
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-10-06 19:17 | Report Abuse

Now, I did not make a profit of over 350k from 200k capital in 10 months simply by following plain standard advice. Like the STANDARD 'Don't put all your eggs in one basket'.

What do experienced-challenged novice newbie kids know. Not much above nothing.


2014-10-06 19:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshiter > Oct 6, 2014 06:07 PM | Report Abuse

That is what you get when you don't make an conscious effort to go out and see the outside world!!! Katak dibawah tempurung. And putting all eggs in one basket is a definite NO-NO!!

I've hear this kind of stuff all the time. By well meaning, but experienced-challenged novice newbie kids. Loads of big talk comprising plain standard advice that they themselves hv heard parroted to them a few thousand times. So they think it must hold true for each and every situation.

But they hv absolutely zero clue how such advice should be tailored to suit a particular situation. So its all just a lot of hot air.

Dude. Hv you heard of the expression 'No one shoe fits all sizes'? Very probably you have not. Sometimes the basket itself is golden, so one plonks everything one's got into it. Go ask Warren Buffet some time.


2014-10-06 18:50 | Report Abuse

He won't trust a chameleon, for sure. Neither a dream shitter.


2014-10-06 18:49 | Report Abuse

What, as despatch dude? Hmmmm. If he could trust them enough. Question is, would he?


2014-10-06 16:16 | Report Abuse

In the long run, demand for oil will always outpace supply. Becoz world population will keep increasing exponentially, while production expansion will struggle to keep pace. So, in the long term, there is only one way for oil to go. UP.


2014-10-06 15:33 | Report Abuse

There is no such thing as free. Everything has to be pai for in one way or other. You are only kidding yourself. But you can't kid others.


2014-10-06 15:27 | Report Abuse

Sudah la chameleo with no consistent character, lagi selalu cakap tak serupa bikin.


2014-10-06 15:26 | Report Abuse

So why are you still holding on to that half of your 500 SMALL lots, if you really believe that it is as hazardous to your health as KFC or McD.


2014-10-06 15:19 | Report Abuse

The fact that you 've only sold half of your 500 SMALL lots, and are still keeping the other half, just means you are not confident enough of your own judgement. But then you're a chameleon who simply do not hv the courage and confidence to stick to your own guns.


2014-10-06 15:16 | Report Abuse

If their RI sells, that just means investing dudes are hv faith in their worth. But that has probably gone over your experienced-challenged novice newbie head. So, we know who's the fool here.


2014-10-06 15:08 | Report Abuse

DickyMe MeDicky Sundarjie thamby dei. I was not my intention to share anything with you. But since you've brought it up, I was playing Hang Seng Futures, that time not even yet approved in Malaysia, when you were still wet behind your ears and slimy-phlegmy inside your nose. So, who's the novice newbie.

That was why you took donkey's years to be convinced of Suma's worth. You were scaredy catty about Suma's PN17, treating every PN17 stock as the same without analysing their turnaround plan and their long term vision. And you were also hung up about their ancient debts, when all it took was one RI to settle everything.


2014-10-06 14:24 | Report Abuse

Plenty of idiot experience-challenged novice newbies masquerading as veteran genius investors these days. Just let em hv their fun. They're pretty harmless. Although they always seem to think that they're rather powerful.


2014-10-06 10:44 | Report Abuse

Investing should be fun, not tough.


2014-10-06 10:34 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-06 09:59 | Report Abuse

Okay. But there is an optimum level of absorption. Beyond which, more is not necessarily better.


2014-10-06 09:50 | Report Abuse

Ring, no need to absorb so much info. It would just give you infoverload, without that much benefit. Just watch the price as it comes. You can't be predicting too hard. It won't work anyway.


2014-10-06 09:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ring > Oct 6, 2014 09:00 AM | Report Abuse

If oil price collapse US economy may collapse first but they have huge reserves but US using crude oil price to control d world mkt now which is which confusing anyway Opec meeting in Nov.

Not that confusing. If oil falls below a certain price, it will hurt all oil producing countries' economies, so they will eventually sit together - both OPEC and non-OPEC members - to agree to cut production. Then price will rise again. Nobody gains with a prolonged oil price contraction. Not even US.


2014-10-06 02:13 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-05 01:24 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-05 01:17 | Report Abuse

Say what? DickyMe MeDicky SundarJi now dancing to the beat of Bagaikan Puteri?

Stone me! Now, I don't know what this world is coming to.


2014-10-05 01:02 | Report Abuse

I don't think anybody will complain ... except maybe ... our resident perpetual whiner-moaner-groaner ... the Great Chameleon ... DickyMe MeDicky SundarJi ...


2014-10-05 00:59 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-04 22:49 | Report Abuse

It is nothing about blind faith or confession. One makes one's own judgemnnts and decisions, then lives by them. It's just part of the normal rough and tumble of investing life.

Just like you once took ages to be convinced of the viablity of Suma, after months of spouting sh*t and krapp about it in this room under your multitudes of clone names, by which time the price had already taken off one round.


2014-10-04 22:44 | Report Abuse

DickyMe, I don't need your cheapskate tak-laku consultancy. So, on your bike. If you find my post toxic, then just don't swallow it.

BTW, maybe you would like to tell us how much profit you hv made this round. And perhaps your vision of how far you believe you can go. With Suma or with whatever new thing that your chameleon mind has suddenly shifted focus to right now.


2014-10-04 22:36 | Report Abuse

Line, if you want to be promoting SONA, I think you are in the wrong room. If you get my drift.


2014-10-04 22:34 | Report Abuse

Line, I can sense the fear in you. I'm pretty cool at psychology too. Maybe you ought to reconsider your position. Maybe stock investment is not that suitable for you. Just saying.


2014-10-04 22:31 | Report Abuse

With all due respect, I hv never even once believed that Suma is worth less than SONA. Enough said.


2014-10-04 22:29 | Report Abuse

Well, let's put it this way. How long will the current oil glut continue. How long can Saudi Arabia afford to sell oil at heavy discount simply to wrest more market share. Sooner or later all that is gonna end. Then oil price will come back up again.


2014-10-04 22:23 | Report Abuse

It's like playing football. One always plays to win. But you have to face the lost games and deal with it. As long as you win more games than you lose in the long run, then you'll be all right.


2014-10-04 22:19 | Report Abuse

Line, what goes up must come down. Conversely also, what goes down must come back up. Don't be so feardul and pessimistic. It ain't healthy.


2014-10-04 22:12 | Report Abuse

Stocks, something good that you hv studied well, mind you. Not just any stock that you've heard someone claim is fantastic, you know. Backed up with some property investment as hedging and confidence mainstay, Dreamer11. About 50:50 ratio, or perhaps 60% property, 40% stocks.

That would make a sound enough strategy, I believe.


2014-10-04 22:07 | Report Abuse

Well, let's put it this way. You play with fear also you can still lose. It does not mean that if you play with fear, you would necesarily win.

So you might as well play with boldness, daring and confidence. But the right, judicious, well calculated kind of boldness, daring and confidence.

I'm pretty cool with maths, while also gifted with reasonable powers of memory and observation, including observing human behaviour and psychology (bragging a bit now :-P), so those are some advantages I have.


2014-10-04 21:56 | Report Abuse

You still hv to rely on your own final analysis and judgement, NoManLand, after taking in and combining all the outside input. Since I play long term, I don't care too much about TA, that is only relevant for short term play. Even the TA specilists themselves acknowlege that.

As for FA, now that is a different kettle of fsih altogether, you do need that, even if it's your own free-style FA.

I was initially holding 1,250 bug lots of WB. But in attempting some fancy short term play, I'm now down to 1,010 big lots. If I had sold at 55 in mid August and bought back at 27.5 last week, then I would be holding 2,020 big lots today. But I did not. Becoz I did not hv a reliable crytal ball with me.

But at least I've still got 1,010 big lots with me, so it's not that bad. I just need to hang on and wait for the next round of spikes.


2014-10-04 21:45 | Report Abuse

I'm not that familiar with forex trading. But I supose you need to play with high volume capital to make any significant profits, because the profit margin cannot be that high compared to stocks. So you would neeed to be playing on margin facility, I guess, like playing commodities or futures options.

Once margin money is involved, it becomes a very-high-risk, very-high-return game, because there is forced selling when your paper losses exceed a certain amount, like around 15% or something. Once there is forced seling, you could easily lose everything you've got invested within a week.

I first tried futures options many years ago. Hang Seng Futures, even before it became legit in Malaysia. Made 17k profit from 17k capital in like 6 weeks, then lost everything in a week. Absolutely everything.


2014-10-04 21:36 | Report Abuse

Gua suka lepak kat cybercafe, Nooraini. Lagi pun gua tak da remote control monitor yg canggih cam lu punya. So, kena la monitor physically sekali sekala. Klu weekend boleh la monitor lama sikit.

Malam Raya mana leh cari awek. Tak kena gaya pulak tu. Tak pa la, cari awek kemudian. Fokus on bikin harta dulu. Klu tak da harta, cam na nak maintain awek. Zaman moden ni, awek semua high maintenance wor.


2014-10-04 21:29 | Report Abuse

Confident also cannot ah, Dreamer11? Okay, you try go play a football game without confidence some time. See how far you get. If you do get anywhere significant.


2014-10-04 21:25 | Report Abuse

BRB is forum short form, LuciCF. It stands for 'Be right back'.


2014-10-04 19:30 | Report Abuse

Time for coffee again. BRB


2014-10-04 19:24 | Report Abuse

Maybe Censof WA & WB is worth a look also, Conn.


2014-10-04 19:22 | Report Abuse

Really ironic. Brother yg gi outer space tak da apa-apa hal. Brother yg living in the safety of home get involved in a freak home accident and passes away.


2014-10-04 19:19 | Report Abuse

Ey, itu astronaut Dr. Sheikh Mudzaffar punya abang langgar tiang dalam rumah rumah aja, then jatuh kepala kena bendul concrete or something, terus jalan wor. Itu jam Sheikh Mudzaffar in outer space.


2014-10-04 19:15 | Report Abuse

Together-gether? Whoa!


2014-10-04 19:13 | Report Abuse

Anyway, shuffling fingers on a keyboard is not exactly back breaking work. And it isn't such hard thinking work either. Just keeping up with developments.


2014-10-04 19:11 | Report Abuse

But money does not rest, dude. It works all the time. Even money in FD. But money in Suma is better, of course.


2014-10-04 19:05 | Report Abuse

'I maggi soup' = 'I like maggi soup'

'ikan kembung gorang' = 'ikan kembung goreng'

'I open my bow' = 'I open my bowl'



2014-10-04 19:02 | Report Abuse

Maggi curry is tasty also what. But I maggi soup better. Order it at the mamak stall, I get some ikan kembung gorang and cubit-cubit it up into pieces.

When the maggi soup is ready, I chuck the morsels of shredded ikan kembung into the maggi bowl, close it up with a saucer and leave it to soak in the soup for a few minutes. Lite up a ciggy, read the latest copy of StarBiz, just menung-menung or whatever.

After about 5 - 10 minutes I open my bow. Voila, it's a little feast! For a mere about RM5 of damage.


2014-10-04 18:50 | Report Abuse

The 'aiyyo this, aiyyo that' type of player normally won't get very far. Too knee-jerk type character. No poise, no calmness, no steadiness.

Gotta remain ice cool and steadfast under the most stressful situation.