
Iamxuewen | Joined since 2017-03-10

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2020-03-09 10:20 | Report Abuse

never forget the sifu teaching

never hope to win as much as others ,

never believe the sifu who told you he has the strategy to teach you to win the most

that is bull-shit

he will run faster than you


2020-03-09 10:07 | Report Abuse

the saddest thing in the trading is that we do not have the money to buy when it is cheap


2020-03-09 10:04 | Report Abuse

never chase high
never miss the buy when it is cheap
the sifu who teaches you sailang or all in is a gambler
do not follow their teaching
do it slowly and enjoy the trading
you will never die


2020-03-09 09:59 | Report Abuse

if you can't keep the shares you bought for 1 year, do not hold it for 10 minutes


2020-03-09 09:56 | Report Abuse

buy low sell high, make your own special dividend for the year

dumb-dumb hold till exit tp doesn't mean do nothing when others are fearful


2020-03-09 09:53 | Report Abuse

hero is born during crisis
winner is made during the bear


2020-03-02 11:14 | Report Abuse

look at those who are hoping to win fast and furious at dayang
what has happened now ?
kyy is facing force selling ......


2020-03-02 11:11 | Report Abuse

it seems free fall has reached bottom , any chance to collect more below 60 cents ?
but i am still waiting .......


2020-02-29 11:31 | Report Abuse

i like krono because the EDM business, i believe the business has strong growth potential as proven by its previous years performance. do not be misled by a quarter no so good result, during the crisis time even microsoft also dropped from the height of 180 to 150. what more our country is not only facing economic crisis but also political crisis. wherever we park our money , we are stuck. but one thing is for sure , if you still believe microsoft is good , then krono can not be too bad. i strongly believe the company will grow stronger and stronger in the years to come through many acquisitions and merges. what about eps dilution ? it is just a measurement, if that is very important , many companies in the bursa would not have trading above PE 20. most important is the cash or net income and more and more cash that keep the company growing stronger and stronger .


2020-02-29 09:59 | Report Abuse

good morning Gooshen and my good friends,

paper loss is nothing if you do not make it real
look at those who were trapped in jaks at high price during KYY time
are they not suffer longer paper loss than most people here
but they are not depressed
they still very confident they will be the big winner at the end
and I believe they will be the winner


2020-02-28 11:22 | Report Abuse

should i buy now ?

no !

i believe i can top up some at a cheaper price

is it called average down


i am going to sell back to you at a smaller profit margin to create extra dividend while waiting for the the big exit price at 1.2

long term hold , short term play

if not our waiting game would be very boring


2020-02-28 11:12 | Report Abuse

you may feel very depressed if you bought at 80 cents and did not sell at 90 cents
is it the price that you want to sell ?
if that is your exit TP and you did not do it , then you have the reason to feel depressed
if it is not, why should you feel depressed?

I remember, I bought frontkn a few years back, well before yistock said it could be a next inari.
when i heard the news the German key person had left. very depressed, sell every single share. look at frontkn now , i have a good reason to feel more depressed.

we always see other people wife is more beautiful
at the end of the day
the most beautiful one is still our old wife


2020-02-28 10:44 | Report Abuse


you shared a good experience ,
paper loss is not real if you can wait

you are wrong when you said you missed a lot of good shares in the 2 years in krono
how do you know there are good ? God know !
if you know they are good and very sure they are good and better than krono , why not you sell and switch to the good one

we always see other people wife is more beautiful
at the end of the day
the most beautiful one is still our old wife

greatinvestor just to share my experince. i was holding krono since 2017 with buy in price 0.88 i'm really suffer in 2 years when share price starting going down and down in 2018 then 2019 . i have 423K units in hand with huge unrealized loss . i'm so grateful i'm hold it tight (with suffer) until i saw the price going up and touch 0.895 07/01/2020 at 9.45am and 0.90 at 11.45am. i sold 100 K at 0.9 and the rest at 0.89. i bought high , 1.10 and average down until 0.88. i just want to say i miss a lot good share in 2 years back because my money stuck in this company the most painful was im feel depressed in this 2 years. my advise here is not only the holding power you had to have or how long you can wait for the share price going up back but the pain and the depress you can go through.


2020-02-28 10:27 | Report Abuse

anything is possible
it can also touches 70 cents
with current sentiment
60 cents is more possible

Miracles Can touch 60 cents?
28/02/2020 10:23 AM


2020-02-28 10:23 | Report Abuse

always prepare yourself in the position
when people laugh , we laugh together
when people sad , we tell them "no fear"
the market can crash but our company won't go bankrupt


2020-02-28 10:18 | Report Abuse

do not forget the saying ,
the saddest thing is not losing money
because you invested in a good company
the service has demand
strong growth is recorded every year
paper loss is not real if you can wait
the saddest thing is when the price is cheap
we do not have the money to buy more ...........


2020-02-28 10:11 | Report Abuse

all of us should have learnt now, managing our cash is more important than managing our shares
when market drops , you have csh to buy cheap
when market rises, you have stock to win more
so whether the market drops or rises , you enjoy your trading


2020-02-27 16:21 | Report Abuse

i will, create some short term gain when sentiment turns better then

long term hold , short term play

GooShem aseng, just follow gooshen buy
27/02/2020 2:54 PM


2020-02-27 14:08 | Report Abuse

One quarter not so good result doesn't mean everything as long as the annual result still showing year to year strong growth.
When there is nothing to fear, you fear a lot, when there is a lot to fear, you fear nothing.


2020-02-27 11:29 | Report Abuse

We are stranger to each other
No enemy
No person we dislike
Do not make yourself look so cheap when others earn less


2020-01-18 12:17 | Report Abuse

For those who had missed to buy cheap, now it is still not too late, since the potential upside is still high if we take 2.5 as our first exit point.
If you are long enough in the market, you will agree that making big money is more a matter of courage than knowledge.
If you dare to take the risk, you can be the bigger winner than those early birds who are busy proving you wrong.

Good lucks.


2020-01-05 19:06 | Report Abuse

go and watch movies lah ...
why make your life so difficult

I always tell myself
If i do not have a solid reason to prove the sifu wrong , then i will quietly buy some small small
if the sifu is right , then I am also a winner
if the sifu is wrong , then my opponent is a bigger loser

so nice....

go watch movies lah ...

don't waste your time writing your love to help the newbies to invest wisely but actually you are making them more confused.

don't waste you time to prove the sifu wrong because the sifu is has already proven themselves has in-depth of the power plant and more important they are willing and happy to answer you question if you have any .


2020-01-05 18:51 | Report Abuse

clearly presented in front of us are only 2 stories to be seriously considered
one is the Jaks Vietnam power plant that will generate millions of free cash this year onward
the other one is Jaks local business that was burning millions of hard cash last few years
the story of pump and dump as in the case of Henyuan and many others should be put aside because those who are labelled promoters are actually not at the level to do so, so the story of pump and dumb is actually irrelevant at the current scene
I read one of the Icon8888 article that it is mentioned clearly in the 2017 annul report that the company intend to stop its property develop and focus on their effort in the power plant business

conclusion : JAKS IS A GOOD BUY NOW AT THE PRICE 0F 1.26

What is the TP based on the calculation of sifu OTB and DK66 : 2.5

of course , you can argue that the sifu calculation is just a future projection which is full of uncertainties and unknown , so you choose to wait and see .

that is OK. but experiences tell us

If you scare to fail , you are difficult to succeed
if you scare to lose money , you are difficult to make money
or WB: if you await for the robin, spring is over
or Aseng : if you find what the sifu said is gam-key , what are you waiting for .

News & Blogs

2020-01-05 12:00 | Report Abuse

it is not difficult to see Mahathir wants Bersatu to replace Umno
Mahathir want Bersatu to become the biggest malay party in the country
so that his gang will remain in power forever
I do not think his dream will come true
majority of the Malay will not support Bersatu because they can not acceppt DAP in the coalition
the chinese will not support PH because Najib can run the country economy better than Mahathir
and Khairi Jamaluddin is the best moderate Malay leader to be the next prime minister of Malaysia after PR15

News & Blogs

2020-01-04 15:50 | Report Abuse

There is no "sure win" in shares trading
There is only "can win"
If you dare not take the risk,
Then there is always a reason it is not a good buy
Follow you own reason to invest or not invest
Then your imperfect small world will be a little more perfect

News & Blogs

2020-01-04 15:43 | Report Abuse

Remenber, nobody owe you anything
You may be a fail investor
But you must not be a fail man
You children have a choice, I believe they will choose you fail as a good investor rather than you fail as a man. What more a father

Quietly tell you, do not tell anybody
If there is no naysayers, then there is no motivation for the sifu to work harder to prove the naysayers wrong, then lazy investor like Aseng, will have less useful information to help him to make money.
Now a days, the forum has become too commercial, hardly you can find a sifu who his willing to share with you free his research.
DK66 indeed a rare species.
Thank you Dk66

News & Blogs

2020-01-04 15:28 | Report Abuse

You are wrong
You should not avoid his call
His big money can create wonder
You must learn from others mistake
You shoukd be the first one to run when the price gone crazy
You must always tell yourself
Let sifu earn 100%,
You are happy with the 50%or 60 the most 70%
Because you can not blame the sifu if he doesn't treat you like his son
You are not his son
He is not your kind father

News & Blogs

2020-01-04 13:33 | Report Abuse

Am I promoting jaks here


I am just saying I believe
OTB timing and DK66 calculation

They can wrong also

But i believe the probability they are wrong looks very small

It is good enough for to put in some money and "wait and see"

Be a man

Never beg KYY to pump his money here

Do not behave so low class

News & Blogs

2020-01-04 13:27 | Report Abuse

But I never persuade anyone to invest in HSex
My success here doesn't mean will bring you success also
You are not me

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2020-01-04 13:24 | Report Abuse

Yes, you are right
Last year the biggest part of my return is from Hong Kong

Posted by 钱赚筹码~ 筹码换钱 > Jan 4, 2020 1:18 PM | Report Abuse

I believe Aseng's Hangseng timing

News & Blogs

2020-01-04 13:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by Aseng > Jan 4, 2020 1:14 PM | Report Abuse X

I believe otb timing
I believe Dk66 calculation
I strongly believe what I believe is right
I do not need you to prove me wrong
Because I had given you more than a year to do that
But you fail
So invest some of the money in jaks now is right
You should not take too long for "wait and see"
That is the enemy of a big money winner
I am a lazy investor
I do not know how to write a good investing report
But after many years of reading other people reports, many success and failure following sifu buy calls or sell calls,
I had gain some insight how to take care of my money
If it is gam-key , I will follow without any hesitation
But sifu is still sifu, other is still other
You are still yourself
At the end you will agree you will do well playing the game in your own way. More disciplined more confident.

News & Blogs

2020-01-04 13:05 | Report Abuse

I believe Jaks will do well without kyy
Do not have to behave like a begger to beg kyy to pump his money here
We should convince him like Dk66 had convinced us
Just focus on what we do
Do with a good reason
Big money will join us later


2020-01-02 23:13 | Report Abuse

If I do not have a solid fact to prove my opponent wrong, then I will quietly buy some small small
If I am wrong, then I am a small winner
If I am right, then my opponent is a bigger loser

But this forum will be very dull without a naysayer
A lazy investor like Aseng will lose a lot of valuable information if there is no naysayers to make the sifu work harder.


2020-01-02 22:42 | Report Abuse


good works

I see the power plant is real
in the good hand of the china man
we are in the right boat heading toward the right direction
we see the value
but many dare not buy
because they scare the captain will run away with the money
but I told myself
no scare
you scare too much , there is nothing you can do
you will not reach your destination if you scare the boat will sink half-way
it is not easy to find a good stock to invest
when you have found one , do not scare .
because you had read the stories presented by the sifu who had traveled a big part of the journey , high and low .


2020-01-02 21:53 | Report Abuse

i will come back here again 6 months later to tell you a story about my big money making formula



2020-01-02 21:49 | Report Abuse

you must believe yistock tp 1.5

you must believe krono is actually a mini amazon over here

you must believe krono will grow stronger and stronger after more and more merges and acquisitions

what about eps dilution ?

that is the topic only those short -sighted sifu will talk about .

they will learn a new thing when they had the BIG wonder of inorganic growth.


2020-01-02 21:31 | Report Abuse

after many years of trading
I learnt a big money making formula

"1 big musang king is better than 100 potatoes"

do not make your life so difficult

don't have to .


2020-01-02 21:28 | Report Abuse

why run here run there ?
at the end still come back here
I aim to make big money
never run
let the money comes to me


2020-01-02 18:46 | Report Abuse

OTB & DK66,

i am a lazy investor
your research is very useful to me
1 musang king is many times better than a hundred potatoes
i believe in you timing
i believe DK66 calculation
i believe my score for 2020 must be many times better than 2019
thank you very much
Happy New Yea


2020-01-02 18:43 | Report Abuse

otb & DK66

i am a lazy investor
your research is very useful to me
1 musang king is many times better a hundred potatoes
i believe in you timing
i believe DK66 calculation
i believe my score for 2020 must be many times better than 2019
thank you very much
Happy New Year


2020-01-02 14:11 | Report Abuse

Go and watch movie lah....
Let your money works for you
If you are deserved to win, you see it a gold mine
If you not deserved, there is always a noise telling it is an ass hole.


2020-01-01 13:19 | Report Abuse

I believe OTB timing
I believe Dk66 calculations
Ipp is near 80% completed
It is real
I do not believe in wait and see
I rather lose some money than to ended up missing a gold mind
I am waiting to exit at the tp 2.5 or 1 year from now, whichever come first
Upgraded jaks to be my 1 year FD.
Happy new year

Good knowledge can not help you to make big money if you do not have the courage to act on it

This is shares trading, you can wait but the price can't wait.


2019-12-31 21:16 | Report Abuse

Do not attack those sifu who are willing to share with us their knowledge and their strategy to win. They may not win as much as you do. Because they may not have the courage as big as you.
They are your god of wealth, why chase them away.
There is something not right deep inside you or
Your previous experience with the sifu was a very disappointing one.

A teacher, how good he is, he can not make all his students like him.

That is why we have so many stories to tell.

If free come to my satay, shop my sifu has more interesting stories to share with you.
You will like him.


2019-12-31 20:53 | Report Abuse

We are not new in i3
Who is God and who is ghost
We can see clearly from the comments you had made
There is nothing that you can hide
If we can not read what is the big story behind your sharing, genuine or not genuine, good or evil, then it is better not to come here to see what others said about the stocks you are interested. Experiences tell us, it is always the evil that sounds more persuasive.

Happy New Year.


2019-12-31 20:33 | Report Abuse

Share with us what you know about the power plant, the company business performance in Malaysia to help us to make a right decision to invest or not to invest.
May be your kind intention is to warn do not be over optimistic but please do not attack those sifu who are willing to help us to know more or better what we are doing.

If you can not win, then let other people win
Do not attempt to stop other people winning already had made you a better person before you success elsewhere

Happy new year.


2019-12-31 19:35 | Report Abuse


Godd reasoning
We agree with your reasoning but do not believe your love for jaks is as strong as we do.
Anyhow, I still like your comment knowing pretty well the ways we play the game are totally different.
You prefer 一夜情, but we prefer 总有一天等到你。


2019-12-31 18:13 | Report Abuse

I am also a long term investor of Jaks impressed and convinced by DK66 reaseach and kindness
I also hope to see jaks price climbing higher and higher
But we must be rational
What our opponents including uncle koon, but not those who focus on personal attack, are trying to tell us is that over-optimistic is not a good thing, uncle koon is a good example at the early part of the story.
I recommend a buy at current but not sailang as if it is a sure win.
The reason is very simple.
Ask yourself a simple question, what will happen if there is other unforeseen factor that make the calculation of all the sifu here, old or new sifu, less accurate or the overall performance of the company is not up to the expectation. Then is it not the higher the expectation, the bigger the damage done.
I think this is what our opponent is trying to warn us.
However, I am still willing to take the risk to hold miss Jaks hand throughout the year of 2020

Good luck to all my good friends here.
Thank you

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2019-12-26 13:26 | Report Abuse

if you lazy , then pay some money and follow a sifu to invest

if you are hardworking , the do it yourself


never ever try to skip the first principle of successful investment


it is not wrong to say , the aim of investment is to make money


if the direction is wrong , then to make money or not to make money is not you say, it is your luck that has final say

at the age of 17 , you focus on learning and your internet job

that will definitely can bring you more wisdom and success in your investment later than to follow the sifu recommendation blindly now .


2019-11-25 23:22 | Report Abuse

22 May 2020 !!!!



还要等到 22.05.2020
