
CharlesT | Joined since 2016-09-27

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2021-06-26 12:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by CharlesT > Jun 26, 2021 12:31 PM | Report Abuse X

Or maybe u just give me yr bank ac details n i pay u for the damage in yr reputation?

Hope the above request for yr bank details is not malicious to u lah

just try to save u n yr lawyer's time n need to check IP no need to send demand letter


2021-06-26 12:32 | Report Abuse

Both u n yr lawyer no need to work money will come in


2021-06-26 12:31 | Report Abuse

Or maybe u just give me yr bank ac details n i pay u for the damage in yr reputation?

Easier right?


2021-06-26 12:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by pjseow > Jun 26, 2021 12:29 PM | Report Abuse

Charles T , I need your and address so that my lawyer can serve you a defamation summon properly .

Yr lawyer can do all this lah...aiyo dont find excuse lah


2021-06-26 12:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by GlovesOff > Jun 26, 2021 12:28 PM | Report Abuse

or sue dsst for not supporting/sbb the depressing share price

the petition template is there, you've so many fans here, start a "justice for pjseow losses"


I may sponsor RM1 to the campaign. Keep it up!!


2021-06-26 12:28 | Report Abuse

Dont keep on polluting this threads. Nobody wanna read all these rubbish

Just sue me. Period


2021-06-26 12:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by Citadel9999 > Jun 26, 2021 12:25 PM | Report Abuse

cannot understand the logic behind, I guess pjseow just simply fattanzai .ya lor why don't u sue those IB? why

U know I know lah....oldman with high ego


2021-06-26 12:25 | Report Abuse

1.You are such a low class liar who tried to show off you are better than others but actually you are nothing more than a despicable and psychotic person .

2. I die die dont believe he only suffer 25% paper loss

Can discuss with lawyer to see which one is more malicious n higher winning chance


2021-06-26 12:22 | Report Abuse

remember to take yr HB pills lah.......dont be so mad n emotional

U curse me 1000 times again i also no feel one


2021-06-26 12:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by CharlesT > Jun 26, 2021 12:20 PM | Report Abuse X

Posted by Citadel9999 > Jun 26, 2021 12:13 PM | Report Abuse

pjseow u should sue bursa, not Charles, ask bursa and SC for compensation because it made u loss money

Can sue IBs as well....especially the one fm AffinHwang who predicted TG may touch RM100

Dont let the music stops


2021-06-26 12:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by pjseow > Jun 26, 2021 12:19 PM | Report Abuse

Charles T , enough of boosting and talking kok lah . Dont think that you are that great . Your double standard and hypocritic action speak volume about yourself lah. You are such a mean , psychotic and crazy person of asking peoples to show their PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL documents to just to confirm that they are not liar but you yourself refuse to do the same when others ask you to do the same . You are such a low class liar who tried to show off you are better than others but actually you are nothing more than a despicable and psychotic person .

Keep a record first on yr malicious contents...who know......


2021-06-26 12:18 | Report Abuse

For others pls pardon on all these bullshits...pjseow continues to drag n i will always happly to response so

Even though i think this bullshit is being dragged too long


2021-06-26 12:17 | Report Abuse

Dont play play in I3

Now everyone can sue or can be sued


2021-06-26 12:15 | Report Abuse

Of can i counter sue back on pjseow as he claimed i am "Unethical , Pscyhotic , Mean , Malicious and Immoral"

Seems lawyer will have good biz during this FMCO


2021-06-26 12:14 | Report Abuse

Posted by pjseow > Jun 26, 2021 12:12 PM | Report Abuse

Charles T , it is not a question of win or lose. I already admitted paper losses but you are the one who started the fight by claiming I.lost more by requesting for screenshot of my portfolio.

"Claiming u lose more"

Is this deemed as Unethical , Pscyhotic , Mean , Malicious and Immoral?

How's the probability of winning the court case? Better consult yr lawyer


2021-06-26 12:12 | Report Abuse

Mayb can ask for millions of RM compensation...

can cover yr 25% losses n make some extra income


2021-06-26 12:09 | Report Abuse

Lawyer can easily check fm my IP for my details u dont want to worry


2021-06-26 12:08 | Report Abuse

Initially only a few hundreds RM for issuing a demand letter

later court case cost more lah


2021-06-26 12:07 | Report Abuse

If not u are a bloody liar


2021-06-26 12:06 | Report Abuse

Appoint a lawyer lah...dont waste yr time talk cock n threating me here

I really very scare


2021-06-26 12:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by pjseow > Jun 26, 2021 12:02 PM | Report Abuse

Charles T , Then.why dont you show me your proof ? No balls to show the truth that you lose big time in

Ok lah Ok lah I lose more than U in Supermax lah i lose 70%... more than yr 25%

Can sleep better ah tonight


2021-06-26 12:02 | Report Abuse

If i refused to screenshot my portfolio here I am a big liar

If u refused to screenshot yr 25% paper loss here I am mean n psyhco

U win all liao loh

Wala head is pening on yr logic


2021-06-26 12:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by pjseow > Jun 26, 2021 11:56 AM | Report Abuse

Charles T , your are a big liar and hypocrite who dare not show your screenshots of your portfolios . Just because you lost more , you expect others to have similar losses like you . THis is your evil intention . I have never talked bad about you and I never provoke you with nasty messages . I cant think of your any other intention unless you really lost big in stock investment and expect others to lose the same as you .
Based on your twisted logic , Your refusal to screenshot your portfolios is admission of being a big liar .

Ya lah ya lah i also lose badly suffering 25% paper loss like u lah

Dont be so upset u r not alone


2021-06-26 11:59 | Report Abuse

Philip showed his proof n we said sorry n keep our mouth shut

He is man n gentleman lah

unlike some oldman who threatens to sue when somebody doubted his remarks here


2021-06-26 11:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by Citadel9999 > Jun 26, 2021 11:56 AM | Report Abuse

I realized pjseow is a real tin kosong, abit too late. wasted my time and energy arguing with him.

Just and oldman with high ego n talk a lot on paper theories n burnt hard in Supermax n Jaks etc

Kesian also lah


2021-06-26 11:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by pjseow > Jun 26, 2021 11:50 AM | Report Abuse

Charles T , If you got balls , give me your full name and address .

check yrself lah. n appoint a laywer few hundred RM only

talk here till 10 years nothing will happen also


2021-06-26 11:49 | Report Abuse

appoint a lawyer check my IP

Awaiting yr love letter


2021-06-26 11:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by pjseow > Jun 26, 2021 11:39 AM | Report Abuse

GloveOff , Yes , filing a writ of summon on defamation is my last resort . I still give him chance to apologize properly for his baseless accusation without any basis . I want to send a strong deterrent so that he will not use his Despicable Maxim of " Guilty until proven Innocence" to others . I have gave him enough analogy for him to understand the Unethical , Pscyhotic , Mean , Malicious and Immoral Request of P and C portfolios to show proof of not lying as the most despicable request .
He seems to take pride that when he despicably request Philip to expose his portfolio from Philip , he can just say sorry and case closed . He dont even know the damages done when forcing peoples to reveal their " private property" be it documents , body or any other things. Only psychotic , malicious and unethical people will do such despicable request .
The damages done with his malicious intent are sufficient for me to charge him for defamation .

Requesting u to show yr proof on yr so called 25% paper loss is Unethical , Pscyhotic , Mean , Malicious and Immoral Request?????\\

Walau A...oldman so angry trying to find scapegoats on his loss on shares ah...

Sounds very scary n serious loh


2021-06-26 11:44 | Report Abuse

Posting a lot of threating messages for what leh i very scare


2021-06-26 11:43 | Report Abuse

U r most wellcomed


2021-06-26 11:42 | Report Abuse

Pjseow can show yr real name or ic ah?

Come sue me


2021-06-26 09:43 | Report Abuse

Stockraider read properly lah

Dont simply talk cock just for the sake of talking cock


2021-06-26 09:39 | Report Abuse

I dare not say serbak will 100% close shop...

But as long as EPF n other big boys r selling continuously there is hardly any chance of rebound in short term

Let them continue to sell n c how it can drop further

Once they hv done the selling i may buy some to punt...who knowe


2021-06-26 09:35 | Report Abuse

Downtrending stocks is the not the end of the world as long as fundemental is still ok..

However, downtrending stocks with possible frauds is a different issue..

In most cases this co will be ended delisted..

So dont think its cheap even it has dropped more than 70%...

Cheap can become


2021-06-26 09:32 | Report Abuse

Limit down is rm0.30 n not 30% for stocks below rm1.00


2021-06-26 07:58 | Report Abuse

If Philip listens to my noble advice on 02 June n cut his Karim shares he could have save RM1M+ easily

Anyway still not too late now lah


2021-06-26 07:56 | Report Abuse

CharlesT Last year Philip never listen to my advice in glove party so he suffers tens of millions of opportunity loss

This round c whether he can save millions RM of loss or not
05/06/2021 10:14 AM
CharlesT Mayb his ego worths more than millions of RM leh
05/06/2021 10:15 AM

CharlesT His QL won my mnrb lah...owe him a abalone bakuteh

So i gave him my advice on Serbak hoping can save him milions of RM instead...
05/06/2021 11:00 AM


2021-06-26 07:52 | Report Abuse

CharlesT QL vs MNRB Philip 1 CharlesT 0
Glove Philip 0 CharlesT 1
Karim ????????????????????

02/06/2021 7:04 PM

Seems can fill in the results for Karim soon...

Philip ( buy what you understand) If you message me on telegram I can send you the full prospectus and the Morgan Stanley bid prices. I don't know how to do it over i3.
03/06/2021 9:39 AM

CharlesT I went thru all the info i found n shared here i better put my money under my pillow
03/06/2021 9:42 AM


2021-06-25 19:26 | Report Abuse

Think positively, at least nobody screw KPMG junior auditors today

News & Blogs

2021-06-25 19:12 | Report Abuse

To be fair, Kpower doesnt hv dubious contracts fm Middle East....unlike Serbak n SCIB


2021-06-25 17:18 | Report Abuse

Robert still alive ah?


2021-06-25 16:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by Windy1974 > Jun 25, 2021 4:54 PM | Report Abuse

CharlesT. I am the latest water fish at 0.425 haha.
Not Genting casino so SD casino lo haha.
Manageable losses
I made first 2 rounds but lose in third round...cut loss ytd\

But still make some chicken rice lah


2021-06-25 16:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by rr88 > Jun 25, 2021 4:54 PM | Report Abuse

Forty-one. I lost 2.5 cents but i saved myself 3 cents. Cut yr losses short, let yr profit runs. Ada paham ka?? Where it goes from here does not matter. I go in. Hit my cut loss point. I got out. Bcause im a pro. Ada paham ka??

Actually its pro....just that u picked the shit stock to trade only


2021-06-25 16:51 | Report Abuse

hope dont have new batch of waterfish try to catch this falling knive

We have seen enough of them last few weeks..


2021-06-25 16:48 | Report Abuse

0.80+ record low in Mac or Apr 2020 shall be solid lah


2021-06-25 16:48 | Report Abuse

if no bomb inside like Serbak then ok lah

or else difficult to tell how low it can go


2021-06-25 16:43 | Report Abuse



2021-06-25 16:37 | Report Abuse

today nobody make money fm their trades here


2021-06-25 16:31 | Report Abuse

mega sales time most stocks drop

cheap becomes cheaper