DK66 | Joined since 2016-08-26

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2018-12-22 20:57 | Report Abuse

Increases in liabilities are treated as source/inflow of fund, and increases in assets are treated as outflows.


2018-12-22 20:54 | Report Abuse

In order to prepare a statement of cash flows, you have to look back at the comparative balance sheets for XYZ company. From the two years of balance sheet data and some income statementdata, you build your cash flows statement.


2018-12-22 19:30 | Report Abuse

mkmk, It will be a lot easier if you have an accountant friend to explain the making of cash flow statement to you.


2018-12-22 18:44 | Report Abuse

Cash flow does not necessarily involves funds flow in and out of bank account. If you know how a cash flow statement is prepared, then you know what I meant. Anyway, believe what you believe, no worries.


2018-12-22 17:20 | Report Abuse

Yes, generally speaking ASSETS.

Sorry, I don't know enough to provide specific answer.

mkmk DK66, better u said asset la like that... haiyoo...
22/12/2018 17:16


2018-12-22 17:15 | Report Abuse

All payments will follow the contractual terms.


2018-12-22 17:12 | Report Abuse

Banks, receivables, deposits, prepayments

mkmk DK66, if the gkhl credited advance from customer, where they debit the other leg?
22/12/2018 17:06


2018-12-22 17:09 | Report Abuse

Exactly. That is why I still maintain my stand that Jaks doesn't need funding for its vietnam jobs.

But many do not believe.

SarifahSelinder DK66 if bank bank China willing to pay the suppliers first JAKS mana ada cash flow problem for d EPC contract?
22/12/2018 17:03


2018-12-22 17:04 | Report Abuse

If I m an insider, I can't be talking here. Otherwise, I will be in trouble.


2018-12-22 17:03 | Report Abuse

I m not an insider


2018-12-22 16:58 | Report Abuse

Sarifah, It is the JV, JHDP who borrowed from the 3 chinese banks. Therefore, all disbursements of loan are made in the name of the JV who is the borrower.

With limited disclosure of information in the AR, unless with insider information, we can't be absolute sure of our thoughts. We can only rely on our knowledge of the industry and make the most logical assumptions.

SarifahSelinder How u know that?
22/12/2018 16:48

SarifahSelinder If progress payment supplier dah paid it wil b term loan kan? Y advances from jv?
22/12/2018 16:49


2018-12-22 16:41 | Report Abuse

These advances were used to make progressive payments for the equipment. It doesn't flow into Jaks' sub bank accounts


2018-12-22 16:27 | Report Abuse

Sarifah, the reason why it is included in Jaks' AR is due to consolidation of group accounts. It doesn't mean there is real cash flow in and out of Jaks' bank account.

Jaks' subsidiary, Golden Keen Holdings Ltd (GKHL) was given the EPC1 contracts. Though entirely subcontracted to CPECC, it still has to account for the book entries.

Advances from JHDP for the purpose of progressive payments for fabrication of equipment is normal for project of this magnitude. These entries will be taken up in GKHL's book and consolidated into Jaks' accounts.

The actually billing for the respective works can only be done when the equipment are installed and certified for fitness. That is when the advances will turn into revenues. Until then, the advances will park as payables.

It is not logical to assume that the banks are loose in dispersing the loan and allow the funds to be used otherwise.

SarifahSelinder DK66 advance payments tu not in JV account but in JAKS account


2018-12-22 15:21 | Report Abuse

Sarifah, I don't understand your point
SarifahSelinder DK66 taksiran u ni not supported by the Annual Report


2018-12-22 14:41 | Report Abuse

The purpose of the fund raising is meant to EXPEDITE (not fund) the vietnam works, but it is clearly written in the JV agreement that the entire EPC contract awarded to Jaks must be entirely subcontracted to CPECC. So, how essential is this fund raising exercise ? How essential can it be if it is not underwritten ?

Whatever the case maybe, the next qtrly results will provide the answer to your question. If the WRI is indeed critical, you will see slow or no progress in the construction of the power plant.

anticonman If true why need recent W RI? Even RI undersubscribed how to address shortfall cash flow?

Posted by DK66 > Dec 22, 2018 09:31 AM | Report Abuse
Jaks do not have control over the cash flow of JHDP. Thus, couldn't be able to "misappropriate" the funds for its domestic operations.
22/12/2018 10:30


2018-12-22 09:31 | Report Abuse

Jaks do not have control over the cash flow of JHDP. Thus, couldn't be able to "misappropriate" the funds for its domestic operations.


2018-12-22 09:28 | Report Abuse

Advances from JHDP are loan from 3 Chinese banks. The money cannot be used for any purposes other than the power plant.


2018-12-21 14:27 | Report Abuse


You are right to point this out. However, the warrant prospectus pointed out that the overall plant completion was 34% (I presume as at Sept) and Jaks reported 31.7% completion in its Q3 report. A difference of around 2%.

Now that the overall completion was at 41% as at Oct 2018, is it logical to assume Jaks works was so far behind ?

Bear in mind, Jaks was not involved in the construction works at all. Its "assigned" works were the ancillaries works to the main structural works. So, the progress cannot be too far behind. And I have assumed zero progress in Nov and Dec.

GoHaiDuongGo DK66 always provide factual and objective postings.
However, I feel compelled to point out he has unknowingly erred in his recent posing

“”””””Jaks' CFO stated that the power plant was 41% completed as at October but Jaks only recognised about 31% completion until Sept. Assuming no progress in Nov and Dec, Jaks may recognise 10% work done which means potential of RM45m profit from vietnam EPC in Q4 2018. “””
epc 1(30%) + epc 2 (70%) =HaiDuong(100%)

(31% x30%) + (??% x70%)=(??% out of 100%)

(XX% x30%) + (YY% x70%)=(41% out of 100%)
Try XX=31 , YY =45.2, You get 41%

Try XX=35 , YY=43.6, You get 41%
21/12/2018 14:05


2018-12-21 09:42 | Report Abuse

  2号机组主厂房钢结构工程由青岛东方铁塔股份公司深化设计,华业钢构有限公司进行制造,总工作量约为7365吨,占地面积约为5291㎡,其中汽机房横向范围为13~23轴间距为 100m,纵向范围1/0A ~B排间距为36m。除氧煤仓间横向范围为13-26轴间距为130m,纵向范围B~D排间距为19.7m。±0.00m相当于越南Hon DAU高程系统的5.050m。2号机组主厂房钢结构安装施工范围为1/0A~D排,固定端到扩建端方向为13-26轴。主厂房钢结构主要由钢柱、钢梁、钢支撑等构件组成,其中最重件约为40.398 吨。



2018-12-21 09:41 | Report Abuse

  TT5转运站上部结构为钢构架结构,占地面积600.75㎡,横向A~D轴间距为22.5米,纵向1~4轴26.7米, 设计标高±0.000m相当于绝对标高5.050m,本工程为横向刚接、纵向铰接加垂直支撑的钢框架结构,设计结构钢采用热轧H型钢和热轧T型钢,单根最重8t。


2018-12-21 09:40 | Report Abuse




2018-12-21 09:38 | Report Abuse



2018-12-21 09:12 | Report Abuse

Iamxuewen, Good morning


2018-12-20 21:44 | Report Abuse

Both can. More aggressive investors will buy warrants as it provides higher leverage.

Investor48 DK66
Please advice buy mother or warrant..?
Which one better..?

20/12/2018 21:24


2018-12-20 20:49 | Report Abuse

It was the surprise Q3 loss results that caused the selling and the severe under subscription of warrants. The bright side is less dilution from (33% to 15%) for both mother and warrants.

The losses was due to unusually slow progress billing of the vietnam EPC contract.

Jaks' CFO stated that the power plant was 41% completed as at October but Jaks only recognised about 31% completion until Sept. Assuming no progress in Nov and Dec, Jaks may recognise 10% work done which means potential of RM45m profit from vietnam EPC in Q4 2018.

Public investment has indicated that profit recognition of vietnam EPC contract will follow "S" curve. Hence, there will be faster profit recognition hereon as the construction of power plant enters into equipment installation phases. The power plant will be substantially completed by end 2019 as it advances into synchronization and performance testing before it starts to generate electricity by mid 2020.

Q4 2018 will mark the turnaround in results. The results will be announced before end feb 2019, and it will mark the end of winter for Jaks.

News & Blogs

2018-12-20 20:49 | Report Abuse

It was the surprise Q3 loss results that caused the selling and the severe under subscription of warrants. The bright side is less dilution from (33% to 15%) for both mother and warrants.

The losses was due to unusually slow progress billing of the vietnam EPC contract.

Jaks' CFO stated that the power plant was 41% completed as at October but Jaks only recognised about 31% completion until Sept. Assuming no progress in Nov and Dec, Jaks may recognise 10% work done which means potential of RM45m profit from vietnam EPC in Q4 2018.

Public investment has indicated that profit recognition of vietnam EPC contract will follow "S" curve. Hence, there will be faster profit recognition hereon as the construction of power plant enters into equipment installation phases. The power plant will be substantially completed by end 2019 as it advances into synchronization and performance testing before it starts to generate electricity by mid 2020.

Q4 2018 will mark the turnaround in results. The results will be announced before end feb 2019, and it will mark the end of winter for Jaks.


2018-12-19 17:28 | Report Abuse

Yes, but Advances normally refers to pre-payments for works yet to be carried out. It is not really a "payment liability", and it will be "repaid" via future work done. For accounting purposes, it is park under liabilities initially and subsequently "transferred" to Revenues when the work is done and billed.

SarifahSelinder DK66 memang info x cukup no t clear
19/12/2018 17:09


2018-12-19 16:01 | Report Abuse

There isn't a lot of information on the advances amount. It is shown under amount due from customers for information purposes.

As the same amount is included in Other payables, a logical explanation would be the amount being Advance Payments made by customers as required under contracts for works yet to be carried out. This is normal in construction.

SarifahSelinder DK66

Apa ni advances?

Advances received from customer
(included in other payables) 276,926,850 101,944,350


2018-12-19 08:23 | Report Abuse

Sarifah, l will discuss with my accountant friend on the "advances" and get back to you.


2018-12-16 00:32 | Report Abuse

For someone who doesn't know much about Jaks and the potential of its Vietnam power plant, best to stay away.


2018-12-15 19:39 | Report Abuse

Calvin, there are millions of new court cases every day. So, stop buying stocks ??


2018-12-15 19:38 | Report Abuse

unfortunately, it is very difficult for young investors to differentiate between angels and devils.


2018-12-15 19:35 | Report Abuse

I m not here to promote Jaks. I have nothing to gain. I just thought i3 can be a place to share my knowledge but just too many people with evil intentions.


2018-12-15 19:25 | Report Abuse

Jaks did 2 10% private placements recently at 1.36 and 1.38 to institutions. These are professional investors.


2018-12-15 19:19 | Report Abuse

Jaks domestic problem, which will be resolved eventually, is nothing compared to the earnings from power plant.


2018-12-15 19:17 | Report Abuse

Alex, I m not sure about knm, but Jaks Vietnam power plant provides huge recurring income for 25 years.


2018-12-15 19:13 | Report Abuse

Calvin, CPECC is a very capable name in coal power plant. Why would it sue Jaks ? Just imagining ??? or try to scare ?


2018-12-15 17:04 | Report Abuse

It's equity investment in the Vietnam power plant is about RM600m


2018-12-15 17:00 | Report Abuse

Jaks has 40% ownership rights to a RM8 billion power plant in Vietnam, and it is only worth RM200 m market capitalization ???


2018-12-15 16:55 | Report Abuse

Why is this forum so crowded if Jaks is good for nothing ?

News & Blogs

2018-12-15 13:53 | Report Abuse

What is the point of writing long article when people rather listen to gossips ..... pitty

News & Blogs

2018-12-13 20:17 | Report Abuse

I absolutely agree with david


2018-12-13 20:14 | Report Abuse

lizi,. they only undertake to subscribe 16% only


2018-12-13 20:05 | Report Abuse

12 more months to completion


2018-12-13 20:04 | Report Abuse

Vietnam power plant will be completed by end 2019 and commence operation in mid 2020


2018-12-13 19:52 | Report Abuse

Ang's group 33% (based on EGM voting) took up all their entitlements together with 4.5% minorities.


2018-12-11 23:22 | Report Abuse

I see Andy Ang smart and competent enough to pull thru the Vietnam IPP which is a game changer for Jaks. What criminal behaviour ?


2018-12-11 23:10 | Report Abuse

I like to hear credible rationales why Jaks will fail. It allows me to reconsider my research and revisit areas which I might have slipped.


2018-12-11 23:06 | Report Abuse

Mr Koon has at least given his fundamental reasons for his departure from Jaks. He believes Jaks will continue to make losses due to high interest costs.


2018-12-11 22:58 | Report Abuse

Investor48, I m just someone who see Jaks a gold mine. I did enormous amount of research on its Vietnam IPP. I share in i3 hoping to help many.