
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-10-04 18:44 | Report Abuse

What is so big deal about 10k paper loss. It's only on paper. You don't sell, you don't lose.


2014-10-04 18:38 | Report Abuse

Once playing, gotta play with courage, boldness and daring. But with courage, boldness and daring founded upon smart and wise strategy, not simply blind, clueless, aimless play.

Gotta be always up to speed on latest developments about or relevant to the company's business, the company's plans, the company's projects, the company's vision and goals, etc.

If wanna play takut-takut only, then no point playing. Better go plonk all one's money into FD. Very safe, but then very low ROI. Or Unit Trusts, moderate risk, moderate ROI. It all depends on one's risk-benefit or risk-return appetite.


2014-10-04 18:26 | Report Abuse

of course possible


2014-10-04 15:55 | Report Abuse

Time for coffee. BRB


2014-10-04 15:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by wakakaka > Oct 4, 2014 02:03 AM | Report Abuse

wakakakaka...you trust virgin 50 year old fortune teller?...sure laugh die...wakakakakaka

Okay, hotshot, So, how many girlfriends have you ever had, tell us.

And how many girls hv you done in your short hotshot life. We would like to learn form your 'so many' and 'so wide range' of experiences.


2014-10-04 15:36 | Report Abuse

What do those kids know. Big talk, zilch proven experience.


2014-10-04 14:35 | Report Abuse

Only the very young and immature are obsessed with speed.


2014-10-04 14:34 | Report Abuse

Soon or not soon, it will go up. That is the main thing.


2014-10-04 14:04 | Report Abuse

We can wait. So we shall wait.


2014-10-04 13:38 | Report Abuse

What's the new TP


2014-10-04 13:08 | Report Abuse

If the rebound starts at 43 on Tuesday, then the failed queuers are gonna curse their Friday indecisiveness.


2014-10-04 13:05 | Report Abuse

Censof. What's the TP.


2014-10-04 10:30 | Report Abuse

When my investments hit RM10 mil in worth, I shall be going for a visit to the Czech Republic. To Czech out the beautiful Miss Katerina Shereen.

So, I hv to work hard to make my target arrive faster. Katerina will be my inspiration.


2014-10-04 10:19 | Report Abuse

If the O&G counters make a play, then Suma might just sportingly play along.


2014-10-04 10:07 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-04 08:50 | Report Abuse

Well, KP, he's really so unsure of himself, so insecure, he likes to pretend to laugh all the time. So, there ya go.


2014-10-04 08:12 | Report Abuse

You'd be surprised, the hate and poison one could be getting from some gang of naive, ignorant, experienced-challenged newbie novices, just for saying that one is thinking of becoming this rich or that wealthy one day, and outlining one's ambitious plans on how to 'get there'.


2014-10-04 05:35 | Report Abuse

Suma is normally not affected by US so much, Dreamer.


2014-10-04 05:31 | Report Abuse

That could be why HS now wants to up his ownership. HS could be seeing RM10 'written' on the wall, and he does not want another big tycoon to simply walk in and easily reap the benefits from his hard work.


2014-10-04 05:24 | Report Abuse

When Mother wanna jalan ah


2014-10-04 05:23 | Report Abuse

Bryan, ha ha. Potong apa tu, potong sayur kut.


2014-10-04 05:07 | Report Abuse

Besides Suma being their baby Godzilla which of course they both want to nurture to adulthood, HS-CD and gang has also their own personal, individual interests in working up Suma's price to the highest possible maximum.

HS, for instance, has something like 770 million units of Suma Mother. If Suma hits RM1, then that is worth RM770 mil. But if he can work Suma up to RM10, then it would be worth RM7 bil. Just go through the maths.

And that is excluding additional further stock he owns through proxies.


2014-10-04 04:54 | Report Abuse

Now, off on your bike. Kid.


2014-10-04 04:53 | Report Abuse

My garbage could easily hit RM1 mil in worth if Suma Mother and WB sails into a good run up. I work up to 4,000 big lots, and HS-CD works WB up to RM2.50, it's worth 10M. I work up to 10,000 big lots, and HS-CD works WB to RM10, it's 100M. If you can still cope with the basic maths.

Your garbage?


2014-10-04 02:32 | Report Abuse

SureLaughDie is resorting to desperate measures now, namecalling and personal insults now becoming his favoured last-resort weapons. Coz he's run out of ideas an inspiration - which he has always had a limited supply of - to keep engaging me in professional intelligent manner.


2014-10-04 02:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by Surelaughdie > Oct 4, 2014 01:55 AM | Report Abuse

ok mental ... talking in regret from overconfidence.

ok guys, runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. runnnnn awy from dreamcon

There is no regret. None at all. One makes judgements and decisions, and one trusts them and goes by them, and they can't and don't turn out right all the time. Of course not. But one just keeps doing it. Sometimes one hits, sometimes one misses.

Just like a football striker, one can't be scoring with every shot at goal. Oh noooo. That ain't how it works. It's all about keeping up a reasonable percentage of hits out of all attempts.


2014-10-04 01:52 | Report Abuse

You must think I'm crazy to think of 100M, dude. But I'm not. I only need to work my way up to 10,000 big lots of Suma WB, and for it to hit RM10 in 2018, say, and I'm there.

If I had been just a bit sharper, sold my 1,010 big lots of WB at 55 in mid August, then bought it back at 27.5 last week, I'd be holding 2,020 big lots now.

So, 100M is NOT that far fetched. One has to first believe, in order for one to be able to achieve.


2014-10-04 01:44 | Report Abuse

You sure? Okay, why not. They will take you in first.


2014-10-04 01:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by musang_foxking > Oct 3, 2014 09:24 PM | Report Abuse

Why do u need to criticise dreamhunter for his non stop postings? Let him be, thats his effort, no matter what, either this will save his investment or not... I never see in i3investor forum anybody as hardworking as him... I salute him for this, though I am one of his rivals... I hope he can make it

You got the right spirit of healthy competition, dude. It will serve you well in times to come.

So, since you're claiming to be my rival, between the two of us we'll see who gets to become Mr. M first, then Mr. 10M, then Mr. 100M. As for Mr. B, we'll wait for Mr. 100M first before we talk about that.


2014-10-04 00:43 | Report Abuse

Time for supper. BRB. That's if I don't encounter some pretty young lady around the place, and suddenly get into the mood for for some hunting and conquest. Well, ya never know. LOL


2014-10-04 00:37 | Report Abuse

Sorry to disappoint ya, DreamShitter. But I'm already on well on course toward achieving Mr. M status within a reasonable period of time. The next challenge for me after that will be Mr. 10M, of course. and the next, next one after that will be Mr. 100M.

10M and 100M will be a bit more difficult to achieve than 1M, but definitely not 10 times more or 100 times more, respectively, simply becoz wealth has a way of facilitating the growth of even more wealth. And I believe even 100 is not beyond my ability.

This not being boastful or braggarty, but being ambitious, which jealous, envious but driveless and low-stamina dudes like you might hv a bit of a problem with.


2014-10-04 00:19 | Report Abuse

Now I hv a better idea of who this pitiful DreamShitter really is, judging by the tone and style of his posting. He might already be banned under another name, or he might also hv just created another clone of himself to enable him to post as a new, fresh, still 'anonymous' new poster. I shan't say his other older name yet. But I shall just keep monitoring him.


2014-10-03 23:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshiter > Oct 3, 2014 09:37 PM | Report Abuse

To help Dream Conqueror - Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. Exposing the truth and taking proactive actions to rectify the situation before it goes out of control.

Furthermore - We just taper his cruelness with our exponential kindness - please go and help him. It takes a great might to help a lost soul who know nothing but just to criticise others.

Whoa! What a magnanimous soul. What a kind-hearted being. And you are for real too.


2014-10-03 23:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshiter > Oct 3, 2014 09:27 PM | Report Abuse

He is going to be back - so PLEASE be kind to him - a lonely guy who is desperately seeking attention in cyberspace. This is the only place he can camouflage himself AND he really believes in himself that he actually writes intelligently - so you must just play along - do not demoralise him. Lure him to meet you guys personally and then take him for treatment.

You are definitely right about one thing. I will always keep coming back. It is my leisurely-hours lounge. As for the rest of your post, I hv only one response: YOU WISH.


2014-10-03 23:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshiter > Oct 3, 2014 08:57 PM | Report Abuse

This Dream Conqueror aka born loser posted 142 times today!! Amazing!!

He surely have such a miserable life - 142 times in just a day - he got no friends no life and no where to go. Just stare at the screen and write crap hoping to impress perfect strangers.

I bet he is a fat ugly and bald guy. People who are very lonely only have so much time to write here constantly non-stop- and without any substance - day and wee hours of the night and morning.

If no human being want to be your real friend - adopt a pet lah. A cat or dog is a good choice. In your case - a PARROT will be an excellent pick. But don't pester the poor bird to death with your Constant garbage like what you do here please.

Or if you have the doe - seek medical assistance for your mental case. Go out and get some fresh air. You can cover your face if it is not presentable

This is surely a regular frustrated lowlife crapper who has been banned under a previous name and just started posting under a new name, judging hi meagre number of posts in contrast with his seeming familiarity with the forum. LOL

Dude. You must hate me so much. For reasons best known only to yourself, which I won't waste my precious time trying to figure out. I really pity you for having to contain so much hate and poison within yourself.

I wonder why it bothers you so much how much time I spend posting and how regularly or irregularly I do it. It does not bother me myself, simply becoz I enjoy doing something positive towards defending and building my own wealth, which is the main purpose of my posting activity.


2014-10-03 20:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by Surelaughdie > Oct 3, 2014 08:37 PM | Report Abuse

better dont come back, everytime i see u i have such a big pity on u. make me depress only.

I know. I make you depressed becoz the amount of profit I make and how fast I make it is just mind boggling for your perpetually twirling little cerebrum. So I will come back, just to haunt and torture you again.


2014-10-03 20:38 | Report Abuse

Like I said in another post, the difference between these naive crappy kids and us serious, mature, adult investors is much like between little girls playing cooks in their little play hut and adult women doing real cooking in the kitchen.

There ya go.


2014-10-03 20:37 | Report Abuse

Like I said in another post, the difference between these naive crappy kids and us serious, mature, adult investors is much like between little girls playing cooks in their little play hut and adult women doing real cooking in the kitchen.

There ya go.


2014-10-03 20:35 | Report Abuse

Time for coffee. BRB.


2014-10-03 20:35 | Report Abuse

Then when Suma climbs back up again, after that he will claim that he and his gang hv predicted it too. You just wait and see, WomanX.

Gang of unpaid, freelance soothsayers and stargazers. LOL


2014-10-03 20:31 | Report Abuse

Ha, habis sudah mati akal kena ngan gua, itu badut kichit dua tiga ekor tu.


2014-10-03 20:30 | Report Abuse

Ala, dah lepas jadi punya hal, badut mana pun boleh cakap dia sudah predict.


2014-10-03 20:28 | Report Abuse

Tak nak mengaku pulak tu, dia punya clone sendiri pun masih tak nak ngaku. Dia ingat kita ni smua bodoh benar macam dia jugak.


2014-10-03 20:21 | Report Abuse

Ai, WomanX, lu belum faham lagi ah.

Anything with a 3-part name, each part comprising just 1 syllable, like FartCryDie, SureWinOne, LaughCryFart, etc. etc. is just another alter-ego clone of the same one crappy kid SureLaughDie.


2014-10-03 20:17 | Report Abuse

Tak payah pening kepala lagi la, WomanX. Kita employ Mr. FartCryDie jadi kita punya consultant, pas tu kita boleh goyang kaki aja. Confirm become billionaire in 2 years punya, kan?

Kan? Kan? Kan?


2014-10-03 20:12 | Report Abuse

Apa yang sudah jadi, semua dia cakap dia sudah predict, itu badut FartCryDie satu ekor tu. Gua pun hairan la, kenapa dia belum jadi billionaire lagi ah. Sikit hari dia boleh overtake Warren Buffet la, gua ingat.


2014-10-03 20:10 | Report Abuse

Aik, setakat yg gua tau, orang Turki sama Iran sebut Eid Mubarak utk Aidul Fitr, i.e. Hari Raya Puasa.


2014-10-03 20:07 | Report Abuse

Baru la diam semua badut kichit tu, gua sudah kasi tau cerita in full, kan?

Kan? Kan? Kan?


2014-10-03 20:05 | Report Abuse

Don't care about them la. They can fart or cry or die. It wouldn't shift even a single tiny hair on my me.