
Looiks | Joined since 2012-12-07

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2014-10-17 19:51 | Report Abuse

ok guys, he is coming now....he...he...enjoy yr discussion on possible RI. Either up or down to station 30, I wl be happy but remember HS wl never let the loyal pax down. Hv a good rest and see you nxt week.


2014-10-17 19:40 | Report Abuse

what if the RI is cancelled altogether?.....he...he...Where is my bos huh?


2014-10-17 19:32 | Report Abuse

@strategisst, HS need to conclude the asset by yearend but hopefully oil price stablised above 80.....he...he.. lucky the cost of operating is not much compare to big boys but could get a cheaper concession is a bonus during this situation.


2014-10-17 19:27 | Report Abuse

@woman_x, thats the weird HB but it is true then when enter high got trap, blame the loyalist day and night.....he...he...still got time before this year closed the curtain.


2014-10-17 19:23 | Report Abuse

Leo218, when external factors changed, need to tweek a bit to suit the new environment....he...he...Suma must quick to adapt any market changes to be dynamic.


2014-10-17 19:17 | Report Abuse

Told u to go fishin while waitg for train to moved....he...he....This is october but where is the guy that always remind me abt how many days left in october?


2014-10-17 19:14 | Report Abuse

Hv u buying tday strategisst?....he...he...miracle could happened like before. If Saudi could turn the table, Can HS did a same? Least expected and lots of suprises. Like SJ said, prepare for yr insurance cert.


2014-10-17 19:12 | Report Abuse

Envy that I still here with my pax, woman_x......he...he...cant imagine naysayers asking me for direction. No easy money on this counter son.


2014-10-17 19:03 | Report Abuse

I'm not here to gamble. 30-35 is good for me to play around before another push....he...he.. only desperate people looking to meet mthly end wl ask the exact numbers. Son, this is share market that depend on supply, demand and latest updates not casino or toto. Even US84 oil price wl move up and down. Go and learnt somemore young man before u envy my good life in this company.


2014-10-17 18:56 | Report Abuse

Tq leo218, thats why this is october! and thats why I'm staying late....he..he....HS is full of suprises as promised! btw oil up another 1 dollar to US84.


2014-10-17 18:50 | Report Abuse

For me at this situation btwn 30-35 I like to go fishin....he...he...Up also can make money, down also can buy more unless u don hv deep pockets to sustain yr life.


2014-10-17 18:46 | Report Abuse

We must hear other people opinion before market open and not giving analysis when market closed.....he...he...when market closed even my grandson can read exec summary on what happened.


2014-10-17 18:33 | Report Abuse

Come on! U sounds different from previous day. Maybe you sold yr position at 305 to me at 300 before the price shot to 33. No wonder seems so angry....he..he,.I got free time to chat while waitg for my bos. Tell us yr senario for nxt week. Don be negative when u not in position. Be fair to others as well. Remember rain or shine Suma loyalist wl still be here.


2014-10-17 18:24 | Report Abuse

So what wl happen nxt week?.....he..he.. plse share. Maybe there is truth in yr words young man.


2014-10-17 18:21 | Report Abuse

Don worry truthseekers, I hv asked woman_x to find me a song title 'Last Train To Holland' to gv it to u.....he...he...but instead she gv me good song of 'Last Train To London' for shopping!


2014-10-17 18:18 | Report Abuse

Look like the seekers lose his compass and ask the native to show the way....he...he...But how the native navigate the jungle without the GPS or compass? using his 'local knowledge' and experience wl be the best guide to get this seekers out of the jungle. So do u need a compass or local knowledge?


2014-10-17 18:11 | Report Abuse

No worries Bigmachine, u know now where the 'bug' stops....he...he... every interesting story must hv an interesting storyline then u wl enjoyed it. If u got insured then no worries.


2014-10-17 18:09 | Report Abuse

SJ, did u remember that someone asking me for direction yesterday?....he..he..I cant remember who it is. Can u help me to find out?


2014-10-17 18:07 | Report Abuse

But SJ, some 'people' don like our deep pockets style.....he...he...they don like to tungguuuu or take a train enjoying the scenery. They like fast game but they don realised that the life is short and we must enjoy every seconds of it.


2014-10-17 18:03 | Report Abuse

why u want to 'crack' the floor if u know the based is rock solid?.....he...he.. unless u hv a deep pockets to hire crane piler to 'crack' the floor!


2014-10-17 17:59 | Report Abuse

SJ, that medical checkup is a must since I mention it last september.....he..he...got insured better of don hv a deep pockets. People like us SJ still hold a premium NCB thats why still use same id and never being blacklisted by 'insurance company'.


2014-10-17 17:45 | Report Abuse

Yeap Bigmachine, sometimes u could differentiate btwn children and adult mentality. ...he...he....@woman_x, any song on last train to holland? Someone might interested to hear


2014-10-17 17:36 | Report Abuse

Mostly young people like 'gen Y' dont like to think further but when they worked under me, they hv to tell me what I don know rather than what I know and let them stay overnight to find the solution....he...he...reversed psycho usually do the tricks because they never hd a chance to 'smell the cerificate'!


2014-10-17 17:30 | Report Abuse

Bigmachine, not easy to get money nowadays.....he...he..need to excite yr brain because I cant be direct.


2014-10-17 17:28 | Report Abuse

SJ, You must believed on yr own research and share on this forum either others want to take yr word or not is doesnt matter. It is just Human Behaviour....he..he...when there got money they happy and spend like tday but when they lose they cursing others but if u maintained yr composure on the decision that u make and observed things happened around u then u should be happy. Just learnt frm saudi decision on how they turned the table on oil price. Wl HS turn the table just like what saudi did?....he...he...This is October!


2014-10-17 17:10 | Report Abuse

no need disclaimer SJ....he...he...yr id yr posting. no worries. market was never static like I said this morning. Drastic world market chg need drastic direction chg for this counter. Only u entitle for yr postings and decision. Anyway it is a very good fishing trip for me.


2014-10-17 16:59 | Report Abuse

Like to hear travoltakeong sing 'Saturday night Fever' after trading....he..he...Saudi reversed psycho on US sometimes does the trick to oil trader.


2014-10-17 16:55 | Report Abuse

What is the date tday?.....he...he...usually someone wl remind me abt the date. Most of the time, I only remember the day and month.


2014-10-17 16:52 | Report Abuse

Let me finished my job....he...he...no wonder all these people can pay me a lot even at this market situation. Up or down they still smile.


2014-10-17 16:50 | Report Abuse

This is october!.....he...he....cheap tickets to europe on winter. Nothing much to do over kazaks!


2014-10-17 16:46 | Report Abuse

KP8888KP, just keep yr tickets.....he..he...yours got no expiry date, to follow me until nxt 2 yrs also can but now busy fishing for big bos.


2014-10-17 16:43 | Report Abuse

As long as there is volume, there should be no worries. Suma train still popular among the traveller......he...he....when HB negative, Cheap tickets wl do the tricks


2014-10-17 16:37 | Report Abuse

fishing good at this time after big storm.....he...he...A lot of fish playing near the shore.


2014-10-17 16:34 | Report Abuse

look at yr screen why I smile....he...he...This is october!


2014-10-17 12:18 | Report Abuse

no worries ozzie....he...he... suma hv a lot of suprises for loyal pax. For time being I'm now enjoying my fishin time


2014-10-17 11:57 | Report Abuse

Fine art of fishing, throw the bait around first before putting down yr line.....he...he.. Good to go for fishing while watg the train to move.


2014-10-17 11:40 | Report Abuse

Good que strategist....he...he...Waiting for my buffet at station 30. Got a few fish this mrng session for my grill fish lunch.


2014-10-17 09:29 | Report Abuse

Good fishin.....he...he...looking for rebound/trap or whatever u called it? wl wait to get my buffet at station 30. No deepavali bonus for those waitg...he...he..,Winter set in kazaks, not mich could be done until spring...long holiday..long holiday!


2014-10-17 08:23 | Report Abuse

Tday after kopitiam bfast wl go for fishing trip at station 30...he..he.. Long holiday...long holiday


2014-10-17 08:05 | Report Abuse

SJ, thats is what we call trading every seconds matters even sometimes worth not to go to toilet but things chg drastically need a drastic chg in direction....he..he.. Thats wl keep me alert like a young man. Even big boys here stay overngt to prepare and always chg their mind on trading.


2014-10-17 07:54 | Report Abuse

Good Mrng guys,....he...he.... Time to start my day with morning kopitiam at station 30.


2014-10-16 19:00 | Report Abuse

Travolta, At personal holding, only 20% left at 28-30 position. Most sold off at station 60 as promised. Tot that my job finished at Sept but extended for another 2 yrs. Got position at 44 and 40 but still hv another 50% to spend at current level but wl follow que frm big boys before spending. Got a few at 30 but not as much as big boys spending. Good night hv a good rest!


2014-10-16 18:39 | Report Abuse

Enjoy yr evening,.....he..he...see u tmrw


2014-10-16 18:32 | Report Abuse

Just loss 1/2 cents seems too quite compare to yesterday?....he..he...Don worry be happy! Don make share market dictate yr holiday mood. No need to cry like small kid when price go back 1/2 cents. Experience wl teach u to be a gentlement like me! Relax... young man!


2014-10-16 18:23 | Report Abuse

Most important thing! Those stucked at 305, don blame others except yrself....he...he... Tmrw wl q for kopitiam bfast at station 30. This is October!


2014-10-16 18:19 | Report Abuse

Remember that yesterday I ask u to go diving?.....he...he....Eat a good buffet at 30 cents. Good to hv a deep pockets. Hopefully those celebrating Deepavali wl not hv a bad mood when their money stucked below their buying price. .. 'long holiday' ....'long holiday'..stay clear unless u hv extra money under yr pillow like me. Don regret, that is yr decision. Not easy if u use yr own money ya?


2014-10-16 18:09 | Report Abuse

Yes ring, even they don know when the dust wl settled!...he..he...they also puzzle wth the market move. They tot that saudi wl cut their oil production but actually they (US) opened up new avenue for saudi to market their oil. Yes US wl be self sefficient in oil but they cant use it anymore as a weapon to protect the jewish in middle east. For saudi, shite domination is better than shia and the saudi could learnt frm China on how they used North Korea to pressure US and Japan by being the main supplier for China.


2014-10-16 17:17 | Report Abuse

world expected recession to happened then followed by oil price but drop of oil price doesnt mean of recession......he...he.....we adjusting our strategies recently due recent development. This is october! where more headache than usual!


2014-10-16 17:15 | Report Abuse

Low oil price is good for US economically but not politically. Seems US hv made a wrong moved. Saudi and middle east oil producer looking for new market in Asia by providing discount especially China. ....he...he....So US cant pressure Saudi in the future politically since US is no more their primary market for oil. Interestingly Saudi could play around with oil price to harm US industry. Will US drag the price down for too long? Lets wait n see. 'long holiday'..'long holiday'...