
DreamCapturer | Joined since 2015-11-11

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2015-11-12 19:14 | Report Abuse

With a good penny stock, and with a bit of luck on your side also, one could make 10 - 15 times that return in 9 months ... Doesn't happen often enough though ...


2015-11-12 18:42 | Report Abuse

There is only one way to make a profit ... In any business undertaking ... Just make bloddy sure that you can sell something at a price significantly higher than the one at which you bought ...


2015-11-12 18:27 | Report Abuse

Aik, FamJenny, butut so bad ah ... So you FamJenny might be resurrected but Solomon might not ... Wow ... Mana bible pinya yg kasi tau sama lu ini maciam pinya geh ... Itu China mali pinya bible geh ... ki ki ki


2015-11-12 18:22 | Report Abuse

5 sen coming Ah Gon ... ki ki ki


2015-11-12 18:21 | Report Abuse

Muhammad Ali muda pinya time, manyiak busat ka ... Lagi itu George Foreman sama itu Ken Norton, talak manyiak buat dia young time ... Libih-libih pun 70 - 75 kg ini maciam yuga ... Tapi tumbuk olang boleh kasi yatuh pinya wor ...


2015-11-12 18:17 | Report Abuse

Lia tumbuk bukan tumbuk body saja leihh. Lia tumbuk kapala leihh. Ini maciam tumbuk, kena solid, boleh tulus tumbang wor. Tak kira badan kicik atau besar pinya leihh ...


2015-11-12 18:14 | Report Abuse

Ha ha ... Tactical geh


2015-11-12 16:46 | Report Abuse

Wrestler tulubang, apa takut, kasi lia tulubang la, lu tak mau tunggu lia landing atas lu lor ... Lu golek sikit, kasi itu floor hantam sama lia lor ... ki ki ki


2015-11-12 16:43 | Report Abuse

Tapi klu boxer ah, satu kali lia tumbuk pun boleh pengsan wor, klu lia punya punching manyiak solid pinya leihh ... Can gv KO in the ring maa ...

Tapi klu mau tengok lwn cantik ah, in terms of continuity & flow ah, tak boleh lwn sama itu JCVD la gua ingat ... Gua tau itu sumua choreographed pinya action la, tapi compared wiff other MA actors, lia pinya action yuga yg gua paling suka tengok ... Wely neat ... Wely gud to watch ...


2015-11-12 16:23 | Report Abuse

still low wolume


2015-11-12 16:18 | Report Abuse

Rooney macho man type wor, Ah Gon ... Don't play play one wor ... Olang pun takut mau main-main sama lia wor, silap-silap kina tumbuk atau head-butt wor, klu lia lost temper oledy ...

Lia bukan maciam Lonaldo pinya type, body only muscular, but hati maciam girly sikit ... Kina bully skt sama itu Ruud Van Nistelrooy lia umut muda pinya time pun lia nangis wor ... ki ki ki


2015-11-12 16:12 | Report Abuse

Olang yadi king misti ata ham soup (including soup of ham, a woman's ham portion, ki ki ki)lor ... Especially in ancient times, misti kaw kaw ham soup pinya leihh ...Or else, klu lia tak ata lapat son, lia dynasty pun hapit lor ...


2015-11-12 16:06 | Report Abuse

Lu avatar pun tak tau taluk gambat, Ah Song ... Lu nooby lor ...


2015-11-12 15:55 | Report Abuse

Wayne Rooney was a boxer before he became a pro footballer Ah Gon ... All his brothers also boxers ...


2015-11-12 14:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fam Jenny > Nov 12, 2015 01:55 PM | Report Abuse

The bible revealed the truth about good and shameful doings of the kings like the adultery of King David,King Solomon's excessive possession of wives and concubines which was amounting to 1000 and many sins of other prominent kings.

Uh huh ... So, what ancient king did not hv an eye for an attractive woman ...


2015-11-12 14:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by Fam Jenny > Nov 12, 2015 01:32 PM | Report Abuse

Regarding the earth was round and suspensed on nothing,it was not with their own abilities to know as they were not scientists or astronauts but through the holy spirit of God who uses men to compile the holy book to reveal Him and his purposes.

Oh yeah? ... More likely, they meditated themselves into a trance, or a dreamlike sub-conscious state, then obtained all kinds of 'realisations' or 'enlightenments' while in such a state, then when they recover to a normal state again, they tell everybody that a 'God' - whom they never actually physically saw with their eyes, becos it was just their heightened state of meditation-induced imagination - came to them & spoke to them, and 'revealed' things to them ...


2015-11-12 13:40 | Report Abuse

Lia pinya ceo tak hapit makan kina kasi ajat lor


2015-11-12 13:35 | Report Abuse

Supermax kaput lor


2015-11-12 13:05 | Report Abuse

Okay lor ... Lu yuai kasi hapit lu pinya sumua ... Lu ata manyiak meh ... Nanti skt hali lu mali tengok ah ... Atau lu mgkn satu bijit pun x tak ata langsung ah ...


2015-11-12 12:07 | Report Abuse

Forget the lost kuku la, Ah Gon ... Just be grateful dat your dikk is still wiff ya ... ki ki ki


2015-11-12 11:21 | Report Abuse

Ah Gon, today Daughter B low @6 ... Maybe can still go lower ...


2015-11-12 11:15 | Report Abuse

LOL ... Ah Gon always like to go shopping when he gets excited ... Just like a typical housewife ... Only he is not one ... ki ki ki


2015-11-12 11:08 | Report Abuse

Waaaah, Ah Gon ... Lu pun sulah yadi big fan of Suma daughter geh ...


2015-11-12 11:05 | Report Abuse

Maintain low 12.5 also die geh, Ah Song ... Lu mana skolah lu pigi bulajat ah ...


2015-11-12 11:03 | Report Abuse

Evely day wely quiet dis room, then how to up ...


2015-11-12 11:01 | Report Abuse

Lantai lor, kina sapu ... What else leihh ...


2015-11-12 09:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by kancs3118 > Nov 12, 2015 09:19 AM | Report Abuse

In finance and in life, there is a perverted tendency for us to over complicate things...it seems the more complicated the deal is, then there is a towering perception that we will make more money out of it...but for me, if the deal is not simple enough for a simpleton like me to understand, than I will graciously side step the deal...it does not matter if I do not make money out of it...

For me, the safety of principal + a satisfactory return of 30% to 40% a year is good enough...

A most sensible doctrine ... Keep it up ...


2015-11-12 09:24 | Report Abuse

One who keeps playing with fire normally will get singed, if not burned ...


2015-11-12 09:22 | Report Abuse

Ah Gon, you are flirting with disaster ... One of these days you are gonna fall into disaster ...


2015-11-12 09:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by SJSOON > Nov 12, 2015 01:13 AM | Report Abuse

Central bankers are too smart to manipulate its monetary tool to overcome the complicating economics issues. However, their attempts are making the distortion worse. The economy could have self-regulated, why did they opt for Keynesian approach? Recession, keep spending, no money, technically generating money to spend. Rubbish!

That's right. Printing money. Then spending money. That's what the US does. Voodoo economics.


2015-11-12 09:04 | Report Abuse

The wolf is indeed also another powerful animal figure, Ah Leo ... That is one reason why certain tribes like the Mongols, the Turks, the Tatars & the Huns hv been rather successful in the history of war ... They subscribe to the way of the wolf ... And they employ the tactics of the wolf as a major component in their battle strategies ...


2015-11-12 09:01 | Report Abuse

Saying something, or believing something, does NOT make it a 'fact', FamJenny. Only providing evidence for it does.


2015-11-12 08:44 | Report Abuse

Well ... Did anyone among them ever once personally see Zeus, Amun, Teshub, Marduk or Enlil? ... Even the highest of high priests or high priestesses? ... Nope, never ... Not even a stupid, sohai, chow kia ghost ...

In ancient Greece, if a hot young Greek babe unintentionally got herself preggy with her hot dude, and needed a story to explain the sudden swell in her belly, all she needed to say was that Zeus was captivated by her exquisite beauty & appeared to her in human form ... da da ...


2015-11-12 08:32 | Report Abuse

Roller coaster thrills lor


2015-11-11 18:02 | Report Abuse

Welll, Ah Leo more or less said it himself, Eric is regularly there, so I guess he is in it. As for Ah Likk, well fifty-fifty guess ... No, perhaps 75-25, only 25% chance he's in ... LOL


2015-11-11 17:52 | Report Abuse

Ah Gon, not only Ah Yam, but our own Ah Leo, Ah Likk & Ah Likk #2 (Eric) also owning some Glotec ...


2015-11-11 17:50 | Report Abuse

Ah Gon, LOL ... And don't forget also Samira Zopunyan, Anusch Alawerdian, Katerina Shereen, Dovila Korpusenkaite etc etc. ... ki ki ki


2015-11-11 17:48 | Report Abuse

Ah Gon, Ah Leo, there is a meaning behind my choosing of the hawk as one my favourite avatar symbols ... The spirit of the hawk, its fierceness, its courage, its robustness, its resilience, are the things I respect, admire & revere, and attempt to emulate in my investing life ...


2015-11-11 17:42 | Report Abuse

Ah Leo, dats why la, you ah, still don't know me ... Even after all this months ... FYI, I do NOT own even a single unit of Glotec ... Never ever bought any ...


2015-11-11 17:40 | Report Abuse

Ah Gon, if you want to geram, you geram the money, not geram the shaham ... If you want to shayang, you shayang the money, not shayang the shaham ...


2015-11-11 17:38 | Report Abuse

Ah Gon, hv to act like a hard, ruthless hawk, not like a soft, gentle emotional duck ...


2015-11-11 17:31 | Report Abuse

Focusing on Nova now, Lulu ... While also just still keeping an eye on Suma WB ...


2015-11-11 17:24 | Report Abuse

Ah Gon, lu sulah blapa tahu main shaham, lg poleh ciakap ini maciam ah ...

Main shaham, when it comes to the toughest, most critical decisions, cannot follow the heart, but only the head ...

Hv to judge, decide & act like a cyborg, not like a human with a heart full of emotions la, feelings la, frustrations la, disapointments la, guilt la, geram la, marah la, binci la, sayang la, cinta la blah blah blah ...


2015-11-11 17:22 | Report Abuse

I like to play in this room, LuluCF ... Just for fun ... But right now not holding any Suma Mother or Daughter ...


2015-11-11 17:05 | Report Abuse

Even dudes crossing the road, sometimes ...


2015-11-11 17:04 | Report Abuse

Ah Gon ... Don't forget ... Thrill can kill ... Happens all the time .... On expressways, especially, very often ... Bikes, cars, trucks, buses, you name it ...