
Iamxuewen | Joined since 2017-03-10

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2018-12-16 15:26 | Report Abuse


do not show us your cheap standard of argument
where is your logic
tell us why the referee should not put you in the group called pukimah?
why blame me if you deserved it .
Moreover it is a public opinion and consensus



2018-12-16 15:19 | Report Abuse


you fail in your logical reasoning because you never talk with facts
the referee is not wrong to call you Pukimah
Now is New Malaysia
it is rule of law
not rule of bibo...bibo... miow miow by some ugly old lady

Posted by Halite > Dec 16, 2018 09:11 AM | Report Abuse X

Just take a look at this stupid man
Is his comment worthy a place here?
Just pop out from nowhere and start talking nonsense. He feel so proud doing so, so happy doing so.
Wrong to call him Pukimah man?

mkmk //Where is haLIE? Still at icu belum mati kah?
16/12/2018 08:40

Posted by mkmk > Dec 16, 2018 02:55 PM | Report Abuse

haLIE u must be very angry to describe ppl as pukimah... maybe ur mama has no puki thats y u r so uncivilised..... no wonder u kena everyone pukul... so far we see the share price still sucks and u still insist that subscribe warrant is true move... u r just a stupid monkey with mama has no puki lo.... when ppl talk facts and figures u divert to talk nonsense... when ppl talk nonsense to u back u say ppl pukimah... this is the quality of so called holy and educated man? Holy educated my foot la... shame on u haLIE... kikikiki


2018-12-16 12:07 | Report Abuse

Come to jaks forum
Let the referee tells you what sort of people are you.
Dare not?
You invited me to talk there what
Why you dare not go there now
Stop misleading the newbies here
Go to jaks
See how well you can prove me wrong there?


2018-12-16 12:02 | Report Abuse

What did you say about PWI earlier?

Has anyone of what you said come true?


Now the price is 5.5, you can boost you sold all at 8

What happen if the price is 10?

I think you will say you buy back at 6

Stop your bullshiting here

Nobody interested in your insiders news now

All the kopitiam news, who bother?


2018-12-16 11:55 | Report Abuse

Market already proven you wrong
You think you are God?


2018-12-16 11:54 | Report Abuse

Do not explain to a fool he is stupid, he can't understand


2018-12-16 11:13 | Report Abuse

The world doesn't lack of beauties
But we lack the eyes to see the beauties


2018-12-16 11:11 | Report Abuse


I like this even though I am a Buddhist

Matthew 25:14–30

Obey God and whether you are prosperous or not also Give Thanks To The Lord Your God.

Titus 3:2
to malign no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing every consideration for all men.


2018-12-16 10:58 | Report Abuse

Icon8888 said :
If win in an argument can make you rich, halite is the richest in i3 with his powerful logical, unmatchable reasoning power.


2018-12-16 10:55 | Report Abuse

Do not worry
The referee is not stupid
It is not easy to enter the Pukimah gang if you do not want
No one can call you a Pukimah if you are not stupid
Put it simply,
It is only deserved for those who have proven himself deserved the place


2018-12-16 10:47 | Report Abuse


Here we speak with fact and logical reasoning
I called someone Pukimah and I supported my called with strong evidence and agreed and accepted by the referee members of the floor as well as my opponent

Do you agree if I say we must respect and believe the referee has the wisdom to do a good job. He did not take a single cent from me, he has no obligation to agree with whatever I said


2018-12-16 10:33 | Report Abuse

Take it easy
I don't always talk in such manner if not invited or more appropriately say provoked
I enjoy praising you more than bad mouthing you.


2018-12-16 10:21 | Report Abuse

You are right
Just share with us facts and logical reasoning
The readers have the wisdom to judge right or wrong
Respect different views is the key to knowing what we don't know
We are here to learn
Not here to sell our snake oil
We may be wrong but not stupid to turn the black white
It is good to have such merit demerit system started with dragon
Look foolish but badly needed and serves well here


2018-12-16 09:39 | Report Abuse

Well done dragon,
It is good to know how people rate our comment.
Promoter turns Penkritik?
Pukimah man turn promotor?
Penkritik turns opportunist then turn Pukimah

Your merit and demerit system serves very well here to restore the "kemuliaan forum"


2018-12-16 09:27 | Report Abuse

Well done
Why not create a new group called Pukimah man for those who deserved?


2018-12-16 09:13 | Report Abuse

Just like our Malaysian a multiracial society, some UMNO malay want to make it a Malay land only calling others pendatang


2018-12-16 09:11 | Report Abuse

Just take a look at this stupid man
Is his comment worthy a place here?
Just prop out from nowhere and start talking nonsense. He feel so proud doing so, so happy doing so.
Wrong to call him Pukimah man?

mkmk //Where is haLIE? Still at icu belum mati kah?
16/12/2018 08:40


2018-12-16 09:06 | Report Abuse

Do not be kind with the evil be a use they do not know what is kindness

We can't learnt anything useful in i3 now
Many great sifu already stay away
Those remain are here to sell you their half pass six service


2018-12-16 09:02 | Report Abuse

From now let see who is the first one to invite us telling him he is in fact a Pukimah man?

I am waiting for your rubbish comment to serve you right


2018-12-16 08:57 | Report Abuse

I believe many are trapped in high price
We should share to help them with our logical reasoning
Not spreading fear to make the helpless become more helpless
I am learning to be a good man
It is not easy here
Sometimes I really can't resist myself telling them Pukimah for all the rubbish and senseless thing that they are sharing


2018-12-15 22:47 | Report Abuse

No more bad news worse than what you already known


2018-12-15 19:33 | Report Abuse

You come here is right
No government here
Penkritik simply hentam
Who can talk more who win


2018-12-15 11:54 | Report Abuse

Now the movement is created by some goreng kaki who are taking advantage of the low price
So never chase high unless you have good reason doing so


2018-12-15 11:50 | Report Abuse

But I am still skeptical the uptrend is sustainable
Unless the production report indicates otherwise
If I were you, I will sell at 5.5 and buy back at lower price


2018-12-15 11:29 | Report Abuse

When we left, this forum become dead silence
Nothing new to read. The readers want us to come

The price goes up not because we stop arguing
It is because the market passes the verdict
Halite is right
Mkmk is wrong

Abraham //did you notice that when mkmk and halie stoped bickering for awhile the price went up


2018-12-15 11:22 | Report Abuse

So I am not telling lie
You are just empty tin, make a lot of noises
But at the end
The truth is is the truth
You are wrong


2018-12-15 11:19 | Report Abuse

Market had proven you wrong
Market had proven me right
The readers here who follow our arguments are the judge


2018-12-15 11:15 | Report Abuse

I still have not enter
I am waiting for their production report


2018-12-15 11:12 | Report Abuse

I sold at 4 but did not lose
You sold at 8 but lost until fa-lan - ca

This why

I malas to tell you are stupid because you can't understand


2018-12-15 10:44 | Report Abuse

If you are kind to these people, then you are cruel to many newbies who wish to learn more from many great sifu here.


2018-12-15 10:42 | Report Abuse

Nowadays people suka cari gaduh, talk more cock and do not know how to talk sensibly
No wonder many great sifu had quit the forum
You role as a referee has become more and more difficult. To set the order right, you must be strict as you did in hengyuan before.


2018-12-15 09:24 | Report Abuse

Thanks for your good advice
You are my sifu
I love you

Isn't it good to begin each day with a lot of love


Am I right?


2018-12-15 09:14 | Report Abuse

My sifu told me

It is ok to play play here
But do not play play until someone said Bibo Bibo.........
My sifu said my comment too forceful some Bibo Biboman tak boleh tahan
It is better to be kind to others and not to hurt them unintentionally because our success in shares trading needs some good lucks.

I love you


2018-12-15 09:03 | Report Abuse

My sifu is very worry when he comes to know I bought some warrants. He smiles again when I told him the number of warrant I had subscribed and the reasons doing so.

I love you


2018-12-15 08:51 | Report Abuse

Summary of what I had learnt from the sifu here.

1. Power plant is real, money earned used to pay the capital commitment can not be considered unreal, because the value is there.

2. The local project is rotten s real but it doesn't mean there is no way to solve the problem or reduce the rot

3. The coming 2 years is the most difficult period for jaks is real because fcf is negative is real

4. Price already priced in all the negative news is real. Those who see jaks hopeless already sold, those who believe jaks able to survive through this 2 difficult years will remain

5. Warrant and mother share are not the same. If you use your primary school mathematics to calculate , you are not a good businessman. 25 cents is real but 64 cents is still yet to be real. If you understand, tnen you understand. If you don't understand, then you don't understand even though I am willing to explain 100 times.

6. The threat of forced selling is minima is real after the exit of KYY.

Conclusion :
Do not sailang if you think jaks is good gamble now
Do not cut loss if you do not need the money. My sifu said next year is a good year, a high tide will lift all boats, jaks or non jaks.

Am I right?


2018-12-14 13:32 | Report Abuse


Market has proven you wrong

The moral of the PWI story



2018-12-14 13:29 | Report Abuse


No one will believe your insiders news now


2018-12-14 13:27 | Report Abuse


You are the winner


2018-12-14 13:16 | Report Abuse

I am a very simple man
I follow my sifu not to be world number 1
I follow my sifu not to win all the time
I follow my sifu to do thing right.
With such small demand, I never die


2018-12-14 13:07 | Report Abuse

My sifu also advised me not to believe aa, he is not an honest man. But a crooked man always has many crooked ways to survive and flourish. Most important you know he is crooked, ride with him, like the tide lift all boats and never forget to say bye bye


2018-12-14 12:52 | Report Abuse

My sifu told me 2019 is a Bullish year
The crazy bull will push everything high high
Like what we always said, high tide lift all boats,
Of course, jaks also will rise with the tide.


2018-12-14 12:47 | Report Abuse

In the year 2019


2018-12-14 12:46 | Report Abuse

My good friend mkmk must be wondering
Why PWI is trading at 5.5 now not 3 or 2 or 1 or goes bankrupt?

He had told so much stories there
At the end you are still wrong even those you argument sound very reasonable.

The best is still DK66, he is still unshaken by all the fortune tellers stories that changes with the price movement. Of course icon8888 and me also not bad, because we are prepared to lose kaw-kaw or win kaw-kaw in 2019 not now.

Now we open our eye big big to see, how accurate or correct is your grandmother logic


2018-12-13 13:18 | Report Abuse

This counter is good for dividend
Not for capital gain
Because the earning is rather eractic
To protect your capital
It is not good to chase high
Reasonable entry price is 1.45
If there is strong hand pushing you can sell to him and collect back at lower price.
Now plywood industry has a hard time because there is shortage of log to procesd
In view of this,
It is unadvisable to chase high
I am waiting at 1.45 because I have holding power.
Dumb dumb hold doesn't mean you should hod dumb dumb
Sell to them if they are willing to buy from you at higher price and buy back if you think next quarter they can still perform. If not keep your money in the pocket and wait, may be 1.35 or 1.25.. Never more than 1.60, upside potential very limited. This is what i observed so far, I may be wrong because no one can predict the tomorrow accurately
Good luck


2018-12-13 10:38 | Report Abuse


You still have not learnt
Ithere is still a lot of hostility in your latest comment.

I am very disappointed with you.

The greatest general in a war is not who killed the most but who won the war but caused the least damage

A successful investor is not the one who win big but the one who lose the least during bad time

I do not hope you can understand or agree with what I said now

But i believe there is a day, you will.


2018-12-13 10:23 | Report Abuse

Directors buy is called confident
Company buy is called nothing better to do
Why the company buy back its own shares
They do not need this money to expand the business, then why not distribute it as special dividend.
Or the share price is dropping, the director use the money to support
Why support the price not expanding the business

What they are going to do with the shares after buy back, sell in the market? Why not sell more plywood, why sell shares?

Where is the road in front if the focus is shares trading not plywood trading.


2018-12-13 10:05 | Report Abuse

Do not be so stressful after you have invested
Make your day happy
Let the nature takes its own course,
Money comes, money goes, let it be
Simply because we are already old
your grandchildren are wondering,
Why my grandfather not happy?
What the hell he spent so much money to buy so much unhappiness?
My grandfather is a very funny man!

Do you agree?


2018-12-13 09:55 | Report Abuse

Why I find it is worth the while to pay 30 cents to buy JAKS-WR?

I doubt i have the mode talking here, fighting with my good friends, proving each other right or wrong, stupid or not stupid, if do not own anything here.

I enjoy talking here. It doesn't matter I make or I don't make in Jaks, I have already made a lot of funs and joys here, everyday.

Thank you very much to all my good friends here. With your abundant love, we created abundant joys for the day.

Isn't that the ultimate goal we invest to make more money?



2018-12-13 09:39 | Report Abuse

今天有人买1lot 1.60


2018-12-13 09:26 | Report Abuse


Do not tell the fool he is stupid, he can't understand
