
Kingfisher | Joined since 2017-04-20 12:34:51

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2022-02-10 20:04 | Report Abuse

If you think SYS is so lousy and sinking , I think you better sell all your hand held SYS shares.Dont ever touch on this shares again !!!


2022-01-07 19:38 | Report Abuse

Pleaae, check that Taann was below $3 a few months ago n has risen to $3.40 now ex.div of 20 ct or in total is $3.60 !!! If one buy 1m shares at $3, he stands to gain $600k in just few months !!!


2022-01-04 12:00 | Report Abuse

Haha, Taann share price up after ex.div of 20 ct !!
Where got drop to $3.20 or $3.10 !! Day dream !!


2021-12-29 12:34 | Report Abuse

Please, read that the current div of 20 ct is 2nd .interim div for 3rd.quarter !
Most likely, there will be a final div to be declared in Feb 2022 for 4th.q result which will sure exceed $103m profit made in 3rd.q. due to rising price of CPO and Timber in the world !!!


2021-12-28 15:37 | Report Abuse

Agreed..There will be a final div in Feb 2022 for yr 2021!!!
The final div might be same amount as the current 2nd int. div of 20 ct !!!


2021-12-24 12:43 | Report Abuse

Agreed !!! Taann and SOP are the Best palm oil stocks in klse now !!!
Both can earn $100m ++ net profit per quarter !!!
Clever investors will invest in both counters at this low price now..
It is a golden chance to buy now before it gradually rise up !!
One must have patience to hold such good stocks !!!


2021-12-07 16:40 | Report Abuse

Worst time is Best time to buy many cheap cheap undervalued stocks.
It is Chance in Life time !!! !!!


2021-09-30 15:03 | Report Abuse

Canone now is different from old Canone after taking over KianJoo which is 2 times bigger than old Canone !!!
It is a very big and steady company like Scientex, MFCB etc..


2021-09-30 14:44 | Report Abuse

Haha, now , who pity who ???
Still pity those who bought the share at below $4 ???


2021-09-30 12:56 | Report Abuse

All companies in klse that have EPS of $1..are trading at more than $10 !! Canone has the potential to reach EPS of $1 next yr and thus on the way $10 !!! Just wait !!! Haha ...


2021-09-30 09:39 | Report Abuse

Why pity ?? You think Canone is Not worth $4 ??
For such high EPS with $2.5b turnover yearly company in a very steady food related business, Canone is very undervalued currently !!!


2021-09-29 17:30 | Report Abuse

Before taking over 100 % of Kian Joo which is much bigger than Canone own business in early 2019, Canone net asset bacing was $4.30.
After taking over, its net asset backing rose to $9.73 now
Plus it has shown big jump of profit and turnover in this half yr to $82m net profit or EPS of 44 ct for half yr.
Not many companies in klse can achieve these !!!
Thus , Canone is worth much.more than $4+ now !!
Should be trading at $8 !!!


2021-09-07 21:54 | Report Abuse

Taann is 10 times better than TSH which has big palm oil estate in Indonesia n is harder to manage !!!
Thus, it is very very hard for TSH share price to rise..


2021-08-09 09:23 | Report Abuse

History always repeats itself !!!


2021-08-07 10:11 | Report Abuse

Hwatai founder two sons who started Munchy Biscuit company in 1991 with little capital from his father who owns Hwatai, have just sold their unlisted Munchy Biscuit at $1.1 b to an Investment Fund based in London called CVC Capital in 2018 , one yr before our World was "shot" down with terrible Covid-19 Pandemic !!!
His timing is superb and armed with cash near $1b, will very likely, come back to help or manage his father business in Hwatai !!! With their excellent entreprenuer skill, they will turn Hwatai into a dynamic company in klse..
So, will Hwatai share price return back to 50 ct or $200 in those crazy day of yr 1997 ?????


2021-07-28 10:51 | Report Abuse

Super undervalued stock with PE 5 + only while PE for all other insurance company is 10 or above !!!
It made a solid net profit of $190m or EPS of 24 ct !!
Based on PE 10, its S.P.should be $2.40 !!!
Based on PE 15, its S.P.should be $3.60 !!!


2021-04-27 09:09 | Report Abuse

Many knew that MMC might list its huge very profitable Port Business by end of this year.
But many do not know that MMC might even reward all MMC shareholders with free bonus issue of shares of its Port Business to all MMC shareholders including the major owner Syed Mokhtar..
Think further, what would be the share price of MMC then ???


2021-04-18 09:53 | Report Abuse

This is a forum for Lbalum !!
Not EITA REsource Bhd !!!
No body like to read it !! Somemore it's long !!!
Something Wrong in your head !!!
You can't read English Kah ??
Go back to your primary School lah..


2021-04-15 16:59 | Report Abuse

Please, dont use the word conned to describe KYY .
He did not con people.You are talking rubbish !!
Use your head to think !!!


2021-04-15 13:06 | Report Abuse

The increase use of aluminium in solar projects and EV all over the world will cause a huge demand of aluminium ind .products n cause price to rise ..
Lbalum Bhd is in a Right Industry at a Right Time !!!
It is a well estsblished aluminium products company and will sure be able to capture this extra huge demand..It may even get contract to supply certain car parts of EV made of aluminium in near future..Its results in past 3 quarters kept on increasing has proved that it is doing very well esp the 3rd.q net profit of $15m or eps of 6 ct /q. !!! If it can maintain this profit, it will make $60m / yr or eps of 24 ct / yr !!!
At current price of $1.18, it is considered Dirt Cheap !!
Where can anyone find such Dirt Cheap aluminium stock ???


2021-04-05 14:44 | Report Abuse

Dr.Wee,congraduated MRT Corp,Turkey contractor MMC- Gamuda, which completed Line 1, Line 2, and will most likely, get Line 3 which is a US$11b project !!!
Let us compare Gamuda snd MMC, both are very well-established giant companies in their own business..
Gamuda..biggest construction company in Msia and Hwy Toll Collector..
MMC ..biggest ports operator controlling 50% of Msia import and export plus owner of power plants and Gas Msia and very valuable Johore Airport with its thousands acres of surrounding land worth many billions !!!
Gamuda made net profit of $233m in its latest half yr.
So, annualised it might make $464m this yr.
MMC made net profit of $375m last yr or less profit than Gamuda by $89m or less by 19% ..
Market cap of Gamuda is $9.2b !!!
Market cap of MMC is $3.1b only !!!!
Gamuda only made 19% more than MMC but it is 3 times more expensive than MMC.
How come ?? It's true..Either Gsmuda is overvalued or MMC is too Cheap !!!
WELL, I woild say that MMC is very very cheap, severely UNDERVALUED STOCK in whole klse !!!
Time to Buy..
It's Chance of a life time !!!
Note :This yr is a recovery yr, MMC busiess n profit will sure recover faster.
MMC 4th.q net profit of last yr increased to $179m from $68m in 2019 Assuming it can make such profit in every.q of this will make 4×$179m =$716m !!Thus its eps will be $719m ÷ 3000 m shares =$0.24
Wao; Wao..Wow..eps is 24 ct !!!
At pe 10, Share Price will rise to $2.40 !!!
At pe 15, Share Price will reach $3.60 !!!
Wait and See...


2021-04-02 08:51 | Report Abuse

MMC has announced final div of 3.5 ct, together with int.div of 1.5 ct, total is 5 ct / yr !!
Based on current price of $1.02, div yield is 5% !!!
If share price is $1.00, div yield is 5%
If share price is $1.20, div yield is 4.17%
If share price is $1.50, div yield is 3.33%
If share price is $2.00, div yield is 2.50%
If share pricebis $2.50, div yield is 2.00%
Note, Bank F.D is only 2% / yr
So, MMC should trade at between $2 to $2.50 in near future !!! Good Luck !!!


2021-03-24 13:26 | Report Abuse

KYY is in market for 50 yrs..who are you ? In 5 yrs or 10 yrs ?? Well, it is your money, it is up to you to follow or not follow !!! No need to critizise an old very rich and experience man who has made many many millions profits in share market n you not yet born yet !!!


2021-02-17 15:00 | Report Abuse

Dnex has successfully acquired two vital businesses namely upstream oil company , Ping Petroleum at low price and semiconductor chip maker Sliterra at rock bottom price after appointing a new ceo in Sept last yr ..This is like putting rocket under its wing ready to fly to the moon !!! The current ceo of Dnex was ceo of Pet Dag which belonged to Petronas n which belonged to Khazanah Holding too..Thus, with such strong backing ,Dnex is going to be the Darling Stock of klse this year !!!


2021-02-17 14:19 | Report Abuse

Time Dotcom and Dnex (former name in 2016 is Time Engineering Bhd )were or are sister companies under UMMO controlled previously .But later fell into hands of Khazanah controlled more than 10 yrs ago.Khazanah helped to build up Time Dotcom from a 50 ct share price company to a $13.70 share price now !!!
Will Dnex also grow from current 55 ct share price company to $13.70 share price company ???


2021-02-17 13:40 | Report Abuse

Willng buyers, willing sellers..
If think not worth holding, just sell !!!
It is your money !!! You decide yourself..


2021-02-06 11:56 | Report Abuse

Well, every investment has risk, No risk no gain..
If you think its share price is too high and managemnt is not capable to run this RE company business then ..dont buy this share.
Go and buy Solarvest at $3++ with market cap of $1.3b making only $16m net profit last yr ..Good Luck !!!


2021-02-05 23:42 | Report Abuse

This shows that you read or know very little about Cypark company development !!! Cypark 20MW Waste To Energy power plant and 4MW Biogas power plant will start operating on 1st.July 2021 !!! It is building more solar farms to bring its total out-put to 200 MW by next yr !!!


2021-02-04 08:24 | Report Abuse

This website is about solar energy, nothing to do with vaccine !!! Are you an illiterate with IQ zero ???


2021-01-20 14:31 | Report Abuse

Better stick to established RE counter like Cypark which is producing green energy/electricity from its Solar Farms, Waste-to Energy plant and Biogas plant now !!!
It has the experience and capability to win big chunk of LSS4 project !!!
It made a net profit of $71.6m with eps of 15 ct and pe 9 currently .
Currently it has 47 MW and its 20MW new Solar Farm and 4MW Biogas Plant will be ready in this June !!!
Thus, its profit will increase proportionally
By next year, it is going to expand further to 200MW ( a 400% increase ).Thus, profit will sure rise further !!
What will its share price be in June 2021when it completes building its another solar farm of 20 MW and Biogas Plant of 4 MW ???
Again, by early next yr, it will expand to own 200MW !!! What will the share price be ???


2021-01-19 21:51 | Report Abuse

Currently, Cypark has total 47MW .Its waste to energy plant, Biogas plant will be ready on this June.It also won the 100 MW solar farm project last yr n by early next yr, it will have more than 200 MW , an increase of more than 400% power/ electricity supply to govt body.
In this yr, It will also tender and win part of the giant $4b LSS4 solar farm projects ( to be divided into many smaller projects ) to be tender in 1st.q of this yr .
So, think deeply, will Cypark share price stay at current low level of $1.30 ??? Or rise up 4 times ???


2021-01-06 09:27 | Report Abuse

It is on upward trend..RE is going to be the theme play on this year !!!
If you think it is at its highest now..after sometime, you will have to buy it at $1.80 !!!


2020-11-18 08:38 | Report Abuse

I think it is bad to say KYY want to carry all money into his coffin !!! This show that you have a very bad crooked mind n have no respect for elder !!!
What is wrong with old man playing, investing in share market ?? You mean share market is for younger generation to invest..???
He, KYY , has his own every right to do any investment he like !!! Look at Warren Buffet who is near 90 yrs old n still very active in share buying and selling creating wave here and there, eg, his just announced his buying of various vaccine counters, anything wrong ??.
Wake up, you are being malicious !!!


2020-11-17 15:24 | Report Abuse

Dont understand your super good written English..!!
Please go back to primary school to learn your English first ...


2020-11-04 15:25 | Report Abuse

Just due to one state, Sabah election, virus infection spread faster n wider..USA whole country election will cause virus infection to rise rapidly spreading faster thro'out whole country !!! Number of infection will rise to 200k, Very scary !!!
More glove will be used.
Shortage of glove will be more serious. Glove
price will rise more !!!


2020-09-15 15:32 | Report Abuse

If you believe him, you just follow..
If you dont believe what he said, just ignore him..
Everybody has his or her right to say anything !!! Right ??


2020-07-22 22:54 | Report Abuse

Everyday, at least 200k people infected with covid 19 virus .In 90 days, there will be extra 18 m people infected with covid 19 virus !!
Current number already infected is 15 m people ..
Therefore, total number infected in 90 days will reach 33 m people !!! Shocking or not ???
Need more medical glove or not ???


2020-07-22 21:09 | Report Abuse

If there is a vaccine, it will only arrive in Msia next year !!!
How much can Dpharma and Pharma earn from vaccine ?? Our govt is currently vrry poor !!!


2020-07-16 19:37 | Report Abuse sell, I buy...
why so many people are so busybody n itchy mouth saying this n that to bad mouth a top Msia company which has achieved greatness in past 30 yrs from a tiny comoany to world giant !!!
Anti - Malaysia !!!


2020-07-12 05:45 | Report Abuse

Not a good article at all cos he said Supermax will only make a net profit of $100m/ quarter for next 3 quarters !!!! From here, he said Supermax will only make a net profit of $100m x3 +$72m=$372m / yr !!!!!
Based On TOTALLY WRONG Figure !!!
His knowkedge about current demand and price of glove business is Zero !!!
Thus, whole article is Rubbish !!!

News & Blogs

2020-06-22 05:22 | Report Abuse

Tombthieves, dont publish your writing in lousy English in this forum !!! Do we say : Investing glove companies ??
Shame on you !!!


2020-05-12 14:18 | Report Abuse

Hexza owns
1)Apple shares which rose to US$315,up $4.88 yesterday
2)Alibaba which rose to US$205,up $4.21 yesterday.
3)Facebook which rose to US$213,up $0.83 yesterday.
4)Nvidia which rose to US$322.6, up $10.2, yesterdsy !!
Thus, Hexza has made sound investment which is doing very well in current difficult period.
It also has $62m cash in bank with zero borrowing !!!
Hexza is producing ethanol which is in great demand now..
It is anazing that a small company like Hexza is able to own cash plus investment valued at $162m !!!
Can anyone find whether there is any small klse company with this huge sum of money with zero debt ????


2020-05-12 10:35 | Report Abuse

Asking silly question...No body know.
Ask God !!!


2020-05-04 21:32 | Report Abuse

Before they ( the 3 cousins who are investment bankers) have time or chance to run the company, you ( Foker) already started to pass judgement on their inability to run the company to greater height !!!
Who do you think you are ??? God ???
Be more humble and polite...Be more patient ...
You are no boby as compared to them !!!


2020-04-28 05:48 | Report Abuse

This is a website for glove counter Comfort Bhd..
Not Omesti which is in totally different business !!!
Understand !!!


2020-04-17 20:02 | Report Abuse

Anynody selling shares at current is not smart..Will regret later..


2019-08-19 11:21 | Report Abuse

Know nothing about this very steady and resilent counter..Somemore want to comment !!!
Real Penguin lah..

News & Blogs

2019-06-01 17:55 | Report Abuse

Please dont write to rec.people to invest in such a rotten company for years...If you think it is good, keep it to yourself !!!


2018-12-31 10:28 | Report Abuse

What is the meaning of 'strong hold ' in English ??


2018-12-12 07:53 | Report Abuse

Please continue to day-dream the impossible dream to make your million profit in your nite-dream..