
Iamxuewen | Joined since 2017-03-10

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2018-12-17 16:22 | Report Abuse

what sort of logic is this ?
which teacher taught you
this is not logic lah
this is bullshit lah.....
you can't even differentiate bullshit and gold

Posted by mkmk > Dec 17, 2018 04:19 PM | Report Abuse

i only know i m a genius coz haLIE said dont talk to someone who he think is fool but he keeps talking to me.... and he is 傻 for sure.... proven!!!


2018-12-17 15:21 | Report Abuse

害人精, 懂少少扮代表


2018-12-17 15:19 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-12-17 14:59 | Report Abuse


I know you hate me
But I don't know the reason you hate

Here is a forum,
Here we seek funs and create funs
Life is short
You are not young
Be happy not be hateful

Do not get the whole drama wrong
It is mymy who busy cari gaduh here not me, cigu or Turkeyfig
He attack everyone who did not agree with him
One day it can be you unless you are willing to be his yes man


2018-12-17 14:30 | Report Abuse

do not think I am joking

i tell you areal story

monkey mymy can be my witness

I bought flbhd at 1.45 when my sifu said cup and handle is seen
I sold without any hesitation at 1.60 when i notice mymy is promoting the counter
the price dropped back wile mymy was shouting "huat..." after a good QR was announced

am I right mymy ?


2018-12-17 14:22 | Report Abuse

the name of this strategy is called
"take Advantage of mymy bad karma "

a bit crude

can someone suggest a better name ?

thank you


2018-12-17 14:20 | Report Abuse

I suggest we should invite mymy to curse jaks more

so that we can see Jaks-wr trading at 40 cent on 20.12.2018

agree ?


2018-12-17 14:18 | Report Abuse

Mr market hate mkmk

he cursed PWI,
PWI shoots up from 4 sen to 6 sen may be 8 sen later

he cursed Jaks,
jaks shoots up from 41.5 to 47

what sort of God you are believing
so funny one ????


2018-12-17 13:31 | Report Abuse

Do you know PWI is trading at 6 cents

What happen to your facts and insider news?
Thrown into longkang already?


2018-12-17 13:28 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-12-17 13:19 | Report Abuse

I thought you are very good while you were scolding Icon8888 pariah, who know....

I also don't know how to describe
But I still want to share with you a good advice


If not, then I will help your father to discipline you.

Got it?


2018-12-17 13:13 | Report Abuse

You are really a joker or clown
Eat some kacang putih then talk as if you know more than KC Chong and coldeye.


2018-12-17 13:12 | Report Abuse

PWI is 6 cents now
I think many must be puki-ing you there
You non stop spread fear, misleading the readers with your insider news, telling to cut loss, now what has happened

6 cents not 2 cents or company goes bankrupt that you had told them so confidently non stop, and fight anybody who disagree....

You better do not go there, they will tiu you kaw-kaw if you go there


2018-12-17 12:59 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-12-17 12:31 | Report Abuse


Do you know what you are doing here?
You do not care for yourself to fight nobody here
But how about the readers here
Do you think they enjoy your complaint about me and Turkeyfig?
They are wondering what sort of being are you.
So many good words from me and Turkeyfig, you can't understand
Is it very difficult to stop telling your grandmother stories about me and Turkeyfig?
Have you not learnt in the school what teacher said?
Orang berbudi, kita berbahasa, orang memberi, kita merasa.
why can't you talk sensiblly


2018-12-17 12:05 | Report Abuse


Think with an enlightened mind

You are not fighting with halite or Turkeyfig
You are fighting with yourself

Who is halite?
Who is Turkeyfig?
Nobody knows.


2018-12-17 11:57 | Report Abuse

I had never read a bible
I learn the bible teaching from my friends
Nothing wrong for a Buddhist to learn bible teaching
In fact the good part of the Christian culture and teaching make me a good Buddhist
My sifu always tell
Man preaches God teaching but also distort God words.
That is why i said in i3, it is important to follow a right sifu.

In this forum of Jaks and about the power plant, the right sifu to follow is DK66


2018-12-17 11:48 | Report Abuse

I am a Buddhist
What I am preaching is not bible but Buddhist stories


2018-12-17 11:47 | Report Abuse

There are many innocent people who trapped here waiting for recovery
If you can't help, then don't add salt to the wound


2018-12-17 11:45 | Report Abuse

Karma spare noone but will not simply hit people if you did not invite it


2018-12-17 11:44 | Report Abuse

God abondon noone
Halite or mymy
God is great love

We are part of God
Hurting yourself or hurting others is hurting God
That will invite bad karma


2018-12-17 11:34 | Report Abuse

God abondon noone
Halite or mymy
God is great love
But the most saddening thing is that we are too late to understand


2018-12-17 11:10 | Report Abuse

You are right

TurkeyFig //Aiyo halite..enuf lah...your enemy also scare to come...apa lagi mau...aiyoyo...kikiki


2018-12-17 10:57 | Report Abuse

3 cents, 2 cents or whatever cent, we accept willingly
Because we are not wrong to believe power plant is a cash generating machine at the end


2018-12-17 10:53 | Report Abuse

The puxxxxmah man has learnt

Do not wrestle with pig, both of you get dirty but the pig enjoy it.

A fast learner.

I hope he will not prove me wrong coming back as a bigger and more foolish pig


2018-12-17 10:49 | Report Abuse

I accept the fact willingly though not happily


2018-12-17 10:43 | Report Abuse


Market prove you wrong again
What I am doing is right.

I rather market proves me wrong
I do not lose a friend like you
If not how to describe to all my friendd here what is that apa nama itu puxxxxmah man.

Shy to say the word you know


2018-12-17 10:30 | Report Abuse

That is why people said

Do not wrestle with the pig, both of you will get dirty, but the pig enjoy it

You want to be pig or you choose your enemy as pig?

The choice is yours.

See I am teaching you how to attack me



2018-12-17 10:27 | Report Abuse

Let me teach you the right way

The best way to prove your enemy is wrong to to prove yourself right. Not attacking non stop.

See the right method?


2018-12-17 10:22 | Report Abuse


What Turkeyfig said love your enemy is right

You must learn to love your enemy. To prove him wrong is to save your enemy, the intention is good.

Prove him wrong just to win an argument will not yield anything because the intention already wrong. If there is no love, you tend to be overtaken by your emotion and come out with all the senseless things

See the different?


2018-12-17 09:44 | Report Abuse

我们这个年纪,最怕的是孤单, 不是怕在股市賺不到钱。
Mymy, 因为有你, 我不再孤单了。


2018-12-17 09:38 | Report Abuse


Still trying very hard to prove he is not pu apa itu mah man?


2018-12-17 09:33 | Report Abuse

Sound familiar right?

mkmk //Did i lie? when?
17/12/2018 09:25


2018-12-17 09:26 | Report Abuse

Please respect the right of other readers to voice their view here. Stop your spamming now


2018-12-17 09:25 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-12-17 09:11 | Report Abuse

Today market drops 14 points but jaks did not drop
What it tells
Scolding mymy as pu apa itu mah man is right
No bad karma


2018-12-17 09:06 | Report Abuse

If i3 admin has read this man comments here before removing referee rating
I believe the i3 admin will add 1 more GILABABI man on top of PU apa itu MAH man


2018-12-17 09:00 | Report Abuse

What wrong with this man?

He said he love me?

Posted by mkmk > Dec 17, 2018 07:58 AM | Report Abuse

Turkey, stop lying... i said i didnt hate halie..


2018-12-17 08:55 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-12-16 21:26 | Report Abuse


You are right. Too many ID xuewen then
I believe many sifu here also had suffered the same fake under the evil of the Satan who can't even accommodate a slightest different in opinion


2018-12-16 20:57 | Report Abuse

It is not the vulgar word that causes his posts removed . It is some Satan who take advantage of the "report abuse" system to silence the judge who is doing his works well without fear and favour.
That had happened to me while I was using my true name xuewen to post comments and also many outspoken sifu here.
For your information, you only need 10 reports of abuse to remove others comments that you do not like.
Some Satan can even use the ID like calvintaneng, Icon8888 to create confusion.


2018-12-16 17:42 | Report Abuse

My sifu said:

If you do not has the strength at least that of a lion, do not fight with the tiger.

This is just a general statement. Not referring to anyone in particular
Please do not feel offended if you are not a lion


2018-12-16 17:39 | Report Abuse


Your response and your behaviour already speak for you , what to argue you are not the pu apa itu mah.
I support the referee judgement is right

It is not necessary to argue or fight
Many people call me lau-tak-hua , some call me chow-yun-huat, I do not agree but I never fight with then so strongly as you did here

There is always a reason for a thing to happen


2018-12-16 17:08 | Report Abuse


do not question the integrity of the referee
he is the most established , most experienced , most unbiased and the best chosen referee by the readers for the people , with the highest public consensus score endorsed by I3 admin .

If he said you are pu apa itu mah , then you are itu apa mah lah....
or you want him to tambah lagi for you one more group gila apa itu babi kah ?

be a man !!!


2018-12-16 16:53 | Report Abuse

price movement for tomorrow ( 17.12.2018 )

winner will be rewarded a French kiss by our cute laday miow-miow-cat

Halite: UP 2 cents
Velon_teo : down 4 sens


2018-12-16 16:42 | Report Abuse

miow-miow very shy ,
let's not play bibo...bibo...
we play fortune teller

Guess tomorrow , 17.12.2018, Jak up or down by how many cents

Halite: UP 2 cents


2018-12-16 16:39 | Report Abuse



wa lai liao ...

I like bibi....bobo.....



2018-12-16 16:07 | Report Abuse


i like it very much

i helps me to recall many of our childhood pleasures
when we used to play police catches thief together

time really flies,
the past years the young and pretty thief has now become an old and ugly lady.



2018-12-16 15:54 | Report Abuse

I had just received a reminder from my sifu ,

he told me ,

"do not argue with a fool , you will make yourself a fool too"

you are a genius ,
I love you



2018-12-16 15:48 | Report Abuse

Posted by mkmk > Dec 16, 2018 03:24 PM | Report Abuse

u have many that kind of comments also so u also a pukimah too?

Halite : why not cut and paste some of your so called evidences to support your claim.
wrong to say you fail your logic?


Halite : why so happy when you disagree ?
wrong to say you are gila babi

All the facts n figure already mentioned previously... wat for keep repeating? R u idiot cannot read past comments? But u r well known for lying so i dont feel strange if u keep lying... just like in pwi, u made loss but said sendiri make profit... then keep telling ppl i made loss.... as i said, this is the karma u get now... buy what drop what... sell what then that share go up... not karma? Then u bawa tahi la... soi ka lao sai...

Halite : what are you trying to prove . you can be world no.1 or Malaysia no.1 without defeating me

Sincerely from Halite ,
never fight a tiger if you do not have the strength of the lion

i want to ask you "understand?"

but my sifu told me : never ask a fool " understand? " because he can't