
Iamxuewen | Joined since 2017-03-10

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2020-03-20 12:24 | Report Abuse

i still have 2 bullets to shoot
i hope i do not need to use it
earn a little less
won't die one
when the price drops further
we able to get it at a much lower price than many others
it is an achievement
the feeling is real good


2020-03-20 12:17 | Report Abuse

market turns green
nobody smile



2020-03-20 11:45 | Report Abuse

we are not the same
we are very confident we can be the winner 2 years later
we are not confident we can win or not tomorrow


2020-03-20 09:58 | Report Abuse

don't worry
if china can survive , no country can die
see the difference between the chinese and the america in the handling of covid-19
china use big money to save life
america use big money to save the market


2020-03-20 09:53 | Report Abuse

yesterday i asked tua-peh-gong
market turn green more than 30 points this morning
be grateful to tua-peh-gong
do not make money forget tua-peh-gong
say a few good words won't die
lose money can die


2020-03-20 09:49 | Report Abuse

do not believe the American drug
Remdesirir tested in wuhan the result isn't very satisfactory
CTM + WM has proven more effective by the china


2020-03-20 09:36 | Report Abuse

good morning my good friends


2020-03-19 17:10 | Report Abuse

i received notice already
coffee can not open
tonight i go see tua-pei-gong
tomorrow i share with you what tua-pei-gong said


2020-03-19 17:03 | Report Abuse

why turn green so fast
i belum beli leh......


2020-03-19 17:01 | Report Abuse


you no good friend lah...
got insider news
never tell
curi curi beli


2020-03-19 16:57 | Report Abuse

another day of doing nothing
tonight i must go ask tua-pei-gong
what is the good price to enter tomorrow
tua-bei-gong po-pi po-pi.....


2020-03-19 14:12 | Report Abuse

i rather you praise me good heart , than you praise me had made a ROI 200%

the reason is simple

i can't make ROI 200% every year , i can have a good heart everyday ,every year

sifu OTB is a good example
i see many attack him
but i do not see anyone praise him pandai making 170% roi


2020-03-19 14:09 | Report Abuse

thank you ochai,

ochai @aseng really good heart...
19/03/2020 1:58 PM


2020-03-19 14:02 | Report Abuse

my strategy during a down trend is simple

if i can not get it 60 cents today

why 60?

a reasonable low price today for me

buy 50 cent or do nothing tomorrow

why 50 cent ?
because DJ drops another 1000 points tonight

why do nothing ?
save the bullet if i can not get it cheaper

if not, i where got mode to talk so much
i will most probably like many people here curse the sky , curse the earth
i am also an ordinary man mah.....
will do the same no different



2020-03-19 13:52 | Report Abuse

today i wish to get some at 60 cents

please wish me good lucks


2020-03-19 13:45 | Report Abuse

now many people are suffering big paper loss or seeing their big profit gone with the wind
this is the time we share our experience to protect our position
i can't write good research reports like DK66
i can't tell you when is the golden cross or dead cross like maxprofit2020
i try my best to tell you ,
you are not the only one who lose money
we are in the same boat
we should not fear , not hopeless or helpless
our boat is heading to the right direction
destination is not far
though not in sight

do remember ,
one day
when we have reached the shore
never , never laugh at those who still are left behind .

simply , we are not young
noone will remember we had made some money in bursa later
many will still remember we have a good heart


2020-03-19 13:01 | Report Abuse

apoloang is my good friend .
he is the first person who begged me to teach him how to make a million
of course, i did not charge him a single ,
because i am touched by the high standard of humility he will never showed to others except me


2020-03-19 12:53 | Report Abuse

i have nothing precious to share with you
except my stupid trading skill and experience


2020-03-19 12:51 | Report Abuse

you are my sifu
you share with us your chart reading skill
you are deserved to win big together with sifuDK66


2020-03-19 12:35 | Report Abuse

sifu will not sell when everybody can see the downtrend
he will sell when it is still looking like a uptrend but price is trading at range bound
the most precious thing of a sifu is not his knowledge reading the chart or FA
it is his experience
of course , he wont tell you
it does more harm than good

maxprofit2020 @ Aseng, if sifu do not know when to sell before super-downtrend, not a real sifu already. Die Hard Fans learnt how to buy, but did not learn when to sell.


2020-03-19 12:27 | Report Abuse


if you have a gold mine , do you worry you can't survive
i tell you i am not worry even though my pocket is empty


2020-03-19 12:20 | Report Abuse


you are right. sifu already sold long ago before the super downtrend . otherwise where he got so much money to buy more

maxprofit2020 @ joeshare, sifus did not teach when to sell timely before a super-downtrend.


2020-03-19 12:12 | Report Abuse

that is why I am so confident
keep 2 bullets for the final shooting
first bullet supposed to shoot at distance 75
now aiming at 60 or 55 tomorrow
what about the last bullet ?
I hope I do not have the chance to use it


2020-03-19 12:09 | Report Abuse

sifu cant help you
you dont believe the asshole you see is a gold mine


2020-03-19 12:07 | Report Abuse

look at the value , the potential earning of the power plant for 25 years
many big funds are more than willing to save jaks and share the profit for 25 years
it is a gold mine to me


2020-03-19 11:57 | Report Abuse

buy with the amount you can afford to lose
nothing is certain
not everybody is deserved to win big
only those who are willing to share can win big
if our god is not teaching us the wrong thing
if you are not deserved , you have hundred reasons to tell us
a gold mine is an asshole
you do not have a steady heart to keep it for 1 day, what more 2 years ?


2020-03-19 11:40 | Report Abuse

your calculation is wrong

my 2 years exit tp is 2.5

if i buy at 0.6 , my gain is 316%
I am not greedy, 100% is already good enough for me
what more 300%
moreover I am not so skillful and lucky like you, can always get it at the lowest

maxprofit2020 @ Aseng,

yes, 40 cents vs 60 cents may not make any difference for you.

however, to me it means 50% premium at 60 cents if I can buy at 40 cents


2020-03-19 11:31 | Report Abuse

for those who hope to see me losing money
you better wish me good lucks to get it at 60 cents today
if not, tomorrow i will only buy at 55 cents
i do not say waiting for the TA signal is no good
i try not to play the game the way I do not know what I am doing


2020-03-19 10:49 | Report Abuse

I believe make it big one time or make it many golden crossover. The end result will not be much different
Moreover timing the market you need more luck and good karma. More complicated, more uncertainties.


2020-03-19 10:41 | Report Abuse

Investment success = great company + patience


2020-03-19 10:36 | Report Abuse

Now it is already low enough
If you are prepared to keep it for 2 years, and your exit tp is 2.5, then there is not much difference whether you buy it at 60 cents or 30 cent.
You must understand the general trading psychology, if you miss the lowest at 30cents and enter at the golden crossover at 50, then there is a correction from 55 to 40, a dead crossover, you sell, then you end up nothing but a lot of frustration.
Whereas for us who bought at 60, and willing to wait for 2 years. Then there is no such thing as dead cross or golden Cross and frustration because we know one day we are going to make a big return selling at 2.5. Unless ALP diversifies the core business into planting musang King


2020-03-19 09:50 | Report Abuse


if it is better not to tell than to tell you , then do not tell

very sorry

just buy some now at while it is cheap and keep for 2 years

i am sure , at the end you will gain more than me

good lucks

johnmasino Aseng:- what is your current average buying price now? Highest price and lowest price?
19/03/2020 9:40 AM


2020-03-19 09:46 | Report Abuse

do not feel jealous , i am just a small player
i can only ne a small winner can not be a big winner like you

DK66 Aseng, I wish you good luck, i will be jealous of you.


2020-03-19 09:39 | Report Abuse

my next like is gst
i am very sure it is going to come back


2020-03-19 09:37 | Report Abuse

my priority now is to get it lower than many people here
it is really a very good feeling
a feeling of achievement

today I q buy 60 cents
please wish me good lucks


2020-03-19 09:30 | Report Abuse

i like ekovest because of the duke and musang king

i like jaks because of the power plant

i like Flintstone because he liks me

Flintstones Aseng loaded on Ekovest last year and lost big money. Look where is ekovest now.

Jaks will suffer the same fate


2020-03-19 09:23 | Report Abuse

good morning all my good friends


2020-03-18 17:57 | Report Abuse

i do not hope for the fast gain
i do not have the luck or skill like hng33
i believe
if you are prepared to hold for long term
you got to look at the value
we had read DK66 calculation
when you compare value of jaks with topgloves , kossan or supermx at the current price
Jaks is definitely a better buy
unless APL suddenly from nowhere has a funny idea want to plant musang king
but, i think
this is more unlikely than the worry that the gloves factories got to close down for disinfection


2020-03-18 17:21 | Report Abuse


the risk is still there because the virus has no eye
they can't differentiate whether it is oil palm factory workers or gloves factories workers
if there is a confirmed infection , it got to close down for disinfection


2020-03-18 16:40 | Report Abuse

Kilang sawit closed down
How about kilang gloves?


2020-03-18 11:48 | Report Abuse


i am fine , hope you are fine too


2020-03-18 11:42 | Report Abuse

I changed my q buy to 72 already

DK66 Aseng, 65 cents is lower than my average costs. I will be jealous of you.
18/03/2020 11:06 AM


2020-03-18 11:37 | Report Abuse

then i make it 72 cent
then both of us happy happy

DK66 Aseng, 65 cents is lower than my average costs. I will be jealous of you.
18/03/2020 11:06 AM


2020-03-18 11:03 | Report Abuse

I am not fearful
what i see is that i should have a chance to collect at a lower price
65 is good enough for me
it is really a very good feeling
a sense of achievement when I am able to get jaks at a price lower than many others
now make money is a far distance thing
get it at a lower price than others is a good feeling of achievement


2020-03-18 10:33 | Report Abuse

do not misinterpret what I said
i did not ask you not to buy jaks
i also had bought some earlier
just to avoid disappointment when others make money later but i don't


2020-03-18 10:17 | Report Abuse


spend more time with your children
when they have grown up
they only remember their father is everyday busy with the shares trading
no time for them


2020-03-18 10:14 | Report Abuse

agree. but i heard there is no more restriction for interstate traveling , is it true ?

pjseow It is plain stupidity to create another useless " mass gatherings" just to forms to travel.interstate . How does interstate travel by car or motorbikes cause infections ? To travel from jb to muar or tangkak is about 2 hrs but this is not interstate. However, to travel. 20 mins from.Tampin to ALOR Gajah is interstate. In fact the border between melaka and negeri cut across.Tampin town. Why ask the public to fill up forms? It does not serve any purpose
18/03/2020 9:53 AM


2020-03-18 09:28 | Report Abuse

Do not forget, foctories can shut down because of covid-19, of course including the super star top gloves or harta


2020-03-18 09:14 | Report Abuse

do not be greedy for a few cents gain
we do not have hng33 skill
he has the discipline to cut loss
we do not have
just buy some and be prepared to keep for 2 years
if you believe what the sifu said about the earning is true
win big if APL focus on the power plant business
if APL suddenly has a crazy idea want to diversify into durian business there ,
since musang king also has big earning potential
then gone with your hard earn money
now nothing is more important than covid-19
covid-19 is ok, we are ok
covid-19 not ok, nothing is ok,
all talk about earning and prospect are just duplicate what DK66 said earlier
nothing new


2020-03-17 11:36 | Report Abuse

Go and watch movies at home
Take care of your health is more important than your money now
Do not add extra stress to yourself
Buy and forget
Live longer and enjoy your gain 2 years later