
EQplusIQ | Joined since 2013-12-01

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2014-03-18 12:39 | Report Abuse

Penny stock raising cash several times within short intervals with free Warrant A , B and C : over promoting the future ; owner keeps selling, what do you think ?

News & Blogs

2014-03-02 20:20 | Report Abuse

There is a famous Chinese saying from the Three Kingdom Saga that went like this
" Even the most righteous General Kuan Ti has a formidable opponent in Chou Chou while Chou Chou known for all his cunningness has diehard supporters "
In short no matter what you do , there will be critics .Ignore them , they are too insignificant .Don't flag them , let others know what they write .The wise know the difference.


2014-02-27 03:19 | Report Abuse

Making meagre profits yet can give bonus shares while raising capital just a month ago through a right issue and now with 3 warrants ????
E = MC Square .

News & Blogs

2014-02-08 10:07 | Report Abuse

Its best to ignore such nasty remarkes and abuses and the negative vibes they send out will surely go back to themselves .By and large the forummers here are well mannered , educated and having fun ( but not at somelse expense )


2014-02-04 00:38 | Report Abuse

Thats your opionion that he used crooked means to make money and then donate .Why bother to donate then if one is crooked ? doens't make sense .


2014-02-04 00:35 | Report Abuse

Sorry forummers , not my intention to keep sending same message .1000 or millions apologies . arigato gozaimas


2014-02-04 00:32 | Report Abuse

To be balanced there are people who benefitted and made profits , why just point out those who lost ..You call him a con but who made the decision to buy and didn’t sell .You can't expect him to lead people by the hands and say buy now hah sell now hah .Its easy to blame others . If someone has lost money , take this as a lesson to be more careful. To be honest if a share has gone up 50% do you want to abdicate your responsibility to someone to tell you to sell .This forum has become so toxic that its not serving the purpose of sharing ideas to make money for everyone .Assuming he is a con ( in my opinion he is not and I am entitle to my opinion correct ) isnt it enough to stop the harrasment ( which you call it joke and refuse to acknowledge its not so what does that reflect on you ? ) and don’t jam the forum with no positive contributions

News & Blogs

2014-02-02 00:42 | Report Abuse

Dear Mr.Koon ,
Firstly I would like to wish you Gong Xi Fa Cai.You are a rare person in this complicated world where fools are worshipped and real heroes are despised .Many have intellect but lack wisdom . I would accept an elder who scold me for my own good than one who praise me with bad intention . It is easy to blame others for one's losses than admit one's own poor decisions . Thats why I try not to recommend good shares to even close friends .Its better I make money and donate to good cause .I have since found out more about your noble acts and I agree with your decision not to post any blogs here anymore .The intellectual or wisdom level here is so wide that its hard to state a view . Unlike in a class or uni the students are graded and you know who are you talking to .Plus people like to hide behind fictitious namea .How many have openly say he is Koon Yew Yin .Save your energy and live healthier .


2013-12-27 15:29 | Report Abuse

Biggest promoter of PMC is a good chocolate saleman .Knows the price of everything ( all the counters mentioned & bought have gone up by multiple times ) but unfortunately doesn't know their value and sold them off much earlier .Fellow forummers , do your own homework , do not rely too much on experts .Happy New Year


2013-12-24 16:59 | Report Abuse

The cat is out of the bag now .What is Tudor Gold ??? Either someone is not knowledgeable about the chocolate business or he has malicious intentions to spread false information .From a simple investment decision , this PMC saga has turned and twisted to tourist arrivals , chocolate good for the heart, to Corus UK hotels to don't know what's next .


2013-12-24 14:31 | Report Abuse

Calvin is at palm oil flavored sandwich blog actively promoting Tudor chocolate and indirectly supporting PMC .

News & Blogs

2013-12-24 14:28 | Report Abuse

Good chocolate saleman but poor stock analyst .


2013-12-21 11:00 | Report Abuse

Hello ,
You never learn to respect people's investment right and decisions . Mind your language otherwise i will report your abusive language .there are far too many incidents happening lately .
If you have no guts ( or b... ) just stay and wait but no need to verbally attack .


2013-12-18 12:48 | Report Abuse

There are various type of deeds according to Confucious .
Good Results from Good Intentions
Good Results from Bad Intentions
Bad Results from Good Intentions
Bad Results from Bad Intentions
and if you add No Intention as another dimension , then there will be 2 more consequences .
Sometimes , we think we are doing with good intentions but are we ?


2013-12-18 12:24 | Report Abuse

There are no punters in Inari , in the true sense of the word except maybe you .From below 40 sen still holding , you call that punter ho ho ho . Have you bought any in the first place ? Whats your success or failure ? You have been saying holland for so long , either you are a tape recorder or shameless .
If I fail to even get 1 time right , i run away from here .In some high ethical countries people hara kiri .


2013-12-18 11:12 | Report Abuse

Slts ,I thought you went to Pluto the darkest planet ... but not, just waiting for dark period to cry ghosts and scare people .
I suggest you pre record your message and send it daily and of course like the desert one fine day it might rain .In the meantime , nobody will listen to you and Inari continue to ho ho ho with the Merry Season .


2013-12-18 01:22 | Report Abuse

Very interesting forum , crouching teacher and beholden followers ...contented with adulations and fairy tales .Money not important as fellowship .


2013-12-17 12:57 | Report Abuse

Working hard doesn't guarantee success .Good heart and work smart will .


2013-12-16 09:42 | Report Abuse

Imitation is the best flattery . Change the colour of your dress , same pose and put "Original " tag so no one will copy any more .


2013-12-15 15:48 | Report Abuse

I have no disdain with penny stocks and make lots of money in penny stocks . there are good penny as there are good blue chips .no need to say my good penny is better than your blue chip .if you are comfortable staying in a good , clean , cheap flat you won't understand why people are paying milions for luxurious villas .one man's mean is another man's poison .one can say ah why pay maintanance which can cover my monthly instalment .if thats the argument there will be only flats in this world . Whats the relevance of flat and villas . Its a good comparison for investing in a flat vs a villa .


2013-12-15 15:14 | Report Abuse

The promoters for mui and pan malaysia are after penny stocks and no matter how you debate they still prefer kampung durians . One must know the value of things not the price . At the end of the day what matters is one make money not comdemn xx not better than yy . Let them live in their intelligent world knowing all the facts but lacking wisdom . Even to the extent of saying consuming tudor chocolate can prevent stroke .thats insanity investment . If it the olden days , can be hanged for promoting fallacy .


2013-12-09 10:42 | Report Abuse

Words of encouragement and inspiration remain as words .Track record of a company speaks for itself .Its not easy to turnaround a company which has been around with no proven innovation . Whats the USP of PMC ? no solid brand .Manufacturing third party brands there are hundreds of factories around to do that .
My point is if you want to promote PMC for asset revaluation , cash payment its absolutely sound but not on business fundamentals .


2013-12-09 10:18 | Report Abuse

selling to the world .What makes PMC so special that if they can't make it enough here can they sell their brand to the world .
The world market has own brands in individual countries , local preferences , heritage , cost of promotion . Unless you are in fmcg business , not as easy as saying the world is your market . What is PMC " world " , jaguh kampung ?


2013-12-09 09:09 | Report Abuse

Calvin , you can be a great history teacher with all the facts you mentioned in a blink .
The reality is those are great companies with great personalities and to equate them with PMC is far fetch .
Don't promise people the moon when the earth you are standing on has poor foundation .
You should also give the 99% of the failed turnaround examples . The world now is different .billionaires are younger some at 30s .
PMC , MUI , ming court ,( corus hotel now )!laura ashley etc they share the same image as the founder . Any children or successors ?
Berjaya , Kuok Brothers , IOI , YTL all have own children to charge the engine .
KKP we read in the papers about his expensive divorce .does he have the energy anymore .if i am him , sell lah and wait to enjoy the remaining years .
So please dont talk about NFI tackling the world market .
Its purely a cash out story and you guys can wait passively not hurriedly as it might not come at all .
You like to quote Warren Buffet .what is his most important investment principle ?
Make sure the people managing the company has talent .
Did you check ?
CFO resign , why ?


2013-12-09 02:53 | Report Abuse

Calvin , i admire your persistency in promoting PMC . I disagree with Tudor gold and Tango as famous as Milo and Maggie mee . Milo in malaysia is at least 1 billion in sales and maggi mee at keast 300 mio .
Tango and Tudor is a small brand of chocolate cant even compete with Cadbury . Visitng stores in Singapore and seeing them out of stocks is not the right way to track sales .consumer companies rely on store scan sales datas or home panel to read market shares .i doubt tudor or tango is any near the imported brands for which singaporeans can well afford with their strong Sing dollar
PMC's manufacturing business with sales ( estimate less than 100 mio rgt ) is not showing consistent profit and last qtr spike is due to salesvof assets .those investing in PMC can only hope for capital repayment , which is a passive investment as opposed to investing in companies with good growth and dividend payout .
Waiting for revaluation of assets and capital repayment may not materialise .there are so many companies as examples .


2013-12-06 11:44 | Report Abuse

If one remain forever on the cliff and don't swim one will not be able to enjoy the fun of swimming .What makes one think one is on the cliff vs others in the water . Its like listening to sermons .


2013-12-06 11:24 | Report Abuse

Slts , its based on what has happened .From 33 sen all the way to 1.50 how can one challenge their bullishness .At least they have stories to back up .To say there are sharks , whales and wet baby sounds like someone is under hallucination . It might correct sharply and it might not at all .But bassed on the positive developments its hard to change the bulls mindset .If you read the blog of one seasoned investor cum dealer , he mentioned regret for not buying Inari as he had doubts over the concentration of 1 single customer .Thats the beauty of share investment .If everyone share the same views , then there is only 1 direction .However at the moment there are more bulls than bear here and if you want to be contrarian , back up with logic , not sharks , whales .If they exist , they are kind sharks and whales so far .


2013-12-06 10:10 | Report Abuse

Slts , " believe me " Whats your motivation for forumers to believe you . " Major correction "whats major - 30% , 20% .? You are back to your doomsday prediction .Forumers here are more mature than these kind of comments and can take correction if it happens ."Wet your pants , wet wet ". OMG maybe you should be in a 7 year blog , talk like a baby .I think even 7 years old nowadays talk more sense .
Anyway , one man's meat is another man's poison .There are people here who enjoy your antics . Make it more colourful .


2013-12-05 14:52 | Report Abuse

At some stage the bulls here just have to ignore the bears .The debate won't stop .There is a big gap of intellectual capacity .I read with awe some of the best arguments/ facts and analysis & shake my head with disbelief some poor " ranting / lectures " ( no basis whatsoever eg if you don't believe me don't cry, whale what ... how to believe when every call is wrong .One day it might ... when? Give an estimated date , why is it because of QE , demand softness ( not Nokia which we know was left behind because of complacency or poor market insight ) or at least I have a dream etc ... .
Or one can just treat them really as jokers .Don't bother to rebutt because they are moulded up differently due to law of nature .And most important do your homework and ask why you are still bullish and when will you taper off and reinvest if new info surface .
Good luck .


2013-12-03 18:19 | Report Abuse

Obviously you can't talk the price down but if one wants to post , post something that people can respond or comment with common sense .
Your postings have consequences to others who might buy into your story and end up with negative impact .
Go back and read your postings. There is a Chinese saying " spittings from the mouth treated like gold " and the pen is mightier than the sword .


2013-12-03 17:57 | Report Abuse

I do not deny you make millions or pennies .We must not flaunt our wealth nor look down at smaller investors .All have equal rights to enjoying the fruits of investing / speculation .


2013-12-03 17:55 | Report Abuse

Slts , not many can appreciate your style of entertaining ..if you keep calling it down consistently its not entertaining anymore .Do you do that for every conceivable counter ?
If entertaining is what forumers are looking for then this is the wrong place . There are lots of entertaining places .If you are waiting for counter to drop you can stay quiet and when it dropped enough go and buy lah . How many times have you been able to predict Inari correctly down and then buy .If it really reaches 1.30 would you buy or still say ah I wait for 1.00 because I see it coming down more .Then you are just entertaining yourself and nobody need this kind of shiok sendiri . The argument about ignoring you is not valid .This is a forum for people to air their balanced views .Can we accept someone throwing rubbish in public places and say ignore it .


2013-12-03 16:40 | Report Abuse

See if you listen to naysayers , you guys will lose the golden opportunity of making more money .Act forumers , don't make noise .


2013-12-03 16:16 | Report Abuse

Imagine if you were playing baccarat in casino and bet on Banker and it turns out Player would you like a bystander who has stopped playing barking out Player Player !! .If bystander have facts or info to share say it with basis and not cry wolf and you see you see its Player Player or its red red .Come on have more style .
Whether you make millions or pennies its ok its your money but don't act like a cheapie . There are people who makes millions in a day and don't talk about retiring at 49 .You want to brag , go and put out an advertisement or throw at karoake .


2013-12-03 12:14 | Report Abuse

your world is all about green and red .There are other colours you cant see because color blind . You are still an amateur in the world of trading .Talk and talk with no sense .Little knowlegde is dangerous .


2013-12-03 11:41 | Report Abuse

Its call NATO , no action too much talking