
Darth | Joined since 2016-05-16

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2018-07-03 20:17 | Report Abuse

When starting afresh....
Everything is accountable.
No problem if share price is 0.05.
Move up to 0.10 if can show proper accounts!


2018-07-03 20:08 | Report Abuse

To start afresh.
0.05 is a fair value for this company today.
No need to go up suddenly or down in share price.
No need to progress up to MB.
No need RI or PP exercise.
No need to reward shareholders with bonus issues.
No need to manipulate quarterly reports.
No n


2018-07-03 19:38 | Report Abuse

Not enough, on and off RI and PP issues.
Bonus issues in kind of rewards.
How long can they go on cheating the public?????
Very easy. If changes to happen.
At 0.05-0.06,
1)come clean with what projects really in hand.
2)how much do they have in their coffers to run projects in hand.
(If don't have)
Than what happened to the earlier profits made and where it went?
Many projects from 2-3B already canceled, that means they don't need to raise that much of new capital.


2018-07-03 19:28 | Report Abuse

Yes. From Penang Undersea/Bridge, KB Airport, Rumah Prima and many more mega projects will come but that doesn't mean Vivocom will get any from the side.
This company has no direction in Bursa or with future projects at the moment due to the Directors not being serious with their listed status.
No follow up to move up to MB.
Basically, playing the fool around with their stock price and manipulating Q reports.


2018-07-01 17:12 | Report Abuse

When talking about PP, company's which buy them are supposed to hold for long term (Arrangement made between Company and PP buyers) for better returns.
Not PP being sold at a discounted price, for them to make 0.005-0.01 profits by selling.
So, what's the real reason of issuing PP by this company????
Now this company wants to issue RI!


2018-07-01 17:02 | Report Abuse

There's no rush need to buy this company shares today even if 0.05-0.06. No one knows where this company is moving forward.
For the past 2 years full off manipulations with share price.
There's no place for Vivocom to Bullshit anymore being listed in Bursa Malaysia with their PP/RI being squeezed from Retailers to run their projects in hand!


2018-07-01 16:32 | Report Abuse

Vivoforever1, no one over is asking to follow them. You're free to buy, sell or accumulate as much this counter. If understand English, people put the word 'option' which means it's up to you to make your own decision.


2018-06-26 17:12 | Report Abuse

Time for MACC to move forward digging up company's like Vivocom.


2018-06-26 16:55 | Report Abuse

Every year AGM.
Every year approve Directors pay.
Directors pay approved for what?
How long was this company listed in the ACE MARKET in Bursa Malaysia till today moving forward?????


2018-06-26 15:00 | Report Abuse

Guys over here. Please ignore what I post. Don't take it seriously because it's only my own personal view.
Anyone is most welcomed to buy Vivocom.


2018-06-26 14:57 | Report Abuse

Vivonewbie, you have good news to bolster confidence among investors?


2018-06-26 14:53 | Report Abuse

Vivonewbie Idiot! People already know what's happening with this counter except you!
My postings over here is all about having A 'Teh Tarik'.
You go Buy! Who's stopping you!


2018-06-26 14:38 | Report Abuse

Big Question!
Does Vivocom wants to move forward?
Are they serious of taking in funds (PP/RI) to give back returns to their Investors?
Make your own decision on how to play this stock.


2018-06-26 14:30 | Report Abuse

On a broader note in regards to ACE MARKET and small caps in Bursa.
We retailers have come a long way playing with them.
Speculation play, yes, many know what their doing when putting their money in (Risk win or loose)
Investment in ACE market, how many really made it?
Which ACE MARKET counters till today (besides one or two) were really interested in progessing as a company to benefit in the name of Being Listed?
So, what's the point having an ACE MARKET by Bursa?


2018-06-26 14:20 | Report Abuse

Rakuten. There's no web link for this company and ECRL.
If you find one is by the company Directors doing their magic of swindling Retailers!


2018-06-26 14:16 | Report Abuse

If not mistaken AGM is on 28/6 (correct me if wrong).
Let's see what con approvals this company is going to make.
Very important, where exactly are they moving and are they going to transparent in the future?
No point having AGM for 'shok sendiri' in Sarawak!


2018-06-26 14:09 | Report Abuse

Didn't this company came out promoting on moving to MB?
What happened to their promotion and Confidence?


2018-06-26 14:08 | Report Abuse

My view.
Company's like Vivocom take advantage in listing (especially ACE MARKET ). Many like Vivocom make promises of moving forward to MB (Main Board)but along the way swindling money or sapu the profits for themselves. End of the day, no money for future projects than start their nonsense with PP, RI and Bonus Issues with Free Warrants to collect funds but they won't do Bank Borrowings! Why?
Bank Borrowings, yes need to service interest.
Fantastic company's will not have a problem borrowing and servicing if they're doing the right and proper thing!


2018-06-26 13:57 | Report Abuse

Many projects from the initial 2-3B has been scrapped. Some are on going but no one has a clear idea on this.
But on and off, this company comes out with PP and RI to ask for investment.
Is it for pending projects or for upcoming ones?
What has happened to the earlier profits made? If reinvested than what's the problem of collecting those receivables to help finance future projects?


2018-06-26 13:49 | Report Abuse

ECRL. What I'm trying to point out is, this company has been switching with many China company's doing collaboration which until today is not clear with which Cccc's they're having any affiliation.
Also, there's nothing confirmed that this company will get any side projects from them.
So, there's no point keeping positive hopes that this company will get something out of it (speculation).


2018-06-26 13:44 | Report Abuse

Rakuten, no problem. You're most welcome to ask and post what you feel over here on your freewill.
I cannot stop anyone here from not buying or investing in this counter.
I only post my view with concerns on what has happened with this company for the past 2 years.
The promises and promoting they've made in leading many retailers to buy and get stuck at high price.
When price start dropping(till today),the company Directors go missing, no proper announcement and confidence given to shareholders.
This in return becomes a speculation that this company is up to no good and not being transparent.


2018-06-24 23:42 | Report Abuse

Profits swindled.
Recevables, playing the fool around with every Q announcement for the last 2 years.
No money to run projects.
This company cannot move by keep on swindling from Retailers in the open market!


2018-06-24 23:36 | Report Abuse

Vivonewbie or even Vivoforever1.
This company will not progress even have 4B worth of projects!


2018-06-24 23:26 | Report Abuse

Vivonewbie, why are you here?


2018-06-24 23:25 | Report Abuse

What return is this company wants to give back to their shareholders?
All these years, no return but more money asking!


2018-06-24 23:23 | Report Abuse

No_margin, the Directors employed you????


2018-06-24 21:46 | Report Abuse

Stop for a while and start to think.
No point jumping from one cheap stock to another in the Ace Market..
You can be lucky, being in the right counter at the right time.
That's all.
We'll talk about an idiot called Brahmal later and the idiot Retailers whom follow him when news comes out which counter he bought!


2018-06-24 21:34 | Report Abuse

Many Retailers don't have money or when have a marginal amount, almost all go for 2nd Liners and ACE MARKET because cheap and Shark Play with volume.
Many got cought loosing and borrowing to make up the losses, ending up loosing more money.


2018-06-24 21:29 | Report Abuse

Those were the days where ACE MARKET counters get listed getting away cheating Retailers to pour in more money for them to make money.
Today, awareness on what's happening with our Ace Market must be widely told and action should be taken for future listings.
Go check, how many Ace Market counters (out of hundreds) till today, really wanted to progress after listing????


2018-06-24 21:19 | Report Abuse

Vivoforever1, don't be another Najib!
Stop clowning around.
Latest RI is or could be for present pending projects and not for ECRL!
Let the idiot Directors come out and talk!


2018-06-24 20:54 | Report Abuse

Big problem with this company...
1) Very secretive, don't come out and say where they stand.
2) Since their 2-3B projects annoucement 2 years ago, till today having problems collecting Receivables along the way keep announcing PP and RI to raise funds!
3) Profits made, should go back to be reinvested for future projects to minimize borrowing instead of making new exercise (PP/RI) to collect more funds from shareholders (especially Retailers).
What happened or What's happening with this company's profits????


2018-06-24 20:38 | Report Abuse

1) ECRL is on and under CCCC as the main contractor. Wheather Vivocom will get any projects, no can confirm or forsee the future.
2) Till today, no one knows exactly what's happening inside this company in regards to on going projects also which Chinese company is this company having ties.
3) If get any Big projects from ECRL, what/where exactly is this company going to plan on how to get the extra cash to support this project? Another PP/RI?


2018-06-21 17:35 | Report Abuse

Lodge a Police Report before they swindle money from RI!


2018-06-21 17:32 | Report Abuse

We don't need this kind of companies in Bursa.
We need MACC to investigate what happened to Vivocom ventures.


2018-06-21 17:30 | Report Abuse

This company has got no projects in the pipeline.
Now, let's get SC to delist this company.


2018-06-21 17:26 | Report Abuse

After RI, 0.04.
3 Billion shares introduced.
Extra WE.
For What?


2018-06-21 17:24 | Report Abuse

Guys. Don't buy any RI. Don't chase.
Fair value of this company is 0.04.


2018-06-21 17:22 | Report Abuse

No new projects nevermind!
0.04 fair price is also ok!
As long don't cheat Retailers chasing RI!


2018-06-21 17:19 | Report Abuse

This company Directors want to collect money for their own survival. Not about shareholders today!


2018-06-21 17:18 | Report Abuse

This company is not going anywhere until they rectify.
0.06 or even 0.04.
Who's bothered?


2018-06-21 15:19 | Report Abuse

Many bought into this company (for newcomers), was because in 2016, the company Director came out promoting his company and encouraged many Retailers to invest (Go check Bloomberg and BFM Radio).
After that till today, the company Director never came out!
What money they want somemore from Retail Investors, investing in this company????


2018-06-21 15:10 | Report Abuse

Than why did you'll buy his company shares from 2016?


2018-06-21 15:03 | Report Abuse

Guys, I ask many questions but does anyone of you'll have any answers on what's happening with this company?


2018-06-21 14:58 | Report Abuse

What has happened to the earlier profits collected?
What has happened to the pending Receivables to be collected?
What cocktail is this company trying to do to cheat the public playing with sharks?


2018-06-21 14:53 | Report Abuse

The above RI approved to collect money is only for pending projects or payments these idiot Directors needs to pay.
What's going to happen if suddenly get KB Airport or ECRL projects?
Again RI and Free Warrants?


2018-06-21 14:41 | Report Abuse

Let's take Vivocom today.
Very-very cheap (I guess @ 0.06 is it cheap?).
RI already approved.
What progress are they moving for their company that they need Retailers money from RI?
What projects are still on going that they need money?


2018-06-21 14:33 | Report Abuse

Let's put our differences aside.
Today's Retailers don't have much money in playing Bursa.
Many jump and Chase cheap counters, end of the day get cheated by Shark-directors play.
Need to change on how to invest instead of making fast money (sometimes lucky).


2018-06-21 14:27 | Report Abuse

See, our great investor Brahmal.
Today at Gabungan AQRS.
See how share price go up and come down.
This idiot was involved in Vivocom earlier and many others.
He's investing news will only come out later after share price go up.
After news comes out, most likely a sell off.
This is the problem with some retailers chasing when a counter goes up.
This is also a problem with company Directors playing along with this kind of idiots making money from the side in the expense of Retailers!