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Cheong88 | Joined since 2020-03-14 09:29:37

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2021-11-30 18:56 | Report Abuse

"The Malaysian operations have been restarted. Productivity is being increased following a 3.5-month suspension of operations from 1 June to 10 September 2021 due to movement control restrictions. Meanwhile, management indicated that the Vietnam operations may incur a loss in 4Q21 due to the suspension of the manufacturing plant since 19 July 2021. This is due to the Vietnamese government's implementation of movement restriction measures to contain
the Covid-19 outbreak. Meanwhile, the group has applied for wage subsidies covering up to 75% of the basic salary of its Vietnam employees. At this point, all its workers in Malaysia have been vaccinated. In Vietnam, 90% of workers
had completed the first dose. "

From TA securities on 8 Oct 2021.


2021-11-24 06:40 | Report Abuse

A. “Cukai Makmur”
This is a special one-off tax for Malaysian companies for YA2022. The first RM100 million of taxable earnings will be taxed at 24%
while the remainder will be taxed at 33%.
Preliminary impact assessment: None.

B. “Foreign Source Income (FSI)”
FSI received in Malaysia from 1 Jan 2022 until 30 June 2022 (transition period) will be taxed at 3% on a gross basis. FSI received
in Malaysia from 1 July 2022 onwards would be subject to tax based on the prevailing income tax rate (currently 24%).
Preliminary impact assessment
1. Dividends repatriated from overseas subsidiaries on and after 1 January 2022 will be subject to income tax.
2. Availability of DTA relief.
2. Management is still in the midst of engagement with tax consultants and lawyers on available options.

Short term mitigating measures:
1. Maximise dividend repatriation before the end of 2021.
2. Minimise future dividend repatriation from overseas subsidiaries on “need-to” basis


2021-09-16 18:43 | Report Abuse

Ur calculation has not included the bonus issues.
Bonus 1:1 on 2/8. NTA=1.95/2. P/B now around 1.3.
Dividen yield based on 7 sen last year (7/2=3.5), 0.035/1.3 is only 2.7%.


2020-11-24 20:37 | Report Abuse

Praisethankyou, dividen usually declared on December. As for now, no announcement yet.


2020-11-24 20:31 | Report Abuse

Slowly recovering.

Gross earned contribution (20Q3) from family takaful increased from 275 million (20Q2) to 483 million (but still less compared to 19Q3-543 million)


2020-11-20 12:48 | Report Abuse

Abdullah 53
"B9. Dividends
(a) A final single-tier dividend of 6.0 sen per ordinary share for the financial year
ended 31 December 2019 amounting to RM28,420,725 was paid on 25 August
2020 and has been included as a liability in these financial statements.
(b) The Board has declared an interim single-tier dividend of 6.0 sen per ordinary
share in respect of the financial year ending 31 December 2020 to be paid on 2
December 2020 based on shareholders registered on 25 November 2020 . This
dividend has not been included as a liability in these financial statements; and
(c) The total dividend declared to-date for the current financial year is 6.0 sen (30
September 2019: nil) per ordinary share. "


2020-11-13 17:35 | Report Abuse


The company website will have the information you need.
You can listen to BFM 89.9.

*but I don't own this stock*

News & Blogs

2020-11-12 18:07 | Report Abuse

If another round of moratorium, does it translate into another modification loss?
Any expert here?


2020-11-10 18:05 | Report Abuse

Outperform. plus 6 sen dividen.


2020-10-27 17:58 | Report Abuse

"(b). Prospects
Atrium USJ-Block B
The tenant, CJ Century Logistics Sdn Bhd (“CJ Century”) has informed the Manager that they have
changed their plan and will be renewing the tenancy which is expiring on 31 December 2020. The
Manager is in the midst of negotiating with CJ Century on the renewal terms. In the meantime, the
Manager will continue to market the space through agents pending the finalization of the renewal terms with CJ Century

Atrium Puchong
The tenant, FM Global Logistics (M) Sdn Bhd (“FM”), has informed the Manager that they will not be renewing the tenancy which is expiring on 31 January 2021. The Manager has secured a new tenant, Lazada Express (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (“Lazada”) to take over the whole premises. The new tenancy commenced on 1 October 2020 after FM agreed to early handover the premises to Lazada in phases. The new tenancy is for a tenure of 3 years with option to renew for another 2 years.
The occupancy rate for the Trust’s portfolio of properties as at 30 September 2020 was 100% and the

Manager expects the Trust’s portfolio of properties to maintain 100% occupancy for the remaining of the financial year.
The Manager expects the Trust’s performance to be sustainable for this financial year with the full year contribution from Atrium Bayan Lepas 2 which was acquired on 7 October 2019, and the positive contribution from the acquisition of Lumileds Plant 1 which was completed on 22 October 2020. "

Does anyone here know how much potential revenue and profit can be generated from lumiled plant 1?


2020-10-05 19:08 | Report Abuse

Prospect looks great. (5G is a eventuality and IOT)
But I'm worry to enter due to spectrum impairment and delay of 5G (at least up to next year)

"The Government's impending plan to change the spectrum allocation policy may affect the business performance of the Group going forward.
The Board is closely monitoring the development. The financial impact is RM3.08 million per quarter and the spectrum value will be
amortised until December 2021 (refer to Note B7)."
Based on 20Q3.

News & Blogs

2020-09-25 07:51 | Report Abuse

Pls read through the QR properly.
20Q4 has one off huge amount of disposal gain. Hence 16 sen dividen.
21Q1 all segment report reducing revenue following disposal of subsidiaries.


2020-09-08 21:52 | Report Abuse

Bonus shares should be in ur account started yesterday provided u bought the share prior to 3rd sept.

Anyway, the share price now is down 10% after bonus share given. (bear in mind, bonus share didn't change the overall value of the share, u get 2x amount, but share price divided by half)

If u believe in the fundamental of this company, it would be even better buy now as compared to prior bonus.

To me,
2nd Qr shown improvement compared to 1st QR despite MCO.

I expect a better result of 3rd Q compared 2nd Q as palm oil price now is higher compared to 2nd Q, and hopefully some recovery in manufacturing segment.

Current price=0.675
1st Q:EPS: 1.4 sen (should be 0.7 sen now given bonus 1:1)
2nd Q: EPS: 4.17 sen (should be 2.08 sen now )
if they can maintain at 2.08 sen per Q for the remaining 2 Q,
Total EPS: 0.7+2.08+2.08+2.08=6.94 sen
Forward PE <10 (if we assume no increment of EPS per Q despite relaxation of MCO)--which I think a bit unlikely given higher palm oil price.

However, one thing to take note is that, MBL investment holding segment for 1st and 2nd QR is losing money. Will this segment continue to make lose? (I found MBL investment target (FIHB and CCB) a bit weird as compared to usual ppl choice).

Overall, it is a growing net cash company based on past record.

Not buy or sell call.
Read and analyse urself.
Above just personal opinion.


2020-08-21 18:58 | Report Abuse

Agreed. Below expectation. But, not like very very bad either.

EPS: 3.14 sen
Let say the remaining 4 qr remain poor (as bad as during MCO time), it would be 12.56 sen.
With current price, PE around 16 (taking EPS of 12.56).

In prospects,
'Malaysia is still under the rules of the MCO albeit with much relaxed SOPs compared to the first two phases from 18 March 2020 to 9 June 2020. The communities have started getting back to their daily activities prior to the start of the MCO. The Group is able to operate and function without much disruption, orders from and deliveries to customers are slowly resuming as customers who were affected by lockdowns in other countries are slowly easing back to a new normal. '

Let see how market value it on monday.


2020-08-19 05:18 | Report Abuse

Thanks for the info.


2020-08-18 18:26 | Report Abuse

Can I ask something?
Will the bonus issues affect warrant in anyway?

News & Blogs

2020-08-16 10:28 | Report Abuse

From 0.2 to 1.2 (over 18 months).
But no one mention the price drop from 1.2 to <0.6 in a year after pandemic over (until it climbs up back during MERS outbreak in 2012).

Question is, every one will say they will run before pandemic over. Then who will be the greater fool to collect all the ticket.

While it is too early to say gloves bull is over, but always be careful when u chase high.


2020-08-14 20:26 | Report Abuse

I see. Thanks for pointing that out.


2020-08-14 19:38 | Report Abuse

Based on GDP, palm oil counter has increment of 7.5%.
Hopefully it can deliver a better result compared to Q1.
71 million x 1.075= 76.3 million, EPS=13.3 sen (*hopefully*)


2020-08-13 17:43 | Report Abuse

Monthly production figures for SOP:
Jan 2020
FFB 97,494

Feb 2020
FFB 94,091

March 2020
FFB 102,082

April 2020
FFB 107,627

May 2020
FFB 113,066

June 2020
FFB 123,951

EPS on Jan -Mar 2020: 12.47 sen

Taking consideration of reduced price on April and May, (https://markets.businessinsider.com/commodities/palm-oil-price), with the increment of production, i think it can offset the price reduction.

I think the coming QR should be as good as Jan- Mar (like what happened in united plantation)

Another hopeful thing is that Malaysia palm oil export is still increasing.

If the coming QR is about the same with Jan-Mar, PE would be very much lower compared to others in the plantation sector.


2020-08-12 20:35 | Report Abuse

Just make it simple.
I have no doubt the next few QR of supermax will be excellent.
However, there will be a time of supply will be able to meet demand,
Most analyst will say it will take at least 2 year.

Just simple assumption:
Let say supermax able to get 50 sen per share/quarter (RM 2 in a year) and this last for 2 year.
Total is RM4 per share for 2 year.
Just assume supermax boss is very good, he give u all the profit. (which mean u get RM4)

Current price is RM18.88.
if we minus RM4, it will be around 14.

Next question to ask, are u willing to buy the share at RM 14.00 2 year from now?
If u r still willing to buy (when there is possibilities supply=demand) at the cost of RM14 2 year from now, then u can continue to buy at this price.
If u r not, then ask urself at what price u should only consider buying

News & Blogs

2020-08-05 22:15 | Report Abuse

"....announced ratio was one doctor to every 454 people in the country..."
This is true only if private and government healthcare sector receive proportional number of patients, which is most likely not the case in Malaysia.
I would say majority of ppl are going to government hospital/clinic due to financial constraint.
If u had been in emergency department of government and private hospital, u will see a huge difference in the amount of patients.


2020-07-26 19:28 | Report Abuse

Short term wise, I don't think the share price will jump too much.
Cause expecting Q2 will be bad.

If u had red through the management discussion and analysis, they had mentioned their business had affected during MCO.

"Despite being an essential industry and required to continue operations during the pandemic, the Group’s business has been affected particularly as our corporate clients, our restaurant customers and other food businesses experience sluggish or even no demand.

The Group had planned to open 2 supermarkets in the second quarter of 2020, one in Kuching and one in Kota Kinabalu. However, with the growing uncertainties, the Group will now proceed with the planned projects once the situation has stabilised."

However, if u plan to keep for long term, it shouldn't be a problem.


2020-07-23 05:08 | Report Abuse

I sense something fishy when I'm looking at the shareholding changes.


2020-07-17 17:56 | Report Abuse

Agreed with Xcalibre.
Personally, I think pharmaniaga should consider reduce the dividen to conserve more cash(to pay the borrowing)
Looking at the past record, they had been paying dividen that is too high (sometimes more than earning), which is not sustainable. May be can consider bonus instead to allow more liquidity since 80% of the fund are hold by top30 shareholder.
If they can manage the cash flow better, it will definitely a great company to invest into.
Forwardly looking, at this covid period, if covid worsening, they will benefit from distribution and logistic division by distributing hospital need.
If vaccine came out, they will also benefit from it.