
Bursalearner | Joined since 2018-04-05

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2018-05-10 12:00 | Report Abuse

Sabar, sabar, let them work it out .....

News & Blogs

2018-05-10 09:15 | Report Abuse

What can you expect from his team of Cash is King kakis ??

News & Blogs

2018-05-10 09:08 | Report Abuse

According to social media news, main reason for the Public holidays is not to celebrate.
It was to make sure no monetary transactions and/or nothing goes out of the country and no disposal of questionable assets or equities in the next four days.
The BN/Putrajaya govt offices BURSA are closed & no evidences tampered or destroyed ! See how experienced the new govt are..

News & Blogs

2018-05-10 09:03 | Report Abuse

you called for a down market after win , remember ? hahaha
no one really knows what's next, just assumptions, like GE14 experts here

News & Blogs

2018-05-10 07:39 | Report Abuse

from Malaysiakini :

I never imagined I would live to see this day

5.08am: (COMMENT) Syukur Alhamdulillah. Praise be to the Almighty for having answered our collective prayers and for having prevailed, to enable us to realise what we wanted to achieve. What seemed almost impossible has happened.

A new day has begun for our beloved Malaysia and Malaysians. A new chapter in our history has started to be written.

News & Blogs

2018-05-10 07:29 | Report Abuse

My id was actually 'diactivated' fromsending msgs by the 'powers to be' n restored when we get our second MERDEKA ! MERDEKA ! MERDEKA !


News & Blogs

2018-05-10 07:28 | Report Abuse

Let us learn from our mistakes and try to get it right this time, Thank You GOD , for a second chance !!!

News & Blogs

2018-05-10 07:27 | Report Abuse

Malaysia reclaimed back our dignity and pride today, thank you all !

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 15:31 | Report Abuse

Najib never say because he dare not say anything, caught red handed maa, hahaha...

You are same class as Arul Kanda, can smile and lie with big smile,..
'GoodCompanies' with Bugis Pirate ..
ok lah, only less than 1 day to go, spin,spin,spin...

GoodCompanies Bursalearner,
Najib never say the amount. He said he received donation, and have not use any for personal gain. Can you ask your Tun ikrar and sumpah saying so? Trylah. The account in ambank wasn't his account. This is stated in DOJ document. Have you read it?
08/05/2018 15:31

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 14:53 | Report Abuse

@Beza PH supporters seem emotional to you because they care very much n long for for a better Malaysia for everyone.
No one can force you to do what you dont want, pls be reasonable, you are a big boy maa...

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 14:50 | Report Abuse

Yes, cannot be overconfident, agree not easy to win, with an SPR that worries . Just an encouragement for everyone to come out to vote and make this long awaited hope come true !

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 14:40 | Report Abuse

@Ezobear if you keep thinking like this, you only tie yourself in knots, the rakyat wants solutions, not finger pointing.
The corruption culture is ingrained in our political system and need some time to completely eradicate. Just like smoking habit, need time to giv up.
PH culture n stand, we do not tolerate corruption, if got proof, will take action. Not like BN culture, accept corruption.

Tun M got contribute lots of good things to Malaysia, Najib only bring the worst of everything, anything he touch turn to dust/spoilt,
pls be honest with yourself...

Ezobear Vote BN = safe Najib; Vote PH = Safe Mathathir ..... none of them can safe malaysia .... as simple as that
08/05/2018 14:40

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 13:45 | Report Abuse

@Leno Yes !! May the WILL of the rakyat and hopes for a better future for all prevail...

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 12:57 | Report Abuse

kes bungalow di Mahkamah maa, akan bicara nanti, sabar maa

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 12:56 | Report Abuse

@GoodCompanies & speakers for BN in this forum

Cukup lah, jangan masih mahu menegakkan benang yg basah lagi.

Najib nice guy ?? You must be joking ! mengapa dia mahu hukum wanita muda yg hanya hantar msg di belon ?

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 12:52 | Report Abuse


Najib sendiri akui ada duit RM2.6 billion a/c dia d AMBANK maa..
duit tu link back to 1MDB (duit rakyat maa) apa bukti lagi mahu ??

Siapa ada cakap remove GST akan increase income tax ? jangan cuba pandai-pandai maa

Duit jimat dari corruption yg berbillion-billion, cukup utk bayar keperluan negara.
You tak nampak kah, menteri-menteri kita kaya-raya, kereta mewah banyak. mana duit tu datang ?

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 12:11 | Report Abuse


you budak baru main saham kah ? Naik/turun pun bole untung maa..
Turun besar-besar, peluang emas dpt duit ooh ...

Posted by AzerothJr > May 8, 2018 12:06 PM | Report Abuse

Nanti PH menang cuti dapat 3 hari tapi buka Bursa HY drop 30% pulak mampus la.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2018-05-08 11:57 | Report Abuse

silly reason to support BN bcause of stuck in BN counter. los today can win back tmrw maa..

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 11:53 | Report Abuse

@GoodCompanies and those still want to speak for BN at this forum

Do you notice,

- no former ministers in Najib's gang is actively speaking out for Najib ? all quiet like a mouse.
- none of his ministers dare to defend Najib on rm2.6 billion issue
- all of them keep quiet on GST
- no major big crowds so far in BN's campaign unlike PH 's ceramah, has thousands in attendance, even in the rain
- none of BN top guns show any confidence, look at their solemn faces
- former top guns already start to flee from UMNO
- UMNO itself is no longer a legal society, under Najib
- Pakatan Harapan ceramahs are full of people, with confidence that Change is at hand, Najib & BN will be defeated, the Rakyat will win

You are all smart people,you know in your hearts, BIG CHANGE is coming on wed. 9th May, 2018.

Pls activate your Plan B now and join us to vote for Pakatan Harapan.
Pakatan Harapan need to win by huge majority, to prevent frauds by the referee.

Pls stop all your nonsense hujah-hujah now. It will be too late when the results come in n then you start to sing a different tune. You all will be cast as the konco-konco Najib,yg Pembohong,Perompak,Penakut.

Kami pilih PH sbb mahu rebut balik MARUAH NEGARA yg sudah kian lama tercemar oleh PM yg curi duit negara dan tak hirau langsung undang-undang negara. Kini, parti dia sendiri sudah dikhainati.
Kami mahu sebuah kerajaan yg bekerja kuat untuk kebaikan rakyat, pemimpin yg tidak corupt, dan hormati undang-undang negara.
Kami mahu negara yg beri masa depan cerah untuk anak cucu kami.

Pls join us to give Pakatan Harapan 5 years to bring good changes for our beloved country, Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2018-05-08 07:26 | Report Abuse

@izoklse n BN cybertroopers

Its a lost cause, my friends, Bugis Pirate ship is sinking fast, pls abandon ship now and join us to reclaim Malaysia's dignity, to put this crook out of business.
Jangan nak cuba menegakkan benang basah lagi..
Jangan macam Najib yang masih tak nampak, orang Melayu sendiri sudah bosan dan muak dgn dosa dosa dia yang pembohong, perompak,,penakut...
Anyone can be holier than a 'kleptocrat', Rafidah tells Najib


News & Blogs

2018-05-08 07:09 | Report Abuse

@izoklse n BN cybertroopers

Its a lost cause, my friends, Bugis Pirate ship is sinking fast, pls abandon ship now and join us to reclaim Malaysia's dignity, to put this crook out of business.
Jangan nak cuba menegakkan benang basah lagi..
Jangan macam Najib yang masih tak nampak, orang Melayu sendiri sudah bosan dan muak dgn dosa dosa dia yang pembohong, perompak,,pengakut...

Anyone can be holier than a 'kleptocrat', Rafidah tells Najib


News & Blogs

2018-05-07 23:33 | Report Abuse

Najib: No Malays at Harapan rallies, only DAP supporters

the state of mind of Najib Tun Razak, is now a worrying factor. He sees what he want to see and not what is actual facts.
So, when he loses the elections, he will insist he won ??

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 23:27 | Report Abuse

but right time to add stimulus to Tsunami Rakyat ..

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 23:23 | Report Abuse

Malaysia-singapore can compare to China-Hong Kong in the 80s. Now China is economic powerhouse, far exceed HK.
If PH win, given time, Malaysia should far exceed Singapore, if corruption is minimised, at least Rm1-Sg1 is not a distant dream under PH, given time.

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 23:17 | Report Abuse

@izoklse still work so hard, tmrw last day ah ? but your source (malayia-today) is discredited one, Raja Petra Kamarudin everyone knows spin,spin,spin for UMNO.

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 21:35 | Report Abuse

@ KC3255CK
The crucial question on the eve of GE14 - "Are we all better off?"

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 21:28 | Report Abuse

@anonymous i think all have decided who to vote for on Wed.
Whatever you or i say will not change I3 members mind, so can we relax ah ?
Can we agree to let the WILL of the people to prevail and wish for a peaceful and smooth elections ? All the best to you too.

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 21:18 | Report Abuse

Rafidah: Sacked from Umno? I'm not member of kleptocratic organisation

The very spirit, culture and embodiment of today's Umno have strayed so far off-tangent from the original Umno, before this present cohort of so-called leaders.

It seems now to be all about personal loyalty, a materialistic culture often driven by greed for power and personal enrichment, and not about serving the people and nation.

"Humility, good manners and mutual respect have been replaced by arrogance," she said.

Rafidah said that the current Umno has even refused to abide by its own constitution.

"Umno does not even abide by its own constitution and is existing without legal foundation and standing.

"Do I still want to be a member of such an organisation, which also seem to condone kleptocracy? No way," she said.

Rafidah was referring to Umno's decision to postpone its polls by 18 months in 2016, which deadline expired on April 20.

However, the Registrar of Societies provided Umno further extension even though it was not provided for in the Umno constitution.

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 21:10 | Report Abuse

the UMNO culture, anyway UMNO is now no longer a legal political party, thanks to Bugis Pirate, who was so scared to hold party elections until he violated their own Constitution, expired last April (19?)

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 20:47 | Report Abuse

the WILL of the Rakyat , long awaited hopes and prayers of every decent Malaysian, for a breakthrough CHANGE in GE14, will prevail !!

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 20:40 | Report Abuse

Yes, cannot be overconfident, agree not easy to win, with an SPR that worries . Just an encouragement for everyone to come out to vote and make this long awaited hope come true !

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 20:25 | Report Abuse


Politics | May 7, 2018 by | 0 Comments
Fall of the titans – Invoke predicts Hisham, big heads to roll

Also on the chopping block, according to Invoke, are the MCA president, his deputy and MIC’s president.

Apart from predicting a slim victory for Pakatan Harapan, Invoke Malaysia also claimed that big heads would roll in Wednesday’s general election.

According to the group, Johor Umno stalwarts’ heads are among those on the chopping block and this included Umno vice-president Hishammuddin Hussein.

Hishammuddin, who is also caretaker prime minister Najib Abdul Razak’s cousin, would be defending his Sembrong seat.

Others on the list are caretaker Johor menteri besar Mohd Khaled Nordin (Pasir Gudang), Shahrir Abdul Samad (Johor Bahru) and Ahmad Maslan (Pontian).
On the BN front, Invoke claimed MCA would lose both its number one and number two – Liow Tiong Lai (Bentong) and Wee Ka Siong (Ayer Hitam).

MIC president Dr S Subramaniam, who would be defending his Segamat seat, is also expected to be shown the exit.

Invoke’s findings are based on its latest voter inclination modeling exercise and survey results for Peninsula Malaysia.

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 19:52 | Report Abuse

By now, all I3 knows this Papaya Juice, just wants to be in the news,only can write rubbish political views, which he will clean up soon after.
He claim to have political awareness but is now safely overseas until the election is over.
Have an enjoyable holiday ya, Papaya Juice, no worries lah, BN will sweep everything, as you had expected

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 17:21 | Report Abuse

Invoke predicts slim win for Harapan, wipeout for PAS
Published on Today 4:43 pm | Modified on Today 5:15 pm

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 17:20 | Report Abuse

Invoke predicts slim win for Harapan, wipeout for PAS
Published on Today 4:43 pm | Modified on Today 5:15 pm

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 17:07 | Report Abuse

just my comments n opinion, did i accuse you ? jangan ambil hati lah..
i leave this forum to you n your team..thank you

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 17:04 | Report Abuse

to all forumers, pls be sabar with the paid BN cybertroopers/bloggers, only 2 days left for them to do their job...

guess, if cant convince, just try to confuse with tons of history, n repeat,repeat,repeat to make it stick,

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 16:55 | Report Abuse

“Setakat ini, Hadi belum menang apa-apa kecuali jaminan perbicaraan penuh yang akan mengkaji setiap perincial hubungan PAS dengan Umno bermula sekarang hingga April tahun depan,” kata laman web berkenaan.

Tambah Sarawak Report lagi, Rewcastle-Brown sudah memohon kepada mahkamah untuk mengkaji semula pembelaannya susulan bukti baru yang dikemukakan dan diarahkan membayar £40,000 (RM215,867) untuk kos guaman Abdul Hadi untuk itu.

Posted by GoodCompanies > May 7, 2018 04:45 PM | Report Abuse

Bursalearner, the judge already ruled. You read or not the judgment? I am not prejudging, it is base on the strike out. You know or not what a strike out means?

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 16:40 | Report Abuse

@GoodCompanies full trial start in April nxt year, pls dont prejudge, you are not the judge lah..

News & Blogs

2018-05-07 16:37 | Report Abuse

RM 2.6 billion in Najib’s accounts

WSJ exposed the case, relying on documents related to the 1MDB investigations. A month after the expose, MACC said the money deposited into Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s accounts did not come from 1MDB or its related companies but a member of the Saudi Arabian royal family.

Members of Najib’s administration said the donation was to help Malaysia fight Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (Isis) militants.

MACC and Home Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi even met the donor to confirm that the funds came from him.

Attorney-General Tan Sri Apandi Ali said there was insufficient evidence to charge Najib with any wrongdoing over the donation. On Feb 6, Apandi said the funds were from a son of the late Saudi king.


News & Blogs

2018-05-07 16:21 | Report Abuse

@GoodCompanies V. good spin job ! only 2 days left, then need to get new job, so, can understand why you want a good resume...

full trial in April nxt year maa..

Saman Presiden PAS Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang terhadap editor Sarawak Report Clare Rewcastle-Brown di London akan didengar pada April tahun depan.

Sarawak Report melalui kenyataan di laman webnya, menafikan dakwaan saman itu telah dimenangi Abdul Hadi.

“Sekiranya penyokong PAS mendakwa ‘Hadi telah menang’ sebarang aspek kes berkenaan, pemimpin mereka perlu faham bahawa ia baru saja bermula.

“Setakat ini, Hadi belum menang apa-apa kecuali jaminan perbicaraan penuh yang akan mengkaji setiap perincial hubungan PAS dengan Umno bermula sekarang hingga April tahun depan,” kata laman web berkenaan.

Tambah Sarawak Report lagi, Rewcastle-Brown sudah memohon kepada mahkamah untuk mengkaji semula pembelaannya susulan bukti baru yang dikemukakan dan diarahkan membayar £40,000 (RM215,867) untuk kos guaman Abdul Hadi untuk itu.

Posted by GoodCompanies > May 7, 2018 04:02 PM | Report Abuse

leno, what you said is not correct. PM never say the amount of the donation.
This evidence comes from Swak report in 2015. Which, now have been discredited in the court of law in London. They claimed mountain of evidence for PAS receiving money from Umno, but when asked to show the evidence, apa pun tarak. So samalah ngan duit billion tu, it is a figment of their imagination. Swak report have great chance to show all the evidence. Apparently not!


2018-05-07 15:37 | Report Abuse

Yes, can buy by stages..