
JrWarren | Joined since 2023-06-16 01:12:23

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2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

After 2 weeks of silence nights, he is back again with historical data and history. = =""


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

This is a well managed company and the management took a conservative approach in business strategy.
Dividends were consistent over the years despite good year or bad year.
I will not use PE to value Kfima but a yield target approach.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

I suppose there will be small adjustment within this few days after the production report announcement.
The outlook remained positive , adjustment reason is likely to capture the 6% yield return by the big fish.


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Short sell activities in progress after seasonal holiday, it is normal for this counter due to sizable share units in the market. The sharks are collecting ticket now.
Cashflow are positive while operation loss was due to depreciation (aka non-cash item). Buy blue chip if you are risk adverse,


3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Public infrastructure generally is to service THE public, thus the breakeven of the project cost can take 10 - 20 years.
A private-funded infrastructure project, is to maximize the profit, asking for a cheap ticket is totally unrealistic.
Mabel has spelled out AA flight is much cost effective despite Malaysia custom process take more time.
Do we really need a HSR from SG to KL ? No, because the distance is too short and not cost efficient, but from SG to Kedah / Perlis, YES.
Privately funded? NO, unless these companies are doing charity lor, ask Vincent Tan do a project with 20 years breakeven duration, he will walk away.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

because someone is shorting this counter and now is buy back time at lower price / accumulating cheaper ticket and resell higher later.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Not sure you invested in this counter or not, if you comment here with empty hand, please read the latest news to avoid mislead the i3 reader.
If you hold this counter without latest news, I wish you good luck and hopefully you are not paying too much tuition fee for this lesson.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

One thing I dont like is BigPay, after corporate exercise, Cap A no longer majority owner of AA or AAX , so Any discount incurred on selling AA / AAX ticket must be compensated by AA & AAX to BigPay. Else we shall question this on AGM under the conflict of interest.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

New Co of AAG was old news because taking longer time in the process., now AAX will directly do the share swap with Capital A to acquire AA.

A pro-forma accounts of post-restructure exercise is available, but clearly you dont do your homework. That why you cant see the whole picture and have no idea what happen to AA's billions of lease agreement, while myself and other stakeholders who studied the report, already know what will happen and react to it.

Despite I dont like the schedule highlighted by Tony keep on delay, but these dates have becoming a reference that potential upside may come. Not sure Tony will throw who out of the Genting bus, but I am sure Tony rewarded a lot stakeholders AA ticket for free if you owned this counter. A free flight ticket to Japan is worth much than a Genting bus ticket.

Dont you agree, Mable? You get free family tickets to Japan, Korea , Thailand and Australia from Tony?


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Net impact of financing cashflow is repaid loan, so it is not wrong.

In the nutshell, do you think it is a bailout or an asset injection ?

Bailout = I give you a chunk of money to save your company.
Asset injection = Without incurring any MONEY, assets are being injected into the company as share capital. Example: Sunway injected Sunway Medical Center into Sunway REIT (a separate trust fund entity) as capital.

At the end, how we interpreted the structure, really depend on the angle we look at it.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

The statement is wrong, AAX has not bailout Cap A in this acquisition but Cap A injected AA (huge value asset) into AAX.

AAX take over AA debt become its own, and share swap with Cap A to "buy" AA, so call buy AA but no cash actually involved, it merely got liabilities transfer and share swap.

As for borrowings and leases, overall net effect is still repaid 1.5b loan in cashflow statement.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

I think so, both companies also announced same day for 2Q2024 result.
Maybe it will come with other announcement which likely affect both companies' share price, so they announce together.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Tempted to buy but after study the real profit, I am waiting for the right price.
Beware of forex loss of RM27.8M which translate to lower net profit of RM45.8M, or similar EPS as last year.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

My tp is RM31.67 previously, but after the bonus issue announcement, I share the same tp opinion with KClow at RM35. UP has RM600m cash now and RM778m order book, enough for RM1.90 dividend. Dividend replaced with bonus issue reason is the following quote from financial report:

[Amidst the global uncertainties and challenges, management remains focused on its operations and is taking various means to improve yields, productivity and to reduce costs. This aim is pursued through ongoing mechanization initiatives and through the replanting of older, less productive oil palm stands with our latest in-house high yielding planting materials. These efforts are vital for our ability to remain competitive and profitable as increasing labour costs, energy, chemicals and building materials are expected to exert upward pressure on our cost base.]

Human word : Guys, UP needs money to replant the tree, modernize our operation efficiency to earn more money. So I need cash now and I give you 1 free share la, I will work my @ss off to earn more and grow ur new bonus share value.

2020 bonus issue very obvious is for market liquidity purpose because the price was half (circa RM13) after the bonus issue.
2024 bonus issue only 1 : 2, after issuance is about RM 20, very obvious not for liquidity purpose.

2020 UP priced at RM24 then bonus issue, It takes 4 years for UP to achieve same RM24 (14/3/2024) and bonus issue again. Ur capital gain double every 4 years or CAGR 20% p.a..

Of course I hope got some expansion via buying new land to cultivate.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Mr. Lee, same question was asked on both CAP A & RCUID EMG and he mentioned will converted. However, their RCUIDS are parked under a company, to maximize the profit, they likely convert the loan stock to share follow the RCUIDs repayment schedule, AKA convert 25% RCUIDS annually starting from 4Q 2025 to 2028. After all, they can make full 8% interest and capital gain at the given future time.

I know you dont like this company and Tony's magic trick, but he really making the cake bigger now. Today you may also read the edge news that Cabinet has approved a budget to upgrade Sabah international airport. This can not be done without direct international flight to Sabah and AA is the major flight that brought in foreign tourist to Sabah. Asian Dubai is a dream for now but it can become fact if everything done right.

Post-restructure Cap A may not have aviation business, that why the main core business has shifted to MRO business and still expanding.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Trump is an oil guys and he will try to boost up US oil production for $$, so the EU can switch their oil & gas purchase from Russia to US. To get back the market share, OPEC+ will have no choice to ramp up the production. The price that human going to pay is hotter day in the next 4 years, more disaster and more food, oil & clean water shortage.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

My wild guess is RM1.20 in Nov and RM0.80 or more in next Feb.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Vietnam : Come on Tony boy, come here repair aircraft =)


The 14 new MRO hangars started to operate in September (existing already got 8 old hangars) and fully booked till 3Q 2025, latest revenue from MRO on full capacity will be available on 4Q financial report, I think MRO will double it's revenue.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Cap A will become a repairman that repair aircraft =)


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Expect more payout in Q3 due to the 2% dividend tax.
My target is RM31.67 based on the 6% yield payout, using RM1.90 - 2023 dividend as benchmark.
If they pay more, price target will be higher.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

I am surprise Kamarudin bought loan stock, but after the announcement, I think the main purpose is not about how many loan stock he is buying but the amount of loan stock he still HOLDING and not convert. Hence, it boost up the market confidence.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

Why UP and other palm oil company are in favor now?



2024-10-28 17:24 | Report Abuse

Someone using PE ratio to derive the TP, which is reasonable compare to the current business segment.


2024-10-24 12:47 | Report Abuse

Nice quote "No one can create money out of thin air. "
As I also done my part to urge Cap A release the non-aviation segment revenue & profit during EGM, which they did in latest announcement of regularization plan. Overall consolidation revenue and profit of 2023 are 2.2b and 100m respectively. EPS and share price are up to MR. market now. Q4 financial result will be a critical benchmark because the MRO new hangars are operated in full capacity and fully booked until end of 2025. Rest assured that I no longer need to worry about load factor of AA & AAX as long as their planes still flying, the planes need to come back Cap A's hangar for maintenance.


2024-10-23 17:36 | Report Abuse

Just found out that the document also contain all non-aviation segment revenue and profit for 2023, to make ur life and homework easier.


2024-10-23 17:25 | Report Abuse

this entire drama is a repeated AAX corporate exercise, show 2 quarter making profit, capital reduction then share consolidation, finally apply to quit PN17. If you able to see the same pattern similar to AAX and done the excel homework, you are likely continue to hold both companies shares because you have find out the share dilution on AAX and the EPS (after corporate exercise) of AAX. Amount of AAX new shares to be issued, 2023 & 2024 quarterly financials, all these numbers are readily available. There are hardworking people and lazy people, no homework = unlimited uncertainty.

In addition, the post- exercise pro-forma balance sheet also indicated in the pdf file.
The uncertainty is greater prior to the EGM of both companies, but now is much clearer to investors, hence share price rebound from 7x sen to 9x sen. Most information has released to investor hand and those who interpreted correctly will see opportunity.


2024-10-18 11:16 | Report Abuse

Show the proof or any black and white, otherwise Stop spreading rumor and misled the people.
Pledging shares and RCUIDS of majority shareholder required disclosure in financial statement.

HSBC Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd
Pledged Securities Account - Credit Suisse AG, Singapore For Tune Air Sdn. Bhd

Share without pledge, disclosure example:
Citigroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd
Kenanga Investors Berhad For Sky Accord Sdn. Bhd.


2024-10-18 09:00 | Report Abuse

Redemption = installment payment, 25% of outstanding rcuids will be repaid annually starting from 2025 to 2028.


2024-10-17 20:10 | Report Abuse

In conclusion, Capital A no short change the RCUIDS holder.
RCUIDS holder still enjoy 8% interest.


2024-10-17 20:03 | Report Abuse

Use 1 lot (100 unit) as example for illustration:

Face value 75 sen x 100 unit = RM75 (per lot)
share conversion Before: 75 sen x 100 unit = RM75 (per lot)
share conversion After : 26 sen x 288 units = RM 74.88 (per lot)

Your RCUIDS still worth RM75 per lot, at the time of repayment of RCUIDS , Capital A will pay you back RM75 per lot of RCUIDS.
This is in line with the borrowing terms because we lend RM75 per lot RCUIDS to Capital A.
Tony also compensate RCUIDS with more Capital A shares to 288 units after conversion, so you still get back the same value of shares after conversion.


2024-10-17 12:39 | Report Abuse

@mable - I am looking forward for his new book to find out the dirty secret and all the crap & sh!t he encountered from local institution, Like tony said, it is a devastating situation during Covid and everyone escape from him. Make me remind a particular friend trying to find you to borrow money or join their Amway team.

RCUIDS still worth 75 sen face value after corporate exercise, but the conversion rate to mother share has changed:
before : exercise price 75 sen for 100 unit of shares
after: exercise price 26 sen for 288 unit of shares


2024-10-16 18:07 | Report Abuse

Every number has different meaning to different people.
Banker studies the number for risk management and repayment ability.
Accountant studies the number for business advisory.
Entrepreneur studies the number for business expansion.
Investor studies the number to capture best return at certain risk level.
Ordinary people studies the number to find out this is a money game.
Your cognitive determine how big the picture you see and paint.


2024-10-16 17:16 | Report Abuse

FY2023, total revenue on non-aviation segment was RM1.085b , EBITDA was RM215m.
First half of 2024, total revenue on non-aviation segment (Jan to June) was RM508m , EBITDA was RM103m.
Latest borrowing (current & non-current) is RM1.7b , RM600m is RCUID which likely convert to mother share once Cap A share price move up.
Net borrowing RM1.1b, payable via installment from 2025 to 2030.
Tony target to complete the AA disposal in Dec, so that the Cap A annual report, will show Cap A shareholder the actual earning of non-aviation segments as of 31/12/2024.


2024-10-14 15:52 | Report Abuse

Recently operation strategy has changed from 1 aircraft 1 route, to flexible aircraft model for 1 route.
It means if the route has too little booking due to seasonal demand, AA can change small aircraft for this route and utilize big aircraft for strong demand route. Example: CNY, SG to KL is using 9-seat aircraft, ordinary time using using 4-seat aircraft.
To achieve economic of scale and able to use different aircraft combination to service the busy / non-busy route due to seasonal demand, AAX will agree to merge with AA.
This new operation strategy got 3 advantage:
1. Save fuel = save cost
2. boost up the load factor because smaller plane
3. reach out more route to create demand, without spending huge cost given that A321neo deployment.


2024-10-14 15:43 | Report Abuse

Got 1 blind spot keep misled in i3, Cap A got huge debt, how to repay. Per independent director, the lease contract range from 12 to 18 years, so dont ask how to service billions ringgit lease liabilities because it show you ignorant on accounting. Go to cashflow statement "cashflow from financing" to study the detail.


2024-10-14 15:38 | Report Abuse

Yes, you should calculate properly, cap a financial statement separate aviation segment and non-aviation segment for a reason.
If you hardworking and done your excel homework, you already know the following:

1. Estimated revenue of AAX plus Cap A aviation segment.
2. AAX total shares after post restructure, new shares (issued to cap a), existing aax share and private placement new share.
3. estimation on EPS, debt service ability, pre-sales ticket order and chances on AAX dividend.

This homework probably takes 5-6 hours to complete, but when you look at the excel sheet, compare to the investment house target price, net asset value and PE ratio, you will know either is undervalue or overvalue for both AAX and Cap A after restructure.


2024-10-14 15:29 | Report Abuse

99.9% support the resolutions in RCUID EGM.


2024-10-14 14:28 | Report Abuse

RCUIDS carry 8% interest, I will wait till next year before repayment starts, then convert 25% every year
this will maximize my interest return and capital gain (mother share) as well.


2024-10-14 12:02 | Report Abuse

First round meeting ended, 99% shareholders supported all the resolutions.
Afternoon will be RCUID meeting.


2024-10-14 11:33 | Report Abuse

Mr Lee, have your questions being answered?


2024-10-11 16:50 | Report Abuse

Finally start moving, nice dividend stock since 2021.


2024-10-11 16:48 | Report Abuse

I dont want to conduct accounting class again, 18.39% shareholding is not consider as subsidiary, so u go think what come next in Cap A book record.

Of course I am expecting dividend from Cap A , NOT AAX ... Because the non-aviation segment has sufficient profit for dividend and debt repayment (current & non-current), just see Cap A management want to declare the dividend or not.

Even now I still enjoy cash flow from CAP A, because I do my homework and able to close the information gap not available direcrly to most retail investor. However, this information actually published in fragment inside the quarterly & annual report.


2024-10-11 14:04 | Report Abuse

3Q production soso, hopefully the CPO price can make up the shortfall and sustain last year profit.


2024-10-11 14:02 | Report Abuse

Company is a single separate entity.
AFTER AFTER AFTER corp exercise, outstanding debt is about RM1.7b (600m is Bursa loan stock). The debts are repaid via installment over the years.
So the dividend payout is normal if Cap A choose to do so.
There are tons of public listed companies with bank borrowing and other form of debt, yet still paying dividend at lower payout ratio from 20% ~ 50%. If no debt (ie UP and Inno), the payout ratio may up to 80%. Certain borrowing may required creditor approval prior to dividend declaration, but such reject of payout is not absolute.
When you think for yourself, you fail to see the opposite.
Creditor: I want earn interest and also make sure AA pay on time. However, please DONT DONT DONT do prepayment because I want earn the interest for longer period, else my annual budget on loan asset and interest income will have shortfall.
Investor: Cap A earn alot money but all goes to pay debt adi, sure no dividend for next few years, lets dump this counter and buy other counter.


2024-10-11 10:30 | Report Abuse

In 2025, i3 - AAX will become more active once you all go there.


2024-10-11 10:27 | Report Abuse

I agree with Lee, lets grab a cola and popcorn to watch the show from TonyWood, quality as good as Hollywood and Bollywood.


2024-10-11 07:12 | Report Abuse

First, cashflow statement dispels your claim on cant afford to pay debt.
Second, new plane delivery is financed via leasing, debt (current & non-current) increase is normal.
Third, airbus and leasing companies are not dump to keep supply planes to AA. Even MyAirline's aircraft are leased by AA.
4th, Why focus on skirt when u can see the entire set of bikini ?


2024-10-10 21:50 | Report Abuse

Anyway, unless Cap A quarterly and audited report's figures are fake , which considered a crime / fraud.
Else I will take the cashflow and profit figure as good.
Non airline business revenue and EBITDA are available in these reports, I believe you all can verify yourself.


2024-10-10 18:12 | Report Abuse

This news is exactly what Tony want all retail investors to focus on aviation and forget the rest: Hey, AAX now getting bigger and more profit, lets play together =)

I gave my assumption & calculation on non-aviation segment 1 week ago, feel free to check out why I expect dividend from Cap A after corporate exercise.