Blog Posts
2018-02-09 09:21 | Report Abuse
發啊!興啊!RM0.595 already. Villa 1668 where r u? Hahaha........ TA & TAGB can't hold for long term lah. “ 笨 ”
2018-02-08 10:12 | Report Abuse
Alamak ! U wait the boss to goreng until RM2 - RM3, it mean you need washing dishes at Africa for your whole life. Hihihi....
2018-02-07 15:32 | Report Abuse
Unless there have some very very..... good news is coming. If not the share price will remain flat or drop abit until end of the Feb'18.
2018-02-07 15:24 | Report Abuse
Hahaha, Ong Eng Lee, u also went to Africa wash dishes? Hihihi u and villa 1668 can washing dishes at Africa until end of Feb' 18. Anywhere wishing u " 狗年旺旺 ”
2018-02-06 12:53 | Report Abuse
Alamak ! Villa 1668 already went to Africa wash dishes, should went to Trump International Hotel Vancouver Canada wash dishes mah ! Hahaha..........
2018-02-06 12:03 | Report Abuse
TAGB 的毛病和問題 :-
1) 公司總股票太多導致每股的股息太低。
2) 土地是長期投資,如果沒有發展和出售是不可能給公司增加現金流量。 ( 如 : TAGB 在 Kluang的96acres 土地已經荒廢有24年了 ~ 1994年買入,完全沒有給公司帶來收入。)
3) 土地是有價無收入如果完全沒有發展和出售。通俗的意思講就是這件東西目前很值錢,價格很高,但是完全沒有給公司收入。就是目前的人評估TAGB股價太低的主要原因。沒有發展和出售如同廢紙一張。
5) 股價從2009年的RM0.50跌到現在的RM0.35. 這幾年百貨已經大漲價了,可是TAGB還是不能到當初的發售價。
6) 公司的發展公佈經常都不準確,如同常常在撒謊。
7)大老闆和小股東的差別是,股價低對大老闆家族是沒有問題,因為他們是把[ 有限公司 ]當[ 私人公司 ]來管理。反正錢已經進入他們的口袋了,他們不放小股東根本不能做什麼。 ( 如同拿錢給人用,笨 )
2018-02-06 10:32 | Report Abuse
Unless there have some very very..... good news is coming. If not the share price will remain flat or drop abit until end of the Feb'18.
2018-02-06 10:23 | Report Abuse
TA & TAGB only can short-term investment, it can earn 8% ~ 10% of the profits each month.
2018-02-06 09:50 | Report Abuse
Villa 1668 where are you? Drop to RM0.595 already. Hahaha........
2018-01-29 18:44 | Report Abuse
Tony Tiah acquired from the open market
Total no of securities ( as at 29th Jan 2018 )
a ) For TA
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( 31.778% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( 0.3094% )
b ) For TAGB
~ TA Enterprise Berhad ( 60.1748% )
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( Direct 10.126% / Indirect 19.1223% )
~ Mr. Tiah Joo Kim ( 5.003% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( Direct 0.1269% / Indirect 0.1861%)
*** Total no of securities for TA + Datuk Tiah families is 75.4305% ( Balance in the open market is 24.5695% )
2018-01-25 19:29 | Report Abuse
Tony Tiah acquired from the open market
Total no of securities ( as at 25th Jan 2018 )
a ) For TA
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( 31.778% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( 0.3094% )
b ) For TAGB
~ TA Enterprise Berhad ( 60.1748% )
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( Direct 10.117% / Indirect 19.1223% )
~ Mr. Tiah Joo Kim ( 5.003% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( Direct 0.1269% / Indirect 0.1861%)
*** Total no of securities for TA + Datuk Tiah families is 75.4217% ( Balance in the open market is 24.5783% )
2018-01-23 11:48 | Report Abuse
Unless there have some very very..... good news is coming. If not “ 後勁無力 ”。
2018-01-22 20:41 | Report Abuse
Tony Tiah acquired from the open market
Total no of securities ( as at 22nd Jan 2018 )
a ) For TA
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( 31.778% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( 0.3094% )
b ) For TAGB
~ TA Enterprise Berhad ( 60.1748% )
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( Direct 10.094% / Indirect 19.1223% )
~ Mr. Tiah Joo Kim ( 5.003% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( Direct 0.1269% / Indirect 0.1861%)
*** Total no of securities for TA + Datuk Tiah families is 75.3987% ( Balance in the open market is 24.6013% )
2018-01-21 16:34 | Report Abuse
List of Top 30 Shareholders for TAGB
a ) For The Year Ended 31-12- 2016 ( Pls. see page 231 & 232 )
b ) For The Year Ended 31-12-2015 ( Pls. see page 216 & 217 )
2018-01-19 22:44 | Report Abuse
TA Global mulls setting up REIT for hotels.
Decide whether the news are true or false.
2018-01-19 17:49 | Report Abuse
就看他是不是一位“ 五福 ” 者。
第一福是“長壽”是命不夭折而且壽數綿長 ;
2018-01-19 17:29 | Report Abuse
I think is impossible.
TT transfer inward to his son, Joo Kim on 21 Sept 2016 around 5.003% and since then he is on a buying spree for more shares.
He must be planning for something. The most important thing is to see how Datuk Tony Tiah will give back to the small shareholders.
2018-01-18 20:17 | Report Abuse
Total shareholding by Datuk Tiah's family on TAGB is at 15.1739%. There should be a final announcement regarding the issue of public shareholdings spread at the end of Feb'2018 or before CNY. ( 30 days )
The Q4 reports will come out at the end of Feb'2018.
Financial Reports for the year ended 2017 will come out at the end of April'2018.
10th AGM will be at the end of May'2018.
We will eagerly anticipate any upcoming news.
2018-01-18 19:41 | Report Abuse
Total shareholding by Datuk Tiah's family is at 15.1739%. There should be a final announcement regarding the issue of public shareholdings spread at the end of Feb'2018 or before CNY. ( 30 days )
The Q4 reports will come out at the end of Feb'2018.
Financial Reports for the year ended 2017 will come out at the end of April'2018.
10th AGM will be at the end of May'2018.
We will eagerly anticipate any upcoming news.
2018-01-17 18:40 | Report Abuse
Tony Tiah acquired from the open market
Total no of securities ( as at 17th Jan 2018 )
a ) For TA
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( 31.778% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( 0.3094% )
b ) For TAGB
~ TA Enterprise Berhad ( 60.1748% )
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( Direct 10.044% / Indirect 19.1223% )
~ Mr. Tiah Joo Kim ( 5.003% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( Direct 0.1269% / Indirect 0.1861%)
*** Total no of securities for TA + Datuk Tiah families is 75.3487% ( Balance in the open market is 24.6513% )
2018-01-17 18:08 | Report Abuse
The Board of Directors of TA Global Berhad (“TAG”) wishes to announce that its public shareholding spread of 24.76% based on Records of Depositors as at 29 December 2017 is not in compliance with the public shareholding spread requirement pursuant to Paragraph 8.02(1) of the LR of Bursa Securities.
The percentage represents a shortfall of 0.24% from the minimum required percentage of 25% of the total listed shares (excluding treasury shares) to be in the hands of public shareholders.
TAG will be applying to Bursa Securities to seek approval for lower level of public shareholding spread and/or an extension of time to address the shortfall in the public shareholding spread, vis-à-vis current prevailing market conditions.
This announcement is dated 17 January 2018.
2018-01-15 11:12 | Report Abuse
“TAE has a dividend policy of paying out 40 - 60% of net profit, subject to the availability of cash reserves and the group’s requirement to retain cash in the business for future expansion or investments.”
2018-01-15 10:08 | Report Abuse
Tee Keong was a bankrupt when he died on April 14, 2014.
2018-01-15 09:05 | Report Abuse
Bad debt recover & receive?????, 俗話說 :“ 打官司勞命傷財, 沒日沒夜 ”。
2018-01-14 19:34 | Report Abuse
Need money to buy. 俗話說 :“ 天下沒有白吃的午餐 ”。I wish you all the best.“ 狗年旺旺 ”
2018-01-14 18:47 | Report Abuse
The most important thing is to see how Datuk Tony Tiah will give back to the small shareholders. If Tony doesn't give it to you there's nothing you can do about it. 俗話說 :“ 看的到拿不到 ”。
Tony Tiah 曾經因为涉嫌操控股价,被吊牌罚款,有十年不能踏足股票界。古德曰:“ 江山易改,本性难移 ”。Do you think Tony will give it to you? 俗話說 :“ 小心駛得萬年船 ”。I wish you all the best.
2018-01-13 17:16 | Report Abuse
The following are comments by the public on TA and TAGB : -
1) 如今TA是目前剩下不多的獨立證券行,已成為了老人股票行的代名詞,現在的市佔率連5%都不到,沒有大銀行作後台,不能幫公司搞上市,附加股之類的企業活動。雖屬日落西山的行業,但淨利還滿穩定的,平均每年提供100m以上的淨利。
2) 達全球是家定位頗具特色的地產公司,其業務主要可分成3大部份,分別是經營酒店,產業發展和產業投資(辦公樓),該公司的產業組合遍布多國,專攻高檔市場,多年經營助該公司累積了許多價值不菲的高創造力資產,成為名副其實的“包租王”。
2018-01-13 17:15 | Report Abuse
The following are comments by the public on TA and TAGB : -
1) 如今TA是目前剩下不多的獨立證券行,已成為了老人股票行的代名詞,現在的市佔率連5%都不到,沒有大銀行作後台,不能幫公司搞上市,附加股之類的企業活動。雖屬日落西山的行業,但淨利還滿穩定的,平均每年提供100m以上的淨利。
2) TAGB是家定位頗具特色的地產公司,其業務主要可分成3大部份,分別是經營酒店,產業發展和產業投資(辦公樓),該公司的產業組合遍布多國,專攻高檔市場,多年經營助該公司累積了許多價值不菲的高創造力資產,成為名副其實的“包租王”。
2018-01-13 08:49 | Report Abuse
All of it is paper work only. Do you think TA will dispose all the assets or 60.1748% TAGB share ( who wants to buy ???? ) and then refund back the $ to the shareholder.
Please take note : -
The disposal of the land in Australia by TAGB will increase the profit and cash flow.
However the profit is increased for TA but not the cash flow. TA on how to continue to expand it's own sources are more important.
(吉隆坡9日讯)达全球(TAGB,5158,主板产业组)不买产业了!该公司决定将澳洲产业脱售所得改作( 偿还银行贷款和营运资本用途 )。
2018-01-12 18:25 | Report Abuse
Tony Tiah acquired from the open market
Total no of securities ( as at 12th Jan 2018 )
a ) For TA
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( 31.778% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( 0.3094% )
b ) For TAGB
~ TA Enterprise Berhad ( 60.1748% )
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( Direct 10.006% / Indirect 19.1223% )
~ Mr. Tiah Joo Kim ( 5.003% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( Direct 0.1269% / Indirect 0.1861%)
*** Total no of securities for TA + Datuk Tiah families is 75.3107% ( Balance in the open market is 24.6893% / 1,313,964,550 units )
2018-01-12 17:30 | Report Abuse
Yalo more than 7 years already still below par value ( RM0.50 ) malu lah, hihihi.
2018-01-10 20:11 | Report Abuse
(吉隆坡9日讯)达全球(TAGB,5158,主板产业组)不买产业了!该公司决定将澳洲产业脱售所得改作( 偿还银行贷款和营运资本用途 )。
2018-01-10 19:34 | Report Abuse
The disposal of the land in Australia by TAGB will increases there profit and cash flow.
However the profit is increased for TA but not the cash flow.
Is just like TAGB disposal the land did you get any $.
2018-01-10 19:33 | Report Abuse
Total no of securities ( as at 10th Jan 2018 )
a ) For TA
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( 31.778% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( 0.3094% )
2018-01-10 19:22 | Report Abuse
The disposal of the land in Australia by TAGB will increases there profit and cash flow.
However the profit is increased for TA but not the cash flow.
2018-01-10 18:50 | Report Abuse
Tony Tiah acquired from the open market
Total no of securities ( as at 10th Jan 2018 )
a ) For TA
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( 31.778% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( 0.3094% )
b ) For TAGB
~ TA Enterprise Berhad ( 60.1748% )
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( Direct 9.9516% / Indirect 19.1223% )
~ Mr. Tiah Joo Kim ( 5.003% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( Direct 0.1269% / Indirect 0.1861%)
*** Total no of securities for TA + Datuk Tiah families is 75.2563% ( Balance in the open market is 24.7437% / 1,316,859,700 units )
2018-01-10 18:48 | Report Abuse
Tony Tiah acquired from the open market
Total no of securities ( as at 10th Jan 2018 )
a ) For TA
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( 31.778% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( 0.3094% )
b ) For TAGB
~ TA Enterprise Berhad ( 60.1748% )
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( Direct 9.9516% / Indirect 19.1223% )
~ Mr. Tiah Joo Kim ( 5.003% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( Direct 0.1269% / Indirect 0.1861%)
*** Total no of securities for TA + Datuk Tiah families is 75.2563% ( Balance in the open market is 24.7437% / 1,316,859,700 units )
2018-01-09 11:10 | Report Abuse
Unless there have some very very..... good news is coming. If not after this week will down。說來說去都是在說股息,後勁無力。
2018-01-08 12:34 | Report Abuse
Unless there have some very very..... good news is coming. If not after this week will down to RM0.355.
2018-01-08 10:16 | Report Abuse
Unless there have some very very..... good news is coming. If not the price will not up to RM1.00.
2018-01-08 09:26 | Report Abuse
But after ex dividend date the price will normally go down. If u sell now you can get more than 10% profit margin leh. Then you can get monthly interest from bank. If price down again you can buy it back. Which want is better ?????
2018-01-05 19:39 | Report Abuse
Tony Tiah acquired from the open market
Total no of securities ( as at 5th Jan 2018 )
a ) For TA
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( 31.778% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( 0.3094% )
b ) For TAGB
~ TA Enterprise Berhad ( 60.1748% )
~ Datuk Tiah Thee Kian ( Direct 9.9159% / Indirect 19.1223% )
~ Mr. Tiah Joo Kim ( 5.003% )
~ Datin Tan Kuay Fong ( Direct 0.1269% / Indirect 0.1861%)
2018-01-05 16:30 | Report Abuse
The most important thing is to see how Datuk Tony Tiah will give back to the small shareholders. If Tony doesn't give it to you there's nothing you can do about it.
2018-01-04 21:45 | Report Abuse
Attention ! GE14 is expected after Feb' 18 ( maybe end of March'18 or April'18 )
2018-02-09 11:57 | Report Abuse
Wow ! More want sell at RM0.35