
DreamWarrior | Joined since 2015-01-25

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2015-07-17 22:39 | Report Abuse

Try put some money on Nova la, those who still got extra cap ... Now can get 14.5, wely wely cheap, firesale price ... When market returns to normal, can get 20 easily ...


2015-07-17 22:35 | Report Abuse

Kontuik idiot dikkheads like dat one la ... Laugh also can die one leihhh ...


2015-07-16 23:51 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-07-16 23:11 | Report Abuse

Really ...


2015-07-16 15:59 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-07-16 15:58 | Report Abuse

Same to you, AndyChucky ... Stay cool ...


2015-07-16 15:48 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-07-16 15:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-07-16 15:02 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-07-16 14:23 | Report Abuse

Raya mood coming


2015-07-16 13:29 | Report Abuse

Raya mood coming ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-16 09:36 | Report Abuse

Just goes to show, AndyChucky, that folks can be aroused & inflamed so easily, with a few well chosen, well arranged words - regarding which your good flend dsai is an accomplished master - You can call them brainless, idiots, zombies, morons, cretins or whatever ... But that's all just indiscriminate namecalling ...

They're all just regular guys like you & me most of the time ... But when they get all worked up into a frenzy, they just lose all sense of reasoning & reality ...

That's why I get easily irritated by dudes posting defaming, slanderous, flame-fanning, seditious stuff - which are mostly pure bollocks most of the time, anyway - on cyberspace ... Because it can so easily lead to bad, malicious feelings between people ...


2015-07-16 09:33 | Report Abuse

You know ah, my uncle's wife ah, one day she saw a hen kill a small snake & eat it ... And she stopped eating chicken altogether ... She only started eating it again like 40 over years later ...


2015-07-16 09:17 | Report Abuse

That's why la you, DS ... Just becos the cordyceps worms hv been packed up nicely into pretty looking bottles, you just swallow them happily every day ... So, you must hv swallowed a few thousand capsules of cordyceps ulat these last few years then, at the very least ... ki ki ki

Belalang is okay, actually ... They're clean, they eat only grass & leaves, and they don't stink ... Unlike cockroaches, which some dudes in Thailand still eat, I heard, for special power or something ...


2015-07-16 08:51 | Report Abuse

Nooraini, Happy Eid ul Fitr ... Come invest in Nova, now firesale price 14.5 sen ... can return to 22 easily when market returns to normal ...


2015-07-16 08:48 | Report Abuse

Lu ada makan itu Chinese herb nama cordyceps ah, DS ... Wely good for health & energy ... Lu tau apa maciam orang bikin itu ah ...

Dia orang bikin daripada itu ulat yg hibernate in the soil in winter ... Dia hibernate pinya jam, itu fungus grow on it & take over dia pinya badan ... So, from ulat become fungus growing on dead ulat body ... Ini maciam jadi pinya ...


2015-07-16 08:41 | Report Abuse

DS, dia klu tak boleh learn to talk nonsense, then dia tak boleh jadi jutawan ... Becos he will always be overstressed, anxious, afraid, panicky etc. etc., then how to craft good, creative strategy to make himself a millionaire ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-15 20:45 | Report Abuse

The fact that, that dude is a drug user just made it the more dangerous ... These kind of dudes could kick da bucket really easily ...

Just a little robust manhandling, and they could be well on their way to meet the grim reaper ... Their heart is not as sturdy & fit like that of a normal man ... It's those drugs in their system ...

Just imagine what could hv happened that day, if he had been beaten up to fatal injury ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-15 20:38 | Report Abuse

Who beat up whom first, AndyClucky AndyChickem Andy Chowkia ... Now, don't get me wrong here, I ain't siding with any side ... Stealing is stealing, it's a crime ... But you don't gang up & beat a small, scrawny petty thief up, just to show off who's da boss ..,

You just tie him up or manacle or handcuff him, then you hand him over to da cops ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-15 20:26 | Report Abuse

Posted by Terminator2000 > Jul 7, 2015 11:51 PM | Report Abuse

not easy to remove najib. as long as he keep denied and push it to dr M as his plot to bring the pm down, no matter what evidence u show to the brainless kampong ppls, they still support the PM. not to mentioned all the ministers.

Terminator thinks he is smart-fart city dude la ah, look down upon kampung people & diss them ... He thinks all kampung people must be real country bumpkins la hor ... Now we know who the brainless one really is ...

I'm also a kampung boy, but I dare challenge Mr. Terminator to any properly refereed contest in mathematics, chemistry, physics or engineering ... Or English language, if he cannot hope to cope with the first three ...


2015-07-15 20:06 | Report Abuse

Lagi heboh ciakap pasal frekkin 'missing billions', itu BollocksBilis itu ... Dia ingat dia banyak pandai la, banyak smart la, dia ingat ... Dia INGAT juga ...

Dia tarak baca paper ka, itu Auditor-General sudah confirm, everything in good, fair order ...

Dia mau kena report for sedition tu, gua ingat, itu BollocksBilis kontuik dikkhead satu ekor itu ...


2015-07-15 19:51 | Report Abuse

DragonSlayer pun tak tau makan belalang goreng la, dia belum pernah try la, gua ingat ... Dia tak tau, itu belalang pinya power ...

Lagi itu orang dekat Laos sana, itu silkworm, dia sudah rebus untuk ambik itu sutera, dia lagi makan itu silkworm ... Manyiak sidap, lia olang ciakap ...


2015-07-15 19:38 | Report Abuse

DragonSlayer pun tak tau makan belalang goreng la, dia belum perbah try la, gua ingat ...


2015-07-15 19:36 | Report Abuse

Why, you don't know how to talk nonsense one ah, Mr. Alaka ...

If that is the case, then you would better learn fast ... Becos, the skill of talking nonsense while being entertaining, like we all in Suma here do all the time, is wely wely important, but not that easy to do ...


2015-07-15 17:45 | Report Abuse

Jangan la tangkap satu ekor aja ... Mana cukup makan, itu maciam ... Satu karung la, kolang-kolang ...


2015-07-15 17:42 | Report Abuse

Pigi padang, tangkap belalang, bikin belalang goreng ... Cincah sama itu kicap-chilli-vinegar-sugar mix ...

Manyiak sidap wor ... Don't play play one wor ... Nasi dua pinggan pun boleh habit wor ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-15 16:19 | Report Abuse

And I heard that CartoonBullz is being sought by some dudes ... Over some transgressions of his against a certain law ... Repeated transgressions, too ...

The rumour is getting stronger & stronger now ... He wud better lie low for a while, I reckon ... For his own good ...


2015-07-15 16:01 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-07-15 15:54 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-07-15 14:57 | Report Abuse

Datuk Kong sulah kasi konk sama lu la, BollocksBilis ...


2015-07-15 11:18 | Report Abuse

Better you cut loss fast ... and follow your good flend DickyMe ... On a one way ticket to nowhere ...


2015-07-15 11:16 | Report Abuse

Habis la lu pinya investment in Nova, klu itu maciam ...


2015-07-15 11:16 | Report Abuse

You agree ah ... And then ...


2015-07-15 11:12 | Report Abuse

Where got he can analyse & predict correctly one, this BollocksBilis ... Manyiak libih ciakap juga ... Lagi manyiak kolang ajat juga ...

Sulah berapa lama dia duk meludah pui pui sana sini, bikin jampi la konon ... Lagi dia punya jampi pun langsung tak mau jadi ... Lia pinya Datuk Kong pun sulah binci sama dia, pasal lia manyiak suka ciakap manyoiak busat ...

Sikalang lia sulah bikin silap manyiak busat, lia sulah cut loss sama IFCA pulak ... Hah! ... Ciakap maciam manyiak pandai, tapi sikit habuk pun tarak pandai ... Tak boleh pakai pinya analyst ...


2015-07-15 10:57 | Report Abuse

Banyak-banyak nama dalam dunia ni, dia boleh pilih nama DickyMe ... Dia suka sangat selalu kena dicky la tu, maksudnya, tu pasal la ...


2015-07-15 10:55 | Report Abuse

Pembawa sial itu DickyMe tu ... Tengok dia punya nama pun dah tau, lain macam punya nama juga ... Dia kena dicky sekali, baru la dia tau ...


2015-07-15 10:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Jul 15, 2015 09:56 AM | Report Abuse

Baru 3 bulan beli ENGTEX, sudah naik 20 sen, tapi counter ni...dah sampai tahun, tak gerak langsung! Ni semua pasal badi DreamHantu. Selagi sial tu masih pegang stock ni, jgn harap kaunter ni naik! :-D :-D

Baru naik 10% ciput dalam 3 bulan pun, sudah sebok-sebok bermegah-megah bukan main lagi, mau kasi tau satu dunia ... Gua sudah bikin untung 25% dalam satu bulan main Nova in early mid April to mid May, tarak bikin sepearuh heboh serupa lu ...

Gua tak mau kasi lu untung la ... Itu pasal, kontuik dikkhead DickyMe ...

Lu ada pegang lagi apa stock, gua sudah tau, habis lu, gua bikin jampi kasi lempaq sui kpd dia ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-15 09:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by Coldrisks > Jul 6, 2015 01:33 PM | Report Abuse

we have to worry about the consequences and after effect on our economy; not whether he can survive or not!

Posted by fukrai > Jul 6, 2015 02:21 PM | Report Abuse

that's right! the more there is no satisfactory and convinced answer, the more our economy is in danger? now, it should be how can we, the people survive? we are getting more and more impatient now because we are starting to suffer badly already.

Posted by hankc > Jul 7, 2015 12:08 PM | Report Abuse

"Malaysia is a place where reputation matters enormously and where bad press sticks." Tell me which BN politician has no shit on him/her. They still get voted into office and no local press even dares to bring it up. As to the PM himself, he has a blackbelt in bad reputation collection

Posted by sarawakian > Jul 7, 2015 10:14 PM | Report Abuse

"pah"lawan....jijik melihat penafian mu....cuba belajar dari arwah bapakmu yang sangat disanjung and sangat berbudi perketi....sopan and bertanggungjawab memerintah Malaysia ke mercu kesejahteraan...baik ingat u sekali lagi: Malaysia tak hutang sesen pun dekat mu...awak jahanam yang terhutang budi atas negara yg subur kaya dgn ssumber semulajadinya....ciiisssssss...kalau berani mu cuba sue wall street journal la...kan awak pah-lawan? jangan tipu Rakyat lagi lah lu.....baik kau fikiak masak masak....teruk pemerintahan mu ....kalau tak pandai memerintah..baik awak undur aje spertimana yg diusul oleh Tun Mahathir yang mulia. orang tanya ada tak duit masok u punya acct, u tuduh orang sabo you (polical sabotage)...boleh tak you jawab soalan simple...ada ke takde? yes or no? .....jawab pun beating around the bush..kesian....bila nak dapat jawapan dari awak? bila? Rakyat sudi tunggu......

Posted by tommyzai > Jul 7, 2015 03:44 PM | Report Abuse

that cb should just go die
freeze assets of whole clan
kasik spear from arseeee to mouth

"rahman" prediction is true

Posted by Terminator2000 > Jul 7, 2015 11:51 PM | Report Abuse

not easy to remove najib. as long as he keep denied and push it to dr M as his plot to bring the pm down, no matter what evidence u show to the brainless kampong ppls, they still support the PM. not to mentioned all the ministers.

Posted by alibabacoming > Jul 8, 2015 03:25 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by Coldrisks > Jul 6, 2015 01:33 PM | Report Abuse

we have to worry about the consequences and after effect on our economy; not whether he can survive or not!

100% agree! we should united

Posted by alibabacoming > Jul 8, 2015 03:28 PM | Report Abuse

our politician really terrible, all like main masak goreng and never think future.

Now, after nearly two weeks of slander, defamation & sedition, can we now take any of the above comments seriously? ...

Obviously NOT ... Naaaaaaaahhhhhhh ...


2015-07-15 09:48 | Report Abuse

Whatever your judgements & decisions, dudes, just ignore that kontuik bolloks dikkhead CartoonBullz ... No shame, no face, no cred ...

Just look at him ... He's even resorted to wearing my personalised avatar pic, which he had stolen from me, for weeks ...

Obviously reflects his lack of self-esteem, self-respect & self-confidence ... Not secure in himself & his own character & personality, that's his problem ...

News & Blogs

2015-07-15 09:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by fortunebullz > Jul 13, 2015 08:28 PM | Report Abuse

Probability! He probably lost big time! Most of active haters all gone except Speedyboy, but he will soon join the club!

Dude ... You're still wearing my own personalised avatar pic, which you hv stolen from me ... Frekkin copycat ... Bloomin plagiarist ...

Shameless bolloks spouter with not enough faith & confidence in his own original character & personality ... Either that, or perhaps you revere & admire me so much ... Or maybe both ...

No flippin wonder guys don't pay you much serious attention anymore ... You've lost da plot ... Dude

Come on, dude ... Grow up ... And do justice to yourself as a man ... Start learning to be a real man ... Hv some more faith & confidence in your own original character & personality, instead of resorting to stealing & plagiarising someone else's ...


2015-07-15 09:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by fortunebullz > Jul 14, 2015 05:01 PM |

Post removed. Why?

Answer: Becos you stole someone else's avatar pic, my avatar pic, and have been shamelessly wearing it as your own for weeks ...

Come on, dude ... Grow up ... Hv some more faith & confidence in your own original character & personality, instead of resorting to stealing & plagiarising someone else's ...


2015-07-07 19:58 | Report Abuse

He has even taken to stealing my avatar pic ... Desperate dude with no own genuine personality ... Shud be ashamed of himself ... No face one ...


2015-07-07 19:31 | Report Abuse

EdenInvestor, his name also got 'bullz' leihh .. Sure he talk a load of bullz all da time lor ... ki ki ki


2015-07-07 19:24 | Report Abuse

You said you wanted to cry for me, Miss ItuDia ... So, I'm waiting for you to come cry on my shoulder, my big strong shoulder ... ki ki ki


2015-07-07 19:21 | Report Abuse

WarrenFukket, IkanBilis & CartoonBullz ... The Three Stooges of IFCA room ... ki ki ki


2015-07-07 19:19 | Report Abuse

Aik, lu mau kasi advice sama gua leihh, CartoonBullz ... Wely funny one la lu ..

Gua tak ata bili IFCA leihh ... Gua bili IFCA WA only leihh, @20 sen leihh, last year Laya Puasa time leihh ... Sulah juai @1.60 leihhh ... Lu mana tau main opportunist slupa gua leihh ... Slupa Lonaldo gua main wor ... Lu apa tau, libih ciakap juga leihhh ...

Gua masuk ini IFCA room sikalang just to play around leihh, keep in touch only leihh, support kawan-kawan only leihh ...


2015-07-07 19:13 | Report Abuse

Thats why la ... Gua sulah lama kasi subtle hints ... Tapi talak olang mau pick up itu hints leihhh ...

Itu pasal la gua sulah juai gua pinya Suma WB @17.5 itu hali, in early May, tukat main Nova pulak, sulah untung blapa lound wor ... Sikalang sulah 10.5 leihh, itu Suma WB ...

Lain hali gua bili balik itu Suma WB leihh ... tunggu lia tulun lagi mulah leihh ...


2015-07-07 19:06 | Report Abuse

Miss ItuDia ... Bila mau mali jumpa gua ah ... ki ki ki
