

Folks, the key challenge AA X would face was keeping a lid on fuel costs, which account for about 49 percent of operating costs.

Remember folks, jet fuel price has started to increase due to uncertainties in the Middle East.

Asia & Oceania Jet Fuel Price: US120 per brr up 3.1% from last month & up 3.5% a year ago. Investors have short memories!! Careful now!!


2013-07-10 16:32 | Report Abuse

Expansion in Japan, however, has faltered after it and ANA Holdings terminated their joint venture last month, with AA citing disagreements over how to manage the business.

The IPOs from AA's units may also reflect a desire by Fernandes to please some of his shareholders.

It's more to do with certain shareholders who want their investments more liquid.

In addition, he can now borrow against his shares that have a market value now.

You want to know the truth, folks? The truth hurts, folks!


2013-07-10 16:29 | Report Abuse

Folks, AA X, which is planning an additional base in Thailand and may look at additional bases in Asia, was in the red as recently as 2011 due to fuel prices and loss-making services to Europe, India and New Zealand.

After terminating some of these services, it logged an operating profit of 38 million ringgit ($12 million) in 2012. In the first quarter of this year, its operating profit jumped 73 percent to 57.6 million ringgit on the back of lower expenses, notably fuel costs.

It operates a fleet of 10 Airbus A330 medium-to-long haul aircraft, has another 15 of those and 10 of Airbus' new-generation A350 aircraft on order. So how?


2013-07-10 16:25 | Report Abuse

"AA X has just gotten out from losses, and their track record is quite short," said Ang Kok Heng, who helps manage the equivalent of $428 million as chief investment officer at Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd.

"Some fundies also don't like airline stocks as there are many risks involved, such as exposure to jet fuel prices volatility and terrorism," he said.

High costs have undone other long-haul carriers. Britain's Laker Airways, for example, flew between points in the UK and the USA but went bankrupt in 1982.

Hong Kong's Oasis flew to London and Vancouver, but it was grounded in 2008 after two years of massive losses.

There you go, folks!


2013-07-10 16:22 | Report Abuse

Folks, gearing up for a possible challenge from AA India, Gurgaon based low cost carrier IndiGo announced on Tuesday a considerable drop in fares for tickets booked three months in advance.

Other domestic carriers are already offering similar schemes on advance booking of tickets.

So how now, folks?


2013-07-10 16:11 | Report Abuse

Folks, earlier this month, Fernandes landed in hot water after he compared a short-lived tie-up with Japan's All Nippon Airways to "going to bed" with a "sexy woman" but finding it a "horrible experience" that required a quick divorce.

So whats next, folks? AA India? AA X? Well, investors have short memories!!!! Wakakakakakkakakakakakakak!!!!!!!


2013-07-10 16:03 | Report Abuse

Folks, last year Fernandes also ceased unprofitable London and Paris routes served by his long-haul unit AA X marking the first retreat for his fast-growing network.

Investors have short memories!! Let see who have the last laugh!! Wakakakakakakakakak!!!!!


2013-07-10 15:57 | Report Abuse

AA reported a 39 per cent dive in first-quarter profits in May and Fernandes' ownership of Queens Park Rangers football club in the English Premier League saw the team relegated despite his huge investments.

Investors have short memories, folks!

Anyway, my 2 weeks Europe holiday was sponsored by Bursa n you guys & gals. Tq folks!! Heheheheheheheheh!!!


2013-07-10 15:49 | Report Abuse

Folks, despite Fernandes' upbeat tone on AA India, there are questions about whether he has bitten off more than he can chew - especially in the wake of recent difficulties that have brought him a little closer to earth.

"I'm not so sure he is going to be able to fill up big jets flying into smaller cities - usually those routes are covered by (small) turboprops," Mahantesh Sabarad, a vice-president at India's Fortune Financial Services, said.

So how?


2013-06-28 16:58 | Report Abuse

Que sera sera! A great day! Tq for your understanding & happy investing, folks!


2013-06-28 14:40 | Report Abuse

Ok folks, over to you guys! Time to rock & roll!! Happy investing, folks! Hehehehehehehh!!


2013-06-28 14:36 | Report Abuse

Que sera sera! Remember folks, I don't look to jump over 7-foot bars: I look around for 1-foot bars that I can step over.



2013-06-28 11:46 | Report Abuse

Passengers file complaints over AA flight cancellations

View here, folks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=15ZzzhKVHTc


2013-06-28 11:20 | Report Abuse

Folks, AA Philippines is facing hundreds of complaints over sudden flight cancellations and schedule changes.

One of these passengers is Luz de Leon. Last October 2012, she booked a ticket to Singapore for next month, availing of an AA promo.

But in May 2013, she received an email notifying her that her return flight has been cancelled and rescheduled to a later date due to "operational considerations."

After rebooking her ticket to an earlier date, De Leon once again received a new email saying the flight has been cancelled due to "unforseen events."

Another passenger, Raymund Tungpalan, had the same experience, saying his flight was rescheduled due to "schedule realignment."

AA said they had scheduled aircraft maintenance that affected flight schedules in certain destinations.

The airline said if a passenger does not want to be rebooked, they can opt for a full refund or defer the use of ticket for later use.

But the Civil Aeronautics Board said airlines cannot just change flight schedules without seeking its approval.

Penalties amount to P5,000 per violation and P200 a day while the violation remains unsolved.

An online passenger complaint form is available through the CAB website. There are also hotlines for passenger complaints.

CAB said it has already received passenger complaints since January. Report from Zen Hernandez, ABS-CBN News 28/6/2013


2013-06-28 11:11 | Report Abuse

When buying, ask yourself, would you buy the whole company?

Remember folks, with 108 aircraft and 475 on order. Heheheheheheheh!!


2013-06-28 10:36 | Report Abuse

ANALYSTS are downbeat on the listing prospects of AA X, given past failures of long-haul lowcost carriers (LCCs) and intensifying competition.

Alliance Research Sdn Bhd aviation analyst Angeline Chin said: “Asian history of long haul LCCs is not good. The best example of failure is Oasis Hong Kong Airlines, which shut down within two years due to high fuel costs and fare price war.

“The business model of a long-haul LCC has not been proven profitable so far, as most of such set-ups are still relatively early in their business life cycles with huge capital expenditure requirements.

“Moreover, long haul LCCs are likely to be more exposed to an uncertain global economy as well as pandemics such as the recent SARS and H1N1 flu scares.”

She said other major airline groups in the region, particularly full service carriers, may feel compelled to set up their own longhaul budget subsidiaries to counter competition.

“Singapore’s newly-established Scoot would likely intensify the competition with AA X.”

But, AA X chief executive officer Azran Osman Rani is optimistic the planned initial public offer (IPO) would do well due to the company’s strong year-to-year performance.

“We are confident of the IPO and those who did not get the chance to participate in the AA Bhd’s listing will get the chance to be in the AA X IPO.”

At a media briefing organised by MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Bhd, he said the carrier expects to add seven more A380 planes this year — doubling its current capacity without adding any new routes.

“Our market is strongest here, contributed by the big customer base. Growth to see this year is Australia, China, Korea and Japan.”

Noting the earlier postponement of the budget carrier’s IPO, an MIDF Amanah analyst said the flotation could fly into some turbulence due to it being scheduled to commence after the general election.

While the final details have yet to be announced, the proposed IPO of which half would be used to repay bank borrowings and 21.5% for capital expenditure.

He said AA X should make sure its IPO shares aren’t priced too high, given the uncertainties postelection.

“It will take some time for the economy to recover once the new government is decided.”

Should the AA X share pricing not meet market expectations, he said “it won’t perform well then and it will be similar to what happened to Astro Malaysia Holdings, where its shares succumbed to selling pressure and ended its first day flat at RM3.

Chin also cautioned that should the AA X IPO not perform, the carrier would need to seek external funding, noting the airline already has plans to sell its first Islamic bonds this year, joining Emirates Airlines.

“AA X will likely seek external funding like selling its aircraft or consider leaseback arrangements.”


2013-06-28 10:29 | Report Abuse

When buying, ask yourself, would you buy the whole company?

Remember folks, with 108 aircraft and 475 on order.


2013-06-28 10:21 | Report Abuse

Folks, at this stage, there is nothing better for the Indian market (than) to have another competitor.

India is the litmus test they say in the western world. Unfortunately, I still feel AAA is unable to understand the challenges so far.

The ground understanding on the situation is still poor," said the foreign airline executive who declined to be identified.

He added that the Japan shutdown may put pressure on the India venture.

So how now, folks?


2013-06-28 10:04 | Report Abuse

AA India plans to launch this fiscal year once the home ministry grants security clearances, the aviation ministry gives a no-objection certificate and finally the aviation regulator, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation, gives it an airline licence.

Apart from the high costs, AA will have to compete with five major carriers IndiGo, Jet Airways (India) Ltd, Air India, SpiceJet Ltd and GoAir in place.

Remember folks, a staggering 475 aircraft yet to be delivered! Careful now as with the current high price local & foreign funds may be selling again!!


2013-06-28 09:58 | Report Abuse

Remember folks, AA is South-East Asia's biggest low-cost airline "with 108 aircraft and 475 on order".

Besides Malaysia operations, its units include Thai AiA, Indonesia AA and AA Philippines.

On Tuesday, it announced the termination of joint venture AA Japan, nearly one year after it was launched in partnership with ANA Holdings Inc.


2013-06-28 09:52 | Report Abuse

AirAsia Chief To Meet Indian Officials To Garner Support For Airline Venture!

The meetings with the state chief ministers could be aimed at seeking incentives for the airline which is known to connect locations usually disregarded by other carriers.

Taxes on fuel, among the highest in the world and accounting for 40-50% of an airline's costs, are a state subject.

"It is unlikely that taxes on fuels can be changed because states will not allow income from sales tax to dry up and the Central government has no financial muscle to compensate the states for the lost income," said Jitender Bhargava, former Air India executive director

Careful now, folks! EPF & Wellington are not the only local & foreign funds having interest with AA! Heheheheheheheh!!


2013-06-27 16:58 | Report Abuse

When buying shares, ask yourself, would you buy the whole company?

Happy Investing, folks!