DK66 | Joined since 2016-08-26

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2019-01-09 21:14 | Report Abuse



2019-01-09 08:32 | Report Abuse

why failure to get cash from China partner ? for what ?


2019-01-09 08:18 | Report Abuse

The star tower has been completed. Waiting for authority approval.


2019-01-08 16:36 | Report Abuse



2019-01-08 10:46 | Report Abuse

My mistake. As at 31/12/2017, NO provision has been made for the BG dispute with The Star.


2019-01-08 09:36 | Report Abuse

ok, thanks for the alert

qqq3 not sure...u check again...


2019-01-08 09:21 | Report Abuse

Are you sure ?

qqq3 I think that refers to the residential block.


2019-01-08 09:15 | Report Abuse

qqq3, under note 26 of 2017 AR, there is a provision of RM25m for LAD. Additional RM23m LAD provision was made in 2018.


2019-01-08 09:01 | Report Abuse

No, already provided

For the BG, doess Jaks need to report a loss of 50m in their next quarter earning?


2019-01-08 08:58 | Report Abuse

The RM50m BG loss will result in Jaks writing off RM25m from the provision account now regardless of its future recoverability. If recovered, it will be treated as income . As the amount has already been provided, it won't affect the profit and loss account.


2019-01-07 23:36 | Report Abuse

Vietnam is expected to face a power shortage in 2020 to 2030 given that it doesn't get enough coal and gas for generation, Viet Nam News reports, citing a forum held by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MoIT).

Given the landscape of tight supply of power, IPP is set to become one of the most promising and stable business in vietnam over the coming decade.

Jaks vietnam power plant will start generating electricity in mid 2020.


2019-01-07 20:37 | Report Abuse

  越南海阳2×600MW燃煤电厂工程二号机组2号锅炉汽包长24.2m,重185.7吨,汽包筒体规格Φ1844 mm×160mm。汽包为悬挂式结构,安装在炉膛的前上方KA轴线和KB轴线之间,采用两根U形吊杆吊挂装置悬吊在锅炉顶部钢梁上,汽包就位中心线标高为52673mm。采用2台200t液压提升装置为汽包吊装的主吊机械,PQZ1400塔吊作为辅助机械,配合穿装汽包吊杆。本次吊装采用三维动画交底模式,形象生动。精细化的组织分工,确保了汽包的顺利吊装,吊装过程安全稳定。

2nd boiler of Unit 2 finished installation of the boiler drum.


2019-01-07 18:14 | Report Abuse

The BOT, GGU, PPA, CSA are all there. The readers are smart enough to digest.


2019-01-07 17:11 | Report Abuse

The Government Guarantee (GGU) provides Vietnam Government Guarantee on all payment obligations of MOIT under the BOT contract and the EVN under the PPA as well as all counter parties risks.


2019-01-07 15:47 | Report Abuse

The CSA provides for the delivery by Vinacomin and purchase by JAKS Hai Duong of coal for use in the Project from testing and commissioning until the termination of the BOT Contract or other circumstances as stipulated under the CSA. The quantities of coal to be supplied by Vinacomin will be determined, among other things, by the actual plant load factor and operating performance of the Facility and the quality and other characteristics of the coal used at the Facility. JAKS Hai Duong will have the right to buy from other coal sources in the event Vinacomin is unable to meet its obligations under the CSA and provided that the coal price from the other source have been agreed by both parties and approved by MOIT. There is no take or pay obligation (minimum order obligation) in the CSA.

JAKS Hai Duong will have the right to buy from other coal sources including import.


2019-01-07 14:40 | Report Abuse

Jaks vietnam power plant will be using domestic anthracite coal.


2019-01-07 14:39 | Report Abuse

The PPA provides for EVN to purchase and the BOT Company to sell electricity generating capacity and electricity generated by the Facility for 25 years after the commercial operation date of the Facility unless extended or earlier terminated as stipulated under the PPA. The tariff charged by JAKS Hai Duong to EVN comprises the capacity charge, energy charge and supplemental charge. Fuel (coal and secondary fuel) and limestone costs will be passed-through costs under the PPA.

Coal Costs are pass thru under the PPA. It won't affect the profitability of the power plant.


2019-01-04 09:10 | Report Abuse

Vietnam ipp construction progress as at 31st Oct 2018


2019-01-04 09:03 | Report Abuse



2019-01-01 01:12 | Report Abuse

In stock pick year 2019 competition, if i m not mistaken, only 2 contestants included Jaks in their portfolio including Icon8888.


2019-01-01 00:54 | Report Abuse

Happy New Year 2019. Wish all of you all the best in 2019.


2019-01-01 00:53 | Report Abuse



2019-01-01 00:53 | Report Abuse


News & Blogs

2018-12-31 09:34 | Report Abuse

There is nothing wrong with BS, FA, or TA. It is how good the analysts are at each of the them.

As KC has mentioned "Professional analysts who came up with a target price for Jaks without having the information of the future cash flows of the power plant (and also that of its other businesses), are simply not professional and lack credibility." So, not all FA analysts are equal.

Put it simply, if you got a right call, your method is good. Otherwise, you have to blame it on the racket as most badminton players do after they missed a shot. So, racket or skill ??

News & Blogs

2018-12-30 23:41 | Report Abuse


I have defined my understanding of business sense. I m not sure if other i3 readers have a different definition.

In the case of Jaks, FA analysts disregarded earnings potential of Jaks Vietnam IPP. I presume on ground of insufficient information and clarity. They continued to downgrade the company on lower current earnings. It is not their fault to exclude uncertainties in their FA as they have to justify their calls. FA usually relies heavily on financial data and couldn't account for future earnings which cannot be reliably estimated due to lack of information.

News & Blogs

2018-12-30 23:08 | Report Abuse

Warren Buffett stressed the importance looking at companies that are within his areas of expertise to avoid large investing mistakes. He wants to know how a business makes money and be confident on the sustainability of its profit streams over the long-term. He called the process "judging the future economics of a business." - This is Business Sense.

When a newly incorporated company gets a casino license, is it a promising investment? FA and TA analysts can’t form any opinions as there is no financial data or price history to analyse.

Gamblers can tell you that a casino license is a license to print money. What brought them to their views? - Business sense, which they developed after many years of gambling. They know why people gamble and why the house always wins.

So, is it good to invest in a company which just secured a casino license ? With no prior data to analyse, you can only rely on business sense to make your decision. Most investors will jump in immediately as casino business is easy to comprehend. However, the decision will be harder if the company currently has other loss making business ventures. Investors will have to weigh the future potential earnings against current losses, and need a lot of confidence and patience to look into the future.

You can learn to invest using FA and TA through courses. You have statistics, ratios, and indicators to make your decisions on entry and cut loss points.

To invest in a stock using business sense is much harder than using FA and TA. There is no cut loss point and usually requires long term commitment. You need to understand the business as well as the directors. You must be prepared to deal with risks and uncertainties. You need to be able to evaluate the business opportunities and problems as there is no perfect business model. If you know enough, which is the most difficult part, you can ride through the ups and downs with confidence.

Business sense is not something that can be taught in school. It is gained through industrial knowledge, experience and learning, something that requires many years to develop. The most difficult being having to make logical judgement and assumptions where information is limited or unclear. There is plenty of rooms for imaginations and derivations. There is plenty of rooms for imaginations and derivations. A material omission or misjudgment can have fatal investment outcomes.

As most investors do not have sufficient knowledge and experience to effectively evaluate a stock using business sense. It is safer for them to rely on FA for fundamentals and TA for technical entry and cut loss points.

Conclusion : It is not wrong to invest using business sense but the method is very demanding and is not meant for all investors. FA and TA are safer for most investors.


2018-12-30 10:23 | Report Abuse

Yes, God or Karma knows who are the bad ones here.


2018-12-30 10:17 | Report Abuse

Ignore the question.... I don't know why I bothered to ask


2018-12-30 10:15 | Report Abuse

Will you still call me a promoter of ALP ?


2018-12-30 10:14 | Report Abuse

NO, I m NOT a promoter of ALP


2018-12-30 10:10 | Report Abuse

Whether snake or dragon, just wait for the power plant to complete.


2018-12-30 10:05 | Report Abuse

It will be a lot easier if you can tell the readers, with credible rationales, why the power plant will fail.


2018-12-30 10:04 | Report Abuse

What do you achieve by calling me a promoter of ALP ? So that readers won't believe the facts about the power plant ?


2018-12-30 09:42 | Report Abuse

No..... he is leaving the door open for him to come back


2018-12-30 09:41 | Report Abuse

Did KYY say the power plant will fail ??


2018-12-30 09:40 | Report Abuse

Has KYY said anything bad about the power plant ??


2018-12-30 09:32 | Report Abuse

KYY has not changed his view about the power plant. He will buy Jaks when the power plant is completed.


2018-12-29 22:23 | Report Abuse

qqq3, original planning ? You mean the management has original planning of another RM100m cash injection into vietnam JV for its 30% equity? How to be sure about that ?

my computation is based on 20% gross margin from the EPCC...that is the original planning......
29/12/2018 21:48


2018-12-29 21:39 | Report Abuse

Based on the value of the EPCC contract of US$454m and profit margin of 25%, the net profit of US$113m is sufficient for its future capital commitment of US$110 as disclosed in the annual report. No extra funding required.

qqq3 in terms of hard cash, Jaks still need to find about RM 100 million to take up their 30% stake.....They should be able to do that.....the risk is not high at all......
29/12/2018 21:28


2018-12-29 21:14 | Report Abuse

It is stated in the JV agreement with CPECC that the EPCC profit will be used to fund jaks' equity committment in JHDP in vietnam.


2018-12-29 00:02 | Report Abuse

I can't just purely speculate on the management quality, I have to look at the facts presented to me.

Given the tiny size of Jaks, it is an achievement that Andy Ang managed to secure a RM8b power plant in vietnam.

It is common in corporate world to fight off intruders thru corporate exercises. Causing share price to plunge and killing opponents with margin calls. This is the dark side of corporate world that happens everywhere everyday.

A capable leader that can bring the company to new frontier is more important to me.

With the huge construction profit clocking in, the company is not likely to report losses for the next few year. That is beyond doubt.

abang_misai DK,

Given what you wrote, I can say you are very analytical. But you miss the very important point. You seem do not know its management quality. Warren Buffet used to say if the management isn't trustworthy, there is no way the company will deliver. Time will tell.


2018-12-28 21:51 | Report Abuse

JAKS Resources Bhd expects its profit growth in the next two years to be “very significant” as it recognises construction earnings from the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contract for its coal-fired thermal independent power plant project in Vietnam, according to the group’s chief financial officer Steven Ang Si Eeng.

The balance of the EPC contract makes up RM1.3 billion of the group’s total outstanding order book of RM1.88 billion as at Sept 30 this year. The remainder is derived from local infrastructure projects, such as sewerage and the Sungai Besi-Ulu Kelang Expressway.

Based on historic profit margin of 25% on Vietnam EPC works, Jaks has a balance of RM325m construction profit to recognise. It is not possible for Jaks to report losses from hereon.

Icon8888 did a good analysis on this point.


2018-12-27 09:30 | Report Abuse



2018-12-24 15:55 | Report Abuse



2018-12-24 09:52 | Report Abuse

Power generation is one of the most secure, stable, and recession proof business in the world. Jaks has 40% economic interest in a RM8 billion power plant in one of most power hungry country, vietnam. However, it is only worth RM200m+ in valuation ! Any business sense ??


2018-12-22 22:03 | Report Abuse

  2号机组1号锅炉汽包长24.2m,重185.7吨,汽包筒体规格Φ1844 mm×160mm。汽包为悬挂式结构,安装在炉膛的前上方KA轴线和KB轴线之间,采用两根U形吊杆吊挂装置悬吊在锅炉顶部钢梁上,汽包就位中心线标高为52673mm。采用2台200t液压提升装置为汽包吊装的主吊机械,D1100塔吊作为辅助机械,配合穿装汽包吊杆。


2018-12-22 21:05 | Report Abuse

I have already said a lot. I m not interested in picking up an argument.


2018-12-22 21:00 | Report Abuse

The net movement will eventually tally with cash/bank balances


2018-12-22 20:57 | Report Abuse

It doesn't regard the underlying cash movement.