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Banker. Strategic & Risk Management. Active stock market trader.12 year sabbatical break.2013 comeback trader/investor whichever situation permits.





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2013-07-25 08:42 | Report Abuse

...the calm before the storm??.....

anyone have info on the filings to Bursa on recent substantial trades? Thanx


2013-07-25 08:38 | Report Abuse

v88...u a chartist/analyst or something? so from the charts, what should we be doing? other than cabut and move on to Redtone... :)


2013-07-24 15:00 | Report Abuse

Darn..m still stuck with mother while price dingdong-ing blowing hot & cold! envy you man got to cabut at the peak.

Anyway, the "left-pocket-right-pocket" that i meant was once TGOFF is under Equinas again, then they will provide the services to maintain ICON's offshore one is purely OSV while the other marine services. $$$ pusing2 will still go to Equinas pocket. Btw, ICON tentative scheduled for listing 2014.


2013-07-24 10:25 | Report Abuse

you guys holding any of the shares?


2013-07-24 01:41 | Report Abuse

I might have gotten it wrong also so would appreciate your input. Thanx


2013-07-24 01:40 | Report Abuse

The 70 million shares evenly "sold" to the 5 people by Ekuinas are "friendly" parties with Ekuinas's top man Datuk Rahman. They had one way or the other worked with him during his tenure at Media Prima. They are either from MP or Zul Rafique & Partners (ZR is Zulhasnan's brother). What IF the 10% is to be placed out to Ekuinas? In aggregate, direct/indirect, the holding would be about 30%. IF the move is as such, value would b created for TGOFF as it'll be bro & sis with ICON Offshore (3rd largest OSV fleet). Biz would be left pocket right pocket. ICON is of coz the newco of ex-TGOFF OSV biz + OMNI Petromarine's OSVs. The move would create synergy within the group. Mayb I'm just speculating in putting the bits and pieces of info i found, but it was recently reported that Equinas was sourcing for investments in the O&G sector. The same was reported for Mokhzani's Kencana Capital. Was in either the Star or the Edge. Any comments anyone?


2013-07-23 11:49 | Report Abuse

Got a bit susah lah for buying support for safety net...unless rely on 0.665 - 0.675 (much2 earlier support!). but will be GREAT if could prove me wrong...


2013-07-22 16:37 | Report Abuse

No problemo..coincidentally i'm partially involved in the maritime sector.


2013-07-22 16:18 | Report Abuse

Overall,to be involved in the shipping industry either as investor or owner, to at least know how the Greeks ride the cycles would give you an advantage.

@ qinger, i suggest u survey 1st for potential new "partner" while keeping the existing can't go much worse rite? dont rush into selling and reinvesting just for the sake of wanna get rid of your old "partner". take your time..but dont take too long lah..ok good luck


2013-07-22 15:43 | Report Abuse

@ of luck..fingers crossed that if u do severe ties with Hubline, u'll find a better "partner"..maybe u may wanna revisit Hubline when the tanker/drybulk market is on the uptrend...


2013-07-22 15:40 | Report Abuse

@ Alamandaamanda..Maybulk exit the tanker and drybulk market at ngam2 the right, a big portion of income derived from PACC Offshore, their associate co with OSV fleet.

Hubline basically still the same core biz..vessels in use or being dry-docked, still encounter operational costs.


2013-07-22 12:20 | Report Abuse

@ qinger - its your call. but for now, container and tanker market is at the bottom with sporadic (and minor) spike up in rates only...low demand = low biz = either low profit or in the red bcoz they have to sustain operations. Like what @ blugz83 mentioned, MISC also was not spared..but just an input qinger, the industry is cyclical coz there will be vessels decommissioned and in their place will either be the existing fleet or new ones..

I'm not sure what your risk appetite or profit/loss thresholds are, but i did bite the bullet..cut loss..and move on. The important thing is how you deal with the situation..your next move..your me its easier said than done coz my losses were very substantial.

I hope there are members here who can chip in. Thanx


2013-07-21 12:04 | Report Abuse

Hi all...I understand and sympathize with your predicament. Hope you don't take it the wrong way. Hubline is a good company...IF tanker rates are good. Maybe I can help explain a bit on the shipping industry.

For starters, ships are identified as vessels and those owning them are called shipowners. In the shipping industry, there are a number of categories or segments ie Containers, Tankers, Offshore Support Vessels (OSVs).

Types of vessels under OSVs are the anchor handling tug & supply boat (AHTS), crew boat, pipe laying barge, fast boat etc etc. These are primaries in the O&G sector. Hence, their usage are currently more often than not at 100% capacity. Their charter rates mostly are in USD and runs in the thousands/day. Their either chartered by way of spot or time charter. Most of the oil majors tie these vessels via time (contract) ranging from 2+1 (years) to maybe 7 years. For specialized boats ie geo finders, more on spot charter as their usage may not be on long term (here it depends on the majors).

Container ship as you know carry containers, but they come in various sizes. Economies of scale normally achieve with the one who knows to manage what size of container ship to utilize for their containers.

Ok now Tankers..they are either liquid or dry tankers..liquid tankers carry liquid cargo ie chemical, petrol while dry bulk tankers carry dry cargo ie grains. They also come in various sizes.

OSVs are doing well by virtue of the sectors their involved in. However, containers and tankers are in the doldrums due simply bcoz of supply exceeds supply. This has been for 2-3 (might be 4) years as more vessels were built and commissioned arising from from orders from its heydays. Again the scales of demand and supply determines the pricing of the charter rates. FYI, charter rates are 50% off its peak (or it could have been more!).

Bear in mind that when vessels are in use, owners have to maintain its running cost (crew and ship maintenance). When not in use, owners still have to bear the same costs!
Only different type of operating cost.

All in all, actually the industry that the shipowners operate, the vessels' type of charter, charter rates and period are the dynamics that affect the owners' bottom line (there are others as well but those mentioned would suffice for now).

Hope my explanation helped enlighten the situation a bit...


2013-07-20 22:45 | Report Abuse

V88...your statement hold water...I stayed a couple of times in other counter and got slaughtered...the +ve turned -ve!!!!so sedih like that liao liao!


2013-07-20 22:40 | Report Abuse

Pheeww...rtn trip KL-JB-KL..drove...

Anyway, I agree with u u monitor the daily mkt on a continuous basis ie when d mkt is in session?

I may not have it right, but if you do have the time over the w/end, prob could checkout what these fellas have in common : Equinas, Icon Offshore, TGOFF, the 5 major TGOFF s/holders with even spread, asset realignment.....i'm not implicating anyone here but prob u'd be able to see the bigger pic. No names mentioned but prob would appear more than once..interesting...


2013-07-20 16:06 | Report Abuse



2013-07-20 15:47 | Report Abuse

Rocketjet, did haji sell off his shares or did he "transfer" it out? Prob pay more attention monitoring TGOFF next week..

V88, played redtone before stagnant at 0.69 level..out of it coz scared as there were talks that the lesen is not a sure deal even with VT and JB bigshot on board. Maybe now the game has changed..prob should take a re-look..may also wanna check-out Handal...


2013-07-20 09:34 | Report Abuse

Am targeting next week's uptrend cycle to dispose all for raya $$$...and buyback when the shares dip...or should i wait until just before raya holidays to re-enter? Any feedback?


2013-07-19 16:17 | Report Abuse

RM1 kalo...chiak buei liao...


2013-07-19 16:15 | Report Abuse

yes okok, baru join but been reading thru TGOFF thread..u're not bleeding anymore rite?

I think depending on the ppl in the respective threads that makes it what it is. True, here +ve charge going thru unlike other threads that may have -ve ppl, comments, remarks etc. but then again, your holdings what drives you to b in that particular thread.

Only started in March 13 with Tebrau, KNM, MKLand, Benalec, Redtone etc etc..bought the shares but just stood as spectator lah. There's been the GOOD, the BAD and the UGLY...LOL..But now holding TGOFF and am in the thread..coz there were comments that i picked up for my sniffing n snoopping..


2013-07-19 15:51 | Report Abuse

noted2..same2 JT..obj is to make $$. btw, JT isnt for John Terry rite?

looks like a lukewarm day at the office for TGOFF..


2013-07-19 14:33 | Report Abuse

Hi JTFX..your comments have also helped!and of coz so have many others punyer..not only here but also other threads ie. Necro, Sephiroth, KCLoh, KCChongnz, Arv, Risk Trader, City Trader, YS1...too many lah..and also who can forget Mr Ooi & Rupert duel..of coz all of us have our own opinion..


2013-07-19 12:27 | Report Abuse

Q to sell to test water..plan is to sell a bit high and buyback a bit lower as per the current trading pattern. current shares holding made up of a base block purchased at the lower range last month and pockets picked along the uptrend. So N, what happened to ur TP 1.50? upward ziz-zag right? my thot is that the not-ur-ordinary-shark's TP is 0.98 but might overshoot to 1.20 as buffer before the corporate deal takes shape.


2013-07-19 11:05 | Report Abuse

Step-up Q to sell from 0.715 and above..although most likely wont kena. Most prob Monday may touch 0.715 and cross it on Tuesday.


2013-07-19 10:48 | Report Abuse

THAT is DEFINITE!moreover, if it is considered "a party's"


2013-07-19 10:36 | Report Abuse

N, may also not be..the Shark i meant may hv the blessings of the hand that rocks the cradle. It could be a buyback which could be a piece of a bigger corporate i said, quite interesting how the pieces fit..just my 2 sens worth..


2013-07-19 10:20 | Report Abuse

CYY - checkout the trading trend. kindof "structured". The Sharks may not be your ordinary sharks..


2013-07-19 10:06 | Report Abuse

Thanx N. Been doing a bit of sniffing and snoopping around after comments posted by fellow TGOFF community. For me, TA/FA is important to provide me with the "financial comfort" support for a counter, but as know speculation is what gives them the ooomph (i stand to be corrected). From the facts found, + a pinch of speculation, i came out with a hypothesis..or maybe speculative analysis..LOL..was quite surprised after putting 2 & 2 together2.

Just a poser, as mentioned by one of our fellows - is TGOFF a target for Daim's son (as Pirate99 went shhhhh)?

Sorry guys, I'm not here to step on any toes.


2013-07-19 01:44 | Report Abuse

1st question, just to clear the air...are we allowed to mention names, bigwigs related or acting on behalf of the government?


2013-07-19 01:37 | Report Abuse

Hi ALL..1st timer in i3 forum..been on the sideline looking..