
DreamWarrior | Joined since 2015-01-25

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2015-09-01 14:05 | Report Abuse

Tu la, DS ... Lu bulum bulajat ini strategy ah ...

Buy when everybody else takut ... Sell when everybody else confident ... Shud try it some time ...


2015-09-01 13:35 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-09-01 13:22 | Report Abuse

Sulah 14.5, baru la kilam kabut cali lui sana sini mau bili ... Itu hali 9.5, semua pun tak mau tengok ...

Yep, investors are a funny species of shoppers ...


2015-09-01 09:39 | Report Abuse

Wah, lagi up ah ... Gud, gud ... Keep going, Suma ...


2015-09-01 09:37 | Report Abuse

He just rode a horse about to break into galloping stride leihh ... If he not there somebody else wud hv risen to do da job leihhh ... But he got the job, which gave him da power & authority, so he make da most of it la, do everything to create image of hero leihhh, like in Bollywood leihhh ...

Vision 2020 also not his own personal inspiration what ... It was something first proposed at a gathering of business leaders which he chaired ... But he liked the overall idea, then gave his backing to it ... Then, voila, it eventually bbecame like his own personal vision ...


2015-09-01 09:02 | Report Abuse

You go tell your gud flend TM that he is ruining da market for us all la, DS ... By relentlessly attacking 1mdb & Ah Jib ...

Now he changed tactic oledy lor ... Last time very against BoeullShhit Rally, say street demos not the Malaysian way blah blah blah ... But now he's made a complete volte-face, himself joining BoeullShhit Rally & thereby indirectly supporting the side that has hijacked da BoeullShhit Rally, his auld enemy da Dikkheadocratic Arrogance Party ... Just becos he is so sore at Ah Jib, becos Ah Jib refuses to do everything he wants, and also becos Ah Jib has done nothing to help his son's political career progression ...

TM has undermined & compromised his own past credibility ... Oh yesss ... He is now at risk of losing his own precious legacy ...


2015-08-31 22:07 | Report Abuse

Uzi kaki urut ka ... Mau promote urut kat kita pulak dia tu ... ada urut amoy yg cun cun macam Paula, Meital or Zana ka ...


2015-08-31 21:17 | Report Abuse

Well, Uzi440, TM is a half-Malabarian himself ... So, a half-Bangali can also do it, why not, but he wud hv been bred & raised as a Malay, just like TM ...

But not a newly arrived Bangli from Dacca, he wud not be familiar enough with local ways ...

They can even be sultans, if you must know ... Maybe you're still not aware that a currently reigning sultan is in fact half-English, while a current young raja muda is in fact half-American ...

You see, our people hv no silly hang ups about mixed ancestry, like some other dudes in some other lands sometimes do ...


2015-08-31 21:08 | Report Abuse

Wa young boy pinya time ada tonggang itu kerbau, lu tau ah ... Kita olang kasi train sama dia, sudah train cukup2, jd boleh ride dia macam ride horse juga wor ... Don't play play one wor ...


2015-08-31 20:51 | Report Abuse

Lu mau pigi itu sawah padi punya kawasan lor, DS ...


2015-08-31 20:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-08-31 18:24 | Report Abuse

Kerbau pun tak pernah tengok, apa yg dia tau, tengok dalam gambar sama dengar orang punya cerita juga, itu kontuik idiot dikhead satu ekor itu ...


2015-08-31 18:18 | Report Abuse

Tanduk kerbau jangan main tau ... Perut harimau pun boleh kasi terburai wor ... Don't play play wor ...


2015-08-31 18:16 | Report Abuse

Like it or not, that is the truth ... Dude


2015-08-31 17:56 | Report Abuse

So what has BoeullShhit Rally #4 achieved? ... Hmmm ... Nothing ... Nought ... Zero .... Zilch ...

Apart from showing that the Malay community has by & large REJECTED da bollocksy BoeullShhit Movement ... and that the BoeullShhit Movement has more or less been HIJACKED by da Dikkheadocratic Arrogance Party ...

BTW, BoeullShhit Rally organisers should be arrested & charged for incitement, provocation & sedition, for contravening the Police ban & going ahead with da BoeullShhit Rally ...

In this regard, specifically, Malaysia should in da future follow Singapore style & prohibit all illegal gatherings completely ...


2015-08-31 17:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by andychucky28 > Aug 31, 2015 12:01 AM | Report Abuse

see where your land going

later bangla also be your dpm.

Kontuik idiot dikkhead AndyClucky AndyChicken AndyChowkia, Bangla cannot be dpm or pm ... But if Bangla marres a Muslim Malay or Bumi girl, or even a Mamak girl, and he& his family follow Muslim ways, then their son can be dpm or pm, no prob ... Why you always whining & complaining ah ... You so jealous & envious one ah ...

You want you son to be dpm ah ... Can also, but on one conditon ... You hv to cut off your kontuik dikkhead, whoops, your kontuik dikkhead skin, convert to Islam & marry a Muslim girl, and follow Muslim ways ... You game ah? ...


2015-07-21 21:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Jul 21, 2015 09:47 PM | Report Abuse

@DreamWarriorKantoi ---
Kau bebel macam pondan tak dapat pelanggan..tapi hakikatnya, kau ni Kaki JUDI...

Kau ni macam ada pengalaman aja, dalam bidang tu ... Tu la pasal, aku cakap, kau punya nama ni pun tak ubah macam nama enyah gatai ja ...

Kan? ...


2015-07-21 21:54 | Report Abuse

Klu aku kaki judi, kau tau tak ... Buat apa aku nak maintain account kat investment bank ah ... Aku pegi terus kat Genting aja lah ... Bodoh ... Kontuik ...


2015-07-21 21:51 | Report Abuse

Kau tu apa, nama pun confirm memang macam enyah gatai ... Kau memang betul enyah gatai kut ... Betul tak ...


2015-07-21 21:33 | Report Abuse

Kau ni tau tak, kontuik dikkhead DickyMe ... Patut jangan la main langsung dalam dunia saham ni ... Sebab ada risk tau ... Orang macam kau ni, patut stick to FD aja la, kan ... Baru la sentiasa selamat, kan ...


2015-07-21 21:31 | Report Abuse

Po dah la lu, kontuik dikkhead DickyMe ... chickenheart investor sampai tua la lu ...

Lain orang nickname dia misti nak lionheart ka, braveheart ka ... Kau tu setakat chickenheart aja la, woi ...


2015-07-21 21:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Jul 21, 2015 09:10 PM | Report Abuse

Weh, aku bukan kaki judi macam kau nak leburkan semua wang dalam penny stock....Kau main judi bukan melabur..Period!

Bila dia dah kalah argument, mula la pulak resort tu insults & namecalling ... Tu la dia, kontui dikkhead forummer itu amcam la tabaiat dia ...

Jadi kau pelabur la ya ... Aku ni bukan pelabur ya ...

Tapi tahun lepas ah, siapa yang bikin profit 330k from capital 200k in 10 months ah ... Kau ka, atau aku, ah? ...

Now, I rest my case ...


2015-07-21 21:13 | Report Abuse

Speculate semua pun speculate, woi, kontuik dikkhead DickyMe ... sama aja, whether you buy EngTex or you buy Nova ... Both involve speculation, it is inevitable ...

Tapi, klu kau tu hati penakut, ngaku aja la, tak yah la duk melabel duk name-calling sama orang, just nak nyedapkan hati sendiri ... Buang masa kau sendiri aja ...


2015-07-21 21:10 | Report Abuse

Tapi, ha, tapi, kontuik dikkhead DickyMe ... Klu kau tu yg jenis hati enyah, hati penakut, takut nak main warrants, langsung tak tergerak hati nak cuba, lebih baik jangan ambik risiko, kan ...

Kau duduk tengok aja la orang lain yg main, kan ... kau ketawa la berapa banyak kau nak ketawa sorang diri sampai tergolek-golek gila babi pun, siapa yg nak ambik kisah ...

Aku tau kau ni, cakap aja besar, cakap aja lebih, gaya tu aja selalu macam nak berlagak padndai, nak berlagak hebat ... Tapi hati tu penakut kichit kontuik, macam tikus aja ...


2015-07-21 20:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Jul 21, 2015 08:09 PM | Report Abuse

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH...KEPALA BANA punya logik..Lagi rendah harga, naik 1/2 sen memang tunjuk percent tinggi...sapa tak tahu.???.KAKAKAKAKAKa...Itu lah belajar MATEMATIK kelolaan DASAR EKONOMI BARU....kira-kira pun berserabut...Nampak persen jer tinggi..tapi nilai dia..nak beli gula-gula pun tak cukup...kikikiki...Dei...keluar dari tempurung lah!

Memang Bahlul dungu...aaa...makan lagi belacan tu banyak2..otak udang lah jadinya....

Sekarang kita tau siapa yang otak udang ... Dia masih tak faham lagi tu .. Masih bangga kononny dia pandai la tu, tapi sebenranya dia yg bodoh bangang ...

Woi, otak kontuik, kata lah kau ada modal boleh pakai 150k la, katakan ... Klu kau beli EngTex @1.30, dapat berapa banyak ah? ... Dapat 115 big lots saja ... So, kau ingat kau boleh dapat berapa banyak kenaikan lagi dekat kau punya EngTex yg hebat sangat ni ah ... Let'say dia naik lagi RM1 la, katakan ... kau dapat berpa banyak untung dari sekarang ... 115k aja ... okay ...

Tapi klu kau beli Nova sekarang dengan harga 14.5, kau dapat berapa banyak dengam modal 150k ah? ... kau dapat 1,034 big lots, kau tau tak? ... kau reti kira tak? ... Exercise kan otak kontuik kau tu sikit ...

Kau tau dia dah naik 24 sen in April, kau tau tak? ... Ha, kau apa tau? ... Klu market conditions okay, boleh gi 50 no problem ... So kau dapat berapa banyak untung dari sekarang @14.5 ah? ... kau dapat dekat RM370k kau tau tak? ...

Okay, habis mathematics lesson ... Nak ajar kau pun tarak guna, kepala otak bangang kontuik serupa kau ini ... Bukannya akau dapat hasil satu sen pun ...

Ha, sekarang kita tau siapa yang otak udang kontuik bangang, kan? ...


2015-07-21 20:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Jul 21, 2015 08:18 PM | Report Abuse

ROFLMAO --- you both made me laugh till my tears rolled out.

Laff until tears roll out ah ... Oh betul la, enyah la kau ni, kan ... Patut la kau punya nama pun macam enyah punya nama, kan ... Patut la ...


2015-07-21 19:48 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-07-21 19:36 | Report Abuse

Probably clumsy & hopeless with girls too, so, what else is there in this world for him to do? ...


2015-07-21 19:33 | Report Abuse

No worry, DS ... All just one lonely, pathetic, kontuik, idiot dikkhead kiddo with no money to play, creating countless account ID names to make it look as if he is many kontuik idiot dikkhead kiddos ... And wasting his time with zilch productivity, hackling, hassling & hustling other serious investors like us ...

You just read his sentence & writing style, it's always the same ...

He's probably struggling with his secondary school education too ...


2015-07-21 18:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Jul 21, 2015 05:29 PM | Report Abuse

ahahaha..baru naik 1 sen sudah kecoh sekampung..cettsss...pigi main jau-jau..kecik budak!

Tu la kau, kontuik dikkhead DickyMe ... Nama kau pun macam nama enyah gatai jugak ... Tak tau la pulak apa sebabnya tu, kau pilih nama cam tu ... Otak kambing kontuik dikkhead punya otak pulak tu, mana la nak tau kira ...

Klu Nova ni, harga 14.5 sen, naik 1 sen jd 15.5 sen, jadi berapa % kau tau ... 6.90% kau tau tak ...

Klu kau punya EngTex yg kau duk jaja serata bumi tu, harga dia semalam 1.30, ini hari naik 1 sen, berapa % ah ... baru o.77% tau tak ...

Lagi, ini Nova kau tau tak dia punya eqilibrium price pre-1mdb controversy ... 20.5 sen senang-senang kau tau tak ... Aku dah pernah jual 23.5 satu round tau tak, beli 19.5 itu jam, kau tu apa tau ... 20.5 pulak aku dah jual tiga round, kau apa tau ... bodoh kontuik punya idiot dikkhead juga kau ni ... Perasan pandai saja banyak kuat ...

Ha, kalau dari 14.5 pigi lagi satu kali 20.5, berapa % kau tau tak ... 41.4% kau tau tak ... Klu pi 23.5 lagi satu kali tak payah cakap la kan ...

Ha, kau punya EngTex yg kau duk jaja riuh rendah hiruk pikuk sana sini tu kau boleh dapat 40% ka kau ingat ... Okay la, klu kau yakin sangat, kau main sana aja ... Lagi bagus itu macam ... Tak payah mari kacau bikin suey dekat sini ...


2015-07-21 18:18 | Report Abuse

Kau punya sial la, DickyMe ... Nama pun DickyMe ... Panggil orang kasi dikky sama dia ... mana tak sial ...


2015-07-21 17:55 | Report Abuse

Lagi mari mau bikin suey juga ... Po dah la lu, kontuik dikkhead DickyMe ... Dia dah kenan sama Nova la tu ...


2015-07-21 16:46 | Report Abuse

Sudah la, kontuik dikkhead DickyMe ... Po dah la lu ... Tengok kau pinya nama pun orang sudah tau, apa kerja kau bikin in spare time ...


2015-07-21 16:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by goodearth > Jul 21, 2015 03:38 PM | Report Abuse

DreamWarrior, i understand you lost a fortune in sumatec????

You understand wrong then, kiddo ... Utterly, totally, completely wrong ... As always ...

Just like your numerous other clone alter egos BitterGourd, ItuDia, RajaTaikMusang, LaughDieMe, LaughMeDie, FartCryDie, FartDieCry ... etc. etcc. etc. ...


2015-07-21 16:04 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-07-21 15:58 | Report Abuse

Volume sulah potong Sumatec ... Lagi not affected by oil price ... Ha, kau tengok aja la, kontuik dikkhead DickyMe Me Dicky ... Kau jangan kaciau, nanti bikin suey aja ...


2015-07-21 15:55 | Report Abuse

PH? Small bum, small boobs, small bod ... so, what's the fuss all about ...

Try Kelly Brook next time ...


2015-07-21 15:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by bittergourd > Jul 21, 2015 11:41 AM | Report Abuse

why feel sad!!!! r u so concerned??!!!

It's rather telling to hear questions of this ilk coming from you, of all people ...

Questions like these should rightly only be directed from OTHERS to YOU ... To nobody else BUT you ...


2015-07-21 15:18 | Report Abuse

Tu la, kan gua sudah ciakap kan, sama itu kontuik idiot dikkhead DickyMe itu, kan ... Dia jangan bili ini stock, not suitable for him kan, he bring suey only kan ... So, better he sod off and not come back in here again ...

Nanti kita semua bikin untung, dia tengok aja la itu jam ... Ha ... Baru la padan sama muka dia ... muka kontuik dikkhead dia itu ...


2015-07-21 15:15 | Report Abuse

Tu la, gua sudah ciakap, sama itu kontuik idiot dikkhead DickyMe itu ka ... Dia jangan bili ini stock, not suitable for him kan, he bring suey only kan ... So, better he sod off and not come back in here again ...


2015-07-21 15:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Jul 21, 2015 06:35 AM | Report Abuse

DreamWarrior Posted by DickyMe > Jul 20, 2015 04:09 PM | Report Abuse

The above so called investor who is actually a gambler, is a classic example of a head in butt fellow, failing to recognize reality and living in his own smelly butthole. Well, what can we say, because all the spoils may have been handed down to them from the crutch policy, so how can they have logical thinking.

Bollocks again. What else.


2015-07-21 01:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Jul 16, 2015 10:32 AM | Report Abuse

"kakisaham Kenapa....penbawa sial ka....kikiki

15/07/2015 10:53 "

Memang pun !!! Sejak dia berkubang kat Sumatec, kesian kaunter tu, tak gerak-gerak sampai sekarang. Memang pembawa sial DreamHantu ini. kikikikikiki...(bergolek-golek!!)

Tell you what, kontuik dikkhead DickyMe ... You don't buy this Nova, ain't suitable for a frekkin kontuik idiot dikkhead like ya ...

But when it returns to 22 or higher, we'll be celebrating ... That time you can come & watch ... And dontcha go hiding in your toddy tempayan or something that time, okay ...


2015-07-21 01:11 | Report Abuse

Signs of a mini rally? ...


2015-07-21 01:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Jul 20, 2015 04:09 PM | Report Abuse

"sumatec101 no hope ???

20/07/2015 16:01 "

How to have hope? Advanced countries are racing in inventing renewable energies, electric cars and solar power in order to be independent of fossil oil. They are already succeeding. Oil future is doomed. Don't expect sky high prices anymore. But in BOLEHLAND all the alternative energy resources maybe classified as "haram" in order for them to continue plundering from the people.



2015-07-19 22:05 | Report Abuse

And then, on top of that, there is still the uncertainty regarding the proposed RI, whether it will proceed according to the previously suggested price & format, or whether it would be reviewed again, in the light of current weak market ...


2015-07-19 21:58 | Report Abuse

Well, if guys still insist on keeping to a certain perception of theirs, DESPITE Suma posting DECENT profit EVERY quarter since TSHS first took over until NOW, then what can one do? ...

If someone like you, let's just say, keep on saying, 'Oh, oil price is bad, so Sumatec can't be good, since it is in the oil business', then what can someone like me say or do? ...


2015-07-19 21:31 | Report Abuse

These dudes never seem to hv fully understood yet ... They still seem to reckon that Suma is fully dependent on buying & selling of oil, and therefore on oil prices ...

Guys, Suma is right now still more of a contract operator & services provider ... So, NO MATTER what the price of oil is, Suma will still get paid by its major clients, i.e. associate companies Markmore Energy (Labuan) Limited (MELL) & Caspi Oil & Gas (COG), for engineering, construction etc. jobs done & consultancy etc. services rendered ... And therefore will still always be profitable ...

The oil trading component of Suma's operations right now is still relatively small ... It will only become significant when ALL of the wells at Raku Schechnoye become operational, and become huge when Borneo Energy is fully paid for & operational & in full production ... ...

Get it? ...


2015-07-19 03:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-07-18 23:51 | Report Abuse

Name only nearly same leihh ... Person different one leihh ...


2015-07-18 04:28 |

Post removed.Why?