
Cupcakes69 | Joined since 2019-04-10

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News & Blogs

2022-06-17 00:11 | Report Abuse


Chinese news media are accessible outside of China, even in the US. They not very popular because Chinese news media will only talk good about China, which you yourself admit to.

News & Blogs

2022-06-17 00:08 | Report Abuse


you, sslee, and mach10 drunk on Chinese news media, which you yourself said is bias. Lol.

News & Blogs

2022-06-17 00:06 | Report Abuse


What's your point? If US did it, so China can too? You are not only politically ignorant, but also mentally backwards.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 23:54 | Report Abuse


Go live in China lah traitor, if you think NEP is bad, wait till you see how well the CCP's Hukou system treats you.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 23:52 | Report Abuse


Fighting for our rights to oil resources near Bintulu is fighting for American hegemony?? Your logic down the drain already lah. You really are a useful idi*t to CCP.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 23:49 | Report Abuse


How to be friend with big bully? Cannot even explore our own oil resources near bintulu because of china's bullying...

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 23:49 | Report Abuse


You read Chinese news media a lot when even you yourself say it is bias. It's obbious the only useful idi*t here is you.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 23:47 | Report Abuse


I'm Malaysian first. You proud of China for what? Not your country also.

You are a traitor for siding with China in South China Sea dispute.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 23:45 | Report Abuse


China become stronger resulted in Malaysian oil & gas workers being bullied for exploiting Malaysia's own oil resources. China is not benevolent, it is big bully.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 23:33 | Report Abuse


You are the effect of the cultural revolution. The CCP destroyed traditional Chinese culture until got Chinese like you who no longer have shame to show openly your double standards.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 23:22 | Report Abuse


It's obvious you're the biggest hypocrite here.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 23:21 | Report Abuse


Based on your logic, America was cruel to help China fight against the Japanese in WW2, and that the Chinese should have given up to the Japanese. Openly double standard, you no shame lah.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 22:58 | Report Abuse


Wah, you want the ukrainians to give up their country to Russia because Russia stronger? By your logic, the Chinese in WW2 should have given up to the Japanese lah.

Openly being double standard, you really no shame lah. Bring down other ethnic chinese only.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 22:56 | Report Abuse


Russia currency high because they stop letting people sell ruble lmao, not because economy doing well. That also you don't know, yet want to play stock market lol.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 22:34 | Report Abuse


CCP give you shit to eat like they always do, do you say thank you?

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 22:32 | Report Abuse


I'm not even white but I'm a white supremacist? Your logic down the drain already lah.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 21:33 | Report Abuse


Based on your logic, the Chinese in WW2 who fought against the japanese also turned China into wasteland lah. Lol.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 21:30 | Report Abuse


Ukraine artificial state ah? Even your beloved CCP says that Ukraine is a sovereign country lmao. Also, in 1991, Russia also recognized Ukraine as an independent country.

You wumao really don't know your history lah. That's what happened when you read too much chinese news media, brainwashed already until simple facts also don't know.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 21:22 | Report Abuse


No you don't because that would result in youtube and i3investor being banned too. And you love accessing these websites despite your praise of CCP censorship because you are openly double standard. No shame at all.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 02:00 | Report Abuse


Must be realist ah?

Then then Chinese should have given up to the Japanese lah. That's the realist thing to do right? For you, the weak should follow the strong right? Japan damn strong at the time.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 01:53 | Report Abuse

@qqq333 @sslee

Really shame lah got chinese like you all, traitor to Malaysia. Go live in China lah if you think Malaysian EEZ belongs to China. International law says the oil field near bintulu belongs to Malaysia, so how can you say it belongs to China!! 2000+km from China, but only within 200km from Malaysian shore, yet you say those oil resources belong to China?!? Traitor lah you all! No shame.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 01:50 | Report Abuse


Wah, another double standard. You're implying that the US influenced the Tribunal judges against China. If that's true, then the UK wouldn't have lost the case on Chagos islands lmao.

In other words, when UK/US lose case in international court, you say no bias. But when China lose case in international court, you say got bias.

You and ssle need to have shame lah a bit. Use common sense lah, China cannot own an entire sea.

News & Blogs

2022-06-16 01:44 | Report Abuse


Nope, they censor stuff that do damage to the CCP's fragile image. They don't care about facts, as long as they can get the Chinese to give up their civil liberties, privacies, , human rights, and keep the CCP in power.

News & Blogs

2022-06-14 20:46 | Report Abuse

In 2016, an International Tribunal consisting of professional judges ruled that China's 9-dash-line claim has no legal basis. No sh*t lah, CCP so crazy to think it can own an entire sea.

And yet, sslee thinks he knows better than the judges! Lolll

News & Blogs

2022-06-14 20:39 | Report Abuse


More to show ah? Aya, how to show anything when CCP loves to censor soo many things. Lol

News & Blogs

2022-06-14 20:34 | Report Abuse


"i think its wonderful as long u can produce the kind of harmony u see in China."

There you go, admiting again that China news media is bias lol. It's obvious the only useful idi*t here is you, and sslee who thinks China can legally own an entire ocean lmao.

News & Blogs

2022-06-14 20:34 | Report Abuse


Sslee, if you continue to think that you know UNCLOS better than the judges at the 2016 Arbitral Tribunal, then go represent China in an international court lah lmao. If you think you soo smart that you feel you can win an entire ocean for China, be my guest lmao.

News & Blogs

2022-06-13 21:55 | Report Abuse


What western lies did I repeat? US and Taiwan's GDP per capita is far higher than China's. Lmao. That also you don't know meh?

News & Blogs

2022-06-13 21:55 | Report Abuse

@ CnTime

Actually, its because of population difference why GDP per capita is more accurate.

If you rely on GDP alone, that would mean the average Indonesian are more economically prosperous that the Singaporeans because Indonesia's GDP is more than 3x that of Singapore.

But we all know Singaporeans are richer. Malaysians want to move and work there, not Indonesia.

News & Blogs

2022-06-13 21:49 | Report Abuse


If pointing out facts is anti-China for you, then go live in China lah. You said so yourself, their media only talk good about China. That heaven for you right? lmao

News & Blogs

2022-06-13 21:49 | Report Abuse


But you actually not very smart. You first say US never helped China in WW2, then go on on to copy & paste:

"In 1940 and 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt formalized U.S. aid to China....Roosevelt Administration could now restrict the flow of military supplies into Japan and use this as leverage to force Japan to halt its aggression in China"

Very funny lah you XD. Can't even read english properly.

News & Blogs

2022-06-13 21:49 | Report Abuse


Sslee, if you continue to think that you know UNCLOS better than the judges at the 2016 Arbitral Tribunal, then go represent China in an international court lah lmao. If you think you soo smart that you feel you can win an entire ocean for China, be my guest lmao.

News & Blogs

2022-06-12 20:34 | Report Abuse


Why are you and sslee so double standard?

You say US should stop giving Ukraine weapons, and instead pressure Kyiv to surrender to Russia. By that logic, US should have not helped supply weapons to China during WW2, but instead pressure the chinese to surrender and make concession with the Japanese.

You guys no shame double standard lah, put shame on other ethnic chinese only.

News & Blogs

2022-06-12 20:34 | Report Abuse


You initialy claimed that US did not give China help against the Japanese during WW2. And then you go on to comment:

"In 1940 and 1941, President Franklin D. Roosevelt formalized U.S. aid to China....Roosevelt Administration could now restrict the flow of military supplies into Japan and use this as leverage to force Japan to halt its aggression in China"

You keep copy & pasting things from the internet, but never even bothered to read them properly XDXD. You need to improve on your english reading skills lah. The China Chinese are working hard to learn english, yet you only spend your time asking other people for porn.

News & Blogs

2022-06-12 20:34 | Report Abuse


You rest your case ah? Lmao, you'd need to have a case in the first place. You never even heard of UNCLOS before I mentioned it, so it's just hilarious that you try to be smarter than the judges at the 2016 Arbitral Tribunal who decided that China's 9-dash-line claim has no legal basis.

Why are you even surprise that China lost the case, they're trying to claim an entire ocean as theirs lmao. Of course lah lose. Have you even seen the size of the 9-dash-line claim and how far it goes? You like China so much yet don't even know anything about them.

That's what you get for reading mainly China news media (who qqq333 himself said is bias)and watching porn.

News & Blogs

2022-06-12 20:33 | Report Abuse


US GDP per capita 5x that of China, Taiwan GDP per capita 2x that of China. Both countries considered high income and developed. China on the other hand still only upper-middle income, and still developing, and its population is getting old before it gets rich because of stup*d one-child policy;

So which a better model, definitely not China's lol.

News & Blogs

2022-06-12 01:38 | Report Abuse


So many chinese dead during the great leap forward and cultural revolution. The fact you praised that means you don't care about chinese, but only care about the CCP.

News & Blogs

2022-06-12 01:37 | Report Abuse


"Quailo trying to dictate to Chinese what the Chinese should think, feel , like and don't like?"

Lol, the only people trying to dictate the chinese is the CCP. They cencor this, censor that; read your text messages; ban books; even wrote in the constitution that chinese news media cannot talk against the CCP.

News & Blogs

2022-06-12 01:34 | Report Abuse

@qqq3333 @sslee

Another effect of the Cultural revolution, some chinese like you both no shame being openly double standard for all to see.

You say US should stop giving Ukraine weapons, and instead pressure Kyiv to surrender to Russia.

By that logic, would you then say that the US should have not helped supply weapons to China during WW2, but instead pressure the chinese to surrender and make concession with the Japanese?

Have shame a bit, don't double standard.

News & Blogs

2022-06-12 01:31 | Report Abuse


You say China will act based on mutual respect? They water jet filipino fisherman, their coastguard threatened to ram over fisherman boats, they sent jets flying near our airspace just to poke us, they harass malaysian O&G workers in our own EEZ. According to the outgoing Philippine's president, in a meeting with Xi, Xi threatened Philippine with war over resources in South China Sea.

You call that respect?? This lah the effect of the cultural revolution. The CCP destroyed traditional chinese culture on how to be respectful, until some chinese like you think bullying others = respect.

News & Blogs

2022-06-12 01:31 | Report Abuse


How China is breaking EEZ rules? Easy, they're claiming the resoures in Malaysia's EEZ as their own, when under UNCLOS, it's not. Got oil some 200 km off Bintulu, Sarawak. China says it's their, when its more than 2000km from China. They even sent ships to harass workers doing surverying work there. Greeeeedyyy!!

News & Blogs

2022-06-12 01:31 | Report Abuse


You also keep talking about Hawaii lah, Falkland lah? What you talking about? UNCLOS doesn't address who owns Falkland, Hawaii, etc. It addresses who owns the rights over the resouces in waters (e.g. oil, fishing, small islands, etc) from a country's territorial coastal shore line. It's in the name lah sslee: United Nations Convention on the LAW OF THE SEA lmao.

And base on UNCLOS, a country has exclusive rights over resources within 370 km from its shore. When China signed UNCLOS, it should respect this. Instead, it claims almost all of South China Sea. China is trying to claim an entire ocean, from Shenzen all the way to Sarawak, more than 2000+ km. Greeeeeeeeedyyy!!

News & Blogs

2022-06-12 01:31 | Report Abuse


LMAO, you talk a lot but don't even read what your posted is it?

"....the Court examined the consequences, under international law, arising from the United Kingdom’s continued administration of the Chagos Archipelago.."

You know what international law it was referring to? UNCLOS lah what again - it made reference to an earlier tribunal between UK and Mauritius - which found that the UK was in breach of Mauritius rights under UNCLOS over Chagos - stating that the tribunal ruling will not be questioned and is considered settled.

News & Blogs

2022-06-11 21:08 | Report Abuse

Mao Zedong was evil. Thank god he died. He brought nothing but suffering to the chinese people.

News & Blogs

2022-06-11 21:05 | Report Abuse


Wah, killing millions of chinese is "laying the foundation"? Says who? The chinese media who you yourself said only talks good about the CCP? Stop bringing shame to other ethnic Chinese lah.

News & Blogs

2022-06-11 20:55 | Report Abuse


Are you even Malaysia to support China's claim over Malaysia's EEZ. Go live in China and die for Xin Jinping lah, traitor!!

News & Blogs

2022-06-11 20:53 | Report Abuse


Based on your logic, then the chinese should have talked to the Japanese for peace instead of continuing to fight in WW2.

You and sslee no shame to show such open double standard is it?

News & Blogs

2022-06-11 20:49 | Report Abuse


"If based on UNCLOS then UK should return Falkland to Argentina"

Wah, you also no shame your double standard. When international courts said that: based on UNCLOS, UK has no right over the Chagos Island, you approve. But when international courts also said that: based on UNCLOS, China's 9-dash-line has no legal basis, you act like you know better than the judges about UNCLOS. You have no shame at all.

News & Blogs

2022-06-10 16:20 | Report Abuse

Whatever they try will succeed? Sure, the great leap forward and cultural revolution was very successful killing millions of Chinese.

News & Blogs

2022-06-10 16:19 | Report Abuse


I ask you again? You say US should stop giving Ukraine weapons, and instead pressure Kyiv to surrender to Russia.

By that logic, would you then say that the US should have not helped supply weapons to China during WW2, but instead pressure the chinese to surrender and make concession with the Japanese?

Have shame a bit, don't double standard.